950 research outputs found

    The Crime Curve of Turkey: Does crime decrease with age?

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    Age distribution of crime is one of the few issues in criminology that received sufficient attention in the West. Some scholars argued that this age distribution is adequately invariant over time, place and type of crime; whereas, others admit that this distribution differs over place and type of crime. Although age-crime curve looks similar in many ways, in fact, a slight difference has been recognized in most countries. This age-crime curve may also help out to focus more on the causes of criminality of specific age groups. Establishing this age distribution is also important because it may play a guiding role for law enforcement personnel and in constructing preventive programs. This article is written primarily to find out how age-crime curve looks like in Turkey. In doing this, prison statistics used here as the primary source

    Turkish Revolution that Shook the World

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    The effects of the Turkish Revolution were not limited to the Turkish people; it had worldwide consequences. Türkiye became the pioneer and symbol of the rise of the oppressed peoples of Asia-Africa and Latin America. Another dimension of the worldwide importance of the Turkish Revolution is that it entered into a unity of fate with the Soviet Revolution. During the years of the Turkish War of Independence, most of the Asian, African and Latin American countries were living under the colonial yoke. Mustafa Kemal Pasha lit the torch of independence as he advocated the principle of full independence. The model created by the Turkish Revolution meant a lot for the peoples of the oppressed world. Mustafa Kemal Pasha created great excitement, especially in the Islamic world. His name was referred to as "fearless, the invincible man". The nationalist program of the revolution deeply affected the social structure of Asia by shaking up the large masses of peasants, laborers, women and even tribal people

    The evaluation of first degree social studies programs in primary school education from republic to the present day according to the principles of Atatürk

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    Ulusal Bağımsızlık Savaşı sonrası kurulan Cumhuriyetle birlikte kişi egemenliğinden ulus egemenliğine, dini eğitimden Milli Eğitime geçilmiştir. Nitekim, Osmanlı Devleti'nde eğitimde dini temeller ağır basıyordu. Cumhuriyetin ilanından kısa bir süre sonra yapılan çalışmalarla; çağdaş, laik, bilimsel, eşitlikçi, işlevsel ve milli bir eğitim sistemine doğru gidilmeye çalışılmıştır. Nitekim bu alanda bir dizi kanuni düzenlemeler de yapılmıştır. (Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu, Latin Alfabesinin Kabulü, Millet Mektepleri vb.) Diğer yandan, ilköğretimde yeni düzenlemelere gidilmiş ve yurt dışından yabancı uzmanlar çağırılarak onların da katkılarıyla yeni ilköğretim programları oluşturulmuştur. Bunlar; 1924, 1926, 1930, 1936, 1948, 1962, 1968 programlarıdır. Bu programlarda zamanla değişiklik yapılmıştır. Mevcut program öncesi köklü değişiklikler 1998'de yapılmış ve 2004-2005 öğretim yılına kadar sürmüştür. Daha sonra 2004-2005 öğretim yılında bir taslak program oluşturulmuş ve bu program 2005- 2006 öğretim yılında uygulanmaya konmuştur. 1924'ten 2004-2005 öğretim yılına kadar yürürlükte olan İlköğretim Programının eğitim felsefesinin temelini Atatürk İlkeleri çerçevesinde, cumhuriyetçilik, millilik oluştururken, mevcut programın felsefesini yerelleşme ve küreselleşme oluşturmaktadır. İlköğretim Sosyal Bilgiler Nitekim 1998'den 2004'e kadar okutulan Programının genel amaçlarında Atatürk, Türk, Vatan, Millet, Cumhuriyet ve Milli kavramlar 43 kez işlenmiş iken, mevcut programda 10 kez geçmektedir. 1998'de 5. sınıflarda okutulan Sosyal Bilgiler ders kitabında yer alan ulusal kavramların toplam sayısı 1139'dur. Bu kavramların 1074'ü mevcut programda yer verilmeyen ?Vatan ve Millet? ve ?Cumhuriyete Nasıl Kavuştuk? ünitelerinde yer alıyordu. Mevcut program tüm dünyada bireysel, toplumsal ve ekonomik alanda yaşanmakta olan değişimleri ve gelişmeleri göz önüne alınarak hazırlanmıştır. Ancak, Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin ve Türk Eğitim felsefesinin temelini teşkil eden millilikten uzak olduğu gibi Atatürk İlkelerini ise tamamen kapsamamaktadır. Atatürk İlkelerinin ve Atatürkçülüğün öğrencilere kavratılması konusunda eksiklikler içermektedir. With the Republic founded after the National Independence War, individual dominance changed into national dominance and religious education changed into National Education. Indeed, in the education of the Ottoman Empire, religious bases were dominant. With the practices made a little while after the declaration of the Republic, it was struggled to go towards an education system which is contemporary, secular, scientific, egalitarian, functional and national. In fact, a number of legitimate arrangements were done on this area. (Tevhid-i Tedrisat Law, the acceptance of Latin alphabet, Nation schools, and so fort.) On the other hand, new arrangements were done in the primary school education and new education programs were developed with the contributions of the foreign experts invited from abroad. These are the 1924, 1926, 1930, 1936, 1948, 1962, 1968 programs. Some alterations were done on these programs by time. The radical changes before the existing program were done in 1998 and continued until the 2004-2005 education year. Later on, in the 2004-2005 education year, a draft was designed and this was put into practice in the 2005-2006 academic year. The education philosophy of primary school programs in validity from 1924 to 2004-2005 academic year is based on republicanism and nationalism in the framework of Atatürk?s principles. As for the existing program, the philosophy is based on regionalism and globalization. In fact, Atatürk, Turk, homeland, nation, and national concepts were repeated 43 times in the general objectives of the primary school Social Studies curriculum but these concepts were repeated only 10 times in the existing program. In 1998, the total number of national concepts in the Social Studies coursebooks of the 5th grades was 1139. and 1074 of these concepts were in the units named `Homeland and Nation? and `How we reached Republic? which are not in the current program. The current program was prepared taking into consideration the alterations and developments on individual, social and economic areas. However, it is away from the nationalism which forms the basis of Turkish Republic and Turkish Education Philosophy and it does not usually completely cover the principles of Atatürk. There are some deficiencies in terms of gaining students the principles of Atatürk and Kemalism

