93 research outputs found

    Linguistics in Secondary Education: Teachers\u27 Perceptions of Linguistics in the Classroom

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    Theoretical linguistics is an area of English study focusing on the abstract components of language: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. By 11th and 12th grade, students in the United States have been tested on linguistic concepts, as per state examination standards. English Language Arts teachers can introduce theoretical linguistic investigation and terms to their students, but this is not happening. The paper reviews why theoretical linguistic analysis is not thoroughly implemented in classrooms, successful classroom linguistic investigation in other countries and some U.S., and how linguistic investigation can be part of classroom curriculum. The research incorporates survey data from Rio Grande Valley ELA educators on their perceptions on linguistics a science, the usefulness of linguistics in the classroom, the desire to teach linguistics, and environmental factors that play a role in linguistic education. Results show responses in agreement or toward agreement in all four perceptions

    Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Praktik Jual Beli Padi Dengan Sistem Tebas (Studi Kasus Desa Mlaten Kecamatan Mijen Kabupaten Demak Tahun 2015/2016)

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    In economic development at present, many buying and selling practices emerge. One of them was a rice trading by using tebas system prevailed in Mlaten Village. Procedure of the tebas system in rice trading was as follow: a farmer makes transaction with a buyer when his rice plants look ripe but they are not ready to harvest, and then, the buyer pays down payment as a booking fee. So, after the transaction, the buyer is not harvesting the rice plants, he must wait for the rice plants are really ready to harvest. And after the buyer harvests the rice plants, he will pay them in full to the farmer. Purpose of the research is to know analysis from Islamic law perspective on the tebas system in rice trading occurred in Mlaten village, Kecamatan Mijen, Demak Regency. Is the tebas system conforming to muamalah requirements in Islamic law? The research is field research with descriptive approach, namely the research aims to find any conformity between Islamic dalil and tebas system in rice trading in Mlaten village so that it may produce intended law. Data of the research was collected by using interview, documentation and observation. The data was, then, analyzed by using descriptive analysis, namely the analysis describes a situation or a phenomenon with words or sentences, and then a conclusion is drawn. Based on the research, results were as follow: the rice trading practice with tebas system in Mlaten village was legitimate according to Islamic law-based analysis, because it conformed to essential principles and trading requirements of Islamic law, namely Aqidain, Ma’qūd ‘alaih and sighat (ijab qabul) and being avoided from fasad possibilities such as gharar, riba, and it was one transaction with two intends, to use and to maintain soil by the buyer

    Perbedaan Gangguan Kesehatan Pada Karyawan Produksi Mebel Terhadap Paparan Debu Kayu Di Cv Mulya Abadi Sukoharjo

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    The furniture industry from sawmill to manufacturing various furniture products such as tables, chairs, cupboards, beds, etc. has potential hazards for its workers. Potential hazards may affect labor health and cause work-related illness. One of the potential hazards in the industry is dust exposure. Excessive and continuous levels of dust for a long time can lead to various health problems for workers such as respiratory disorders, contact dermatitis, red eyes. This study aims to determine differences in health disorders of employees in furniture production CV Mulya Abadi Sukoharjo. The type of this researched is quantitative with cross sectional approach. The population of this research 194 employees in production department at CV Mulya Abadi Sukoharjo taken by simple random sampling technique. Data analysis using Spearman Correlation Test. The result of the research showed that there is difference of health problem to the furniture production employees to the exposure of wood dust in CV Mulya Abadi Sukoharjo very significant (p = 0,01)


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    Indonesian people's beef consumption will increase every year in line with population growth and increasing public awareness of the availability of protein sources. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve in the form of drying as an effort to support increased beef consumption through making dried beef. Making dried beef uses a red ginger blend whose success is influenced by the amount of concentration used. This study aims to determine the effect and best concentration of using a red ginger blend as an ingredient in marinating dried beef brisket on essential mineral levels. The experimental design used in this research was a completely randomized design with five treatments, but no repetition was carried out. Treatments were differentiated according to the concentration of red ginger blend used, namely P0=0%, P1=5%, P2=10%, P3=15%, and P4=20%. The data analysis used is that the test results are displayed in the form of a histogram and explained descriptively. The results of the research showed that treatment without smearing the ginger blend and smearing the red ginger blend with the concentration according to the treatment gave different results. The red ginger blend smearing can increase the levels of essential minerals in dried beef

