2,236 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of anti-ulcer actions of Prangos pabularia (L.) in ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats

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    Peptic ulcer disease is the greatest digestive disorder that has increased incidence and recurrence rates across all nations. Prangos pabularia (L.) has been well documented as a folkloric medicinal herb utilized for multiple disease conditions including gastric ulcers. Hence, the target study was investigation the gastro-protection effects of root extracts of Prangos pabularia (REPP) on ethanol-mediated stomach injury in rats. Sprague Dawley rats were clustered in 5 cages: A and B, normal and ulcer control rats pre-ingested with 1 % carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)); C, reference rats had 20 mg/kg omeprazole; D and E, rats pre-supplemented with 250 and 500 mg/kg of REPP, respectively. After one hour, group A was given orally 1 % CMC, and groups B-E were given 100 % ethanol. The ulcer area, gastric acidity, and gastric wall mucus of all stomachs were determined. The gastric tissue homogenates were examined for antioxidant and MDA contents. Moreover, the gastric tissues were analyzed by histopathological and immunohistochemically assays. Acute toxicity results showed lack of any toxic effects or histological changes in rats exposed to 2 and 5 g/kg of REPP ingestion. The ulcer controls had extensive gastric mucosal damage with lower gastric juice and a reduced gastric pH. REPP treatment caused a significant reduction of the ethanol-induced gastric lacerations represented by an upsurge in gastric mucus and gastric wall glycoproteins (increased PAS), a decrease in the gastric acidity, leukocyte infiltration, positively modulated Bax and HSP 70 proteins, consequently lowered ulcer areas. REPP supplementation positively modulated oxidative stress (increased SOD, CAT, PGE2, and reduced MDA) and inflammatory cytokines (decreased serum TNF-α, IL-6, and increased IL-10) levels. The outcomes could be scientific evidence to back-up the folkloric use of A. Judaica as a medicinal remedy for oxidative stress-related disorders (gastric ulcer)

    Pre-publication abstract-only reports compared to full-text manuscripts for randomised controlled trials in inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review

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    Introduction: RCTs of key therapies in IBD are often presented and available as abstracts for significant periods of time prior to full publication, often being employed to make strategic and clinical prescribing decisions. We compared the concordance of pre-publication abstract-only reports and their respective full-text manuscripts. Methods: Pairs of full-text manuscripts and their respective pre-publication abstract-only reports for the same RCT outcomes, at the same timepoint of analysis were included. The RCTs were on treatments for IBD with full-text manuscripts published between 2010-2023. Results: We found 77 pairs of full-text manuscripts and their pre-publication abstract-only reports. There were significant mis-matches in the reporting of; stated planned outcomes (65/77 matched, p<0.001), and primary outcomes reported in their results sections (67/77, p<0.001); trial registrations (34/65, p<0.001); numbers of randomised participants (49/77, p=0.18); participants reaching end of study (21/71, p<0.001); and primary outcome data (40/73, p<0.001). Authors conclusions matched (75/77, p=0.157). Authors did not provide explicit or implied justifications for the absence or non-concordance for any of the above items. Conclusions: Abstract-only reports have consistent issues with both limited reporting of key information and significant differences in data when compared with their later full-text publications. These are not related to further recruitment of patients or word count limitations, and are never explained. As abstracts are often used in guidelines, reviews and stakeholder decision making on prescribing, caution in their use is strongly suggested. Further work is needed to enhance minimum reporting standards in abstract-only works and ensure consistency with final published papers. What is already known on this topic – Data from abstract-only reports of RCTs are often used as evidence sources for clinical and strategic decision-making in IBD. It is not known whether they are up to par for this purpose. What this study adds – Our findings suggest that abstract-only reports are often inconsistent in their reporting, compared with their respective full-text manuscripts, especially in areas such as flow of participants and primary outcome data. These are not related to further recruitment of patients or word count limitations, and are never explained. How this study might affect research, practice or policy – Caution is advised when abstract-only reports are used as evidence sources. Enhanced minimum reporting standards for abstract-only reports need to be employe

    A bitter flavonoid gum from Dorema aucheri accelerate wound healing in rats: Involvement of Bax/HSP 70 and hydroxyprolin mechanisms

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    Background Dorema aucheri gum (DAG) is a bitter flavonoid gum widely used for numerous medicinal purposes including wound recovery. The present work investigates the acute toxicity and wound-healing effects of DAG in excisional skin injury in rats. Materials and methods Sprague Dawley rats (24) were clustered into four groups, each rat had a full-thickness excisional dorsal neck injury (2.00 cm) and addressed with 0.2 mL of the following treatments for 15 days: Group A (vehicle), rats addressed with normal saline; Group B, rats received intrasite gel; C and D, rats addressed with 250 and 500 mg/kg of DAG, respectively. Results The results revealed the absence of any toxic signs in rats who received oral dosages of 2 and 5 g/kg of DAG. Wound healing was significantly accelerated following DAG treatments indicated by smaller open areas and higher wound contraction percentages compared to vehicle rats. Histological evaluation revealed higher fibroblast formation, collagen deposition, and noticeably lower inflammatory cell infiltration in granulated skin tissues of DAG-addressed rats compared to vehicle rats. DAG treatment caused significant modulation of immunohistochemical proteins (decreased Bax and increased HSP 70) and inflammatory mediators (reduced TNF-α, IL-6, and magnified IL-10), which were significantly varied compared to vehicle rats. Moreover, topical DAG treatment led to significant upregulation of the hydroxyproline (HDX) (collagen) and antioxidant content. At the same time, decreased the lipid peroxidation (MDA) levels in healed tissues obtained from DAG-treated rats. Conclusion The present wound contraction by DAG might be linked with the modulatory effect of its phytochemicals (polysaccharides, flavonoids, and phenolic) on the cellular mechanisms, which justify their folkloric use and provokes further investigation as therapeutic drug additives for wound contraction

