71 research outputs found

    On the chiral and deconfinement phase transitions in parity-conserving QED_3 at finite temperature

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    We present some results about the interplay between the chiral and deconfinement phase transitions in parity-conserving QED3 (with N flavours of massless 4 component fermions) at finite temperature. Following Grignani et al (Phys. Rev. D53, 7157 (1996), Nucl. Phys. B473, 143 (1996)), confinement is discussed in terms of an effective Sine-Gordon theory for the timelike component of the gauge field A_0. But whereas in the references above the fermion mass m is a Lagrangian parameter, we consider the m=0 case and ask whether an effective S-G theory can again be derived with m replaced by the dynamically generated mass Sigma which appears below T_{ch}, the critical temperature for the chiral phase transition. The fermion and gauge sectors are strongly interdependent, but as a first approximation we decouple them by taking Sigma to be a constant, depending only on the constant part of the gauge field. We argue that the existence of a low-temperature confining phase may be associated with the generation of Sigma; and that, analogously, the vanishing of Sigma for T > T_{ch} drives the system to its deconfining phase. The effect of the gauge field dynamics on mass generation is also indicated. (38kb)Comment: 1 reference adde

    The Pioneer anomaly: the measure of a topological phase defect of light in cosmology

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    It is shown that a wave vector representing a light pulse in an adiabatically evolving expanding space should develop, after a round trip (back and forth to the emitter) a geometric phase for helicity states at a given fixed position coordinate of this expanding space.In a section of the Hopf fibration of the Poincare sphere that identifies a projection to the physically allowed states, the evolution defines a parallel transported state that can be joined continuously with the initial state by means of the associated Berry-Pancharatnam connection. The connection allows to compute an anomaly in the frequency for the vector modes in terms of the scale factor of the space-time background being identical to the reported Pioneer Anomaly.Comment: 10 pages, some minor notation changes have been made. Some additional remarks were writte

    Longitudinal and transverse fermion-boson vertex in QED at finite temperature in the HTL approximation

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    We evaluate the fermion-photon vertex in QED at the one loop level in Hard Thermal Loop approximation and write it in covariant form. The complete vertex can be expanded in terms of 32 basis vectors. As is well known, the fermion-photon vertex and the fermion propagator are related through a Ward-Takahashi Identity (WTI). This relation splits the vertex into two parts: longitudinal (Gamma_L) and transverse (Gamma_T). Gamma_L is fixed by the WTI. The description of the longitudinal part consumes 8 of the basis vectors. The remaining piece Gamma_T is then written in terms of 24 spin amplitudes. Extending the work of Ball and Chiu and Kizilersu et. al., we propose a set of basis vectors T^mu_i(P_1,P_2) at finite temperature such that each of these is transverse to the photon four-momentum and also satisfies T^mu_i(P,P)=0, in accordance with the Ward Identity, with their corresponding coefficients being free of kinematic singularities. This basis reduces to the form proposed by Kizilersu et. al. at zero temperature. We also evaluate explicitly the coefficient of each of these vectors at the above-mentioned level of approximation.Comment: 13 pages, uses RevTe

    A UV completion of scalar electrodynamics

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    In previous works, we constructed UV-finite and unitary scalar field theories with an infinite spectrum of propagating modes for arbitrary polynomial interactions. In this paper, we introduce infinitely many massive vector fields into a U(1) gauge theory to construct a theory with UV-finiteness and unitarity.Comment: 25 page

    Inverse Landau-Khalatnikov Transformation and Infrared Critical Exponents of (2+1)-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics

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    By applying an inverse Landau-Khalatnikov transformation, connecting (resummed) Schwinger-Dyson treatments in non-local and Landau gauges of QED3QED_3, we derive the infrared behaviour of the wave-function renormalization in the Landau gauge, and the associated critical exponents in the normal phase of the theory (no mass generation). The result agrees with the one conjectured in earlier treatments. The analysis involves an approximation, namely an expansion of the non-local gauge in powers of momenta in the infrared. This approximation is tested by reproducing the critical number of flavours necessary for dynamical mass generation in the chiral-symmetry-broken phase of QED3QED_3.Comment: 13 pages LATEX, 1 Figure (included automatically

