164 research outputs found

    Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Quercetin and Glycyrrhizin in In Vitro Culture of Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) and Elicitation with AgNO3

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    Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) is a plant that has been considered for a long time due to its valuable secondary metabolites. This study was conducted to obtain quercetin and glycyrrhizin under controlled conditions and the use of silver nitrate (AgNO3) as an elicitor to increase their production. For this purpose, the seeds were cultured in MS media containing various concentrations of AgNO3 (0, 2, 4, 8 and 10 mg L-1). Quercetin in the aerial parts extract of three-month seedlings prepared with methanol solvent 95% and acetic acid (9:1), and glycyrrhizin in the root extract of four-month seedlings prepared with ethanolic extract (30%) were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using HPLC. The results obtained from three replications showed the presence of quercetin and glycyrrhizin in all samples. The amount of quercetin in all samples treated with AgNO3 was significantly higher than control (P≤0.05) and this increase was higher at concentrations of 8 and 10 mg L-1 in comparison with other concentrations. Glycyrrhizin content increased under the influence of different concentrations of AgNO3 as compared to the control; however, this increase was not significant. Our results clearly showed that this method is a practical method to produce and elicit more these compounds with medicinal value

    Total Quality Management in Higher Education

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    This research paper aims at highlighting the Total Quality Management (TQM) elements at university, through environmental scanning the researcher found many important factors in University, where quality of education Is the main purpose of a university education when providing service for students. A lot of researcher have been  studied (TQM)  around the world by educational institution , that’s indicators how is very important quality assurance in education sector based on revolution and hyper competition  between institution specially university.  accordingly this paper focus on TQM as a approach used in organization to enhance managerial method pulse increase the performance at university output. so the  main objectives in this paper to concentration on principle of TQM. Also, it studies the core concept of principle and highlight on important part that enhances the quality in university plus that what the distinguish from others papersto achieve academic excellence. Key words: Higher education, quality, Total Quality Management, academic excellence, Jordan

    Evaluation of the ultrastructure and expression of desmoglein 2 in breast cancer: A novel biomarker

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    Background and purpose: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among Iranian women. In recent years, the study of dysfunction in the expression of cell-cell junction genes and the related proteins in the malignant process has been at the center of attention. Materials and methods: In this study, 50 patients were selected who had both cancerous tissue and adjacent healthy tissue. The expression of the desmoglein 2 gene was evaluated. Healthy and cancerous tissue were compared using routine hematoxylin and eosin staining. The total protein was also compared between these two groups. The ultrastructural examination was performed. Results: The real-time polymerase chain reaction results showed a decrease in the expression of the desmoglein 2 gene in all tumor samples compared to the healthy samples (p<0.0001). Besides, receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed that the area under the curve was equal to 0.98. Transmission electron microscopy microscopic studies revealed a change in the status of desmosomal junctions. Conclusions: Overall, the findings showed that the association between desmoglein 2 gene expression and alterations in cellular connections leads to impaired cellular connections, which is an important risk factor for breast cancer. This result proposed the understudy gene as a new biomarker in the development of breast cancer

    Tecnología de semillas sintéticas para la encapsulación y el recrecimiento de puntas de brotes y embriones somáticos de Espárrago officinalis L

