576 research outputs found

    Dil Öğretimi Ders Kitaplarında Eylem Odaklı Yaklaşımın Uygulanması

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    DergiPark: 656990tredİlk kez ADOÇP (Avrupa Dilleri Ortak Çerçeve Programı) tarafından tanıtılan ve daha sonra Puren (2004, 2014a, 2014b, 2014c, 2009, 2017, 2018, 2019) tarafından geliştirilen eylem odaklı yaklaşım dil öğretimi için yeni bir hedef belirlemiştir: bir sosyal aktörün eğitimi. Dil öğretimi ders kitaplarında bu amacın nasıl başarılacağı henüz yabancı dil öğretim alanında derinlemesine ele alınması gereken bir konudur. Bu çalışma, iki dil öğretimi ders kitabının, Türkiye’de kullanılan ‘Count Me In’ ve Fransa’da kullanılan ‘Version Originale 4’, içindeki iki nihai görevin (5. ve 7. ünitelerdeki) iletişimsel görevlerin özelliklerini mi yoksa küçük projelerin özelliklerini mi yansıttığını ortaya çıkarmayı hedeflemektedir. ‘Count Me In’ ders kitabındaki nihai görevlerin küçük projelerin özelliklerini yansıtmadığı, ‘Version Originale 4’ ders kitabındaki nihai görevlerin ise bu özellikleri yansıttığı ve dolayısı ile eylem odaklı yaklaşımın ilkeleriyle uyumlu olduğu tespit edilmiştir.The action-oriented approach first introduced by the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and developed later by Puren, (2004, 2014a, 2014b, 2014c, 2009, 2017, 2018, 2019) set a new goal for language teaching: training of a social actor. How to achieve this goal in language textbooks is yet to be dealt with in dept in the foreign language teaching field. This study aims to find out whether two final tasks (those of unit 5 and unit 7) in two language textbooks, ‘Count Me In’ (B2 level) used in Turkey and ‘Version Originale 4’ (B2 level) used in France reflect the characteristics of communicative tasks or mini-projects. It is found that the final tasks in ‘Count Me In’ do not reflect the characteristics of the mini-projects while the final tasks in ‘Version Originale 4’ reflect these characteristics and hence more in line with the principles of the action-oriented approach

    The Clash of Religious Feelings and Provocative Speech: Recent Strasbourg Case Law on Blasphemy

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    In his master's thesis, Ahmet Serhat Acar examines the balance between freedom of expression and religious sensitivities, focusing on the issue of blasphemy in European law. This study critically analyzes the European Court of Human Rights' fluctuating stance on these fundamental human rights, revealing the complexities and inconsistencies in legal precedents


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    The goal of training social actors in language teaching set by CEFR (CoE, 2001) (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) has shifted the ultimate goal of language teaching from training successful communicators to training social actors who have the ability to carry out social actions in and/or outside the classroom, which gave rise to a new approach called the action-oriented approach (AoA) in language teaching. One of the unique characteristics of the AoA is that it combines or blends the previous methodological matrices in coherence and synergy. While there are different definitions of blended learning in the literature, this article focuses on one version of blended learning, which is combining or blending different methodologies within the framework of the action-oriented approach (AoA).  Article visualizations

    Experimental Generation of Carcinoma-Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs) from Human Mammary Fibroblasts

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    Carcinomas are complex tissues comprised of neoplastic cells and a non-cancerous compartment referred to as the 'stroma'. The stroma consists of extracellular matrix (ECM) and a variety of mesenchymal cells, including fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, endothelial cells, pericytes and leukocytes(1-3)

    How could multimedia information about dental implant surgery effects patients? anxiety level?

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    To evaluate the effects of different patient education techniques on patients? anxiety levels before and after dental implant surgery. Sixty patients were randomized into three groups; each contained 20 patients; [group 1, basic information given verbally, with details of operation and recovery; group 2 (study group), basic information given verbally with details of operative procedures and recovery, and by watching a movie on single implant surgery]; and a control group [basic information given verbally ?but it was devoid of the details of the operative procedures and recovery?]. Anxiety levels were assessed using the Spielberger?s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS). Pain was assessed with a visual analog scale (VAS). The most significant changes were observed in the movie group (P < 0.05). Patients who were more anxious also used more analgesic medication. Linear regression analysis showed that female patients had higher levels of anxiety (P < 0.05). Preoperative multimedia information increases anxiety level

    Ahmed Azmi Efendi'nin H. 1205/m. 1790-91 tarihli sefaretnamesi ile Seyyid Mehmed Vahid Efendi'nin H. 1221/m. 1806-07 tarihli sefaretnamesinin karşılaştırması ve değerlendirilmesi

