77 research outputs found

    Phonological recovery in Spanish developmental dyslexics through the tip-of-the-tongue paradigm

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    Recuperación fonológica en disléxicos evolutivos españoles mediante el paradigma de la punta de la lengua. Antecedentes: los disléxicos evolutivos tienen dificultades para acceder y recuperar la forma fonológica de las palabras, sin presentar un déficit a nivel semántico. El propósito de este trabajo era estudiar, a través del paradigma del fenómeno de la punta de la lengua, los problemas de acceso léxico en niños con dislexia evolutiva y su posible relación con la conciencia fonológica. Método: un grupo de niños disléxicos (14) y otro grupo sin dificultades lectoras (14), con edades comprendidas entre 7 y 12 años, realizaron una tarea de denominación de dibujos de frecuencia media - baja y una tarea de conciencia fonológica. Resultados: los resultados indicaron que los niños disléxicos generalmente presentan mayor número de fenómenos de punta de la lengua que el grupo control. A pesar de ser capaces de dar información semántica acerca del dibujo, los disléxicos presentan dificultades para recuperar la información parcial fonológica. Conclusiones: los resultados indican que los disléxicos evolutivos tienen particular dificultad para acceder a la forma fonológica de las palabras. Esto puede ser interesante para desarrollar programas de intervención para estos niños

    Immunometabolic Profile Associated with Progressive Damage of the Intestinal Mucosa in Adults Screened for Colorectal Cancer: Association with Diet

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    Environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle have been shown to influence the development of some intestinal mucosal lesions that may be precursors of colorectal cancer (CRC). The presence of these alterations seems to be associated with misbalanced immunological parameter levels. However, it is still unclear as to which immunological parameters are altered in each phase of CRC development. In this work, we aimed to study the potential relationships of immunological and metabolic parameters with diet in a CRC-related lesion context. Dietary information was obtained using an annual semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) from 93 volunteers classified via colonoscopy examination according to the presence of intestinal polyps or adenocarcinoma. Cytokines, chemokines, and adipokines were determined from serum samples. We observed a reduction in adiponectin according to the damage to the mucosa, accompanied by an increase and decrease in C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10) and resistin, respectively, in CRC cases. The presence of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the polyp group was associated with higher tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) concentrations. Vegetables were directly correlated with adiponectin and resistin levels, while the opposite occurred with red meat. A bioactive compound, soluble pectin, showed a negative association with TNF-α. Future dietary strategies could be developed to modulate specific immunological parameters in the context of CRC


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    La investigación científica que se desarrolla en las universidades debe estar dirigida a responder a las demandas del sector empresarial y de la sociedad; por tanto, es necesario la búsqueda de alternativas que garanticen la gestión del conocimiento en el vínculo universidad-empresa y se logre un acercamiento en el trabajo conjunto y la transferencia de los resultados obtenidos. Como parte de la Estrategia para la preparación en Gestión del Conocimiento para la Comunidad científica de la Industria de la Caña de Azúcar y a manera de resultado del Proyecto de Investigación “Aprendizajes relevantes en escenarios virtuales” que se coordina desde el Centro de Estudios de Educación de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas; se desarrolla GesCoCICA: recurso educativo que tiene como objetivo incrementar la transferencia de conocimientos en función de satisfacer las demandas referidas al insuficiente acceso a las vías para la búsqueda de información de esta comunidad científica. Para acceder a sus contenidos no se precisa de conectividad con internet y permite su ejecución en dispositivos móviles, así como su integración a plataformas virtuales, como es el caso de Moodle, se convierte así, en un recurso a utilizar en contextos que trascienden las aulas universitarias y las empresas azucareras, en función de la preparación de estudiantes, ingenieros, directivos y técnicos que conforman tan importante comunidad científica para el país