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    Apical buds obtained from Asparagus plant vitro culture and somatic embryos obtained from stem cultivation, explants in MS medium supplemented with mg¹ᶫ 1, 2, 4-D and mg¹ᶫ 1 and Kinetin have been used in this research to produce artificial seeds. We encapsulated apical buds and somatic embryo using 2% sodium alginate and calcium chloride to prepare the artificial seeds. We placed artificial seeds at room temperature (about 25 ° C), in the cold, the temperature of 4 ° C and -18 ° C for different times (15,30,60,90 days) and evaluated the growing power of these seeds in MS and ½MS mediums for further investigations about the viability of seeds. The highest conversion percentage of seedlings in encapsulated embryos (70.01) was related to seed harvested from embryos treated with BA and the highest conversion percentage of seedlings in apical buds (96.54) was obtained from cultivated untreated seeds in MS medium. Encapsulated arteries and buds maintained germination energy and viability with increasing storage time after 90 days of storage at 4 and 25 ° C despite viability reduction while un-capsulated embryos and buds completely lost viability after 60 days of storage at 4 and 25 ° C and seeds stored at -18 ° C completely lost viability after 15 days of storage. In general, the percentage of seed germination and conversion to seedling is higher in seeds cultivated in MS medium compared to seeds cultivated in ½MS medium.En esta investigación se han utilizado yemas apicales obtenidas de cultivo vitro vegetal de espárragos y embriones somáticos obtenidos del cultivo de tallos, explantes en medio MS suplementado con mg¹ᶫ 1, 2, 4-D y mg¹ᶫ 1 y Kinetin para producir semillas artificiales. Encapsulamos yemas apicales y embriones somáticos utilizando alginato de sodio al 2% y cloruro de calcio para preparar las semillas artificiales. Colocamos semillas artificiales a temperatura ambiente (alrededor de 25 ° C), en el frío, la temperatura de 4 ° C y -18 ° C para diferentes tiempos (15,30,60,90 días) y evaluamos el poder de crecimiento de estas semillas. en medios MS y ½MS para futuras investigaciones sobre la viabilidad de las semillas. El mayor porcentaje de conversión de plántulas en embriones encapsulados (70.01) se relacionó con la semilla recolectada de embriones tratados con BA y el mayor porcentaje de conversión de plántulas en yemas apicales (96.54) se obtuvo de semillas cultivadas sin tratar en medio MS. Las arterias y las yemas encapsuladas mantuvieron la energía de germinación y la viabilidad con un mayor tiempo de almacenamiento después de 90 días de almacenamiento a 4 y 25 ° C a pesar de la reducción de la viabilidad, mientras que los embriones y las yemas no encapsulados perdieron completamente la viabilidad después de 60 días de almacenamiento a 4 y 25 ° C y las semillas almacenado a -18 ° C perdió completamente la viabilidad después de 15 días de almacenamiento. En general, el porcentaje de germinación de semillas y conversión a plántula es mayor en semillas cultivadas en medio MS en comparación con semillas cultivadas en medio ½MS

    Tecnología de semillas sintéticas para la encapsulación y el recrecimiento de puntas de brotes y embriones somáticos de Espárrago officinalis L

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    Apical buds obtained from Asparagus plant vitro culture and somatic embryos obtained from stem cultivation, explants in MS medium supplemented with mg¹ᶫ 1, 2, 4-D and mg¹ᶫ 1 and Kinetin have been used in this research to produce artificial seeds. We encapsulated apical buds and somatic embryo using 2% sodium alginate and calcium chloride to prepare the artificial seeds. We placed artificial seeds at room temperature (about 25 ° C), in the cold, the temperature of 4 ° C and -18 ° C for different times (15,30,60,90 days) and evaluated the growing power of these seeds in MS and ½MS mediums for further investigations about the viability of seeds. The highest conversion percentage of seedlings in encapsulated embryos (70.01) was related to seed harvested from embryos treated with BA and the highest conversion percentage of seedlings in apical buds (96.54) was obtained from cultivated untreated seeds in MS medium. Encapsulated arteries and buds maintained germination energy and viability with increasing storage time after 90 days of storage at 4 and 25 ° C despite viability reduction while un-capsulated embryos and buds completely lost viability after 60 days of storage at 4 and 25 ° C and seeds stored at -18 ° C completely lost viability after 15 days of storage. In general, the percentage of seed germination and conversion to seedling is higher in seeds cultivated in MS medium compared to seeds cultivated in ½MS medium.En esta investigación se han utilizado yemas apicales obtenidas de cultivo vitro vegetal de espárragos y embriones somáticos obtenidos del cultivo de tallos, explantes en medio MS suplementado con mg¹ᶫ 1, 2, 4-D y mg¹ᶫ 1 y Kinetin para producir semillas artificiales. Encapsulamos yemas apicales y embriones somáticos utilizando alginato de sodio al 2% y cloruro de calcio para preparar las semillas artificiales. Colocamos semillas artificiales a temperatura ambiente (alrededor de 25 ° C), en el frío, la temperatura de 4 ° C y -18 ° C para diferentes tiempos (15,30,60,90 días) y evaluamos el poder de crecimiento de estas semillas. en medios MS y ½MS para futuras investigaciones sobre la viabilidad de las semillas. El mayor porcentaje de conversión de plántulas en embriones encapsulados (70.01) se relacionó con la semilla recolectada de embriones tratados con BA y el mayor porcentaje de conversión de plántulas en yemas apicales (96.54) se obtuvo de semillas cultivadas sin tratar en medio MS. Las arterias y las yemas encapsuladas mantuvieron la energía de germinación y la viabilidad con un mayor tiempo de almacenamiento después de 90 días de almacenamiento a 4 y 25 ° C a pesar de la reducción de la viabilidad, mientras que los embriones y las yemas no encapsulados perdieron completamente la viabilidad después de 60 días de almacenamiento a 4 y 25 ° C y las semillas almacenado a -18 ° C perdió completamente la viabilidad después de 15 días de almacenamiento. En general, el porcentaje de germinación de semillas y conversión a plántula es mayor en semillas cultivadas en medio MS en comparación con semillas cultivadas en medio ½MS

