119 research outputs found


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    The safety and occupational health standards in mining in general have been set based on the Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Minerals and Energy No. 555K/26/MPE/1995. However artisanal mining in Geumpang has not yet fully implemented the standard. It results many problems, for example mining accidents. The purpose of this research is to identify the applicability of safety and occupational health based on Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Mineral and Energy No. 555. K/26/URM.PE/1995. Area of research is on artisanal mines Geumpang, Pidie, KM 12. The mining method used is Gophering Method. The application of Safety and Occupational Health (SOH), Good Mining Practice, Management System of Mining Safety (MSMS) and Management System of Safety and Occupational Health (MSSHO) which are not fully applied result accidents in the mining location. The results of this research conduded that the worker only apply approximately 5% of the overall rules writen in the Ministerial Decree of the Minister of mines and energy No. 555. K/26/URM.PE/1995. The results of the analysis in the field found that the workers are highly susceptible to accidents given the management of traditional mines KM 12 Geumpang has not been in accordance with the applicable standard. Therefore the recommendation for reducing the risk of accidents and improve safety for workers are to provide more incentive supervision and training from respective government agencies.Keywords : Artisanal Mining, Safety and Occupational Health (SHO), Gophering Method, Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Minerals and Energy No.555K/26/MPE/199


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    SHEILA AJRINA. The Correlation of Permanent Differences and Timing Differences with Earning Persistence at Manufacturing Companies Listed on IDX in 2013. Thesis. Jakarta. Concentration of Accounting Education. Study Program of Economy Education. Department of Economy and Administration. Faculty of Economy. State University of Jakarta. 2014. This research conducted to describe information and knowledge based on facts and accurate data on the correlation of permanent differences and timing differences with earning persistence at manufacturing companies listed on IDX in 2013. This research used the survey method with correlational approach using secondary data. The population in this research is all 136 manufacturing companies listed on IDX in 2013. Population inaccessibility is the manufacturing companies that don’t get loss on financial income statement and fiscal income statement, contained 73 companies. The sampling method was using simple random sampling, which’s contained 65 companies. Analysis of test requirements showed that data was normally distributed with multiple regression equation Ŷ = 0,161 – 2,473 X 1 – 2,496 X . Multiple regression models were declared that none of the data have problem in assumption test. The results of this research indicate that (i) permanent differences and timing differences simultaneously had a significant correlation with earning persistence, (ii) permanent differences had a negative significant correlation with earning persistence and, (iii) timing differences had a negative significant correlation with earning persistence. Based on the results, the conclusions are timing and permanent differences had opposite direction of correlation with earning persistence, which is when timing and permanent differences partially increased, the earning persistence will be decreased and timing and permanent differences simultaneously had enough rate of correlation with earning persistence


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    The research is conducted at PT. Milko Beverage Industry, Bogor. The purpose of the research is to know about : 1) how is the implementation of employee training, 2) how are the knowledge, skills and attitudes that employee have seen from KKJ and CTF and 3) how are the needs and training decisions based on the KKJ and CTF analysis. It uses Tool Training Need Assessment (TNA-T) method. The results show that the implementation of the training includes three stages; they are planning, implementation, and evaluation stage. The quality of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the employees are quite good. The quality of knowledge and the skills of employes are quite good and the level attitude is a good interpretation. From the results of the analysis about the needs and priorities employees training decisions in areas B, is mean that it needs a training. The substances of the training include : subject of analysis capabilities, task management, and self-management for the QA department. While the Department of Engineering priorities are self-management, task management and capabilities.Keywords: Training Needs Analysis, KKJ and CT

    PENGARUH BONUS PLAN, LEVERAGE DAN PAJAK TANGGUHAN TERHADAP EARNING MANAGEMENT (Studi pada Perusahaan Konstruksi Bangunan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2012 – 2015)

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bonus plan, leverage, dan pajak tangguhan terhadap earning managemnet yang terdapat di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel penelitian didasarkan pada metode purposive sampling, yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Dalam penelitian ini jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak enam perusahaan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan asosiatif. Analisis statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi, korelasi, pengujian hipotesis, serta koefisien determinasi menggunakan uji t, uji f dan pengolahan data dibantu dengan menggunakan Software SPSS 21.0 for Windows. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa secara parsial bonus plan, leverage, dan pajak tangguhan berpengaruh terhadap earning management. Sedangkan hasil penelitian secara simultan bonus plan, leverage, dan pajak tangguhan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap earning management sebesar 0.44% dan sisanya sebesar 95.6% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata kunci: bonus plan, leverage, pajak tangguhan dan earning management