    Family physicians' utility of social media: a survey comparison among family medicine residents and physicians

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    Introduction: Social media has become ubiquitous and has brought a dramatic change in health services. Little is known about its use by family physicians and residents for personal or professional purpose. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the utility of social media among family medicine residents and consultants. Methods: The collection of data was through the use of a five part questionnaire developed by researchers. The questionnaire was delivered to 70 physicians and 100 residents, out of which 132questionnaires were completed, representing a 78 percent response rate. Results: Our findings demonstrate that there was an overall high use of social media. Females used social media more for general education and professional purposes. Men, by contrast, used it more frequently for personal purposes. The participants in this study appeared to consider social media as having several useful dimensions, such as: enabling them to accomplish job tasks, improve job performance, productivity and more effective patient care when using social media. Conclusions: To date, limited studies have compared social media use among family physicians and residents. This study may serve as an initial step for future studies explaining the pattern of use among physicians

    Orthodontic treatment needs in the western region of Saudi Arabia: a research report

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    BACKGROUND: Evaluation of self perceived and actual need for orthodontic treatment helps in planning orthodontic services and estimating the required resources and man power. In the present study, the perceptive need as evaluated by patients and the actual need to orthodontic treatment, as assessed by orthodontists, were evaluated at two types of dental practices in the city of Jeddah using the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). METHODS: A consecutive sample of 743 adults seeking orthodontic treatment at two different types of dental practices in Jeddah; King Abdulaziz University, Faculty of Dentistry (KAAU) (Free treatment) and two private dental polyclinics (PDP) (Paid treatment), was examined for orthodontic treatment need using the dental health component (DHC) of the IOTN. The self-perceived need for orthodontic treatment was also determined using the aesthetic component (AC) of the IOTN. The IOTN score and the incidence of each variable were calculated statistically. AC and DHC categories were compared using the Chi-Square and a correlation between them was assessed using Spearman's correlation test. AC and DHC were also compared between the two types of dental practices using the Chi-Square. RESULTS: The results revealed that among the 743 patients studied, 60.6% expressed no or slight need for treatment, 23.3% expressed moderate to borderline need and only16.1% thought they needed orthodontic treatment. Comparing these estimates to professional judgments, only 15.2% conformed to little or no need for treatment, 13.2% were assessed as in borderline need and 71.6% were assessed as in need for treatment (p < 0.001). Spearman's correlation test proved no correlation (r = -.045) between the two components. Comparing the AC and the DHC between the KAAU group and PDP group showed significant differences between the two groups (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Patient's perception to orthodontic treatment does not always correlate with professional assessment. The IOTN is a valid screening tool that should be used in orthodontic clinics for better services especially, in health centers that provide free treatment

    Prevalence and demographics of anxiety disorders: a snapshot from a community health centre in Pakistan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The developing world is faced with a high burden of anxiety disorders. The exact prevalence of anxiety disorders in Pakistan is not known. There is a need to develop an evidence base to aid policy development on tackling anxiety and depressive disorders in the country. This is the first pilot study to address the prevalence of anxiety disorders and their association with sociodemographic factors in Pakistan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was conducted among people visiting Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH), a tertiary care facility in Karachi, Pakistan. The point prevalence of anxiety amongst the sample population, which comprised of patients and their attendants, excluding all health care personnel, was assessed using the validated Urdu version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The questionnaire was administered to 423 people. Descriptive statistics were performed for mean scores and proportions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean anxiety score of the population was 5.7 ± 3.86. About 28.3% had borderline or pathological anxiety. The factors found to be independently predicted with anxiety were, female sex (odds ratio (OR) = 2.14, 95% CI 1.36–3.36, p = 0.01); physical illness (OR = 1.67, 95% CI 1.06–2.64, p = 0.026); and psychiatric illness (OR = 1.176, 95% CI 1.0–3.1, p = 0.048). In the final multivariate model, female sex (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 2, 95% CI 1.28–3.22) and physical illness (AOR = 1.56, 95% CI 0.97–2.48) were found to be significant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Further studies via nationally representative surveys need to be undertaken to fully grasp the scope of this emerging public health issue in Pakistan.</p

    Validation of community health worker identification of maternal puerperal sepsis using a clinical diagnostic algorithm in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

