597 research outputs found

    Analysis Effect of Profitability, Debt Policy, and Dividends Policy to Corporate Values an Empirical Study from Indonesian Manufacturing Companies

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that affect the value of the company at the companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Factors affecting the value of the company in this study are profitability, debt policy and dividend policy on firm value. The sample in this study is a manufacturing company listed on the Stock Exchange 2010-2012. This study used purposive sampling method. Source data were obtained from published financial statements of the company by the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2010-2012, with a sample size of 30 manufacturing companies. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that only profitability significantly and positively related to firm value, while debt policy and dividend policy has no significant effect on firm value

    The Behaviors of some Counting Functions of ‎g-primes and g-integers as x goes to Infinity‎

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     في هذا البحث نركز على تصرفات الدوال الحسابية الموسعة للأعداد الاولية (x) وللأعداد الصحيحة   (x) وكذلك الرابط بينهما عندما x      . هنا دالة ريمان زيتا    (s) ( =  , (s)  > 1 ), تلعب دورا مهما كرابط بين (x) و   (x) . هذا العمل سيتم من خلال سلوك طريقة العالم بلنزاريو ]بلنزاريو،  1998 [   ليست بالتفاصيل والتي عممت من خلال المعموري ] المعموري ، 2013 [ . بالنهاية سوف نرسم مخططا يحدد العلاقة بين  و  ( حيث  و  هما القوى للحدود الخطأ H1(x)  و H2(x) من (x) و   (x) على التوالي . الغرض من هذا البحث هو تحليل تصرفات (x) و   (x) عندما x      . ملاحظة : من المهم والنافع الاشارة بان جهدنا في هذا البحث ليست تغيير بعض قيم الدوال التي استخدمت في طريقة بلنزاريو حيث ان تغيير اي قيمة مهما كانت صغيرة لإحدى دوال طريقة بلنزاريو ربما تقودنا الى خسارة هدف الموضوع بأكمله . ولهذا نبين ايضا قابلية التغيير المسموح بها في قيم بعض الدوال . كذلك سوف نختم البحث بفتح باب لعمل مستقبلي  In this article  we  focus on the behaviors of  the generalised counting  function of primes (x)  and  the counting  function of integers   (x) as well as  the link between them as  x      . Here the Riemann zeta function  (s) ( =  , (s)  > 1 )  play an  important  role  as  a link between   (x)  and  (x)  .  This  work  will  go  through  the  method  ( not  in  details )  adapted  by Balanzario  [Balanzario , 1998]   and  later  generalised  by  AL- Maamori [AL- Maamori , 2013 ] . Finally we shall draw a diagram in order to determine the relation between   and    , (where  and   are the power of the error terms H1(x) , H2(x) of (x) and (x) respectively) . The aim of this work is to analysis  the behaviour of (x)  and   (x) as  x    .   Note that : ʺ  It’s a beneficial to point out that our effort in this paper is not to exchange the values of some functions of  Balanzarioʹs  method . Since , changing any small value of one of the functions of  Balanzarioʹs method may be leads to loss the aim of the work  ʺ  . Therefore , in this article we show  the ability of  changing  the values of  some functions and in which places in the proof we should sort out


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    Chaotic behavior of6 ï† -Rayleigh oscillator with three wells is investigated. The method of multiple scale method is usedto solve the system up to 3rd order approximation. Effect of parameters is studied numerically; all resonance cases arestudied numerically to obtain the worst case. Stability of the system is investigated using both phas

    Media Coverage of the 2021 Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Content Analysis Into the Online Version of Newspapers in Jordan

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    This study seeks to determine how the Jordanian online newspapers covered the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in 2021. It also aims to identify the topics and frames used in this coverage by using the content analysis method for all media materials published in the online versions of the three major Jordanian daily newspapers (Alrai, Addustour, and Alghad). The number of articles analyzed was (1234) during the conflict period. This study identified the different frames used in the three selected newspapers. The two frameworks of solidarity and military confrontations came at the forefront of the most used frames in the three newspapers, with a percentage of 56%. The findings reveal that the three newspapers mainly relied on information collected by field correspondents as their primary sources. This study also finds that there were four topics that the three newspapers focused on significantly, amounting to more than (50%) of the topics identified by the researchers. These topics revolved around urging support for Gaza, the practices and violations committed by Israel, the escalation of the conflict, and the position of the Arab countries on the conflict

    Forensic DNA Analysis of mixed mosquito blood meals: STR profiling for human identification

