359 research outputs found

    Detection of bovine coronavirus by RT-PCR in a field study

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    In the present study we used RT-PCR assay for detecting of BCoV, targeting a 730 bp fragment of the nucleocapsid (N) gene of BCoV with published primers that could amplify all BCoV strains. We evaluated presence of BCoV in diarrheic and nondiarrheic samples. 108 faecal samples from diarrheic calves and 80 faecal samples from nondiarrheic calves collected. In 13 of 108 diarrheic samples both ELISA and RT-PCR detected BCoV. In 4 of 80 samples second group (non diarrheic) BCoV was detected by RT-PCR only not capture ELISA. This report is the first detection of BCoV in Iran. The results suggest that RT-PCR is more sensitive than ELISA method to detect BCoV, especially in subclinical cases. Because these animals shed a low amount of virus in faeces we need to apply sensitive techniques, such as RT-PCR, nested PCR and real time RT-PCR

    Assessment of Local People Opinion After World Heritage Site Designation, Case Study: Historic City of Yazd, Iran

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    Local participation in the cultural heritage conservation has always been a concern since the Venice Charter (1964). It seems the assumption of the World Heritage Center, and particularly their State Parties, is that local people living in a nominated site are willing to inscribe their properties on the World Heritage List. This research examines the points of view of a local community living in the buffer zone of the Historic City of Yazd in five categories: Willingness, quality of life, decision-making, benefits, and awareness after the designation as World Heritage Site. The main hypotheses are that local people did not agree to inscribe their properties on the World Heritage List, and their quality of life has not changed after registering. The methodology is based on both qualitative and quantitative methods by interviewing 400 people of both genders and different ages. The results show that the majority of local people living in the buffer zone were not satisfied to be on the list. In addition, more than 80% mentioned that the quality of life did not change at all after the inscription. There was a misunderstanding about the role of national and international organizations in World Heritage management and conservation among the local community

    Experimental study to evaluate the pathogenicity of Streptococcus iniae in Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

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    Streptococcus iniae has emerged as an important fish pathogen over the last decade in farmed rainbow trout in Iran. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the pathogenicity of S. iniae in Poecilia reticulata. Atotal of 60 apparently healthy P. reticulata were obtained from ornamental fish pet store and injected intraperitoneally with 1.5×106 cfu of bacteria. For 14 days after challenge, the rate of mortality and clinical signs were recorded. The first clinical signs was observed in challenged fish 48 hrs after injection of S. iniae and first mortality was observed 72 hrs after injection. No significant differences in mortality and clinical signs between both sexes were observed. Streptococcus iniae was collected from internal organs of fishes challenged, and was confirmed using the conventional biochemical tests and PCR. It is concluded that, P. reticulata is susceptible to streptococcosis and can play an important role in transmission of the disease to other ornamental fish species and also cultured fish

    Finite Element Simulation of Microfluidic Biochip for High Throughput Hydrodynamic Single Cell Trapping

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    In this paper, a microfluidic device capable of trapping a single cell in a high throughput manner and at high trapping efficiency is designed simply through a concept of hydrodynamic manipulation. The microfluidic device is designed with a series of trap and bypass microchannel structures for trapping individual cells without the need for microwell, robotic equipment, external electric force or surface modification. In order to investigate the single cell trapping efficiency, a finite element model of the proposed design has been developed using ABAQUS-FEA software. Based on the simulation, the geometrical parameters and fluid velocity which affect the single cell trapping are extensively optimized. After optimization of the trap and bypass microchannel structures via simulations, a single cell can be trapped at a desired location efficiently

    The reflection of the postmodern philosophy on the visual arts

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    The study examines the postmodern philosophy and its reflection on the visual arts in order to reach its different, various, contradictory and shocking shapes and expressions in many cases, the study found that it\u27s a reflection for the development that happened through the formation of human though, the postmodern philosophy defined the art out comes and its manners, and whereas the postmodern community is not real, the postmodern arts are expression for negativity and nonexistence. As well, it is an expression of domination will and power therein, therefore, the art forming was in postmodern phase as radical-criticism for the community, and a criticism for rational and self-modernity, in addition that it\u27s a method to detect the power of production forces and its contradiction which hidden behind modern technologies and ideologist, and this what artist have undermined through liberating him from Illusions of the cultural industry. This study aimed to expose the postmodern philosophy in order to resolve the problems which concerned in understanding art and its philosophical references, and a problematic as such important as this, it was necessary to examine it and define it methodically

