328 research outputs found

    Co-creation-tilan kehittäminen

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    Co-creation is an act of collective creativity. Collective methods of creativity, such as co-creation, are needed to resolve the new complex problems known as wicked problems. A more diverse view and a better foundation for development could be obtained in organizations by taking full advantage of its workforce in collaborative means. Co-creation could also enhance the value created for the co-creating individuals and companies as well. The goal of the thesis is to give a clearer view on what are the necessary and desirable aspects of a functioning co-creation space. The thesis answers in following research questions: Why to co-create and what enables co-creation? How the space can enable co-creation? The thesis is divided into two parts: the literature review and the multiple case study. First, the theoretical background is mapped by a literature review. The literature review is supported with the multiple case study which gives a deeper insight on the subject. As hypotheses are not made in the thesis, the nature of the study is qualitative. Nine suggestions for developing a co-creation space are given in conclusion. These suggestions are following. (1) Stakeholders should share a common understanding of the meaning of co-creation in this particular co-creation space. (2) The first things to consider are the goal, the stakeholders and the space. (3) The values that are derived from the goal of the space should be reflected by the space. (4) The openness, collaboration and sharing should be exercised both internally and externally. (5) The space should be flexible. (6) The space should attract people. (7) The possibility to build tangible prototypes and other physical presentations is important. (8) Temporary spaces could be effective on testing co-creation in a particular case. (9) The co-creation space is never ready.Co-creation (yhteiskehittely tai yhteiskehittäminen) on yhteistyössä tehtävää luovaa toimintaa. Yhteistyöhön perustuvia luovan toiminnan metodeja tarvitaan ratkaisemaan uusenlaisia monimuotoisia ongelmia, jotka tunnetaan yleisesti englanninkielisellä termillä ‘wicked problems.’ Jos organisaatioissa kyetään käyttämään hyväksi niiden koko työvoimaa yhteistyön avulla, voidaan saavuttaa monimuotoisempi näkemys ja parempi pohja kehitykselle. Co-creationin avulla voidaan myös luoda arvoa paremmin yksilöille sekä yrityksille. Diplomityön tavoite on antaa kirkkaampi kuva tarvittavista sekä toivotuista sekoista, jotka edesauttavat co-creation-tilan toimintaa. Diplomityö vastaa seuraaviin tutkimuskysymyksiin: Miksi käyttää co-creationin menetelmillä ja mikä edesauttaa co-creationia? Miten tila voi edesauttaa co-creationia? Diplomityö on jaettu kahteen osaan. Teoreettinen viitekehys selvitetään ensin kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Kirjallisuuskatsausta tukee tapaustutkimus, joka antaa syvemmän kuvan aiheesta. Koska diplomityössä ei tehdä hypoteeseja, on kyseessä laadullinen tutkimus. Lopuksi annetaan yhdeksän ehdostusta co-creation-tilan kehittäjälle. Nämä ehdotukset ovat seuraavat: (1) Sidosryhmillä on oltava yhteinen käsitys co-creationin tarkoituksesta. (2) Ensimmäiset asiat, jotka on otettava huomioon ovat tavoite, sidosryhmät sekä itse tila. (3) Tilan tulee heijastaa tavoitteen pohjalta määriteltyjä arvoja. (4) Sekä sisäinen että ulkoinen avoimuus, yhteistyö ja jakaminen on tärkeää. (5) Tilan tulisi olla joustava. (6) Tilan tulisi houkutella ihmisiä. (7) Mahdollisuus rakentaa konkreettisia prototyyppejä on tärkeää. (8) Väliaikaiset tilat voivat olla tehokkaita co-creationin testaamiseen tapauskohtaisesti. (9) Co-creation-tila ei ole koskaan valmis

    Muurinmurtaja : Tyyne Leivo-Larsson: Suomen ensimmäinen naissuurlähettiläs Oslossa 1958-1965