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    Mosquito vectors captured at a crime scene are forensically valuable since they feed on human blood, and hence, human DNA can be recovered to help identify the victim and/or the suspect. This study investigated the validity of obtaining the human short tandem repeats (STRs) profile from mixed blood meals of the mosquito, Culex pipiens L. (Diptera, Culicidae). Thus, mosquitoes were membrane-feed on blood from six different sources: a human male, a human female, mixed human male-female blood, mixed human male-mouse blood, mixed human female-mouse blood, and mixed human male-female-mouse blood. DNA was extracted from mosquito blood meals at 2 h intervals up to 72 h post-feeding to amplify 24 human STRs. Data showed that full DNA profiles could be obtained for up to 12 h post-feeding, regardless of the type of blood meal. Complete and partial DNA profiles were obtained up to 24 h and 36 h post-feeding, respectively. The frequencies of STR loci decreased over time after feeding on mixed blood until they became weakly detectable at 48 h post-feeding. This may indicate that a blood meal of human blood mixed with animal blood would contribute to maximizing DNA degradation and thus affects STR identification beyond 36 h post-feeding. These results confirm the feasibility of human DNA identification from mosquito blood meals, even if it is mixed with other types of non-human blood, for up to 36 h post-feeding. Therefore, blood-fed mosquitoes found at the crime scene are forensically valuable, as it is possible to obtain intact genetic profiles from their blood meals to identify a victim, a potential offender, and/or exclude a suspect

    Synthesis and Characterization of 3,5-Dimethyl-2- (4-nitrophenyl azo)-Phenol Complexes with Co(II) and Ni(II) and Study Its Effect on the Activity of Ach Enzyme(invitro)

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    Transition metal complexes of Co(II) and Ni(II) with azo dye 3,5-dimethyl-2-(4-nitrophenylazo)-phenol derived from 4-nitoaniline and 3,5-dimethylphenol were synthesized. Characterization of these compounds has been done on the basis of elemental analysis, electronic data, FT-IR,UV-Vis and 1HNMR, as well as magnetic susceptibility and conductivity measurements. The nature of the complexes formed were studies following the mole ratio and continuous variation methods, Beer's law obeyed over a concentration range (1x10-4- 3x10-4 M). High molar absorbtivity of the complex solutions were observed. From the analytical data, the stoichiomerty of the complexes has been found to be 1:2 (Metal:ligand). On the basis of physicochemical data tetrahedral geometries were assigned for the complexes. The inhibitory effect of prepared compounds was used to study the type of inhibition. The results from line weaver- Burk plot indicated that the inhibitor type was non competitive with a range (31.76-83-21%). Keywords: - spectral studies, complexes, azo dyes, inhibitors

    Feeding deterrence and larvicidal effects of latex serum and latex-synthesized nanoparticles of Calotropis procera against the cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis

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    Background: Spodoptera littoralis is an important agricultural pest; thus, knowledge about the effect of latex serum and latex-synthesized nanoparticles of Calotropis procera on this species can assist in its management.. Nanotechnology is currently taking root in the agriculture economy as a substitute for pest management that is targeted, safe, and effective. The repellent and antifeedant efficacy of C. procera latex serum and its nanoparticles against S. littoralis fourth instar larvae was investigated in this work.Methods: The process of synthesizing silver nanoparticles has been carried out, followed by their subsequent characterization. The objective of this study was to assess the antifeedant properties of the latex serum and its nanoparticles against the 4th instar larvae of S. littoralis through the implementation of a bioassay.Results: With rising latex serum content, the proportion of repellency and hunger rose. In comparison to insects injected with latex serum, utilizing nanoparticles of LAgNPs with this larva via injection resulted in much increased mortality.Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, insects injected with LAgNPs died at a substantially higher rate than insects injected with latex serum. LAgNPs was efficient against S. littoralis larvae and can thus be utilized to specifically control the pest

    The Computational Techniques Developed to Analyze DNA Gel Images

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    The analysis of gel electrophoresis images is very crucial for molecular biologists to comprehend and interpret their experimental results. Thus, enhancing current mathematical methods and developing new accurate ones is very important and challenging task for bioinformaticians. For example, enhancing the commonly used mathematical method in gel analysis known as "Fitting method estimation" and proposing a new efficient method entitled "Ruler estimation" for preprocessing a given image and detecting lanes and bands automatically. Both mathematical methods implemented in our newly developed software. Three mathematical models namely, linear, quadratic and cubic fitting are tested for the accuracy of detecting the bands and lanes in the gel image to determine the best fitting model. A friendly user interface is developed for this new program using MATLB GUI to extract useful bimolecular information accurately and automatically. The new software has the ability to manually add or delete any band(s) and estimate the size of any unknown band(s) on the gel. Moreover, the similarity and (dis)similarity between lanes "samples" are estimated based on comparing the numbers and sizes of bands to generate a phylogram tree