    Martin Luther abhorred to the usury sanction depend on distinguish between brother and outsider in the old testament

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    Ekonomik konularla ilgili olarak söylediklerinde Martin Luther (1483-1546) yalnızca tutucu olmakla kalmamış gerici bir tutum da sergilemiştir. Tefecilik ve sabit fiyatlar gibi konularda Luther, orta çağların zalim ve kararından dönmez ilk standartlarına geri dönmüştür. On beşinci asırda ortaya çıkmaya başlayan, ticaret ve sanayideki yeni hareketlerin gelişmesinde kolaylığı sağlamak gayesiyle sonraki skolastiklerin arındırmalarını dahi dikkate almayı reddetmiştir. Luther’in tefecilik suçlamaları aşırı derecede şiddeti içermiş olmasına rağmen; bunlardan hiç biri, ahlaksal ya da hukuksal bir temele dayanmamaktaydı. Luther, adalete uygun olan faiz ile adalete aykırı düşen tefecilik arasında hiç bir farklılık gözetmemiştir. Borçlardan sağlanılan bütün kazançlara basitçe yasak getiren ilkel tefecilik öğretisini yeniden canlandırmıştır. Elbette ki kaçınılmaz sonuç gayet açık olmuştur, görüşleri modern yaşamdaki ve endüstri ilişkilerindeki gerçeklere asla uyum sağlayamamış ve uyarlanamamıştır.On economic matters, Martin Luther (1483-1546) was generally speaking not merely conservative but reactionary. On such matters as usury and fixed prices, Luther harked back to the harsh and unbending standarts of the early Middle Ages. He refused to consider the refinements which appear in the fifteenth century. Luther’s denunciations of usury are violent in the extreme, but they don’t rest upon any ethical or juristic basic. Luther drew no distinction between justifiable interest and unjustifiable usury. He carried back the teaching on usury to the primitive bare prohibition of all gain on loans. The inevitable result is very obviously, his views could not be lived up to in the facts of modern life and industrial relations

    Einige kritische Gedanken zu den Grundlinien der Übersetzer-und Dolmetschenausbildung in der Türkei : Ziele und Erwartungen