    Antigüedad laboral en las instituciones públicas

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es presentar la antigüedad laboral en la Alcaldía Municipal de Juigalpa Chontales durante el año 2019. Como objetivos específicos, conocer diferentes conceptos teóricos sobre la antigüedad como beneficio y como indemnización, distinguir las leyes que amparan el beneficio de la antigüedad laboral en el ámbito internacional y el nacional, demostrando así la satisfacción laboral desde el punto de vista de los colaboradores con antigüedad laboral. Este estudio es descriptivo, elaborado bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, aplicando el instrumento, encuesta a 25 colaboradores, con una población de 302, con una lista de 10 preguntas cerradas las cuales permitieron conocer la satisfacción que tienen los colaboradores sobre el beneficio de la antigüedad laboral, los pasos de la investigación se realizaron con un orden lógico y ordenado. Hemos concluido de acuerdo a la investigación realizada, que la antigüedad laboral no es más que el tiempo que un colaborador trabaja en una institución o empresa, por consiguiente, se estudió de manera internacional, la ley orgánica del trabajo (LOT) y nacionalmente, la ley del Código del Trabajo 185 y la ley de Carrera Administrativa Municipal 502 con la protección del beneficio de la antigüedad y cómo se le aplica al colaborador. Este beneficio es de suma importancia para cálculos de indemnización al colaborador; y en el aspecto económico se presenta como un porcentaje más en el salario, el cual incrementa por cada año, iniciando después de un año de laborar con contrato indeterminado, brindando hasta un 20% de antigüedad

    A prehistoric jade axe from Galicia (Northwestern Iberia): Researching its origin

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    The Vilapedre axe (Lugo, Northwest Iberia) has been traditionally considered by archaeologists as evidence of prehistoric long-distance contacts along the Atlantic Coast of France and Spain. This artefact - as other “Tumiac type” axes (long polished blades, generally butt-perforated) - would have been produced in Brittany during the Neolithic (5th millennium BCE) using jadeitite as raw material, a green-coloured rock for which there are sources in the western Italian Alps. In this paper, we have traced the possible archaeological origin of this artefact back by examining the personal files of one of its first owners, Santiago de la Iglesia. Furthermore, we have conducted a mineralogical (X-Ray Diffraction, XRD) and an elemental analysis (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Detection, SEM-EDX) of both the Vilapedre axe and geological samples from several places at the Alps where prehistoric quarrying of greenstones has been reported. The aims were physicochemically characterizing the axe to provide information about its possible geological source. During our analyses, we have found significant compositional similarities between the Vilapedre axe and one of the geological samples coming from the Alps (Alp06). The results are therefore consistent with the alleged Alpine origin of this artefact. The presence of this axe in Northwest Spain, together with other evidence, such as the presence of objects of Iberian origin in Breton monuments, strongly suggests the existence of contacts between both regions of the Atlantic façade during the Neolithic onwards in which seafaring would undoubtedly have played an important role.El hacha de Vilapedre (Lugo, Noroeste de la Península Ibérica) ha sido tradicionalmente considerada por los arqueólogos como una evidencia de contactos a lo largo de la costa atlántica de Francia y España durante la Prehistoria Reciente. Esta pieza, al igual que otros ejemplares "tipo Tumiac" (láminas pulidas, generalmente perforadas en el talón), se habría producido en Bretaña durante el Neolítico (5º Milenio aC) utilizando jadeitita como materia prima, una roca de color verde cuyas fuentes se localizan en los Alpes italianos occidentales. En este trabajo, hemos realizado un análisis mineralógico (Difracción de rayos X, DRX) y otro elemental (Microscopía electrónica de barrido con detección de rayos X por dispersión de energía, SEM-EDX), tanto de la pieza mencionada como de muestras geológicas alpinas tomadas en lugares con indicios de extracción en época prehistórica. Los objetivos son caracterizar fisicoquímicamente el hacha a fin de obtener información sobre sus posibles fuentes geológicas. Los resultados son consistentes con un origen alpino de la materia prima empleada en la fabricación del hacha de Vilapedre

    “I felt like I had been put on the shelf and forgotten about” – lasting lessons about the impact of COVID-19 on people affected by rarer dementias

