210 research outputs found

    Kinetic model of II-VI(001) semiconductor surfaces: Growth rates in atomic layer epitaxy

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    We present a zinc-blende lattice gas model of II-VI(001) surfaces, which is investigated by means of Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. Anisotropic effective interactions between surface metal atoms allow for the description of, e.g., the sublimation of CdTe(001), including the reconstruction of Cd-terminated surfaces and its dependence on the substrate temperature T. Our model also includes Te-dimerization and the potential presence of excess Te in a reservoir of weakly bound atoms at the surface. We study the self-regulation of atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) and demonstrate how the interplay of the reservoir occupation with the surface kinetics results in two different regimes: at high T the growth rate is limited to 0.5 layers per ALE cycle, whereas at low enough T each cycle adds a complete layer of CdTe. The transition between the two regimes occurs at a characteristic temperature and its dependence on external parameters is studied. Comparing the temperature dependence of the ALE growth rate in our model with experimental results for CdTe we find qualitative agreement.Comment: 9 pages (REVTeX), 8 figures (EPS). Content revised, references added, typos correcte

    Sequential chemical extraction and mineralogical bonding of metals from Styrian soils

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data processing

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    The available and optimal methods for generating SAR imagery for NASA applications were identified. The SAR image quality and data processing requirements associated with these applications were studied. Mathematical operations and algorithms required to process sensor data into SAR imagery were defined. The architecture of SAR image formation processors was discussed, and technology necessary to implement the SAR data processors used in both general purpose and dedicated imaging systems was addressed

    Interplay of Strain Relaxation and Chemically Induced Diffusion Barriers: Nanostructure Formation in 2D Alloys

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    We study the formation of nanostructures with alternating stripes composed of bulk-immiscible adsorbates during submonolayer heteroepitaxy. We evaluate the influence of two mechanisms considered in the literature: (i) strain relaxation by alternating arrangement of the adsorbate species, and (ii) kinetic segregation due to chemically induced diffusion barriers. A model ternary system of two adsorbates with opposite misfit relative to the substrate, and symmetric binding is investigated by off-lattice as well as lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. We find that neither of the mechanisms (i) or (ii) alone can account for known experimental observations. Rather, a combination of both is needed. We present an off-lattice model which allows for a qualitative reproduction of stripe patterns as well as island ramification in agreement with recent experimental observations for CoAg/Ru(0001) [R. Q. Hwang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 4757 (1996)]. The quantitative dependencies of stripe width and degree of island ramification on the misfit and interaction strength between the two adsorbate types are presented. Attempts to capture essential features in a simplified lattice gas model show that a detailed incorporation of non-local effects is required.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Progression of Diet-Induced Diabetes in C57BL6J Mice Involves Functional Dissociation of Ca2+ Channels From Secretory Vesicles

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to elucidate the cellular mechanism underlying the suppression of glucose-induced insulin secretion in mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 15 weeks. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: C57BL6J mice were fed a HFD or a normal diet (ND) for 3 or 15 weeks. Plasma insulin and glucose levels in vivo were assessed by intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test. Insulin secretion in vitro was studied using static incubations and a perfused pancreas preparation. Membrane currents, electrical activity, and exocytosis were examined by patch-clamp technique measurements. Intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) was measured by microfluorimetry. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope (TIRFM) was used for optical imaging of exocytosis and submembrane depolarization-evoked [Ca(2+)](i). The functional data were complemented by analyses of histology and gene transcription. RESULTS: After 15 weeks, but not 3 weeks, mice on HFD exhibited hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia. Pancreatic islet content and beta-cell area increased 2- and 1.5-fold, respectively. These changes correlated with a 20-50% reduction of glucose-induced insulin secretion (normalized to insulin content). The latter effect was not associated with impaired electrical activity or [Ca(2+)](i) signaling. Single-cell capacitance and TIRFM measurements of exocytosis revealed a selective suppression (>70%) of exocytosis elicited by short (50 ms) depolarization, whereas the responses to longer depolarizations were (500 ms) less affected. The loss of rapid exocytosis correlated with dispersion of Ca(2+) entry in HFD beta-cells. No changes in gene transcription of key exocytotic protein were observed. CONCLUSIONS: HFD results in reduced insulin secretion by causing the functional dissociation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) entry from exocytosis. These observations suggest a novel explanation to the well-established link between obesity and diabetes