    A Genomic Approach to Study Anthocyanin Synthesis and Flower Pigmentation in Passionflowers

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    Most of the plant pigments ranging from red to purple colors belong to the anthocyanin group of flavonoids. The flowers of plants belonging to the genus Passiflora (passionflowers) show a wide range of floral adaptations to diverse pollinating agents, including variation in the pigmentation of floral parts ranging from white to red and purple colors. Exploring a database of expressed sequence tags obtained from flower buds of two divergent Passiflora species, we obtained assembled sequences potentially corresponding to 15 different genes of the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway in these species. The obtained sequences code for putative enzymes are involved in the production of flavonoid precursors, as well as those involved in the formation of particular (“decorated”) anthocyanin molecules. We also obtained sequences encoding regulatory factors that control the expression of structural genes and regulate the spatial and temporal accumulation of pigments. The identification of some of the putative Passiflora anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes provides novel resources for research on secondary metabolism in passionflowers, especially on the elucidation of the processes involved in floral pigmentation, which will allow future studies on the role of pigmentation in pollinator preferences in a molecular level

    Modelli per la simulazione di azionamenti elettrici di propulsione e sistemi di generazione navali

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    2011/2012La propulsione elettrica navale è una soluzione che riscuote notevole interesse per le navi di nuova generazione. La sua versatilità permette di ottimizzare gli spazi ed i pesi del sistema elettrico di propulsione. Questo sistema garantisce una riduzione dei consumi specifici del motore primo che, al variare della velocità di rotazione dell’elica connessa alla macchina elettrica, lavora costantemente alla velocità nominale, dove i consumi sono ottimizzati. Il presente elaborato si pone come obiettivo lo studio di un sistema di propulsione ibrida, composto da una turbina a gas e due azionamenti elettrici, installato su navi militari di nuova concezione. Il sistema è in grado di funzionare anche come generatore asse. Lo studio si focalizzerà principalmente sugli azionamenti elettrici del sistema di propulsione e sulla loro interazione con il sistema elettrico integrato di bordo. L’obiettivo principale è quello di realizzare un simulatore dettagliato dell’azionamento elettrico di propulsione, permettendo di studiare il funzionamento dello stesso in regime stazionario e in regime dinamico. Viene quindi eseguita una modellizzazione matematica dettagliata dell’azionamento di propulsione oggetto di studio, dalla macchina elettrica ai convertitori di propulsione. Lo studio è condotto allo scopo di ottenere informazioni riguardanti il comportamento dell’azionamento, in determinate condizioni di funzionamento, e gli effetti da esso causati sulla rete elettrica di bordo. Viene poi descritto il modello del sistema funzionante in modalità di “generatore asse”, dalla trattazione fatta sul sistema di propulsione, effettuando una validazione del relativo simulatore implementato, attraverso la comparazione tra i risultati ottenuti e le prove di collaudo fornite dai produttori del sistema oggetto di studio. Viene infine trattato uno degli argomenti più promettenti nell’ambito della propulsione elettrica navale, il sistema di distribuzione in media tensione continua (MVDC). Il sistema MVDC è una soluzione che riscuote notevole interesse nell’ambito delle “all-electric ship” di nuova generazione, grazie ai vantaggi offerti in termini di riduzione di pesi e dimensioni del sistema di generazione e di consumo di energia.XXV Ciclo198

    Efektivitas enakmen undang-undang keluarga Islam Terengganu tahun 2017 tentang perceraian luar Mahkamah (Studi kasus pada Mahkamah rendah syariah daerah Kuala Terengganu).