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    Background: The public health measures imposed in many countries to contain the spread of COVID-19 resulted in significant suspensions in the provision of support and care for people with dementia. The negative effects of these measures have been extensively reported. However, little is known about the specific impact on people with young onset, non-memory-led and inherited dementias. This group may have experienced different challenges compared to those with late onset dementia given their non-memory phenotypes and younger age. We explored the impact of the first COVID-19 lockdown on people living with familial Alzheimer’s disease, behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia, familial frontotemporal dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, posterior cortical atrophy and primary progressive aphasia and their carers in the UK and their self-reported strategies for coping.// Methods: This was a mixed methods study. An online survey was administered to people with dementia and family carers recruited via Rare Dementia Support. Free-text responses were analysed using framework analysis to identify key issues and themes.// Results: 184 carers and 24 people with dementia completed the survey. Overall, people with dementia experienced worsening of cognitive symptoms (70%), ability to do things (62%), well-being (57%) and changes to medication (26%) during lockdown. Carers reported a reduction in the support they received (55%) which impacted their own mental health negatively. Qualitative analysis of free-text responses shed light on how the disruption to routines, changes to roles and responsibilities, and widespread disconnection from friends, family and health and social care support varied according to phenotype. These impacts were exacerbated by a more general sense that precious time was being lost, given the progressive nature of dementia. Despite significant challenges, respondents demonstrated resilience and resourcefulness in reporting unexpected positives and strategies for adapting to confinement.// Conclusions: This study has highlighted the specific impacts of the COVID-19 restrictions on people with young onset, non-memory-led and inherited dementias, including behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia, primary progressive aphasia and posterior cortical atrophy, and their carers. The specific challenges faced according to diagnosis and the self-reported strategies speak to the importance of – and may inform the development of – tailored support for these underrepresented groups more generally

    Infección del Tracto Urinario en el niño.

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    The urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most frequent infections in children.  It affects 2.6% and 3.4% of children each year, and its diagnosis and treatment provoke a high economic cost. However, it is not easy to diagnose a UTI because the clinic, especially in children under two years old, uses to be unespecific. Although the uroculture is the  reference diagnosis method,  the difficulties for the picking up and delay of the results demands for empirical diagnosis, considering the clinical data and results of the parameters of urine samples. It was performed a descriptive research of bibliographic revision about urinary tract infections, with the objective to know the main characteristics of this disease through its definition, physiopathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment. As conclusion it can be said that physiopathology and the main clinical manifestations vary by age and germs characteristics. To establish the diagnosis we based upon the direct and indirect methods and the treatment depends on the topographic place of the infection and the patient risk according to the risk level of each patient.La Infección del Tracto Urinario (ITU) es una de las infecciones más frecuentes en la infancia. Se estima que afecta entre el 2,6% y el 3,4% de los niños cada año, ocasionando su diagnóstico y tratamiento un elevado costo económico. Sin embargo, no es fácil diagnosticar una ITU ya que la clínica sobre todo en menores de dos años, suele ser inespecífica. Aunque el urocultivo es el método diagnóstico de referencia, las dificultades para su recogida y la demora de su resultado obligan a menudo a establecer un diagnóstico empírico, considerando los datos clínicos y los resultados de los parámetros de los análisis de orina. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo revisión bibliográfica sobre las Infecciones del tracto Urinario, con el objetivo de conocer las principales características de esta enfermedad, a través de su definición, fisiopatología, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Teniendo como conclusiones que la fisiopatología y las principales manifestaciones clínicas varían con la edad y las características del germen, para establecer el diagnóstico nos basamos en métodos directos e indirectos y el tratamiento depende de la localización topográfica de la infección y del riesgo del paciente, de acuerdo al grado de riesgo de cada paciente

    "Better Living with Non-memory-led Dementia": protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a web-based caregiver educational programme

