478 research outputs found

    Perancangan Aplikasi Simulasi Toefl Berbasis Android

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    Saat ini, perkembangan teknologi sudah menyentuh berbagai aspek kehidupan, salah satunya adalah banyaknya bermunculan berbagai aplikasi pada handphone, terutama aplikasi yang ada hubungannya dengan pendidikan atau biasa di sebut dengan aplikasi Mobile Learning. Test Of English Foreign Language (TOEFL) merupakan tolak ukur kemampuan seseorang dalam berbahasa inggris. Namun untuk mengikuti TOEFL tes tidaklah murah untuk sekali testnya, sehingga dibutuhkan persiapan yang matang agar mendapatkan skor sesuai dengan keinginan dan menghemat biaya tes karena tidak perlu mengulang lagi. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu sarana aplikasi yang dapat mempermudah seseorang dalam melakukan latihan atau Simulasi TOEFL yang berbasis Android, dengan aplikasi ini dapat mengukur kemampuan seseorang dalam berbahasa inggris


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    AbstrakKebutuhan nutrisi terbaik bagi bayi selama 6 bulan pertama adalah Air Susu Ibu. Didalam ASI mengandung nutrisi alamiah untuk kebutuhan energi dan zat yang dibutuhkan selama 6 bulan pertama kehidupan bayi. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini karena meneliti tentang pengaruh pemberian daun kacang panjang dalam meningkatkan produksi ASI ibu postpartum di Wilayah Puskesmas Totikum, Desa Kombutokan Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh daun kacang panjang dalam meningkatkan produksi ASI ibu postpartum. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan desain one group pretest posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu postpartum yang mengalami keluhan Air Susu Ibu tidak lancar tahun 2022 yang ada di Puskesmas Totikum dengan penentuan sampel menggunakan total sampling dengan 21 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji t berpasangan. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan yaitu karakteristik responden sebagian besar umur ibu antara 25-29 tahun berjumlah 10 orang (47,6%), paritas 1 anak berjumlah 10 orang (47,6%), pendidikan tamat SMA berjumlah 7 orang (33,3%) dan pekerjaan sebagai IRT berjumlah 20 orang (95,2%). Jumlah ASI sebelum dan sesudah diberikan daun kacang panjang yaitu mean 1405,23 dan standar deviasi 177,58. Kesimpulan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pemberian daun kacang panjang dalam meningkatkan produksi ASI ibu postpartum di Wilayah Puskesmas Totikum. Kata Kunci : Daun kacang panjang; Produksi ASI; Ibu Postpartum. AbstractBreast milk is the best nutritional need for babies during the first six months. Breast milk contains natural nutrients for energy needs and substances needed during the first six months of a baby's life. The novelty of this study is that it examines the influence of giving long bean leaves in increasing the milk production of postpartum mothers in the Totikum Health Center Area, Kombutokan Village, Banggai Islands Regency. This study aimed to analyze the influence of string bean leaves in increasing the milk production of postpartum mothers. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study was postpartum mothers who experienced complaints of breast milk not running smoothly in 2022 at the Totikum Health Center with sample determination using total sampling with 21 respondents. Data analysis using paired t-tests. The results of the study obtained were the characteristics of respondents, most of whom were mothers between 25-29 years old with ten people (47.6%), parity of 1 child was ten people (47.6%), high school graduation was seven people (33.3%) and worked as an IRT was 20 people (95.2%). The amount of breast milk before and after being given long bean leaves is the mean 1405.23, and the standard deviation is 177.58. The conclusion is that providing long bean leaves increases the milk production of postpartum mothers in the Totikum Health Center Area. Keywords: Long bean leaves; Milk production; Postpartum mother