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    BACKGROUND: Puerperal sepsis (PP sepsis) is a leading cause of maternal mortality globally. The majority of maternal sepsis cases and deaths occur at home and remain undiagnosed and under-reported. In this paper, we present findings from a nested case-control study in Bangladesh and Pakistan which sought to assess the validity of community health worker (CHW) identification of PP sepsis using a clinical diagnostic algorithm with physician assessment and classification used as the gold standard. METHODS: Up to 300 postpartum women were enrolled in each of the 3 sites 1) Sylhet, Bangladesh (n = 278), 2) Karachi, Pakistan (n = 278) and 3) Matiari, Pakistan (n = 300). Index cases were women with suspected PP Sepsis as diagnosed by CHWs clinical assessment of one or more of the following signs and symptoms: temperature (recorded fever ≥38.1°C, reported history of fever, lower abdominal or pelvic pain, and abnormal or foul-smelling discharge. Each case was matched with 3 control women who were diagnosed by CHWs to have no infection. Cases and controls were assessed by trained physicians using the same algorithm implemented by the CHWs. Using physician assessment as the gold standard, Kappa statistics for reliability and diagnostic validity (sensitivity and specificity) are presented with 95% CI. Sensitivity and specificity were adjusted for verification bias. RESULTS: The adjusted sensitivity and specificity of CHW identification of PP sepsis across all sites was 82% (Karachi: 78%, Matiari: 78%, Sylhet: 95%) and 90% (Karachi: 95%, Matiari: 85%, Sylhet: 90%) respectively. CHW-Physician agreement was highest for moderate and high fever (range across sites: K = 0.84-0.97) and lowest for lower abdominal pain (K = 0.30-0.34). The clinical signs and symptoms for other conditions were reported infrequently, however, the CHW-physician agreement was high for all symptoms except severe headache/ blurred vision (K = 0.13-0.38) and reported "lower abdominal pain without fever" (K = 0.39-0.57). CONCLUSION: In all sites, CHWs with limited training were able to identify signs and symptoms and to classify cases of PP sepsis with high validity. Integrating postpartum infection screening into existing community-based platforms and post-natal visits is a promising strategy to monitor women for PP sepsis - improving delivery of cohesive maternal and child health care in low resource settings

    Antimicrobial activity of sesquiterpene lactones isolated from traditional medicinal plant, Costus speciosus (Koen ex.Retz.) Sm

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Costus speciosus </it>(Koen ex.Retz.) Sm (Costaceae) is an Indian ornamental plant which has long been used medicinally in traditional systems of medicine. The plant has been found to possess diverse pharmacological activities. Rhizomes are used to treat pneumonia, rheumatism, dropsy, urinary diseases, jaundice, skin diseases and leaves are used<b/>to treat mental disorders.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Antibacterial and antifungal activities were tested using Disc diffusion method and Minimum Inhibitory <b>Concentration </b>(MIC). Column chromatography was used to isolate compounds from hexane extract. X-ray crystallography technique and GC-MS analysis were used to identify the compounds</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Antibacterial and antifungal activities were observed in hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts. Hexane extract of <it>C.speciosus </it>showed good activity against tested fungi also. Two sesquiterpenoid compounds were isolated (costunolide and eremanthin) from the hexane extract. Both the compounds did not inhibit the growth of tested bacteria. But, both the compounds inhibited the tested fungi. The compound costunolide showed significant antifungal activity. The MIC values of costunolide were; 62.5 μg/ml against <it>Trichophyton mentagrophytes</it>, 62. μg/ml against <it>T. simii</it>, 31.25 μg/ml against <it>T. rubrum </it>296, 62.5 μg/ml against <it>T. rubrum </it>57, 125 μg/ml against <it>Epidermophyton floccosum</it>, 250 μg/ml against <it>Scopulariopsis </it>sp, 250 μg/ml against <it>Aspergillus niger</it>, 125 μg/ml against <it>Curvulari lunata</it>, 250 μg/ml against <it>Magnaporthe grisea</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Hexane extract showed promising antibacterial and antifungal activity. The isolated compound costunolide showed good antifungal activity.</p

    Synthesis and applications of MOF - derived porous nanostructures

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    Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) represent a class of porous material which is formed by strong bonds between metal ions and organic linkers. By careful selection of constituents, MOFs can exhibit very high surface area, large pore volume, and excellent chemical stability. Research on synthesis, structures and properties of various MOFs has shown that they are promising materials for many applications, such as energy storage, gas storage, heterogeneous catalysis and sensing. Apart from direct use, MOFs have also been used as support substrates for nanomaterials or as sacrificial templates/precursors for preparation of various functional nanostructures. In this review, we aim to present the most recent development of MOFs as precursors for the preparation of various nanostructures and their potential applications in energy-related devices and processes. Specifically, this present survey intends to push the boundaries and covers the literatures from the year 2013 to early 2017, on supercapacitors, lithium-ion batteries, electrocatalysts, photocatalyst, gas sensing, water treatment, solar cells, and carbon dioxide capture. Finally, an outlook in terms of future challenges and potential prospects towards industrial applications are also discussed