240 research outputs found


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    Animals in Ecuador have suffered from discrimination and abuse in all its forms. In 2008, the Constitution of the Republic recognizes nature as  subject of rights, leaving a legal gap regarding to legal quality of animals, leaving them in the concept of things that the civil code maintains for them. On January 27, 2022, the Constitutional Court clarified this issue by stating that animals, being constitutive elements of nature, are also subjects of rights and bearers of basic rights such as freedom, integrity and the right to manifest their natural behavior according to the law.  A recount of the themes contained in the emblematic sentence.   Os animais no Equador sofreram discriminação e abuso em todas as suas formas. Em 2008, a Constituição da República reconhece que a natureza é sujeito de direitos, deixando uma lacuna legal quanto à qualidade dos animais, deixando-os no conceito de coisas que o código civil mantém para eles. Em 27 de janeiro de 2022, o Tribunal Constitucional esclareceu esta questão ao aceitar que os animais, sendo elementos constitutivos da mesma, são também sujeitos de direitos e titulares de direitos básicos como a liberdade, a integridade e o direito de manifestar o seu comportamento natural de acordo com a lei .espécies. Uma recontagem dos temas contidos na frase emblemática.    Los animales en el Ecuador han sufrido de la discriminación y abuso en todas sus formas.  En 2008 la Constitución de la República reconoce que la naturaleza es sujeto de derechos, dejando una laguna jurídica respecto a la calidad de los animales, dejándolos en el concepto de cosas que el código civil mantiene para ellos.  El 27 de enero de 2022 la Corte Constitucional aclara este tema aceptando que los animales, al ser elementos constitutivos de aquella, son también sujetos de derechos y portadores de derechos básicos como la libertad, la integridad y el derecho a manifestar su comportamiento natural según la especie. Un recuento de los temas que contiene la emblemática sentencia

    The relationship between schizoaffective, schizophrenic and mood disorders in patients admitted at Mathari Psychiatric Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya

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    Objective: The prevalence of schizoaffective disorder (SAD) and the relationship between schizophrenia (SCZ), SAD and mood disorders (MD) in non-Western countries is unknown. To determine the prevalence of SAD and the relationship between SCZ, SAD and MD in relation to socio-demographic, clinical and therapeutic variables in 691 patients admitted at Mathari Psychiatric Hospital, Kenya.Method: A cross-sectional comparative study using both clinician and SCID-1 for DSM-IV diagnoses.Results: Approximately twenty three percent (n=160) met DSM-IV criteria for SAD using SCID-1. There were significant differences between SCZ, SAD and MD regarding: affective and core symptoms of schizophrenia (with the exception of core symptoms of schizophrenia between SCZ and SAD); presence of past trauma; a past suicide attempt; and comorbidity with alcohol and drug abuse disorders. SAD and MD patients took significantly more mood stabilizers than SCZ patients. There were no significant differences between the three groups regarding socio-demographic  variables, brief psychiatric rating scale scores, cognitive performance, anxiety and depressive symptoms, presence of obsessions, and usage of both antipsychotics and antidepressants. Conclusion: There is no distinct demarcation between the three disorders. This lends support to recent evidence suggesting that SAD might constitute a heterogeneous group composed of both SCZ and MD patients or a middle point of a continuum between SCZ and MD.Keywords: Schizoaffective Disorder; Schizophrenia; Mood disorders; Epidemiology; Afric

    Crónica del primer encuentro de Bioética y Derecho Animal - Quito, 18 de mayo de 2018

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    La presente crónica recoge el desarrollo del Primer Encuentro de Bioética y Derecho Animal que tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Quito el 18 de mayo de 2018. Constituye una memoria de las ponencias presentadas así como el resultado de las mesas de trabajo: la Declaración de Quito, carta de intención suscrita por los participantes y que ha sido entregada al Grupo Parlamentario por el Bienestar Animal.This chronicle looks forward to save the memory of the First Meeting of Bioethics and Animal Law, Quito, May 18, 2018. It is a report of the papers presented as well as the result of the working groups: the Declaration of Quito, document already delivered to the Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare of the National Assembly

    "A loro agio nel disagio": un'indagine etnografica sull'adolescenza nella citt\ue0 di Torino

