33 research outputs found

    Surukonferenssi yhdistää surujärjestöt, alan ammattilaiset ja tutkijat

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    Isien identiteetti lapsen kuoleman jälkeen: Osatutkimus I & II

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    The purpose of the research was to describe the identity of fathers after the death of their child and to assess the effects of the support intervention on the fathers’ personal growth. The research consisted of two parts. In Part I, The sample consisted of eight fathers who had lost a child. The data were collected using an open-ended questionnaire and interviews. The data were analysed using inductive qualitative content analysis. In Part II, the study participants were grieving fathers (intervention group N = 62 and control group N = 41) whose child has died at the age of three years and younger (including perinatal deaths at 22 weeks gestation or fetuses over 500 g) and whose child has died in a university hospital (N = 5) in Finland. The data were collected from the fathers using a questionnaire which consisted of background variables and the variables of the personal growth dimension (12) of the Hogan Grief Reactions Checklist (HGRC). A statistical method was used to analyse the data. The fathers experienced negative and positive changes in their identity after the death of their child that focused on their self, spirituality, values, life, and social relations. The support intervention had a positive effect on the fathers’ personal growth in the intervention group. The personal growth of fathers in the intervention group was stronger compared to fathers in the control group who received routine support from the hospital after hospitalization, and the difference was statistically significant. In conclusion, the death of a child will change a father’s identity and social support can increase a father’s positive personal growth.

    Kirjallisuuskatsaus: Vanhempien selviytymistä edistävät ja estävät tekijät lapsen kuoleman jälkeen

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    A literature Review: Factors that promote and prevent the coping of parents with a child’s death The purpose of this literature review is to describe factors that promote and prevent the coping of parents with the death of their child from the parents’ point of view. The aim of the study is to get such knowledge of the parents’ coping that can be used in the development of nursing practice. The data consists of scientific, peer-reviewed articles (n=20) that were analysed with inductive content analysis. Good treatment of the child’s disease and facing the child’s death, social support after the child’s death, and active grieving were factors that promoted the parents’ coping. Factors preventing the parents from coping were the unsatisfactory treatment of the child’s disease and facing the child’s death, missing or inconvenient social support after the child’s death, and clinging to the grief. This literature review provides knowledge of the coping of parents to all who face a child’s death. Challenges for the future are developing practice that takes parents` needs into consideration, developing different forms of social support, and developing interventions that promote parents` active grieving.

    Äideille tarjottu tuki sikiöperusteisessa raskaudenkeskeytysprosessissa

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata äitien saamaa tukea sikiöperusteisessa raskaudenkeskeytysprosessissa. Tavoitteena on saada tietoa äitien saamasta tuesta, jotta heidän tuen saantiaan voidaan parantaa ja kehittää. Tutkimukseen osallistuneilla (n=33) tuli olla omakohtainen kokemus sikiöperusteisesta raskaudenkeskeytyksestä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin suljetuissa verkkoyhteisöissä elektronisella kyselylomakkeella. Kyselylomake sisälsi taustakysymyksiä sekä avokysymyksen äitien saamasta tuesta sikiöperusteisessa raskaudenkeskeytysprosessissa. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin kuvailevilla tilastollisilla menetelmillä ja induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Tulokset osoittivat, että äidit saivat puolisoltaan myötäelämistä, läheisiltään vahvistavaa tukea, työyhteisöltään kannattelevaa tukea ja vertaisiltaan yhteisöllistä tukea sikiöperusteisessa raskaudenkeskeytysprosessissa. Lisäksi äidit saivat sikiötutkimusyksikön ammattilaisilta asiantuntevaa hoitoa, hoitohenkilökunnalta sensitiivistä hoitoa, sairaalapastoreilta hengellistä tukea, neuvola-ammattilaisilta emotionaalista tukea ja mielenterveyden ammattilaisilta psyykkistä tukea. Äideille tulisi turvata yhdenmukaisesti moniammatillinen ja asiantunteva hoito prosessin aikana. Diagnoosin havaitsemisen jälkeen äitien tulisi saada riittävästi tiedollista tukea ja äidit tulisi ohjata psyykkisen tuen piiriin. Äitejä tulisi aktiivisesti ohjata myös vertaistuen piiriin. Ammattilaisten tulisi kohdata äidit empaattisesti ja ymmärtävästi hoitaessaan äitejä prosessin eri vaiheissa. Raskaudenkeskeytyksen jälkeen ammattilaisten tulisi turvata äideille yhtenäinen jatkohoito sairaalassa ja turvata kotiutuksen jälkeinen psyykkinen tuki

    (Re-)Opening an encounter in the virtual world of Second Life:on types of joint presence in avatar interaction

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    Abstract This study explores how ‘gatherings’ turn into ‘encounters’ in a virtu­al world (VW) context. Most communication technologies enable only focused encounters between distributed participants, but in VWs both gatherings and encounters can occur. We present close sequential analysis of moments when after a silent gathering, inter­action among participants in a VW is gradually resumed, and also investigate the social actions in the verbal (re-)opening turns. Our findings show that like in face-to-face situations, also in VWs partici­pants often use different types of embodied resources to achieve the transition, rather than rely on verbal means only. However, the tran­sition process in VWs has distinctive characteristics compared to the one in face-to-face situations. We discuss how participants in a VW use virtually embodied pre-beginnings to display what we call encounter-readiness, instead of displaying lack of presence by avatar stillness. The data comprise 40 episodes of video-recorded team in­teractions in a VW