    Derivative expansion and gauge independence of the false vacuum decay rate in various gauges

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    In theories with radiative symmetry breaking, the calculation of the false vacuum decay rate requires the inclusion of higher-order terms in the derivative expansion of the effective action. I show here that, in the case of covariant gauges, the presence of infrared singularities forbids the consistent calculation by keeping the lowest-order terms. The situation is remedied, however, in the case of RΟR_{\xi} gauges. Using the Nielsen identities I show that the final result is gauge independent for generic values of the gauge parameter vv that are not anomalously small.Comment: Some comments and references adde

    Non-linear Dynamics in QED_3 and Non-trivial Infrared Structure

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    In this work we consider a coupled system of Schwinger-Dyson equations for self-energy and vertex functions in QED_3. Using the concept of a semi-amputated vertex function, we manage to decouple the vertex equation and transform it in the infrared into a non-linear differential equation of Emden-Fowler type. Its solution suggests the following picture: in the absence of infrared cut-offs there is only a trivial infrared fixed-point structure in the theory. However, the presence of masses, for either fermions or photons, changes the situation drastically, leading to a mass-dependent non-trivial infrared fixed point. In this picture a dynamical mass for the fermions is found to be generated consistently. The non-linearity of the equations gives rise to highly non-trivial constraints among the mass and effective (`running') gauge coupling, which impose lower and upper bounds on the latter for dynamical mass generation to occur. Possible implications of this to the theory of high-temperature superconductivity are briefly discussed.Comment: 29 pages LATEX, 7 eps figures incorporated, uses axodraw style. Discussion on the massless case (section 2) modified; no effect on conclusions, typos correcte

    The low-energy phase-only action in a superconductor: a comparison with the XY model

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    The derivation of the effective theory for the phase degrees of freedom in a superconductor is still, to some extent, an open issue. It is commonly assumed that the classical XY model and its quantum generalizations can be exploited as effective phase-only models. In the quantum regime, however, this assumption leads to spurious results, such as the violation of the Galilean invariance in the continuum model. Starting from a general microscopic model, in this paper we explicitly derive the effective low-energy theory for the phase, up to fourth-order terms. This expansion allows us to properly take into account dynamic effects beyond the Gaussian level, both in the continuum and in the lattice model. After evaluating the one-loop correction to the superfluid density we critically discuss the qualitative and quantitative differences between the results obtained within the quantum XY model and within the correct low-energy theory, both in the case of s-wave and d-wave symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. Specifically, we find dynamic anharmonic vertices, which are absent in the quantum XY model, and are crucial to restore Galilean invariance in the continuum model. As far as the more realistic lattice model is concerned, in the weak-to-intermediate-coupling regime we find that the phase-fluctuation effects are quantitatively reduced with respect to the XY model. On the other hand, in the strong-coupling regime we show that the correspondence between the microscopically derived action and the quantum XY model is recovered, except for the low-density regime.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures. Slightly revised presentation, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Phase Structure of QED3 at Finite Temperature

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    Dynamical symmetry breaking in three-dimensional QED with N fermion flavours is considered at finite temperature, in the large NN approximation. Using an approximate treatment of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion self-energy, we find that chiral symmetry is restored above a certain critical temperature which depends itself on NN. We find that the ratio of the zero-momentum zero-temperature fermion mass to the critical temperature has a large value compared with four-fermion theories, as had been suggested in a previous work with a momentum-independent self-energy. Evidence of a temperature- dependent critical NN is shown to appear in this approximation. The phase diagram for spontaneous mass generation in the theory is presented in T−NT-N space.Comment: 9 page