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    Il presente lavoro consiste in un'indagine etnografica di tipo interdisciplinare, primariamente situata nell'ambito dell'antropologia e secondariamente in ambito psicologico e sociologico. L'etnografia, che ha previsto una combinazione di osservazione partecipante per un periodo di un anno (2016) e lo svolgimento di 32 interviste in profondit\ue0, \ue8 stata condotta parallelamente in diversi quartieri della Citt\ue0 di Torino (due quartieri periferici ed un quartiere del centro), dove il campo di ricerca \ue8 stato costituito a partire dalla partecipazione del ricercatore in tre classi della scuola superiore, con ragazzi prevalentemente di 16-17 anni. Da quanto riscontrato sul campo, emerge come, di fronte ai recenti mutamenti di tipo socio-economico e culturale attraversati dalla societ\ue0 occidentale, il futuro da promessa sia divenuto minaccia e vi sia una crescente mancanza di senso. In questo contesto, l\u2019adolescenza pu\uf2 andare incontro a varie forme di medicalizzazione e psichiatrizzazione, laddove alcuni processi di reificazione biologica/psicologica (con particolare riferimento al costrutto del cosiddetto \u201cdisagio giovanile\u201d) vanno a neutralizzare la valenza sociale e/o politica sottesa a vari comportamenti e pratiche culturali degli adolescenti. Questi, osservati in una differente prospettiva, possono invece venire interpretati come atti di agency, attraverso i quali i giovani (spesso utilizzando i loro corpi) cercano di reagire ad una serie di minacce e di riappropriarsi di uno spazio politico e sociale, a partire dalla riappropriazione dello \u201cstigma\u201d stesso attraverso cui la societ\ue0 li identifica. In un mondo che si dipinge come la societ\ue0 del benessere e dell\u2019agio, essi sono fieri di essere \u201ca loro agio nel disagio\u201d.Title:"Comfortable in the discomfort": an ethnographic study on adolescence in the city of Turin. The present research consists of an interdisciplinary ethnographic investigation, mainly in the field of anthropology and, also, in the psychological and sociological fields. The ethnography was conducted for one year (2016) in different districts of the City of Turin (two suburban and one central districts of the city), where participant observation took place starting from the participation of the researcher in three high school classes, with youths mainly between 16 and 17 years old. Furthermore 32 in-depth interviews were carried out. From the research, it emerges how, in relation to the recent changes experienced by Western society, the promising future has become a threat and there is a growing lack of meaning. In this context, adolescence can undergo various forms of medicalization, where biological / psychological reification processes (with particular reference to the construct of the so-called \u201cdisagio giovanile\u201d / "youth discomfort") can neutralize the social and / or political value underlying various adolescent behaviors and cultural practices. The latter, observed in a different perspective, can instead be conceived as agency acts, through which young people (often using their bodies) try to react to a series of threats and to re-appropriate a political and social space. They do it, starting from the re-appropriation of the stigma itself through which society identifies them. In a world that is depicted as the society of well-being and comfort, they are proud of being "comfortable in the discomfort\u201d

    Dry powdered aerosols of diatrizoic acid nanoparticle agglomerates as a lung contrast agent

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    Aerosolized contrast agents may improve the resolution of biomedical imaging modalities and enable more accurate diagnosis of lung diseases. Many iodinated compounds, such as diatrizoic acid, have been shown to be safe and useful for radiographic examination of the airways. Formulations of such compounds must be improved in order to allow imaging of the smallest airways. Here, diatrizoic acid nanoparticle agglomerates were created by assembling nanoparticles into inhalable microparticles that may augment deposition in the lung periphery. Nanoparticle agglomerates were fully characterized and safety was determined in vivo. After dry powder insufflation to rats, no acute alveolar tissue damage was observed 2 h post dose. Diatrizoic acid nanoparticle agglomerates possess the characteristics of an efficient and safe inhalable lung contrast agent

