4,921 research outputs found

    A new gender-specific model for skin autofluorescence risk stratification

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    Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) are believed to play a significant role in the pathophysiology of a variety of diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Non-invasive skin autofluorescence (SAF) measurement serves as a proxy for tissue accumulation of AGEs. We assessed reference SAF and skin reflectance (SR) values in a Saudi population (n = 1,999) and evaluated the existing risk stratification scale. The mean SAF of the study cohort was 2.06 (SD = 0.57) arbitrary units (AU), which is considerably higher than the values reported for other populations. We show a previously unreported and significant difference in SAF values between men and women, with median (range) values of 1.77 AU (0.79–4.84 AU) and 2.20 AU (0.75–4.59 AU) respectively (p-value « 0.01). Age, presence of diabetes and BMI were the most influential variables in determining SAF values in men, whilst in female participants, SR was also highly correlated with SAF. Diabetes, hypertension and obesity all showed strong association with SAF, particularly when gender differences were taken into account. We propose an adjusted, gender-specific disease risk stratification scheme for Middle Eastern populations. SAF is a potentially valuable clinical screening tool for cardiovascular risk assessment but risk scores should take gender and ethnicity into consideration for accurate diagnosis


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    Indonesia dengan penduduk terbanyak keempat di dunia, menjadikannya terdapat berbagai macam perbedaan, baik fisik, agama, ras, suku, dan lainnya. Perbedaan agama adalah hal yang paling sering untuk dibahas, karena masyarakat harus dapat saling menghargai dan menghormati kepercayaan  yang dianut oleh orang lain. Sikap tersebut biasa disebut juga dengan toleransi beragama. Bentuk dari toleransi beragama ialah dengan adanya silaturahmi antar umat beragama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah memahami konsep toleransi beragama dan mengetahui media toleransi yang digunakan Pondok Buntet Pesantren. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik fenomenologis. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pondok Buntet Pesantren Cirebon. Sebuah Lembaga pendidikan harus memberikan contoh dan pelajaran yang baik kepada masyarakat. Bentuk toleransi yang dilakukan Pondok Buntet Pesantren ialah dengan mengundang tim barongsai dari umat Kong Hu Cu ke acara khitanan massal. Karena barongsai bukanlah sebuah ritual keagamaan melainkan sebuah kebudayaan, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai media silaturahmi. Para santri dan masyarakat pun sudah terbiasa untuk bersikap toleransi, sehingga mereka dengan mudah untuk bersikap toleransi beragama. Hal tersebut menjadikan sikap toleransi itu semakin tumbuh dan hubungan antara agama Islam dan Kong Hu Cu semakin kuat


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    The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of role conflict and role ambiguity on employee’s creativity. Exactly how role stress and various performances of individuals are related has received considerable attention, in which stress has been found to affect individual creativity. However, exactly how role stress (role conflict and role ambiguity) and employee creativity are related has seldom been examined empirically. A sample size of 100 was selected and standard questionnaires were distributes among the employees of three public sector universities in Peshawar KPK Pakistan. The conclusions drawn from the study were that role conflict and role ambiguity have negative relationship with employees creativity. Implications of the findings of this study and possible directions for future research are also discussed

    Development of a 3D Printed Coating Shell to Control the Drug Release of Encapsulated Immediate-Release Tablets

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    The use of 3D printing techniques to control drug release has flourished in the past decade, although there is no generic solution that can be applied to the full range of drugs or solid dosage forms. The present study provides a new concept, using the 3D printing technique to print a coating system in the form of shells with various designs to control/modify drug release in immediate-release tablets. A coating system of cellulose acetate in the form of an encapsulating shell was printed through extrusion-based 3D printing technology, where an immediate-release propranolol HCl tablet was placed inside to achieve a sustained drug release profile. The current work investigated the influence of shell composition by using different excipients and also by exploring the impact of shell size on the drug release from the encapsulated tablet. Three-dimensional printed shells with different ratios of rate-controlling polymer (cellulose acetate) and pore-forming agent (D-mannitol) showed the ability to control the amount and the rate of propranolol HCl release from the encapsulated tablet model. The shell-print approach also showed that space/gap available for drug dissolution between the shell wall and the enclosed tablet significantly influenced the release of propranolol HCl. The modified release profile of propranolol HCl achieved through enclosing the tablet in a 3D printed controlled-release shell followed Korsmeyer–Peppas kinetics with non-Fickian diffusion. This approach could be utilized to tailor the release profile of a Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) class I drug tablet (characterized by high solubility and high permeability) to improve patient compliance and promote personalized medicine

    Penerapan Aplikasi E-Commerce Berbasis Web Service (Studi Kasus Toko Sembako)

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    Information technology is very influential for the progress of a business. Various ways are done to promote the business owned, one of them by using ecommerce website. E-commerce is a buying and selling activity conducted online through the website or website. In KUN Toko case study case, the problem that often faced is the promotion media using only banners, the sale is still limited to offline, data storage and printing report is still in the form of records in the form of archives. The purpose of the research is to provide solutions to solve existing problems by designing an ecommerce-based sales information system. The results and conclusions of this research is ecommerce-based sales website can be used as a media campaign, simplify the process of selling done online, and can simplify the data processing and printing reports that no longer require recording in the form of archives. Keywords: Information Systems, E-commerce, Websit

