53 research outputs found

    Psychometric validation of the German translation of the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) and Quality of Life in Reflux and Dyspepsia (QOLRAD) questionnaire in patients with reflux disease

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    BACKGROUND: Symptoms of heartburn has an impact on health-related quality of life (HRQL). When a questionnaire is translated into a new language, a linguistic validation is necessary but not sufficient unless the psychometric characteristics have been verified. The aim is to document the psychometric characteristics of the German translation of the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) and Quality of Life in Reflux and Dyspepsia (QOLRAD) questionnaire. METHODS: 142 patients with symptoms of heartburn (Age: M = 47.5, ± 14.6; Males = 44.4%) completed the German translation of GSRS, the QOLRAD, the Short-Form-36 (SF-36) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale. RESULTS: The internal consistency reliability of GSRS ranged from 0.53–0.91 and of QOLRAD from 0.90–0.94, respectively. The test-retest reliability of GSRS ranged from 0.49–0.73 and of QOLRAD from 0.70–0.84. The relevant domains of the GSRS and QOLRAD domain scores significantly correlated. GSRS domains of Abdominal Pain and Constipation correlated (negatively) with most of the domains of the SF-36. The relevant QOLRAD domains significantly correlated with all SF-36 domains. CONCLUSIONS: The psychometric characteristics of the German translation of GSRS and QOLRAD were found to be good, with satisfactory reliability and validity. The reliability of the GSRS Abdominal Pain domain was moderate

    Application of a multispecies probiotic reduces gastro-intestinal discomfort and induces microbial changes after colonoscopy

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    Even after decades of research and pharmaceutical development, cancer is still one of the most common causes of death in the western population and the management of cancer will remain a major challenge of medical research. One of the most common types of cancer is colorectal cancer (CRC). Prevention by detection of early-stage precursors is the most reliable method to prevent CRC development. In dependence of age, familial predisposition, and other risk factors the preventative routine screening for CRC by colonoscopy should be performed at least twice in intervals of about ten years. Although colonoscopy is a life-saving clinical examination reducing both incidence and mortality of CRC significantly, it has still a bad reputation in the population as an uncomfortable procedure with unpleasant side effects lasting sometimes over days to weeks. These effects are most likely caused by the bowel preparation before colonoscopy, which is crucial for a successful colonoscopy with high quality. Beside pain, bleeding and other rare but severe complications of colonoscopy, cleaning of the intestinal mucosa alters the gut microbiome significantly and consistently. Abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, bloating, and constipation are common adverse events which can continue to affect patients for days or even weeks after the procedure. In this multicenter, placebo controlled, double blind clinical trial, we investigated the effect of an intervention with a multispecies probiotic formulation for 30 days on the adverse events due to bowel preparation. We show that the treatment of participants with the multispecies probiotic formulation decreases the number of days with constipation significantly, and reduced pain, bloating, diarrhea, and general discomfort. 16S based amplicon analyses reveal recovery of administered probiotic strains from stool samples and differences in alpha diversity dynamics with higher variability in the probiotic group compared to the placebo group. In conclusion, the probiotic ameliorates the side effects after colonoscopy and might be an important supplement to increase acceptance of this life-saving preventative examination. Further, we present here for the first time that probiotic intervention of only 30 days affects alpha diversity parameters in stool samples

    Budesonide as induction therapy for incomplete microscopic colitis: A randomised, placebo‐controlled multicentre trial

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    Background and aims: Incomplete microscopic colitis (MCi) is a subtype of microscopic colitis (MC). Budesonide is recommended as a first-line treatment for MC. However, randomised trials on efficacy of treatment in MCi are missing. We therefore performed a randomised, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate budesonide as induction therapy for MCi. Methods: Patients with active MCi were randomly assigned to either budesonide 9 mg once daily or placebo for 8 weeks in a double-blind, double-dummy design. The primary endpoint was clinical remission, defined as a mean of <3 stools/day and a mean of <1 watery stool/day in the 7 days before week 8. Results: Due to insufficient patient recruitment, the trial was discontinued prematurely. The intention-to-treat analysis included 44 patients (21 budesonide and 23 placebo). The primary endpoint of clinical remission at week 8 was obtained by 71.4% on budesonide and 43.5% on placebo (p = 0.0582). All clinical secondary endpoints were in favour of budesonide. Budesonide decreased the number of soft or watery stools (16.3 vs. 7.7, p = 0.0186) and improved health-related quality of life for all four dimensions of the short health scale. Adverse events with a suspected relation to study drug were reported in one patient in the budesonide group and two patients in the placebo group. Neither serious nor severe adverse events occurred during the double-blind phase. Conclusions: Budesonide decreased the frequency of soft or watery stools and improved the patients' quality of life significantly in MCi, but the primary endpoint was not met due to the low sample size (type 2 error). Budesonide was safe and well tolerated during the 8-weeks treatment course

    Häufige Magen-Darm-Beschwerden: Management der funktionellen Dyspepsie und des Reizdarm-Syndroms in der Praxis