    Exploring of Potential of Cloud Computing for Small and Medium Enterprises

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    Business activities such as human resources management, payroll, finance, and accounting are crucial for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, adopting technologies such as cloud computing is expected to improve SMEs’ efficiency. The migration from current business practices to cloud computing amongst SME entrepreneurs remains a challenge. Therefore, this study presents a short review of cloud computing concepts, the characteristics, types of cloud computing service models, and also cloud computing deployment models. This study highlights the benefits and challenges faced by SMEs entrepreneurs in adopting cloud computing. Also, this study explores the existing cloud computing services provided for SMEs. The present study aims to provide a better understanding of cloud computing’s potential to be applied in helping SMEs manage their business activities

    Superiority of Bayesian Model Averaging to Stepwise Model in Selection of Factors Related to the Incidence of Type II diabetes in Pre-diabetic Women

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    Introduction:  The world prevalence of type 2 diabetes and its related increment mortality rate which needs high controls cost has attracted high scientific attention. Early detection of individuals who face this disease more than the others can prevent getting sick or at least reduce the disease consequences on public health. Regarding the costs and limitations of diagnostic tests, a statistical model is presented that helps predict the time of diabetes incidence and determines its risk factors. Furthermore, this model determines the significant predictor variables on response and considers them as model equation parameters.Materials and Methods: In this study, 803 pre-diabetic women in the age range of more than 20 years were selected from Tehran lipid and glucose study (TLGS) to examine the predictor variables on time of diabetes incidence. They were entered into the study in the phases 1 and 2 and were followed up to the phase 4. The predictor variables selection was performed using the Stepwise Model (SM) and the Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). Then, the predictive discrimination was used to compare the results of both models. The Log-rank test was performed and the Kaplan-Meier Curve was plotted. The statistical analyses were performed using R software (version 3.1.3).Results: The Backward Stepwise Model (BSM), the Forward Stepwise Model (FSM) and the BMA have used 9, 10 and 6 variables, respectively. Although the BMA selected predictor variables number is much lower than the SM, the prediction ability remains nearly constant.Conclusions: The BMA has averaged on the supported models using dataset. This model has shown nearly constant accuracy despite the selection of lower predictor variables number in comparison to the SM

    Critical success factors for soft TQM and lean manufacturing linkage

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    Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Lean Manufacturing (LM) is a common goal for manufacturers to be leaner. While many studies have investigated TQM and LM separately, the present paper explores the Critical Success Factors (CSF) for these practices together in one model focusing on the soft dimension of TQM. A structured closed questionnaire was distributed to operations managers in Malaysian industries. A 5-point Likert scale was used in designing the survey questionnaire. One hundred and two responses were collected in this preliminary study. Results obtained through Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that both latent contracts are reliable. Both KMO and Bartlett's test were measured to ensure the adequacy of the practices. Three CSF (3) were extracted for Soft TQM aspects while Seven (7) factors were extracted for LM practices. Results obtained from PCA indicated that Malaysian managers are involved with LM wastes, Kaizen, Just in Time, continuous flow, TPM, Workforce Management, standardized work practices, strategic planning and human aspects. The novelty of the present study stems from the realization of TQM and LM aspects that determine the priorities of Malaysian managers in manufacturing environment by providing guidelines about the most important factors to adopt

    Modification of bauxite residue with oxalic acid for improved performance in intumescent coatings

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    Valorization of bauxite residue (BR) enhances the dynamics of its application in intumescent coating for fire retarding systems. This BR, an alumina production waste could contain up to 45% ferrous oxide along with residual aluminous minerals. In an attempt to optimize the fire retardant properties of these minerals in intumescent systems, BR was treated in oxalic acid, varying the heating temperature between 50 °C and 100 °C at a constant pH of 2.65. X-ray florescence spectrometry revealed up to 80% reduction in iron content and total dissolution of desilication products (DSPs). The process temperature was found to affect the efficiency with which iron oxide was removed and with which the dissolved DSPs were precipitated as aluminum hydrates. X-ray diffraction revealed increased crystallinity and a gibbsite-dominated compound. Incorporation of the modified bauxite residues into a control intumescing formulation resulted in improved endothermic cooling, increased char expansion and char reinforcement. An inverse relationship appeared to exist between aluminum hydrates and iron as removal of iron led to enhanced intumescence and increased char expansion while higher iron content led to a compact, less expanded char. A balance of the fire retarding minerals occurred at a leaching temperature of 75 °C in oxalic acid. Best heat shielding performance thus occurred at XBR75-IC5 as char expansion increased by 12% and the substrate temperature reduced by 31% over the control IC system. Thus, BR may act as alternative fire retardant filler for intumescing systems

    On fuzzy fractional Laplace transformation

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    Fuzzy and fractional differential equations are used to model problems with uncertainty and memory. Using the fractional fuzzy Laplace transformation we have solved the fuzzy fractional eigenvalue differential equation. By illustrative examples we have shown the results