    Computational capabilities of multilayer committee machines

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    We obtained an analytical expression for the computational complexity of many layered committee machines with a finite number of hidden layers (L < 8) using the generalization complexity measure introduced by Franco et al (2006) IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 17 578. Although our result is valid in the large-size limit and for an overlap synaptic matrix that is ultrametric, it provides a useful tool for inferring the appropriate architecture a network must have to reproduce an arbitrary realizable Boolean function

    The Fastest Flights in Nature: High-Speed Spore Discharge Mechanisms among Fungi

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    BACKGROUND: A variety of spore discharge processes have evolved among the fungi. Those with the longest ranges are powered by hydrostatic pressure and include "squirt guns" that are most common in the Ascomycota and Zygomycota. In these fungi, fluid-filled stalks that support single spores or spore-filled sporangia, or cells called asci that contain multiple spores, are pressurized by osmosis. Because spores are discharged at such high speeds, most of the information on launch processes from previous studies has been inferred from mathematical models and is subject to a number of errors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we have used ultra-high-speed video cameras running at maximum frame rates of 250,000 fps to analyze the entire launch process in four species of fungi that grow on the dung of herbivores. For the first time we have direct measurements of launch speeds and empirical estimates of acceleration in these fungi. Launch speeds ranged from 2 to 25 m s(-1) and corresponding accelerations of 20,000 to 180,000 g propelled spores over distances of up to 2.5 meters. In addition, quantitative spectroscopic methods were used to identify the organic and inorganic osmolytes responsible for generating the turgor pressures that drive spore discharge. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The new video data allowed us to test different models for the effect of viscous drag and identify errors in the previous approaches to modeling spore motion. The spectroscopic data show that high speed spore discharge mechanisms in fungi are powered by the same levels of turgor pressure that are characteristic of fungal hyphae and do not require any special mechanisms of osmolyte accumulation

    Increasing walking in patients with intermittent claudication: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: People with intermittent claudication are at increased risk of death from heart attack and stroke compared to matched controls. Surgery for intermittent claudication is for symptom management and does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Increasing physical activity can reduce claudication symptoms and may improve cardiovascular health. This paper presents the pilot study protocol for a randomised controlled trial to test whether a brief psychological intervention leads to increased physical activity, improvement in quality of life, and a reduction in the demand for surgery, for patients with intermittent claudication. Methods/Design: We aim to recruit 60 patients newly diagnosed with intermittent claudication, who will be randomised into two groups. The control group will receive usual care, and the treatment group will receive usual care and a brief 2-session psychological intervention to modify illness and walking beliefs and develop a walking action plan. The primary outcome will be walking, measured by pedometer. Secondary outcomes will include quality of life and uptake of surgery for symptom management. Participants will be followed up after (a) 4 months, (b) 1 year and (c) 2 years. Discussion: This study will assess the acceptability and efficacy of a brief psychological intervention to increase walking in patients with intermittent claudication, both in terms of the initiation, and maintenance of behaviour change. This is a pilot study, and the results will inform the design of a larger multi-centre trial. Trial Registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN2805187

    T-cell metagene predicts a favorable prognosis in estrogen receptor-negative and HER2-positive breast cancers

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    Introduction: Lymphocyte infiltration (LI) is often seen in breast cancer but its importance remains controversial. A positive correlation of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) amplification and LI has been described, which was associated with a more favorable outcome. However, specific lymphocytes might also promote tumor progression by shifting the cytokine milieu in the tumor. Methods: Affymetrix HG-U133A microarray data of 1,781 primary breast cancer samples from 12 datasets were included. The correlation of immune system-related metagenes with different immune cells, clinical parameters, and survival was analyzed. Results: A large cluster of nearly 600 genes with functions in immune cells was consistently obtained in all datasets. Seven robust metagenes from this cluster can act as surrogate markers for the amount of different immune cell types in the breast cancer sample. An IgG metagene as a marker for B cells had no significant prognostic value. In contrast, a strong positive prognostic value for the T-cell surrogate marker (lymphocyte-specific kinase (LCK) metagene) was observed among all estrogen receptor (ER)-negative tumors and those ER-positive tumors with a HER2 overexpression. Moreover ER-negative tumors with high expression of both IgG and LCK metagenes seem to respond better to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Conclusions: Precise definitions of the specific subtypes of immune cells in the tumor can be accomplished from microarray data. These surrogate markers define subgroups of tumors with different prognosis. Importantly, all known prognostic gene signatures uniformly assign poor prognosis to all ER-negative tumors. In contrast, the LCK metagene actually separates the ER-negative group into better or worse prognosis