    Kapasitas Anggota Kelompok Tani dan Regenerasi Petani

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the capacity of farmer group members and farmer regeneration. Data collection is carried out by survey method and using questionnaires. The population is the heads of families who are members of farmer groups and farm youth who continue their parents' farming which amounts to 934 people. The sample amounted to 90 respondents divided by a sample of 45 respondents for members of farmer groups and 45 respondents for young farmers. Data analysis using Smart Partial Least Square (Smart PLS) Software. The results showed that age and experience of farming had a direct but not significant positive effect on the capacity of farmer group members. The role of extension workers as consultants and mentors has a direct and significant positive effect on the capacity of farmer group members. Age and farming experience negatively affect farmer regeneration. Farmer regeneration is positively influenced directly but insignificantly by the role of extension workers as influential consultants and mentors. Meanwhile, the capacity of group members has a direct and significant positive effect on farmer regeneration. The results showed that the capacity of farmer group members was influenced by the role of agricultural extension workers. Meanwhile, farmer regeneration is influenced by the capacity of farmer groups and the role of extension workers, although it does not have much influence. Keywords:    Agricultural extension; the capacity of farmer's groups; characteristics of farmers; regeneration of farmers.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kapasitas anggota kelompok tani dan regenerasi petani di Desa Arusu Kecamatan Malangke Barat Kabupaten Luwu Utara. Menggunakan metode survei menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi adalah kepala keluarga yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani dan pemuda tani yang melanjutkan usahatani milik orang tuanya yang berjumlah 934 orang. Sampel berjumlah 90 responden dibagi sampel 45 responden untuk anggota kelompok tani dan 45 responden untuk petani muda. Analisis data menggunakan Software Smart Partial Least Square (Smart PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan umur dan pengalaman usahatani berpengaruh positif yang langsung tapi tidak signifikan terhadap kapasitas anggota kelompok tani. Peran penyuluh sebagai kansultan dan pembimbing berpengaruh positif yang langsung dan signifikan terhadap kapasitas anggota kelompok tani. Umur dan pengalaman usahatani berpengaruh negatif terhadap regenerasi petani. Regenerasi petani dipengaruhi secara positif langsung tapi tidak signifikan oleh peran penyuluh sebagai kansultan dan pembimbing berpengaruh. Sedangkan kapasitas anggota kelompok berpengaruh positif yang langsung dan signifikan terhadap regenerasi petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas anggota kelompok tani dipengaruhi peran penyuluh pertanian. Sedangkan regenerasi petani dipengaruhi oleh kapasitas kelompok tani dan peran penyuluh meskipun tidak besar pengaruhny

    Are Muslims the New Catholics? Europe’s Headscarf Laws in Comparative Historical Perspective

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    In this paper a biologically-inspired model for partly occluded patterns is proposed. The model is based on the hypothesis that in human visual system occluding patterns play a key role in recognition as well as in reconstructing internal representation for a pattern’s occluding parts. The proposed model is realized with a bidirectional hierarchical neural network. In this network top-down cues, generated by direct connections from the lower to higher levels of hierarchy, interact with the bottom-up information, generated from the un-occluded parts, to recognize occluded patterns. Moreover, positional cues of the occluded as well as occluding patterns, that are computed separately but in the same network, modulate the top-down and bottom-up processing to reconstruct the occluded patterns. Simulation results support the presented hypothesis as well as effectiveness of the model in providing a solution to recognition of occluded patterns. The behavior of the model is in accordance to the known human behavior on the occluded patterns

    Application of Law Enforcement Due Process System in Law Against Child Crimes

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    Purpose To know and analyze the application of the due process of law system in law enforcement against child crime, to find out and analyze what are the factors that influence law enforcement on the implementation of the due process of law system. By using this type of research is Normative research. Normactive research is meant as legal research which studies normative law. The normative approach method is used to examine the aspects of the law according to laws and regulations relating to the implementation of the Due Process Of Law system in Criminal law, especially against child crimes. The results of the research show that law was born to humanize humans, so law enforcement or law enforcement must provide benefits or benefits to society. The quality of development and law enforcement is demanded by society at this time not only for formal quality, but also for material / substantial quality. Substantively. the implementation of child protection must be in accordance with relevant professional ethics, to prevent deviant behavior in the exercise of authority, power and strength in the implementation of child protection. The concept of due process is like prioritizing the rule of law, law enforcement officers must recognize, respect, protect and guarantee the rights of suspects. Law and justice is an integrity between normative idealism and human action. If the three of them are no longer combined and become judicial cohesion, then what will generally occur is a lameness whose mode and packaging is destructive and dysmunctional, which then makes it easy for someone and the public to draw conclusions or create estimates, there has been a play and a dramatization project that is still under the guise of carrying out their duties. , what is meant in it is to impose a legal decision

    Leveraging Secondary School Heads’ State of the School Address (SOSA): A Content Analysis

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    Government schools in the Philippines are headed by school administrators who are generally called School Heads. These school heads carry out the State of the School Address every year to showcase the accomplishment of the school and its future directions. This study analyzed the content and form of the secondary school heads’ written speeches. Stratified random sampling was used to determine the sample size. A qualitative content analysis was conducted to find out the aspect of the SOSA that was given more prominence, the percentage allotted to key messages related to the School-Based Management, the local and global errors made, and the intertextual figures employed in the written speeches. Results showed that school heads gave more prominence to resource management in their SOSA and only 13.46% of the entire SOSA was allotted to key messages related to SBM. They made local errors in morphology, syntax, and lexicon and global errors in idea and organization of information. School heads employed quotation and plagiarism as intertextual figures in their written speeches. The study concluded with the findings that the State of the School Address did not have a clear framework on which to anchor the content of the SOSA. The State of the School Address did not have proper speech guidelines for school heads to follow. School heads needed to enhance their writing proficiency, thus, the adoption of the ideal framework of the SOSA and the implementation of the special writing training program for secondary school heads produced in this study are recommended

    25: Blood eosinophilia as a marker of favorable outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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