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    Osmanlı Devleti özelikle 17. yüzyılın sonları ve 18. yüzyıl boyunca yapılan savaşlarda toprak kayıpları yaşaması ile birlikte, yeniden eski gücüne kavuşmak için arayış içerisine girmiştir. İlk arayışlar genel olarak eski düzene döneme arzusu içerisinde olsa da daha sonra ki dönemlerde batının takip edilmesi gerektiği farkına varılmıştır. Özellikle III. Selim'in tahta çıkması ile birlikte Nizâm-ı Cedîd hareketi önemli bir batılılaşma aşamasını teşkil etmiştir. Bu yenilik hareketleri içerisinde hiç şüphe yok ki Fransa Devleti'nin de önemli katkıları vardır. Osmanlı Devleti bu dönemde diplomasiye önem vermiş ve elçilik faaliyetlerinde bulunmuştur. III. Selim döneminde başlatılan modernleşme hareketleri içerisinde daimi elçilik faaliyetleri, Prusya Devleti ve Fransa Devleti nezdinde de gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu görev için H. 1205/M. 1790-91 yılında Ahmed Azmi Efendi Prusya kralı ikinci Frederik Giyom'un nezdine memur olarak görevlendirilmiştir. Seyyid Mehmed Vahid Efendi'nin Fransa sefaretnamesi ise H. 1221/ M. 1806-07 yılında Fransa İmparatoru Napolyon Bonapart nezdine memur olduğu yılları kapsamaktadır. Çalışmamız üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde Osmanlı dış politikasında sefaretnameler, III. Selim dönemi ve Prusya-Fransa ülkelerinin tarihsel geçmişi yer alırken, ikinci bölümde Fransa ve Prusya Sefaretnamelerinin özellikleri yer almaktadır. Üçüncü bölümde ise Ahmed Azmi Efendi ve Seyyid Mehmed Vahid Efendi'nin sefaretnamelerinin benzer ve farklı yönleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Araştırmamız kapsamında elde edilen bilgiler incelenmiş olup H. 1205/M. 1790-91/H. 1221/M. 1806-7 yılları arasında Osmanlı- Prusya ve Osmanlı- Fransa ilişkileri aydınlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Böylece hem Ahmed Azmi Efendi'nin hem de Seyyid Mehmed Vahid Efendi'nin elçilik görevleri süresince sadece bulundukları devlet ile ilgili değil, diğer Avrupa Devletleri'nin gerek kendi aralarında gerekse Osmanlı Devleti ile ilgili ilişkileri konusunda da önemli bilgiler aktarılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Osmanlı Devleti, Prusya, Fransa, Diplomasi, Elçilik ve Sefaretname.Ottoman Empire loses lands in the battles which occured especially at the end of 17th century and in 18th. Century so it sets off on a request to attai to its old power. Firstly, the wish of return to is available, then it is realized that the West must be chased. Wiht III. Selim's ascending the throne, Nizam-ı Cedid Movement organizes an important westernization stage. In this period, Ottoman Empire attaches imporcance to diplomacy and is angaged in legateship operation. One of the modernization movements which are started in III. Selim period is permanent legateship operation and it is implemented in the presence of Prussia and France Governments. Fort his task, Ahmed Azmi Efendi is commissioned as offical by Prussia King II. Frederic Giyom in 1205. As for Seyyid Vahis Efendi's France Embassy, it is inclusive of the years of his tenancy in the presence of France Emperor Napolyon Bonapart. Our study is forned three partts. In the first part, embassies on Ottoman Empires foreign policy, III.Selim period and the historical developments of Prussia and France take part. In the second part, the properties of France and Prussia embassies and the lives of ambassadors take part. In the third part, it is put emphasis an the an similarities and the differences between embassies of Ahmed Azmi Efendi and Seyyid Mehmed Vahid Efendi. The knowledges which we reached enlighten to Ottoman- Prussia and Ottoman- France contacts. Both Ahmed Azmi Efendi and Seyyid Mehmed Vahid Efendi relay information about not only countries which they stayed but also the relation in itself and contact with Ottoman Empire during their tenancy. Key Words: Ottoman Empire, Prussia, France, Diplomacy, Legateship The Embassy

    Low Voltage Battery Management System With Internal Adaptive Charger and Fuzzy Logic Controller

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    Lithium ion (Li-Ion) and lithium polymer (Li-Po) batteries need to be used within certain voltage/current limits. Failure to observe these limits may result in damage to the battery. In this work, we propose a low voltage battery management system (LV-BMS) that balances the processes of the battery cells in the battery pack and the activating-deactivating of cells by guaranteeing that the operation is within these limits. The system operates autonomously and provides energy from the internal battery. It has a modular structure and the software is designed to control the charging and discharging of eight battery cells at most. A STM32F103 microcontroller is used for system control. The fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is used to set the discharge voltage limit to prevent damage to the battery cells, shorten the settlement time and create a specialized design for charge control. The proposed structure enables solar panel or power supplies with di erent voltage values between 5 V and 8 V to be used for charging. The experimental results show there was a 42% increase in usage time and the voltage di erence between the batteries was limited to a maximum of 65 mV. Moreover, the charge current settles at about 20 ms, which is a much faster response when compared to a PID controller

    Determinants of liquidity in commercial banks: evidence from the Turkish banking sector

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    Liquidity management has an important place in the asset and liability management of banks. The aim of this study is to empirically investigate the intra-bank and macroeconomic factors that affect liquidity in 20 Turkish commercial banks. Financial data of commercial banks operating in the 2002- 2022 period and macroeconomic data for the same period are taken into account. In the panel data analysis where liquidity ratios liquid asset ratio (LAR), acid-test ratio (ATR) and current ratio (CR) were taken as dependent variables, a negative relationship between liquidity ratios and deposits to liabilities ratio (DR), financial asset ratio (FAR), fixed asset ratio (FIXR), economic growth rate (gross domestic products - GDP), central bank interest rate (INT), loans to assets ratio (LR), net interest margin (NIM), non-performing loans ratio (NPL); a positive correlation with liquidity ratios and equity ratio (equities to assets ratio, CAP), inflation rate (INF), natural logarithm of asset size (TA), foreign exchange rate (XR) was found. In the study, no statistically significant relationship was found between foreign exchange liquidity ratio (FXLR) and liquidity ratios. Despite its profitabilityreducing effect, banks need to manage their liquidity sensitively and effectively in order to maintain the trust of customers and market, especially during crisis periods