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    Funktionelle Dyspepsie (FD) und Reizdarm-Syndrom (RDS), zwei häufige gastro-intestinale Entitäten mit überlappenden Symptomen, sollten nach den Rom-IV-Kriterien diagnostiziert werden. Dabei handelt es sich um eines oder mehrere der folgenden Symptome: bei FD um postprandiales Völlegefühl, frühes Sättigungsgefühl, Schmerzen oder Brennen epigastral; bei RDS um rezidivierende abdominale Schmerzen jeweils assoziiert mit Defäkation, Veränderungen der Stuhlfrequenz oder der Stuhlform. Zum Ausschluss struktureller Krankheiten ist auf Alarmsymptome zu achten. Für die Therapie bewährt sich bei beiden Krankheiten ein Stufenschema. Stufe 1: Arzt-Patienten-Gespräch mit Erläuterung von Diagnose und Prognose sowie Klärung der Therapieziele; Optimierung des Lebensstils; Einsatz von Phytotherapeutika; Stufe 2: Symptomorientierte Medikamente: bei FD Protonenpumpenhemmer bzw. Prokinetika; bei RDS Spasmolytika, Sekretagoga, Laxanzien, Gallensäurebinder, Antidiarrhoika, Antibiotika, Probiotika; Stufe. 3: viszerale Analgetika (Antidepressiva). // Frequent Gastro-Intestinal Disorders: Management of Functional Dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Clinical Practice Abstract: Functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), two common gastrointestinal entities with overlapping symptoms, should be diagnosed according to Rome IV criteria. This includes one or more of the following symptoms: in FD, postprandial fullness, early satiation, epigastric pain or burning; in IBS, recurrent abdominal pain associated with defecation, change in frequency of stool or form of stool. To exclude structural diseases, attention should be paid to alarm symptoms. As far as treatment is concerned, a stepwise scheme proves to be effective for both diseases. Step 1: doctor-patient discussion with explanation of diagnosis and prognosis as well as clarification of therapy goals; lifestyle adaptations; use of phytotherapeutics; step 2: symptom-oriented medication: for FD, PPIs or prokinetics; for IBS, antispasmodics, secretagogues, laxatives, bile acid sequestrants, antidiarrheals, antibiotics, probiotics; step 3: visceral analgesics (antidepressants)

    Budesonide orodispersible tablets maintain remission in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of patients with eosinophilic esophagitis

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    Background & Aims: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic inflammatory disorder. Swallowed topical-acting corticosteroids are effective in bringing active EoE into remission. However, it is not clear whether these drugs are effective for long-term maintenance of remission. Methods: We performed a double-blind trial to compare the efficacy and safety of 2 dosages of a budesonide orodispersible tablet (BOT) vs placebo in maintaining remission of EoE. Maintenance of remission was defined as absence of clinical and histologic relapse and no premature withdrawal for any reason. Two hundred and four adults with EoE in clinical and histologic remission, from 29 European study sites, were randomly assigned to groups given BOT 0.5 mg twice daily (n = 68), BOT 1.0 mg twice daily (n = 68), or placebo twice daily (n = 68) for up to 48 weeks. Results: At end of treatment, 73.5% of patients receiving BOT 0.5 mg twice daily and 75% receiving BOT 1.0 mg twice daily were in persistent remission compared with 4.4% of patients in the placebo group (P < .001 for both comparisons of BOT with placebo). Median time to relapse in the placebo group was 87 days. The frequency of adverse events was similar in the BOT and placebo groups. Morning serum levels of cortisol were in the normal range at baseline and did not significantly change during treatment. Four patients receiving BOT developed asymptomatic, low serum levels of cortisol. Clinically manifested candidiasis was suspected in 16.2% of patients in the BOT 0.5 mg group and in 11.8% of patients in the BOT 1.0 mg group; all infections resolved with treatment. Conclusions: In a phase 3 trial, up to 48 weeks of treatment with BOT (0.5 mg or 1.0 mg twice daily) was superior to placebo in maintaining remission of EoE. Both dosages were equally effective and well tolerated. EudraCT number; 2014-001485-99; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT02434029

    Efficacy of Budesonide Orodispersible Tablets as Induction Therapy for Eosinophilic Esophagitis in a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Swallowed topical-acting corticosteroids are recommended as first-line therapy for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). Asthma medications not optimized for esophageal delivery are sometimes effective, although given off-label. We performed a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and tolerability of a budesonide orodispersible tablet (BOT), which allows the drug to be delivered to the esophagus in adults with active EoE. METHODS: We performed a double-blind, parallel study of 88 adults with active EoE in Europe. Patients were randomly assigned to groups that received BOT (1 mg twice daily; n = 59) or placebo (n = 29) for 6 weeks. The primary end point was complete remission, based on clinical and histologic factors, including dysphagia and odynophagia severity ≤2 on a scale of 0-10 on each of the 7 days before the end of the double-blind phase and a peak eosinophil count <5 eosinophils/high power field. Patients who did not achieve complete remission at the end of the 6-week double-blind phase were offered 6 weeks of open-label treatment with BOT (1 mg twice daily). RESULTS: At 6 weeks, 58% of patients given BOT were in complete remission compared with no patients given placebo (P < .0001). The secondary end point of histologic remission was achieved by 93% of patients given BOT vs no patients given placebo (P < .0001). After 12 weeks, 85% of patients had achieved remission. Six-week and 12-week BOT administration were safe and well tolerated; 5% of patients who received BOT developed symptomatic, mild candida, which was easily treated with an oral antifungal agent. CONCLUSIONS: In a randomized trial of adults with active EoE, we found that budesonide oral tablets were significantly more effective than placebo in inducing clinical and histologic remission. Eudra-CT number 2014-001485-99; ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT02434029

    Long-term follow-up after complete ablation of Barrett’s esophagus with argon plasma coagulation

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