    ‘Talk Me : Aplikasi Pendukung Media Komunikasi Nonverbal Penyandang Tunarungu Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berinteraksi Sosial Di Kota Ternate

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    Communication which is an important requirement in human life is not limited to certain groups. This need is needed by every human being from the time he is born until the end of time. Deaf people prefer to form groups and gather together to get comfort when meeting and chatting with each other. The research was conducted by applying a qualitative research method based on a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques in the form of interviews and observations to obtain relative and objective information. Interviews were conducted with four informants, namely: the head of the Ternate City Deaf Association, two Teachers who implement the SIBI language in the field of Education (Ternate City Special School) and one member of the General Public. The data analysis techniques used are literature study, data collection, drawing conclusions from FGD data), needs analysis, system design, implementation, and testing. Based on the results of the research, the main problem that occurs is the lack of interest and digital-based communication tools which are quite a big problem in helping the listening community in carrying out social interactions. And the results of making an application by applying the CNN analysis method to the Talk me application obtained quite good results and were close to the maximum results, the application sensitivity feasibility trials obtained quite good results and were close to the maximum value, the average score for 50 trials was 0, 913793, where the data will be said to be very good if the trial value is close to 1, and for the loss value (not sensitive) the average is 0.0426

    On Nonlinear Nonlocal Systems of Reaction Diffusion Equations

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    The reaction diffusion system with anomalous diffusion and a balance law ut+-Δα/2u=-fu,v,   vt+-∆β/2v=fu,v, 0<α, β<2, is con sidered. The existence of global solutions is proved in two situations: (i) a polynomial growth condition is imposed on the reaction term f when 0<α≤β≤2; (ii) no growth condition is imposed on the reaction term f when 0<β≤α≤2

    Enumerasi Graf Sederhana dengan Enam Simpul Menggunakan Teorema Polya

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    Salah satu dari dari masalah yang sering muncul dalam matematika adalah masalah enumerasi atau pencacahan objek dari suatu pengaturan. Seperti diketahui, dari beberapa permasalahan matematika yang rumit terkait pada masalah enumerasi tersebut. Hal ini lebih dikarenakan permasalahan konspetual yaitu ketika objek berbeda dapat dipandang sama (isomorfis). Selain grup permutasi, penyelesaian permasalahan enumerasi juga melibatkan Teorema Polya I dan Teorema Polya II. Teorema Polya I digunakan untuk menentukan banyaknya objek yang tidak isomorfis sedangkan Teorema Polya II digunakan untuk menentukan bentuk-bentuk objek yang tidak isomorfis tersebut. Beberapa tahun terakhir dilakukan penelitian terkait permasalahan enumerasi pada graf sederhana. Lebih detailnya, permasalahan mengenai banyaknya graf sederhana dengan empat (lima) simpul yang tidak isomorfis menggunakan konsep grup simetri , Teorema Polya I serta Teorema Polya II sehingga diperoleh hasil sebelas (tiga puluh lima) graf sederhana yang tidak saling isomorfis. Pada Penelitian ini diselidiki banyaknya graf sederhana dengan enam simpul yang tidak isomorfis menggunakan konsep grup simetri , Teorema Polya I serta Teorema Polya II sehingga diperoleh hasil seratus lima puluh enam graf sederhana yang tidak saling isomorfis

    Evaluation of acute toxicity and anti-inflammatory effects of Baccharoides schimperi (DC.) in experimental animals

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    Background: Steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most commonly used to treat inflammation, and shown to have severe side effects. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the anti-inflammatory and acute toxicity effects of Baccharoides schimperi (DC.) in order to get new anti-inflammatory agents of natural origin.Materials and methods: The aerial part of the plant was dried under shade, ground and extracted with 96% alcohol (BSE). It was further fractionated in sequence to n-hexane (BSH), chloroform (BSC) and methanol (BSM) soluble fractions. Acute toxicity was evaluated by oral administration of plant and hind paw induced-edema method in rats was used for the anti-inflammatory evaluation.Results: The BSE was found safe up to the dose level of 3 g/kg b.w. and showed LD50 value 7.250 g/kg body weight (b.w.) in mice. BSE showed significant anti-inflammatory effect (62.91%) at 500 mg/kg b.w. Further the n-hexane, chloroform and methanol fractions of BSE were tested for antiinflammatory activity. The n-hexane fraction (BSH) exhibits significant activity (64.87%) at 400 mg/kg b.w. The methanol fraction (BSM) showed dose dependent activity, highest activity (60.42%) was observed at higher  dose 400 of mg/kg b.w. In chloroform fraction (BSC) no significant activitywas observed.Conclusion: The results of the study revealed that the plant is safe to the experimental model and recommended as a potential source of antiinflammatory agent.Key words: Acute toxicity, anti-inflammatory activity, Baccharoide schimperi (DC.
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