318 research outputs found

    Breast reconstruction

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    Breast reconstruction is such a unique procedure that might potentially be adjustedin line with time and all advances in technology and instruments (endoscopy,silicone implants, alloderm grafting). In addition, it adapts in accordance to better,more sophisticated knowledge of breast anatomy (vascularization, perforator, andinnervation), breast subunits, and systemic changes. Surgical techniques and thecurrently available list of materials might be utilized to reconstruct the breast insuch a way to yield cosmetic satisfaction. Combination and modification of thosetechniques might be adjusted to the patients’ requests without crossing over thepaths of the disease being corrected (cancer, benign tumor, infection, or otherbreast anomalies).Breast reconstruction’s prerequisite is the absence of cancer approximately 1cm from the edge of incision, adjusted by shape and size of breasts, and sizeof cancer. Several techniques might be applied to conserve and reconstruct thebreasts when the disease has been diagnosed. Oncoplasty applies all techniquesavailable to reaffirm the principles of oncology, by increasing the distance fromthe edges of cancer and proceeding with reconstruction by reduction/mastopexy(volume displacement), or adjacent/distant flaps (volume replacement). Thedisadvantage of BCS/BCT is the short distance from the edge of incision to thetumor due to the risk of post-operative breast deformity, especially when surgeryis followed by adjuvant radiation

    Character Education Strengthening of Students Through The Mathematical Disposition Strategy on Statistics Elementary

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    This study aims to improve the strengthening of student character education through a mathematical disposition strategy in Elementary Statistics. The sample of this study was 30 students of the 3rd semester of Biology Education. The research method used was experimental and the research firm was quasi-experimental. Data collection techniques are measurement techniques, namely initial ability tests and mathematical disposition scales. The results of this study indicate that character education can be enhanced or strengthened by a mathematical disposition strategy. That is by increasing high confidence in solving problems, not easily discouraged and asking questions, having prepared before starting learning such as reading the material or other references, knowing the role of mathematics related with everyday life and knowing that success in mathematics subjects can support progress in other disciplines

    Pengaruh Negatif di Era Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Pada Remaja (Perspektif Pendidikan Islam)

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    The development of information and communication technology can no longer be avoided. Because with the information and communication technology, a person's life will feel easier. One can send messages easily, send and search for information quickly and easily. But behind these conveniences, it is necessary to pay attention to what are the negative impacts of information and communication technology on teenagers, especially teenagers today. In this era of information and communication technology, every effort and activity as well as deliberate action to achieve a goal must have the right foundation for a good and strong footing. Islamic religious education as an effort to shape human beings, must have a basis on which all activities and all formulation of the goals of Islamic education are linked. Islamic religious education in overcoming the negative influence of the era of information and communication technology on adolescents is the main educators for parents or the community who provide Islamic religious knowledge to adolescents so that they can fortify themselves in behaving, thinking, and acting in accordance with the provisions laid down. ordained by Allah SWT. for the safety of his life. According to the research title, this research is qualitative. Qualitative research is research that uses a natural setting in order to interpret phenomena that occur and is carried out with the intention of interpreting existing phenomena and is carried out by involving various existing methods, while the methods that are usually used are interviews, observation, and use of documents

    Internet Sebagai Media Penyebaran Ideologi Radikal: Dampak, Tantangan, dan Upaya Penanggulangannya

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    The concept of the Internet has become a very influential medium in spreading radical ideology around the world. This phenomenon has created significant social, political and security impacts in various countries. In this scientific work, we investigate the impact of the spread of radical ideology via the internet, the challenges faced in dealing with it, and the efforts made to overcome this problem. This research is based on a literature review and data analysis related to the internet as the main medium for spreading radical ideology. The challenges in dealing with the spread of radical ideology through the internet are complex and varied. Some of the main challenges include the lack of effective regulation, online anonymity, the rapid development of technology, and the existence of radical groups that are savvy in leveraging social media and online platforms to spread their message. Apart from that, there are also issues around privacy and freedom of speech that need to be maintained so they are not disturbed by countermeasures. To overcome this problem, various countermeasures have been carried out at the national and international levels. This includes establishing policies and regulations that limit the spread of radical ideologies, cooperation between governments, the technology industry, and international institutions, developing harmful content detection algorithms and technologies, and empowering people to understand and deal with radical narratives. Although countermeasures have been taken, challenges in dealing with the spread of radical ideology via the internet remain. In this scientific paper, we provide a comprehensive description of the negative impacts generated by the spread of radical ideology via the internet, the associated challenges, and the various countermeasures that have been undertaken. This research is expected to be the basis for the development of more effective strategies in dealing with this problem in the future

