68 research outputs found

    The Effect of Exports, Government Expenditures and Inflation on Economic Growth in Central Kalimantan

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    This study analyzes how the partial and simultaneous influence of the components of exports, government spending and inflation on economic growth. The method used in this research is descriptive-quantitative approach. The data used in this study is time series data for 2010-2019 in the quarter period in Central Kalimantan Province. The collected data is then analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression, the software used is Eviews version 9. The results of this study indicate that partially exports have a negative and insignificant effect on economic growth. Government Expenditure partially has a negative and insignificant effect on Economic Growth. Inflation partially positive and significant effect on economic growth. And overall Exports, Government Expenditures, and Inflation simultaneously have no effect on Economic Growth

    Optimizing The Protection of Cultural Expressions of Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia

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    There are approximately 33 types of Indonesian culture that have been claimed as belonging to other countries. Among others, there are Reog Ponorogo and Kuda Lumping Dance; both are from East Java. This proves that the regulation of protection related to TCSe in Indonesia has not provided satisfaction to this nation. Based on this phenomenon, the authors are interested in providing solutions through this research. The type of research is juridical-normative. Furthermore, this research intends to define the TCSe protection mechanisms to assist the Indonesian economy given that legal efforts in developing the “expressions of folklore” will benefit the regional economy. After conducting the research, the authors concluded two major findings. First, so far, the protection of TCSe has not been regulated specifically. As a result, TCSe does not have a strong position concerning its legality. Therefore, it becomes vulnerable and blemishes the occurrence of recognition by othercountries which results in losses to the state economy. Second, specific regulations and anti-theft task forces or advocacy groups are urgently needed to help the indigenous people protect the rights of their distinctive intellectual property. Thus, specialized institutions, which control access and benefit-sharing arrangements with foreign users, are required

    The Small Payload ORbit Transfer (SPORT™) Vehicle and The Business Environment for the Next Generation of Piggyback Launch Options

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    AeroAstro and Astronautic Technology Sdn. Bhd. (ATSB) are developing the Small Payload ORbit Transfer (SPORT) Vehicle. Primarily designed to take advantage of the many auxiliary launch opportunities to Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO), SPORT acts as a small upper stage by moving a small payload from GTO to Low Earth Orbit (LEO), which is typically a much more desirable orbit. An innovative combination of aerobraking and chemical propulsion allows SPORT to accomplish this mission while keeping costs low. This paper provides an overview of the growing market for auxiliary launches, which also includes a discussion of launch brokering, SPORT, competing decommissioned ICBMs, as well as the needs of different user segments. The SPORT team’s bilateral business arrangements with a Dr. Ahmad Sabirin 2 15th AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites primary launch vehicle operator bring an additional point of view to the paper. SPORT’s pioneer mission is planned for 2003, for this first mission, a Malaysian satellite mounted on top of SPORT will be launched into GTO on an Ariane 5 Structure for Auxiliary Payloads (ASAP) micro launch slot. SPORT will then place its payload, a low earth orbit satellite, into a 9° inclination, 700 km altitude orbit

    Core-Plasma Pattern Partnership Agreement with Micro-Small Business based on the Perspective of Competition Law

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      Partnership agreements that aim to mutually benefit both parties, especially empowering micro and small businesses, often have unfavorable consequences for parties whose bargaining position is weak, so that the business competition authority is also given supervisory authority over the implementation of the agreement. The imbalance in bargaining position in this agreement is the reason for writing to raise the issue of understanding owning and/or controlling micro and small businesses according to the applicable regulations and how it is implemented in the nucleus plasma partnership scheme for the oil palm plantation sector. This normative research includes prescriptive research using secondary data which is analyzed qualitatively and concluded using deductive methods. The results of this study indicate that the notion of having is defined as ownership of equity or capital, while the term control focuses more on managerial control which ultimately has an impact on asset control. The partnership agreement contains several clauses that have the potential to own and/or control micro-small businesses according to Law 20/2008 jo. Law 11/2020, besides that, it also has the potential to violate the provisions or principles of unfair business competition. However, this potential violation is difficult for competition authorities to reach due to the absence of technical regulations that explain the meaning of owning and/or controlling micro and small businesses. Therefore, KPPU needs to prepare further regulations in the form of guidelines that explain the limitations

    Design and Development of Light Weight Engine Mounting for UTeM Formula Varsity Race Car

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    This manuscript provides the design of the engine mounting for Formula Varsity Race Car. Several concept designs were generated for the engine mounting and the final design was selected through in 3D modeling software namely CATIA V5 CAD software during the design phase in this project. The aluminum Alloy 6061 T6 was selected as the lightweight engine mounting material due to high strength, light weight and versatility with many manufacturing processes. The light weight engine mounting was analyzed using finite element analysis in bending and yield strength cases. The result of the engine mounting analysis showed that the engine mounting is able to perform safely as per design requirement

    Muscular pain among dentists - a pilot study / Faezah Sabirin, Siti Sarah Abdul Ahmad and W. Zahira Akmal W. Kamarudin