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    Perceraian ialah penghapusan perkawinan dengan putusan Hakim, atau tuntutan salah satu pihak dalam perkawinan itu. Ada beberapa alasan perceraian yang diatur dalam Enakmen Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam Negeri Terengganu 2017 Bahagian V Pembubaran perkawinan. Undang-undang Perkawinan tidak dapat menentukan batas minimal waktu perselisihan dan pertengkaran terus menerus sebagai alasan perceraian, karena bercerai merupakan hak asasi manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan perceraian menurut enakmen undang-undang keluarga Islam Terengganu Tahun 2017, faktor penyebab perceraian yang berlaku diluar Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Kuala Terengganu dan penyelesaian sengketa perceraian yang berlaku di luar Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Kuala Terengganu. Permasalahan yang dijadikan acuan untuk penelitian diarahkan pada penelitian lapangan (field research). Hasil penelitian dan wawancara beberapa pegawai yang berwenang, penulis dapat menganalisa bahwa zaman sekarang isu perceraian diluar mahkamah ini bukanlah suatu perkara yang luar biasa terjadi dalam kelompok masyarkat. Faktor utama yang menyebabkan perceraian itu bisa jadi adalah karena emosional. Segala sesuatu yang terjadi dalam kehidupan ini menyangkut erat emosi seseorang. Justeru itu, untuk menyelesaikan sengketa perceraian diluar mahkamah ini bisa jadi, masyarakat harus lebih tenang dan sabar dalam menangani hal-hal yang terjadi dalam rumah tangga

    O Programa Bolsa Família: um estudo sobre a desigualdade de renda e a pobreza no estado do Tocantins (2004-2013)

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    The main objective of this research is to promote a discussion about poverty under a historical analysis of the capitalist system development, the worker class origin and the result of this process: exploitation, inequality and misery. Under this theoretical approach is possible to comprehend how capitalist society is structured to assure exploitation and, at the same time, how the worker class organized itself to assure its political rights. The conflicts of the political sphere lead the State to distinctive roles trying to keep social cohesion and as a result from this process social programs and politics. In the Brazilian case, the programs of income distribution under conditionality as a form to fight against poverty became evident under the national sphere in 1990 and on, those actions intensified in the 2000’s after the creation of the minimum income federal program, Programa Bolsa Família (PBF), which reaches every Brazilian county. In the Tocantins state the PBF took thousands of families from the extreme poverty condition, although the income concentration was not impacted.Este estudo promove uma discussão sobre a pobreza a partir da análise histórica do desenvolvimento do modo de produção capitalista, a origem da classe trabalhadora e a resultante desse processo: a exploração, a desigualdade de renda e a miséria. A partir desse arcabouço teórico é possível compreender como a sociedade capitalista se estruturou para garantir a exploração e como a classe trabalhadora se articulou para garantir seus direitos políticos. Esse campo conflitivo, fez com que o Estado desempenhasse papéis distintos na tentativa de manter a coesão social, como resultante desse processo surgem políticas e programas sociais. No caso brasileiro, os programas de distribuição de renda com condicionantes como forma de combate à pobreza se tornaram evidentes no cenário nacional a partir da década de 1990, essas ações se intensificaram a partir dos anos 2000 com a criação do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) que atende todos os municípios brasileiros. No estado do Tocantins o PBF retirou milhares de famílias da condição de extrema pobreza e pobreza, entretanto a concentração de renda não foi impactada

    Sarawak Digital Economy and the organisational sensemaking process of CSR: a conceptual view

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    The Sarawak Digital Economy (SDE) is an initiative that was recently implemented by the Sarawak Government in its effort to turn Sarawak into a high-income and developed State by year 2030. Based on this vision, the Sarawak Government has addressed the critical need for an effective collaboration with the local organisations. Since the early 2000s, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become one of the innovative mechanism used by governments of various localities to work with local organisations for the interest of the community. In some regions, CSR has been widely used as a platform to cope with the social challenges such as unemployment and poverty. Based on these common practices, it is reasonable for this study to anticipate the likelihood for similar mechanism of collaboration to take place in Sarawak especially in respective to the joint effort required between the Sarawak Government with the local organisations to ensure successful implementation of SDE. This perspective in turn, puts into emphasis the potential ‘trigger’ effect that SDE may impose on the affected local organisations, including its CSR activities and orientation. Henceforth, the need for this study to view the development and implementation of CSR in an organisation as a sensemaking process. In this respect, this article takes the pioneering step to put present a conceptual view of the organisational CSR sensemaking process, and rationalise as to how CSR should be analysed especially in the scope of Sarawak’s current economic plan and direction