    Optimization Scientific Journal Publications For Teachers SMA Negeri 1 Kendal

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    Scientific publications are part of the research cycle that researchers must carry out when they have finished carrying out their research. The priority problem faced by SMA Negeri 1 Kendal teachers is that the teachers do not understand scientific journal publication techniques comprehensively. The target in this service is SMA Negeri 1 Kendal teachers. The solution offered to overcome this problem is to provide training for scientific journal publication for high school teachers Negeri 1 Kendal. The aim of holding scientific journal publication training is to increase the understanding of teachers related to scientific journal publication techniques; provide knowledge about scientific journal publication sites, both accredited and non-accredited journals; and facilitate teachers in publishing scientific journals. Community service activities regarding the optimization of scientific journal publications for SMA Negeri 1 Kendal teachers have a positive impact in terms of increasing understanding of scientific publication techniques and being able to practice scientific publication procedures in scientific journals. This service can help and improve the quality and quantity of scientific article publications in scientific journals for SMA Negeri 1 Kendal teachers.  Publikasi ilmiah merupakan bagian dari siklus penelitian yang harus dilakukan oleh peneliti ketika selesai melaksanakan penelitiannya. Permasalahan prioritas yang dihadapi para guru SMA Negeri 1 Kendal yakni para guru belum memahami teknik publikasi jurnal ilmiah secara komprehensif.Sasaran dalam pengabdian ini adalah guru SMA Negeri 1 Kendal.Solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yakni memberikan pelatihan publikasi jurnal ilmiah bagi para guru SMA Negeri 1 Kendal.Tujuan diadakannya pelatihan publikasi jurnal ilmiah yakni meningkatkan pemahaman para guru terkait dengan teknik publikasi jurnal ilmiah; memberikan pengetahuan tentang situs publikasi jurnal ilmiah baik jurnal yang terakreditasi maupun yang tidak akreditasi; dan memfasilitasi para guru dalam mempublikasikan jurnal ilmiah. Kegiatan pengabdian tentang optimalisasi publikasi jurnal ilmiah bagi guru SMA Negeri 1 Kendal memberikan dampak positif dalam hal  meningkatkan pemahaman tentang teknik publikasi ilmiah dan mampu mempraktekkan tata cara publikasi ilmiah pada jurnal ilmiah. Dengan dilakukan pengabdian tersebut dapat membantu dan meningkatkan kualitas maupun kuantitas publikasi artikel ilmiah pada jurnal ilmiah bagi guru SMA Negeri 1 Kendal

    Completeness of Science Literature Elements in Class VII Science Literacy Assessment Instruments

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    This study was conducted with the aim of identifying the presentation of scientific literacy aspects in the scientific literacy assessment instrument for the seventh grade science material. This study uses qualitative descriptive analysis. The object of research in this study is the scientific literacy assessment instrument from the researcher Muftianah and Wahono (2018), and the researcher Arfianti (2015). The data collection technique used is literature study. The data analysis technique in this research uses content analysis. The results of the study indicate that aspects of scientific literacy have been presented well, although there is one aspect that has not been included in the scientific literacy instrument, namely the scientific process aspect. In the scientific literacy instrument for the two researchers, the aspect of scientific literacy that often appears is the aspect of science content. Thus, in measuring scientific literacy skills, all aspects of scientific literacy must be contained in scientific literacy instruments. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the aspect of scientific literacy, the two instruments that have been analyzed there is one aspect that has not been included in the scientific literacy instrument, namely the scientific process aspect. In the scientific literacy instrument of the two researchers, the aspect of scientific literacy that often appears is the aspect of science content. Thus, in measuring the ability of scientific literacy, all aspects of scientific literacy must be contained in scientific literacy instruments