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    BACKGROUND: Non-memory-led dementias such as posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) are low prevalent and often affect individuals under the age of 65. Tailored educational and support resources for caregivers of people living with these dementia phenotypes are scarce and unevenly distributed geographically. Web-based educational programmes are emerging as promising alternatives to improve caregiver self-efficacy and well-being. Here, we present the protocol of a study aiming to assess the feasibility of a co-produced online educational programme for caregivers of people living PCA, PPA and bvFTD: the Better Living with Non-memory-led Dementia programme. METHODS: A randomised controlled feasibility trial will be conducted on a sample of 30 caregivers of people living with PCA, PPA and bvFTD. Participants will be recruited among members of the support organisation Rare Dementia Support (based at UCL in the UK). The intervention group will be given access to an 8-week co-produced web-based educational programme consisting of 6 modules addressing education about PCA, PPA and bvFTD and support strategies for the person with dementia and for the caregiver. The control group will receive treatment as usual (TAU). Feasibility will be measured through feasibility of recruitment, clinical measurement tools and acceptability. Clinical measures will be used to assess preliminary efficacy and data on completion rates, missing data and variability used to decide on measures to be included in a full-scale trial. Allocation ratio will be 2:1 (intervention:control) stratified by diagnosis. Feasibility of recruitment and acceptability will be assessed. Clinical measures will be administered at baseline and 8-week and 3-month post-randomisation. The control group will be offered access to the intervention at the completion of data collection. Participants will be unblinded, and all measures will be self-reported online. DISCUSSION: Online-delivered educational programmes show potential for improving care competency of caregivers and may contribute to overcoming geographical inequalities in local provision of support services. This pilot study will inform a fully powered international trial to determine the effectiveness of Better Living with Non-memory-led Dementia. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This trial has been registered prospectively on the Clinical Trials Registry on 1st September 2022, registration number NCT05525377

    Better Living with Non‑memory‑led Dementia: protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a web‑based caregiver educational programme

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    Abstract Background Non-memory-led dementias such as posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) are low prevalent and often affect individuals under the age of 65. Tailored educational and support resources for caregivers of people living with these dementia phenotypes are scarce and unevenly distributed geographically. Web-based educational programmes are emerging as promising alternatives to improve caregiver self-efficacy and well-being. Here, we present the protocol of a study aiming to assess the feasibility of a co-produced online educational programme for caregivers of people living PCA, PPA and bvFTD: the Better Living with Non-memory-led Dementia programme. Methods A randomised controlled feasibility trial will be conducted on a sample of 30 caregivers of people living with PCA, PPA and bvFTD. Participants will be recruited among members of the support organisation Rare Dementia Support (based at UCL in the UK). The intervention group will be given access to an 8-week co-produced web-based educational programme consisting of 6 modules addressing education about PCA, PPA and bvFTD and support strategies for the person with dementia and for the caregiver. The control group will receive treatment as usual (TAU). Feasibility will be measured through feasibility of recruitment, clinical measurement tools and acceptability. Clinical measures will be used to assess preliminary efficacy and data on completion rates, missing data and variability used to decide on measures to be included in a full-scale trial. Allocation ratio will be 2:1 (intervention:control) stratified by diagnosis. Feasibility of recruitment and acceptability will be assessed. Clinical measures will be administered at baseline and 8-week and 3-month post-randomisation. The control group will be offered access to the intervention at the completion of data collection. Participants will be unblinded, and all measures will be self-reported online. Discussion Online-delivered educational programmes show potential for improving care competency of caregivers and may contribute to overcoming geographical inequalities in local provision of support services. This pilot study will inform a fully powered international trial to determine the effectiveness of Better Living with Non-memory-led Dementia. Trial registration This trial has been registered prospectively on the Clinical Trials Registry on 1st September 2022, registration number NCT05525377

    Quantitative informant- and self-reports of subjective cognitive decline predict amyloid beta PET outcomes in cognitively unimpaired individuals independently of age and APOE ε4

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    Introduction: Amyloid beta (Aβ) pathology is an Alzheimer's disease early hallmark. Here we assess the value of longitudinal self- and informant reports of cognitive decline to predict Aβ positron emission tomography (PET) outcome in cognitively unimpaired middle-aged individuals. Methods: A total of 261 participants from the ALFA+ study underwent [18F]flutemetamol PET and Subjective Cognitive Decline Questionnaire (SCD-Q) concurrently, and 3 years before scan. We used logistic regressions to evaluate the ability of SCD-Q scores (self and informant) to predict Aβ PET visual read, and repeated analysis of variance to assess whether changes in SCD-Q scores relate to Aβ status. Results: Self-perception of decline in memory (odds ratio [OR] = 1.2), and informant perception of executive decline (OR = 1.6), increased the probability of a positive scan. Informant reports 3 years before scanning predicted Aβ PET outcome. Longitudinal increase of self-reported executive decline was predictive of Aβ in women (P = .003). Discussion: Subjective reports of cognitive decline are useful to predict Aβ and may improve recruitment strategies