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    Tutkielmani käsittelee Tyyne Leivo-Larssonin (1902-1977) suurlähettiläsuraa Oslossa vuosina 1958-1965. Hän oli ensimmäinen suomalainen nainen, joka nimitettiin suurlähettilääksi. Leivo-Larsson oli tehnyt mittavan uran sosialidemokraattisena poliitikkona ja ministerinä ennen diplomaattiuraa. Tutkielma on elämäkerrallinen uraelämäkerta. Tutkimus lähestyy Leivo-Larssonin diplomaattiuraa seuraavista kysymyksistä käsin: millaisissa olosuhteissa hänen nimittämisensä tapahtui, millainen hän oli suurlähettiläänä, millaisia erityispiirteitä hän koki naisena diplomaattiyhteisössä sekä kuinka hänen suurlähettiläskauttaan käsiteltiin lehdistössä? Tutkimuksen pääasiallisena aineistona on kaksi Leivo-Larssonin omaa arkistoa sekä ulkoministeriön arkisto, Suomen ulkoasianhallinon alan historiateoksia, suomalaisten naisten poliittista historiaa koskevia teoksia sekä suomalaisia ja norjalaisia sanoma- ja aikakausilehtiä. Leivo-Larssonin nimitys suurlähettilääksi oli poliittinen eli Leivo-Larsson ei ollut virkasuhteessa ulkoministeriöön, vaan hänet nimitettiin diplomaatiksi poliittisten ansioiden perusteella. Nimityksen poliittisuus sekä se, että nainen nimitettiin ensimmäistä kertaa Suomen historiassa suurlähettilääksi herätti vastarintaa ulkoministeriössä. Tutkimus tuo esiin Leivo-Larssonin suurlähettiläsuran arkea ja haasteita. Haasteita suurlähettiläälle aiheutti niin suhteet alaisiin kuin ulkoministeriön virkamiestenkin kanssa työskentely. Vahva poliittinen menneisyys kuitenkin helpotti henkilökohtaisia suhteita Suomessa ulkoministereihin ja presidenttiin sekä Norjan puolella pääministeriin ja ulkoministeriin. Leivo-Larssonin osaamista naisena epäiltiin kylmän sodan aikaisessa jännitteisessä ulkopolitiikassa. Hän kuitenkin selvisi suurlähettiläänä hyvin niin ulko- kuin turvallisuuspolitiikankin parissa

    Health-Related Quality of Life after Restorative Proctocolectomy : A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background and Aims: Patients undergoing restorative proctocolectomy have often suffered from active ulcerative colitis which should be remembered when assessing quality of life after operation. The aim of this study was to explore health-related quality of life after restorative proctocolectomy in those with poor or good pouch function and to compare that to patients with active or inactive ulcerative colitis and to the general population. Material and Methods: Altogether, 282 restorative proctocolectomy patients were investigated. The control group comprised 408 ulcerative colitis patients from the local register. Generic 15D and disease-specific inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire health-related quality of life instruments were used. Population-based data were available for 15D. Pouch function was evaluated with oresland score and colitis activity with simple clinical colitis activity index. Results: 15D results showed that patients with good pouch function had health-related quality of life similar to that of the general population. Health-related quality of life with inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire was equally good in patients with good pouch function (n = 131; 70%) and inactive colitis (n = 95; 63%), and equally impaired in patients with poor pouch function (n = 56; 30%) and active colitis (n = 18; 12%). Conclusion: The majority of patients had health-related quality of life comparable to that in general population. Most patients with active ulcerative colitis are likely to improve their health-related quality of life after successful surgery. These findings are important when informing colitis patients about life after surgery.Peer reviewe