    Revolusi Teknologi: Masa Depan Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) dan Dampaknya Terhadap Masyarakat

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    In recent years the development of the world of technology has accelerated. One of the hotly discussed technological developments is Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to imitate and perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. This article was created to explore the future development of AI and its impact on society. This article uses the library research method, which is a research approach that collects and analyzes information published in the form of scientific literature, including journal articles, books, research reports, and other sources. From a literature study or library research, it can be concluded that the development of AI and its impact on society, namely, the impact on work and the economy, the impact on health and medical services, the impact on ethics and privacy, and the impact on education


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Profitabilitas, Kepemilikan Manajerial, Kepemilikan Institusional terhadap nilai perusahaan sektor Infrastruktur, Utilitas Dan Transportasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2016-2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan sektor Infrastruktur, Utilitas Dan Transportasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2016-2020 yang berjumlah 78 perusahaan. Dengan pengambilan seambil menggunakan purposive  sampling  didapatkan sampel  sebanyak 10  perusahaan yang mewakili dari sektor tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dari laporan keuangan tahunan yang  dipublikasikanoleh perusahaan  di  website  resmi  Bursa Efek Indonesia yaitu www.idx.co.id. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear    berganda. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Profitabilitas  berpengaruh  positif  dan siginifikan  terhadap  Nilai  Perusahaan; (2) Kepemilikan Manajerial berpengaruh  positif  dan siginifikan  terhadap  Nilai  Perusahaan,; (3) Kepemilikan Institusional berpengaruh positif  dan tidak siginifikan  terhadap  Nilai  Perusahaan

    Design Thinking to Support The Innovative Culture of School Counselors

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    Previous research has found the low ability of millennial school counselors in Palembang to innovate. They only carry out activities that have become a tradition and habit (follower), rarely do program development, even they are used to uploading programs that are shared in group chat. That situation was contradicting with the concept of millennial as innovative generation and the opportunities for self-development provided by technological advances. Design thinking can be referred to as a way of expressing creativity to generate innovative ideas. The research aims to conceptualize the design thinking development of an innovative culture of school counselors. The research was conducted on 30 purposive samples, using descriptive methods which are then combined with the design thinking work step. The research resulted in 1) the main need for the development of an innovative culture through design thinking, 2) a prototype for an innovative culture development activity called "Monday briefing"

    Analisis Kerusakan Jalan Ditinjau Dari Umur Jalan dan Volume Lalu Lintas (Studi Kasus : Jalan Lingkar Timur - Kabupaten Sidoarjo)

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    Tingginya pertumbuhan ekonomi menyebabkan lalu lintas penuh dan dapat menimbulkan masalah apabila tidak diantisipasi dengan perbaikan mutu dari sarana dan prasarana jalan yang ada. Lokasi studi kasus berada pada jalan Lingkar Timur Sidoarjo yang merupakan jalan perkotaan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui berapa nilai kerusakan jalan yang terjadi di masing-masing lajur jalan Lingkar Timur Sidoarjo dengan metode bina marga beserta umur jalan dalam konversi satuan jam. Kemudian mengetahui berapa nilai Lalu Lintas Harian Rata-Rata (LHR) di masing – masing lajur jalan Lingkar Timur Sidoarjo. Serta mengetahui analisis hubungan volume lalu lintas dan umur jalan terhadap kerusakan jalan. Adapun didapatkan hasil bahwa pada jalan Lingkar Timur Sidoarjo arah dari Surabaya ke Sidoarjo menghasilkan pengaruh volume kendaran dan umur jalan terhadap kerusakan jalan yaitu sebesar 87,3%. Kemudian pada jalan Lingkar Timur Sidoarjo arah dari Sidoarjo ke Surabaya menghasilkan pengaruh volume kendaran dan umur jalan terhadap kerusakan jalan yaitu sebesar 67%.
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