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan Model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, serta untuk mengetahui aktivitas guru dan respon siswa terhadap mata pelajaran Ilmu Gizi pada kompetensi dasar zat gizi sumber zat pengatur yang diperlukan tubuh pada mata pelajaran Ilmu Gizi. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X Jasa Boga 4 SMK Negeri 3 Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pre eksperimen, Dengan desain eksperimen one group pre-test dan post-test group design. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi aktivitas guru yang digunakan untuk mengetahui aktivitas guru, tes berupa soal multiple choice digunakan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa, dan angket untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap pelaksanaan PBL. Pada penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua tahap yakni tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Tahap persiapan meliputi penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran dan telah melewati uji validasi dengan skor rata-rata 80% Silabus kriteria baik, 76% RPP Kriteria baik, 85% Hand Out kriteria Sangat Baik, 83% LKPD kriteria sangat baik dan Soal 76% kriteria baik, 85% rata-rata angket aktifitas guru kriteria sangat baik, dan 81% rata-rata angket respon siswa kriteria sangat baik. Pada tahap pelaksanaan meliputi kegiatan pengelolaan pembelajaran yang dilakukan 2 kali pertemuan. Hasil aktifitas guru memperoleh rata-rata skor pada pertemuan 1 yaitu 84,86 dan pada pertemuan 2 memperoleh rata-rata skor 95,2 termasuk kedalam kriteria sangat baik dimana pada keterlaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis PBL memiliki interpretasi peningkatan pada aktivitas guru, dan pada hasil belajar siswa pada kompetensi dasar zat gizi sumber zat pengatur yang diperlukan tubuh pada pertemuan 1 mendapat nilai 30,42 pada pretes dan 61,09 pada post test dapat dikatakan nilai posttest lebih tingi daripada nilai pretest pada pertemuan 2 nilai pretes memperoleh rata-rata 57,42 sedangkan posttest 87,09. Dapat dikatakan penerapan PBL sukses pada ketercapaian hasil belajar siswa karena adanya peningkatan yang ditunjukan oleh hasil. Respon siswa selama pembelajaran mendapat presentase rata-rata 90% yang masuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Kata kunci: Problem Based Learning (PBL), hasil belajar, kompetensi dasar zat gizi sumber zat pengatur yang diperlukan tubuh

    Self-Regulated Learning, Growth Mindset and Students’ Grit in Career Preparation

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    As a result of the closure of several workplaces and jobs during Covid-19 pandemic, many undergraduate students feel anxious and worried about the career prospects they want to pursue in the future. In this case, grit is needed by them so that they could be able to study diligently to prepare their goals. Furthermore, students' growth mindset and beliefs about their abilities contribute to grit. However, there is self-regulated learning (SRL) which plays a role in strengthening the relationship between growth mindset and grit in Covid-19 pandemic. This study investigated the mediating effect that self-regulated learning has on growth mindset and grit. This study is quantitative research using three questionnaires, i.e., Grit Short Scale (8 items, α=0.747); Theory of Intelligence Scale (4 items, α=0.846); and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (44 items, α=0.918). The participants of this study were 207 undergraduate students from all over Indonesia. The analytical technique used in this study was Process Hayes in SPSS version 26.0. The result revealed that the growth mindset can increase student’s grit in career preparation during the Covid-19 pandemic and it is partially mediated by self-regulated learning. Furthermore, mediation emphasizes the relationship between growth mindset and grit. This research has practical implications for educational institutions, counsellors, and psychologists in career developmental centres to increase students’ grit by using a growth mindset and SRL as basis for intervention.Akibat adanya penutupan beberapa lapangan pekerjaan di masa pandemi Covid-19, tidak sedikit mahasiswa yang merasa cemas dan khawatir terhadap prospek karier yang ingin dijalaninya ke depan. Dalam hal ini, kegigihan diperlukan mahasiswa untuk untuk dapat tekun belajar dalam rangka mempersiapkankarier dan cita-citanya. Growth mindset yang dimiliki mahasiswa terhadap kemampuannya berkontribusi terhadap kegigihan. Namun demikian, terdapat peran self-regulated learning (SRL) yang menguatkan hubungan antara growth mindset dan kegigihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek mediasi yang dimiliki oleh SRL terhadap hubungan antara growth mindset dan kegigihan mahasiswa dalam persiapan karier di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan tiga kuesioner yaitu Grit Short Scale (8 item, α=0.747); Theory of Intelligence Scale (4 item, α=0.846); dan Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (44 item, α=0.918). Partisipan dari penelitian ini berjumlah 207 mahasiswa D3/D4/S1 dari seluruh Indonesia. Untuk menguji peran mediasi, digunakan teknik analisis menggunakan Micro Process Hayes pada SPSS versi 26.0. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa growth mindset dapat meningkatkan kegigihan mahasiswa dalam mempersiapkan karier di masa pandemi Covid-19 dan dimediasi secara parsial oleh regulasi dalam belajar. Lebih lanjut, mediasi yang dilakukan memiliki kontribusi untuk memperkuat hubungan antara growth mindset dengan kegigihan. Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi praktis yang dapat dilakukan lembaga pendidikan, konselor maupun psikolog yang praktik di klinik mahasiswa (career developmental center) untuk meningkatkan kegigihan mahasiswa dengan menggunakan growth mindset dan SRL sebagai landasan intervensi

