95 research outputs found

    Resmü’l-Mushaf Literatürü Açısından Kâsım b. Fîrruh eş-Şâtıbî’nin ‘Akîletü Etrâbi’l-Kasâid fî Esne’l-Mekâsıd’ı

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    Hicrî VI. asırda İslâmî ilimlerin farklı disiplinlerine dair kaleme alınan manzûm eserlerin sayısı giderek artmıştır. Nazım formunda metin üretme geleneği, İslâmî ilimlerin pek çok alanında olduğu gibi resmü’l-mushaf sahasında da tedris faaliyetlerini kolaylaştırmaya yönelik olarak zengin sayılabilecek bir literatür şeklinde tezahür etmiştir. Nitekim İslâm eğitim tarihinde pek çok eser ezber olgusunun eğitim-öğretimin bir parçası olduğu kabulüyle ezberlenegelmiştir. Bu manzûm telifâtın önemli ürünlerinden biri de Ebû Muhammed Kâsım b. Fîrruh eş-Şâtıbî’nin (ö. 590/1194) kaleme aldığı ‘Akîletü etrâbi’l-kasâid fî esne’l-mekâsıd adlı çalışmadır. Hz. Osman dönemi istinsâh faaliyetlerinin resmü’l-mushaf ilmi açısından ne derece ehemmiyet arz ettiğini ‘Akîletü etrâbi’l-kasâid fî esne’l-mekâsıd başta olmak üzere pek çok eser ortaya koymaktadır. Gerek telaffuzu gerekse imlâsı açısından Kur’ân kelimelerinin günümüze salimen ulaştırılması adına gerçekleştirilen çalışmalardan biri olan bu eser, üzerinde önemli bir şerh geleneğinin teşekkül etmesi itibarıyla incelenmeyi ziyadesiyle hak etmektedir. Bu makalede, Kur’ân metninin telaffuzu ve imlâsı üzerine telif edilen, resmü’l-mushaf ilmine yönelik olarak yürütülen tedris süreçlerinin bir parçası etrafında ezberlenegelen ‘Akîletü etrâbi’l-kasâid incelenecektir. Bu bağlamda manzûmenin asıl dayanağı olması münasebetiyle Ebû Amr ed-Dânî’nin kaleme aldığı el-Mukni‘ fî resmi mesâhifi’l-emsâr üzerinde de durulacaktır. Ayrıca ‘Akîletü etrâbi’l-kasâid’in anlaşılması için başvurulması zorunluluk arz eden şerhleri de kısaca tanıtılacaktır

    Monetary value estimation model for patent and patent application

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    Mastergradsoppgave i næringsrettet bioteknologi, Avdeling for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap, Høgskolen i Hedmark, 2011. Master of applied and commercial biotechnology.This study aims to contribute to estimating economic value of a patent/patent application for Biotechnology companies. To be able to perform a solid portfolio management of patents and patent applications, it is necessary to obtain an approximate economic value of patent/project in question. In this manner, this study seeks to answer the questions of how the value evolves throughout the filing process, what the value determinants of a patent are and how they affect the value of patent/patent application during filing process. After selecting major value determinants of innovation/patent by observing the interaction between the value determinants and patenting process, a questionnaire was prepared and a survey was carried out with participation of biotechnology companies. Based on the responses to the questionnaire, a proper mathematical model was attempted to be developed in order to use for further estimations on patent value

    L’église paléochrétienne de Bindéos (Pisidie)

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    Introduction La route, qui part de la ville dΈğirdir vers celle d’Isparta, forme de nombreux lacets pour franchir les contreforts montagneux au pied du Mt Viaros, avant de basculer dans une haute plaine. À 2,5 km environ d’Eğirdir, sur la gauche de la route, se trouve le site de Kaleburnu. Il domine un val, propice à l’agriculture, où s’écoule le Radimos Çayı sur lequel se trouvaient autrefois des moulins à eau. Nous avions signalé par le passé une partie des vestiges visibles sur ce site. De..

    Comparison of Two Different Methods for ProSealTM Laryngeal Mask Fixation

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    Objective:This prospective randomized study compared 2 different methods for ProsealTM Laryngeal Mask Airway (PLMA) fixation.Methods:Patients scheduled for ureterorenoscopic lithotripsy surgery in the lithotomy position were included in the study. General anaesthesia with PLMA was administered to the patients. To achieve PLMA fixation, patients were randomly assigned to either adjustable elastic band (Group I) or adhesive tape fixation (Group II). Fiberoptic bronchoscope (FOB) evaluation and glottic image grading (grade 1-4) and lip margin distances of PLMA (M1 and M2) were evaluated before and after the surgical procedure.Results:We enrolled 116 patients. Surgery of 7 patients was postponed. PLMA dislocated in 2 patients in group II during positioning. For another patient who used adhesive tape in Group II, it was removed because it could not adhere to properly, and a new sticking plaster was used. The study was completed with 106 patients. In FOB evaluation, the number of patients with optimal FOB grade (FOB grade 1) after PLMA was inserted and fixed was more in Group I than in Group II (P = 0.01). FOB evaluation was repeated at the end of the operation, and the number of patients with the worst FOB grade (FOB grade 4) was 0 (0%) and 11 (10.5%) in Groups I and II, respectively. PLMA displaced more than 1 cm in 10 (18.9%) patients in Group I and in 30 patients (56.6%) in Group II.Conclusion:The adjustable elastic band method is simple, easy, and convenient and can be used in any surgical procedure for PLMA fixation

    Micafungin Effectiveness in Treating Pediatric Patients with Proven Candidemia

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    Aim:Micafungin is one of three currently available echinocandin for the treatment of candidiasis and candidemia. We aimed to discuss the effectiveness of micafungin and any possible side effects in the treatment of proven candidemia in children.Materials and Methods:In this study, children who were treated with micafungin for proven candidemia between May, 2017 and October, 2019 were included. The time to achieve negative culture, liver and renal functions as well as blood counts were recorded using the hospital data system.Results:Forty-five patients (52.3%) who received micafungin for proven candidemia were included in this study. The median age of the children who received micafungin due to invasive candidiasis (IC) was 4 months (range: 12 days to 216 months). Of these 45 IC patients, 10 (22.2%) were neonates, 19 (42.2%) were infants, 11 (24.4%) were between 1 and 5 years old, and 5 (11.1%) were between 10-18 years old. The median duration of micafungin treatment to culture negativity for C. albicans related candidemia episodes was shorter (6 days, 1-26 days) than non-albicans Candida spp. related candidemia episodes (7 days, 1-35 days) (p=0.10). Culture negativity could not be achieved at the end of the 14th day of micafungin treatment in 15 of the 45 (33.3%) candidemia episodes. The most commonly isolated Candida spp. in patients with treatment failure was C. parapsilosis (n=6), followed by C. albicans (n=5), C. guilliermondii (n=1), C. tropicalis (n=2) and C. tropicalis and C. guilliermondii co-infection (n=1) respectively. None of the patients developed side effects due to micafungin treatment.Conclusion:Micafungin was found to be safe and effective for the treatment of culture proven candidemia in pediatric patients, including neonates