    Análisis y evaluación a la gestión financiera de la Empresa de Transporte Pesado Rio Piatua TRANSPIATUA Cía. Ltda., del cantón Santa Clara, provincia de Pastaza, período 2015 – 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación denominado: Análisis y Evaluación a la Gestión Financiera de la Empresa de Transporte Pesado Río Piatua Transpiatua Cía. Ltda., del Cantón Santa Clara, provincia de Pastaza, período 2015 – 2016, tiene como finalidad evaluar el correcto manejo de los recursos a la gestión financiera, considerando cada una de las cuentas del balance general y estado de resultados para que permita el mejoramiento de la toma de decisiones económicas y financieras. Para el desarrollo del trabajo se aplicó análisis verticales y horizontales a los respectivos estados financieros, también se empleó índices financieros que permitieron observar las variaciones que se han presentado al transcurrir dos años, además se usó técnicas de observación, entrevista a los directivos de la empresa. El resultado de los procedimientos aplicados determina que la empresa no mantiene un equilibrio económico en los dos años evaluados, ya que un año baja su rentabilidad y al siguiente sube su rentabilidad y por ende no posee una buena liquidez, lo cual no ha permitido tomar decisiones acertadas a sus directivos sobre la empresa. Se recomienda establecer políticas y procedimientos de control interno que garanticen el funcionamiento adecuado y ordenado de la empresa, realizar continuamente análisis financieros y evaluaciones a la gestión financiera con el objetivo de mejorar sus procesos administrativos y económicos.The present research work aims to analyze and evaluate the financial management at heavy transport enterprise “Rio Piatua Transpiatua” Cia. Ltda., in Santa Clara canton, in Pastaza province, period 2015-2016; the purpose was evaluating the correct management of resources encity, so that it allows the improvement decision making on economic and financial. In this research, this research applied the vertical and horizontal analyzes to respective financial statements, also financial índices were used to observe the variations that have been presented after two years; In addition, observation techniques, interviews with company executives were used in it. The result of the applied procedures determines that the enterprise does not maintain an economic equilibrium in the two years evaluated, since one year it loses its profitability and the next rises, therefore it does not have a good liquidity, which has not allowed making right decisions to its managers about the enterprise. It is recommended to establish internal control policies and procedures that guarantee the proper and orderly functioning of the enterprise, continuously carry out financial analyzes and evaluations of financial management in order to improve its administrative and economic processes

    Lectura hipertextual en un contexto de alfabetización académica: un estudio de caso

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    Considering the massive access and use of ICTs the demand for educational applications has increased. In this particular scenario interdisciplinary teams have been generated and time and resources have been allocated for the creation of multimodal softwares and the management of the hypermedia and the internet to train students on how to read, write and communicate online. Results not only show their efficiency in language teaching, but also in digital literacy, in the different educational levels. This background has aroused the interest of specialists related to the hypertextual academic literacy environment to meet the needs of higher education students with respect to the use of internet, especially in the procurement of information and generation of knowledge. To be able to suggest solutions with respect to this particular situation it is necessary to identify on first place the cognitive processes which is developed by the individuals in their interaction with the web. Regarding this challenge, the present study considers the findings of a case study performed with the assistance of the Netsupport School Software that describes the practice of hypertextual reading, carried out by a group of students belonging to a Master´s Degree in Education program. The research work shows the identification and the analysis of cognitive processes developed during the performance of a particular task related to the search of information, selection and association of information in internet for a specific subject matter of a Post-Degree program in Education. Results suggest that the development of hyper-reading practices is essential to be able to face academic duties requested by current post-graduate studies and that an imperfect management of hyper-reading practices will negatively impact on students learning.Con el acceso y uso masivos de las TIC, la demanda de aplicaciones educativas se ha incrementado. En este escenario, se han conformado equipos interdisciplinarios, y se han destinado tiempo y recursos en la creación de software multimodales y el manejo de hipermedia e internet para enseñar a los estudiantes a leer, escribir y comunicarse en línea. Los resultados no solo demuestran su efectividad en la enseñanza de lenguas, sino también en la alfabetización digital, en los distintos niveles educativos. Este antecedente ha generado el interés de especialistas del ámbito de la alfabetización académica hipertextual, para responder a las necesidades que presentan los estudiantes de enseñanza superior respecto del uso de internet, específicamente en la obtención información y generación de conocimiento. Para plantear soluciones a esta situación, es preciso identificar los procesos cognitivos que desarrollan los sujetos en su interacción con la red. Ante este desafío, el presente artículo recoge los hallazgos de un estudio de caso realizado con el software Netsupport School que permiten describir la práctica de lectura hipertextual de estudiantes de Magíster en Educación. El trabajo ofrece una identificación y análisis de los procesos cognitivos desarrollados durante la realización de una tarea específica de búsqueda, selección y asociación de información en internet, para una asignatura de un Postgrado de Educación. Los resultados indican que el desarrollo de prácticas de hiperlectura es imprescindible al enfrentar las tareas académicas que exigen los estudios de postgrado en la actualidad y que un manejo deficiente de las prácticas de hiperlectura impactan negativamente en los aprendizajes de los estudiantes