    Media Segitiga Domino untuk Melatih Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Sederhana Bahasa Jerman

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    Schreiben ist eine der vier Sprachfertigkeiten, die beim Deutschlernen beherrschen warden soll. Aber 80,77% der Befragter hat Schwierigkeiten um einen Aufsatz zu schreiben, deshalb brauchen die Lernende ein Medien, das den Lernenden beim vom Wortschatz zum Satz zum Text schreiben hilft. Die Kartenmedien in dieser Studie wird von Schubitrix oder Triomino angepasst. Die Unterschiede zwischen Segitiga Domino und Shubitrix oder Triomino ist die Illustration, die den Wortschatz erklärt. Die Formulierung des Sudienproblems ist “Wie entwickelt man Segitiga Domino Medien für Schreibfertigkeit in einfache Aufsatz?” Und das Ziel ist Beschreibung des Entwicklungsprozesses von Segitiga Domino Medien für Schreibfertigkeit in einfache Aufsatz. Die Studie ist eine Forschen und Entwicklen (RnD) Untersuchung von Sugiyono. Der Schritt der Theorie ist : (1) Problem Identifierung, (2) Datensammlung, (3) Design-Medien, (4) die Medienbestätigung, (5) Revisions der Medien, (6) Segitiga Domino Media Prüfen, (7) Revision der entgueltigen Medien. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigt, dass diese Segitiga Domino Medien in Schreibfertigkeit anzuwenden ist. Die Medienqualität ist “gut” mit dem durchschnittlichen Anteil von 79% mit den Details: (1) Die Medienqualität ist nach Medienvaliditor “gut” und ist mit dem Wert von 72% zu erkennen, es gibt aber kleine Revision, (2) Die Medienqualität ist nach Materienvaliditor “sehr gut” und ist mit dem Wert von 86% zu erkennen, es gibt aber kleine Revision. Laut der Befragten (92%), die diese Medien benutzen, ist diese Domino beim Schreiben eines einfachen Aufsatz behilflich. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Validierung und Prüfen kann man zusammenfassen, dass diese Medien beim Shreiben eines einfachen deutschen Aufsatz bersonders für Klasse X andwendbar ist

    Efficacy of Group Work in the Online Platform: An Exploration of Multicultural Undergraduates’ Attitudes in Online Academic Writing Classes

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    Group work in online classes can be a challenging task for both teachers and students. Teachers need to make sure that the group task is designed carefully to achieve its learning objectives, and students need to learn how to work efficiently as members in a group to achieve their targets and meet deadlines. This paper addresses the efficacy of group work in academic writing online classes, and it aims at exploring multicultural students’ attitudes towards working in groups in online academic writing classes. Fifty-nine students were surveyed using a Likert-scale survey, from which five students were interviewed using semi-structured interviews to explore their attitudes towards group work in the online writing classes. The findings revealed that students generally had positive attitudes towards group work in online academic writing classes; however, some students reported that technical issues caused problems at times. Results also revealed that the benefits of this experience outweighed the disadvantages. The study’s findings can be useful for practitioners and curriculum designers as they shed light on the benefits of group work in online academic writing classes and the challenges students may face during these classes

    OPTIMASI HARGA SATUAN DENGAN METODE SIMPLEKS PADA PEKERJAAN BETON BERTULANG STRUKTUR ATAS” (Studi Kasus: Proyek CWP-02 Pembangunan Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