    Cost-effectiveness of alternative methods of surgical repair of inguinal hernia

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    Objectives: To assess the relative cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic methods of inguinal hernia repair compared with open flat mesh and open non-mesh repair. Methods: Data on the effectiveness of these alternatives came from three systematic reviews comparing: (i) laparoscopic methods with open flat mesh or non-mesh methods; (ii) open flat mesh with open non-mesh repair; and (iii) methods that used synthetic mesh to repair the hernia defect with those that did not. Data on costs were obtained from the authors of economic evaluations previously conducted alongside trials included in the reviews. A Markov model was used to model cost-effectiveness for a five-year period after the initial operation. The outcomes of the model were presented using a balance sheet approach and as cost per hernia recurrence avoided and cost per extra day at usual activities. Results: Open flat mesh was the most cost-effective method of preventing recurrences. Laparoscopic repair provided a shorter period of convalescence and less long-term pain compared with open flat mesh but was more costly. The mean incremental cost per additional day back at usual activities compared with open flat mesh was €38 and €80 for totally extraperitoneal and transabdominal preperitoneal repair, respectively. Conclusions: Laparoscopic repair is not cost-effective compared with open flat mesh repair in terms of cost per recurrence avoided. Decisions about the use of laparoscopic repair depend on whether the benefits (reduced pain and earlier return to usual activities) outweigh the extra costs and intraoperative risks. On the evidence presented here, these extra costs are unlikely to be offset by the short-term benefits of laparoscopic repair.Luke Vale, Adrian Grant, Kirsty McCormack, Neil W. Scott and the EU Hernia Trialists Collaboratio

    Encapsulation of commercial and emerging solar cells with focus on perovskite solar cells

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    Solar cell encapsulation literature is reviewed broadly in this paper. Commercial solar cells, such as silicon and thin film solar cells, are typically encapsulated with ethylene vinyl acetate polymer (EVA) layer and rigid layers (usually glass) and edge sealants. In our paper, we cover the encapsulation materials and methods of some emerging solar cell types, that is, those of the organic solar cells, the dye-sensitized solar cells and the perovskite solar cells, and we focus on the latter of the three as the newest contender in the solar cell arena. The PSC encapsulation literature is summarized in a comprehensive table we hope the reader may use as a “handbook” when designing encapsulation and long-term stability experiments. Some additional functionalities included in encapsulants are also discussed in our paper, e.g. improving the encapsulants’ optical properties and manufacturing them sustainably from biobased materials.</p

    Prostatic sarcoma after treatment of rectal cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The relationship between radiation exposure for treatment of cancer and occurrence of a second primary cancer at the irradiated site is well known. This phenomenon is however rare in prostate.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 75-year-old farmer was treated for rectal cancer with preoperative 45 Gy of radiotherapy and abdominoperineal resection. Four years later he developed symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction and acute urinary retention. He underwent a transurethral resection of the prostate. Histological examination of the removed prostate tissue and immunohistochemistry revealed it to be a poorly differentiated sarcoma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We believe this to be the first reported case of radiation-induced sarcoma following radiotherapy treatment for rectal cancer. Since radiotherapy plays a pivotal role in the contemporary treatment of rectal adenocarcinoma, it is relevant to be aware of the potential long-term carcinogenic complications of radiotherapy of the pelvis.</p

    Reciprocal regulation of the basic helix-loop-helix/Per-Arnt-Sim partner proteins, Arnt and Arnt2, during neuronal differentiation

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    Basic helix–loop–helix/Per–Arnt–Sim (bHLH/PAS) transcription factors function broadly in development, homeostasis and stress response. Active bHLH/PAS heterodimers consist of a ubiquitous signal-regulated subunit (e.g., hypoxia-inducible factors, HIF-1α/2α/3α; the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, AhR) or tissue-restricted subunit (e.g., NPAS1/3/4, Single Minded 1/2), paired with a general partner protein, aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (Arnt or Arnt2). We have investigated regulation of the neuron-enriched Arnt paralogue, Arnt2. We find high Arnt/Arnt2 ratios in P19 embryonic carcinoma cells and ES cells are dramatically reversed to high Arnt2/Arnt on neuronal differentiation. mRNA half-lives of Arnt and Arnt2 remain similar in both parent and neuronal differentiated cells. The GC-rich Arnt2 promoter, while heavily methylated in Arnt only expressing hepatoma cells, is methylation free in P19 and ES cells, where it is bivalent with respect to active H3K4me3 and repressive H3K27me3 histone marks. Typical of a ‘transcription poised’ developmental gene, H3K27me3 repressive marks are removed from Arnt2 during neuronal differentiation. Our data are consistent with a switch to predominant Arnt2 expression in neurons to allow specific functions of neuronal bHLH/PAS factors and/or to avoid neuronal bHLH/PAS factors from interfering with AhR/Arnt signalling.Nan Hao, Veronica L. D. Bhakti, Daniel J. Peet and Murray L. Whitela