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    Background: Muscular pain is the most common symptom associated to muscular skeletal disorders (MSDs). Dentists were exposed to ergonomic hazards while treating the patients. Without proper dental ergonomics, they are predisposed to the MSDs. Objective: This present study was designed to analyse the prevalence of muscular pain among practising dentists in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and it relatedness to ergonomic factors. Methodology: A total of 25 dentists were participated in this pilot study. The inclusion criteria include working experience of at least six months and those who were readily diagnosed with musculoskeletal disorders were excluded. A self-administered questionaire was employed to gather demogaphic informations and close ended ("yes" or "no") questions were asked to assess the muscular pain experienced in the last 12 months. The collected data were then analysed statistically. Result: The result showed a 100% response rate. 92% of the respondents were reported to experience muscular pain, particularly on the upper body parts. Only maintenance of same postures without microbreaks and performing torsions or cervical flexions to improve vision of oral cavity correlate significantly (P<0.05) to the presence of muscular pain that respondent experienced. However, age, nature of work and high woking hours per weeek does not correlate to the muscular pain. Conclusion: The prevalence of muscular pain among dentists in UiTM is high which indirectly suggested the lack of dental ergonomic awareness and practice in their routine at work

    Detection and Classification of Honey Adulteration Combined with Multivariate Analysis

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    Honey is a natural sweetener with a yellowish substance made up of bee secretions and plant nectar extracts. Main composition of honey are sugars or carbohydrates and water in the chemical composition and contain a great number of minor components such as minerals, amino acids, proteins, acidity, and pH. Honey adulteration is a global concern due to lack of awareness of people and policies. There is a various method that has been conducted to detect honey adulteration such as SCIRA, DSC, FTIR, NIRS, and NMR and these methods mostly used multivariate data analysis to classify the adulteration of honey. PCA is the most used technique in the classification of honey adulteration where the data obtained is clustered according to adulteration level and type of the adulterant. This paper explains on different methods to detect honey adulteration and common technique used on classification of honey. It can be concluded that PCA is the most used technique based on different method of honey adulteration detection

    Penentuan Gangguan Ionosfera Bergerak Menggunakan Data GPS

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    This study focuses on the determination of ionospheric disturbances over Malaysia using GPS (Global Positioning System) signals in order to have a better understanding of radio wave propagation. This is done by identifying the presence of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbance (TID) using GPS data. TID is one of the disturbances occuring in the ionosphere that is caused by solar activities. The important parameter taken into account is the Total Electron Content (TEC). The value of the rate of change of TEC, ΔTEC, is taken within a period of 15 minutes in order to detect the occurrences of TID. The data is taken from a GPS receiver stationed at the WARAS Center KUiTHHO, in Parit Raja, Batu Pahat (1°52’N, 103°06’E). The value of ΔTEC is compared based on the largest daily geomagnetic index, Kp index for 3 different days. Geomagnetic storms affect the ionospheric and the layer that is of interest is the F–layer of ionosphere. Results show that there is an occurrence of TID above the receiving station. Results also shows that there is a close correlation between the occurrence of TIDs and Kp values; a higher Kp index show an increase in the number of TIDs. However, more data need to be analysed in order to understand the variation of this disturbance to allow for space weather forecasting in the near future

    a perspective on materials, synthesis methods and applications

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    The oxides of copper (CuxO) are fascinating materials due to their remarkable optical, electrical, thermal and magnetic properties. Nanostructuring of CuxO can further enhance the performance of this important functional material and provide it with unique properties that do not exist in its bulk form. Three distinctly different phases of CuxO, mainly CuO, Cu2O and Cu4O3, can be prepared by numerous synthesis techniques including, vapour deposition and liquid phase chemical methods. In this article, we present a review of nanostructured CuxO focusing on their material properties, methods of synthesis and an overview of various applications that have been associated with nanostructured CuxO

    Polyherbal formulation containing Saoropus androgynous, Trigonella foenum-graceum, and Moringa oleifera increased the expression of mRNA smooth muscle α-actin (ACTA2) and cytokeratin 14 (CK14) in lactating rats

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    Polyherbal formulation (PHF) containing extracts of Sauropus androgynous, Trigonella foenum-graceum and Moringa oleifera has been proven can induce milk production in animal model. However, its molecular of action has not been elucidated, yet. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the PHF on the mRNA expressions of α-actin smooth muscle (ACTA2) and cytokeratin 14 (CK14) on the myoepithelial cells of the lactating rats mammary glands. Thirty female Wistar rats were divided into five groups with six of each. Group I was orally administered aquadest. Group II, III, and IV rats were orally administered the PHF at dose level of 26.25, 52.5, and 105 mg/kg once a day, for 15 days, respectively. Group V was orally administered 2.7 mg domperidone. On 16th day, rats were sacrificed. Mammary glands were isolated and processed for mRNA expression analysis using real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The results demonstrated that the mRNA expression of ACTA2 and CK14 increased in dose-dependent manner in the groups of PHF. Significantly different between the Group III, IV, and V compared to Group I was observed (p 0.05). In conclusion, the PHF increases the mRNA expression of ACTA2 and CK14 on myoepithelial cells of the mammary glands on lactating rats
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