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    Perencanaan biaya adalah bagian penting dari manajemen proyek, terutama dalam hal pengoptimalan biaya dan waktu. Terlebih setelah RAB selesai pun terkadang masih ada beberapa item yang memiliki anggaran yang besar khususnya pada pekerjaan beton bertulang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis harga satuan pekerjaan minimum dari pekerjaan beton bertulang struktur atas, perbandingan harga satuan pekerjaan perencanaan dengan yang telah dioptimasi, mengetahui volume optimum pekerjaan yang didapatkan dari harga yang sudah dioptimasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode simpleks. Hasil penelitian, biaya minimum harga satuan struktur balok setelah dioptimasi didapatkan Rp. 4.410.773,14 dari harga asli sebesar Rp 4.510.461,42 dengan selisih Rp. 99.688,28. Untuk kolom setelah dioptimasi didapatkan Rp. 5.653.023,90 dari harga asli sebesar Rp 5,762.487,40 dengan selisih Rp. 109.463,50. Untuk pelat lantai setelah dioptimasi didapatkan Rp. 4.938.796,94 dari harga asli sebesar Rp 5.374.955,45 dengan selisih Rp. 436.158,51. Hasil optimasi perbandingan harga satuan tiap sub pekerjaan lebih kecil dibandingkan harga penawaran dengan perbedaan presentase masing-masing pelat lantai 2%, balok 1%, dan kolom 5%.Volume yang didapatkan dari harga hasil optimasi didapatkan pembesian pelat lantai 146,06 kg/m3 dengan selisih 3.244 kg/m3, bekisting 7,51 m2/m3 dan selisih 0.17 m2/m3 , pengecoran 1,02 m2/m3 dan selisih 0.02 m2/m3. Pembesian balok didapatkan volume 304,23 kg/m3 dengan selisih 11,61 kg/m3, bekisting dengan volume 6,92 m2/m3 dan selisih 0,26 m2/m3, pengecoran dengan volume 1,04 m2/m3 dan selisih 0,04 m2/m3. Pembesian kolom didapatkan volume 282,95 kg/m3 dan selisih 23,18 kg/m3, bekisting dengan volume 5,44 m2/m3 dan selisih 0,45 m2/m3, pengecoran dengan volume 1,09 m2/m3 dan selisih 0,09 m2/m3. Kata Kunci: Optimasi, Metode Simpleks, Biaya, RAB. Cost planning is an essential part of the project management, especially when it comes to cost and time optimization. Even after the cost budget plan is completed, some items still have a large cost budget that should be optimized, especially in reinforced concrete work. The purpose of this study is to analyze the minimum unit price of work from upper structure reinforced concrete work, the comparison of the unit price of planning work with the optimized one, find out the optimum volume of work obtained from the optimized price. This study used the simplex method. As a result of the study, the minimum cost of the unit price of the beam structure after optimazion was obtained Rp. 4,410,773.14 from the original price of Rp. 4,510,461.42 with a difference of Rp. 99,688.28. For the column after optimazion, for the column structure after optimization Rp. 5,653,023.90 from the original price Rp. 5,762,487.40 with a difference of Rp. 109,463.50. For the floor plate structure after optimization Rp. 4,938,796.94 from the original price of Rp. 5,374,955.45 with a difference of Rp. 436,158.51. The result of the optimization of the unit price comparison of each sub-work is smaller than the bid price with a percentage difference of 2% floor slabs, 1% beams, and 5% columns, respectively. The volume obtained from the price of the optimization results was obtained from the completion of the floor plate 146.06 kg / m3 with a difference of 3,244 kg / m3, formwork 7.51 m2 / m3 and a difference of 0.17 m2 / m3, casting 1.02 m2 / m3 and a difference of 0.02 m2 / m3. The beam fixing was obtained a volume of 304.23 kg / m3 with a difference of 11.61 kg / m3, formwork with a volume of 6.92 m2 / m3 and a difference of 0.26 m2 / m3, casting with a volume of 1.04 m2 / m3 and a difference of 0.04 m2 / m3. Column finishing obtained a volume of 282.95 kg / m3 and a difference of 23.18 kg / m3, formwork with a volume of 5.44 m2 / m3 and a difference of 0.45 m2 / m3, casting with a volume of 1.09 m2 / m3 and a difference of 0.09 m2 / m3. Keywords: Optimization, Simplex Method, Cost, Cost Budget Plan
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