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    Türkiye’de son yıllarda birçok üniversitede çeşitli dillere yönelik “mütercim-tercümanlık”, daha yeni bir tanımla “çeviribilim” bölümlerinin açılmasıyla birlikte çeviri eğitimi, bilimsel açıdan araştırmaya değer bir konu haline gelmiştir. Sayıları yıldan yıla artarak bugün 20’ye ulaşan çeviri bölümlerinin hedef ve temel ilkeleri, son on yıllarla ifade edilen evreli bir gelişim sürecinde kurumsallaşmaya yaklaşan “çeviribilim” alanı açısından araştırılmaya değer olgusal durum olarak karşımızda durmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir yandan Türkiye’deki üniversitelerin çeviri programlarını temel alarak sürdürülen eğitim-öğretim etkinliklerini, ortaya koydukları hedefler açısından ele alıp irdelemek; diğer yandan ise çeviri eğitimi uygulamaları ile çeviri eğitimine dönük olarak ortaya atılan yaklaşımlar arasındaki benzerlikleri - farklılıkları tartışmak, çeviri bölümlerinin eğitim-öğretim izlenceleri üzerinden çeviri eğitiminde görülen olası eksikliklere ve yetersizliklere ilişkin çözüm önerileri geliştirmektir.With the consecutive openings of translation departments in various languages, or with it newer definition called “translation studies” departments, education appears to be a subject worth researching. The targets and basic principles of the year by year increasing number of translation departments, which have reached by now the number of 20, are standing in front of us as a factual subject worth being researched due to the field of “translation studies”, which approached to be nearly administrative with its step by step developing process through the last ten years. The aim of this study is on the one hand to take the translation programs of universities in Turkey as a basis in order to investigate their curriculum activities according to their intended targets. On the other hand, this study aims to discuss the similarities and differences between the applied education in translation and the intended administrative approaches due to education in translation, as well as bringing suggestions to solve the probable shortcomings and insufficiencies to be seen in the education in translation, according to the curriculum schedules

    A Pre Study for Developing and Exploring An “Impulsive Buying Scale” for Turkish Population

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    Impulsive buying has 4.2 billion US $ trading volume a year in the USA. First researches about impulsive buying had been conducted between 1945 and 1965 as Unplanned Buying by DuPont Customer Buying Researches in the USA. In the researches conducted for over sixty years, many definitions of compulsive buying have been given. Verplanken and at all. (2011), Rook at all., (1995) defined impulsive buying as unneeded and unreflective buying which occurs under the impulse of the moment. The purpose of this research is twofold; one of which is to develop a valid and reliable “Impulsive Buying Scale”, and the second is to investigate the effect of demographic and socioeconomic variables on impulsive buying by using the aforementioned scale. For this reason, “Impulsive Buying Scale” was applied to 800 participants who live in Mersin. Construct Validity was used to evaluate the validity of scale; the Cronbach’s Alpha was used to evaluate the reliability of scale. According to the findings, a valid and reliable scale, which can be used to measure impulsive buying, was obtained. In addition to this finding, it was also found that some socio-economical and demographical variables affected impulsive buying

    Literature Review on Selection Criteria of Store Location Based on Performance Measures

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    AbstractThis paper presents the results of a literature review for understanding the selection criteria of store location in the retail context. The review provides overall insight into prior studies that specifically emphasize on factors influencing store performance. Store performance has been evaluated by using various measures such as store sales, market share, retail patronage, store traffic, store profits and so forth in different studies. The intention of the review is to (1) classify the store location-selection criteria, and (2) provide researchers with a theoretical model on which future research on store performance may be oriented

    Translation, cultural adaptation, and validation and reliability of assessment of pelvic floor disorders and their risk factors during pregnancy and postpartum questionnaire in Turkish population

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    Objectives: This study was conducted in order to produce translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of Assessmentof Pelvic Floor Disorders and Their Risk Factors During Pregnancy and Postpartum Questionnaire (APFDQ) to Turkish inpregnant and postpartum population.Material and methods: The study included 80 pregnant women. Internal consistency was tested using Cronbach’s alpha.Questionnaires were applied three different times in order to assess for sensitivity. Patients were asked to complete thequestionnaire first in the third trimester, secondly in postpartum 6th week and finally in postpartum 6th month after birth.For translation process content, face/content validity, reliability, construct validity and reactivity studies were done. Allwomen had undergone pelvic examination and prolapse was assessed by using Pelvic organ Prolapse Quantification System(POP-Q). Urinary symptoms were also evaluated with Urinary Distress Inventory (UDI-6) questionnaire.Results: The mean age of patients was 27.7 ± 5.5 years. Forty-one (51.25%) of the patients had vaginal delivery and39 (48.75%) had a cesarean section. Above 96% of the patients had completed the questionnaires. POP-Q assessments andUDI-6 results were used to evaluate construct validity. Cronbach’s alpha results were found to be 0.7 for all the subscales ofthe questionnaire: bladder: 0.702, bowel: 0.744, prolapse: 0.701, sexual function: 0.706 respectively, indicating adequatereliability. The test/retest reliability was studied and Pabak values showed moderate reliability in the bowel, prolapse andsexuality, and good reliability for bladder subscale. The results of the patients were compared between pregnancy andpostpartum to assess reactivity and shown to be reactive to changes. Also risk factors of the patients were assessed including,family predisposition, maternal age over 35 years, BMI > 25, nicotine use, subjective inability to contract pelvic floorand sense of postpartum wound pain.Conclusions: The Turkish version of APFDQ is a reliable and valid tool. It can be used for assessing the risk factors, incidence,assessing degree of PFDs and evaluating the impact on quality of life in pregnant and postpartum women