    El feminismo en Virginia Woolf (Una habitación propia, 1929) y Samiha Khreis (Cuadernos del diluvio, 2003)

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo pretende arrojar la luz sobre el feminismo, entendido como un conjunto de teorías y prácticas de autoafirmación, con las que múltiples culturas se entrelazan en torno a los derechos de las mujeres. Con un enfoque comparado, se presentan las ideas feministas en el ensayo literario A Room of One’s Own (1929), de la escritora británica Virginia Woolf; y en la novela Dafatir Al-Toufan (2003) de la escritora jordana Samiha Khreis. Tras una breve contextualización histórica y cultural, se pone atención en la influencia de las religiones en los feminismos oriental y occidental. Se aborda la representación literaria de la mujer occidental y sus reivindicaciones a principios del s. XX; y la de la mujer oriental árabe y la lucha por sus derechos a principios del s. XXI. Por último se comentan los puntos en que las obras convergen o divergen, de manera que se ponga en evidencia, acompañada de una breve reflexión sobre las luchas feministas, lo que hay de común o no entre movimientos socio-culturales reflejados en la literatura, por encima de fronteras y marcos temporales y culturales[Abstract] This work aims to shed light on feminism, understood as a set of theories and practices of self affirmation, with which multiple cultures are intertwined around women's rights. With a comparative approach, feminist ideas are presented in the literary essay A Room of One's Own (1929), by the British writer Virginia Woolf; and in the novel Dafatir Al-Toufan (2003) by the Jordanian writer Samiha Khreis. After a brief historical and cultural contextualization, attention is paid to the influence of religions on Eastern and Western feminisms. The literary representation of Western women and their claims at the beginning of the s. XX; and that of the Arab oriental woman and the fight for her rights at the beginning of the s. XXI. Finally, the points in which the works converge or diverge are commented, so as to put in evidence, accompanied by a brief reflection on the feminist struggles, what there is in common or not between socio-cultural movements reflected in the literature, for above borders and temporal and cultural frameworksTraballo fin de mestrado (UDC.FIL). Literatura, cultura e diversidade. Curso 2021/202

    A comparative study on the effects of ultrasound and some growth factors on somatic embryogenesis and artificial seed production in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

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    Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), a popular vegetable crop of the family Cucurbitaceae, is cultivated in different parts of the world and is of great economic importance. Ultrasound is known as a physical stimulus that can affect living systems. At the right frequency and exposure period, these waves have desired effects. In the present study, 2-week-old plants, were put in an ultrasonic bath with a nominal frequency of 40 kHz, a central frequency of 34/722 kHz and a bandwidth of 320 Hz for 0, 5, 10 and 15 minutes. Hypocotyl pieces were used as explants and cultured in Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 0/5 mg/l each of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 1-Naphthalene acetic acid, kinetin and 6-benzylaminopurine. The use of ultrasonication at a nominal frequency of 40 kHz for 10 minutes showed better results as compared with the samples treated for 0, 5 and 15 minutes, in terms of the shape, maturity of the embryos, and also the germination of artificial seeds and maturing to flowering stage. Since the cucumber of Esfahan is very famous for its aroma and taste and it is somewhat at risk of extinction, we studied the production of artificial seeds of this valuable plant using somatic embryos and apical buds. This research is the first report on investigation of the positive effect of ultrasound on somatic embryogenesis and artificial seed production. our results clearly showed that this method is a practical method to accelerate seed germination and flowering stage

    Genotype-isolate interaction for resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sunflower

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    The sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one of the most important crops grown for edible oil. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is a common and widespread pathogen of sunflower. In the present study the reaction of 35 genotypes, including recombinant inbred lines and their parents, M7 mutant lines developed by gamma irradiation, and some genotypes from different geographical origins, were evaluated against eight S. sclerotiorum isolates in controlled conditions. The proportion of the subsequent basal stem lesions was measured 3 days after inoculation. Highly significant differences were observed among sunflower genotypes and S. sclerotiorum isolates, with the isolates interacting differentially with sunflower genotypes. Two genotypes had high partial resistance to all S. sclerotiorum isolates, whereas others were susceptible to all isolates. Isolates of S. sclerotiorum differed in virulence to host genotypes. Some genotypes showed specific interactions with S. sclerotiorum isolates, being resistant to some isolates but susceptible to others. Recom­binant inbred lines used in this study showed different reactions to eight isolates of S. sclerotiorum when compared with their parental lines. The isolate-specific and isolate-nonspecific partial resistant genotypes identified in present experiments should be used in crossing programmes for breeding of durable resistance to Sclerotinia basal stem disease