    Rectal Prolapse: Review According to the Personal Experience

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    The aim of treatment of rectal prolapse is to control the prolapse, restore continence, and prevent constipation or impaired evacuation. Faced with a multitude of options, the choice of an optimal treatment is difficult. It is best tailored to patient and surgeon. Numerous procedures have been described and are generally categorized into perineal or abdominal approaches. In general, an abdominal procedure has associated with lower recurrence and better functional outcome than perineal procedures. The widespread success of laparoscopic surgery has led to the development of laparoscopic procedures in the treatment of complete rectal prolapse. In Korea, there has been a trend toward offering perineal procedures because of the high incidence of rectal prolapse in young males and its being a lesser procedure. Delorme-Thiersch procedure has appeal as a lesser procedure for patients of any age or risk category, especially for elderly low-risk patients, patients with constipation or evacuation difficulties, young males, and patients with symptomatic hemorrhoids or mucosal prolapse. Laparoscopic suture rectopexy is recommended for either low-risk female patients or patients who are concerned with postoperative aggravation of their incontinence

    Surgical Treatment of Rectal Prolapse

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    Rectal prolapse is defined as a protrusion of the rectum beyond the anus. Although rectal prolapse was recognized as early as 1500 BC, the optimal surgical procedure is still debated. The varied operative procedures available for treating rectal prolapsed can be confusing. The aim of treatment is to control the prolapse, restore continence, and prevent constipation or impaired evacuation. In elderly and high-risk patients, perineal approaches, such as Delorme's operation and Altemeier's operation, have been preferred, although the incidence of recurrence and the rate of persistent incontinence seem to be high when compared with transabdominal procedures. Abdominal operations involve dissection and fixation of the rectum and may include a rectosigmoid resection. From the late twentieth century, the laparoscopic procedure has been applied to the treatment of rectal prolapse. Current laparoscopic surgical techniques include suture rectopexy, stapled rectopexy, posterior mesh rectopexy with artificial material, and resection of the sigmoid colon with colorectal anastomosis with or without rectopexy. The choice of surgery depends on the status of the patient and the surgeon's preference

    Functional outcome after perineal stapled prolapse resection for external rectal prolapse

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A new surgical technique, the Perineal Stapled Prolapse resection (PSP) for external rectal prolapse was introduced in a feasibility study in 2008. This study now presents the first results of a larger patient group with functional outcome in a mid-term follow-up.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From December 2007 to April 2009 PSP was performed by the same surgeon team on patients with external rectal prolapse. The prolapse was completely pulled out and then axially cut open with a linear stapler at three and nine o'clock in lithotomy position. Finally, the prolapse was resected stepwise with the curved Contour<sup>® </sup>Transtar™ stapler at the prolapse's uptake. Perioperative morbidity and functional outcome were prospectively measured by appropriate scores.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>32 patients participated in the study; median age was 80 years (range 26-93). No intraoperative complications and 6.3% minor postoperative complications occurred. Median operation time was 30 minutes (15-65), hospital stay 5 days (2-19). Functional outcome data were available in 31 of the patients after a median follow-up of 6 months (4-22). Preoperative severe faecal incontinence disappeared postoperatively in 90% of patients with a reduction of the median Wexner score from 16 (4-20) to 1 (0-14) (<it>P </it>< 0.0001). No new incidence of constipation was reported.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The PSP is an elegant, fast and safe procedure, with good functional results.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ISRCTN68491191</p