2,450 research outputs found


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    PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa Branch of Semarang is logistic state-owned corporation. This company has a lot of potency to conduct fix assets investment because it has much capital. Fix assets investment aim to improve company profit and to use company capital in order that it is not saved in the form of current assets. The company will conduct fix asset investment by making a warehouse in Blora. The object of this research is analyzing the measure of the next fix asset investment and liquidity ratio, before and after fix asset investment. This research is a descriptive analysis with time series data by balancing sheet and profit report in 2002 until 2006. The Data Method analysis use qualitative method and quantitative method with liquidity ratio, including current ratio, quick ratio and cash ratio and investment appraising method, including payback period, Net present value, Internal Rate of return, and Accounting Rate of Return. The result of this research is the company ratio liquidity is very high. It is be because the company is not conducting fixes asset investment so the capital is saved in current assets in a large number. This condition shows that company cannot use their capital to improve their profit. Based on appraising investment method, the next company fix asset investment by making a warehouse in Blora can be accepted because the revenue of investment is higher than cost of investment. Beside that, company ratio liquidity showing that this company has capital to paying the current liabilities (by cash money) so the capital not be useless. From the Research, the writer suggest the next research to analysis the next fix asset investment by making a warehouse in another city besides Blora which has a lot of potency to improving the company profit in the next future


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    ABSTRAK PERBEDAAN RERATA KADAR TNF-α DAN FERITIN ANTARA PASIEN KETUBAN PECAH DINI PRETERM DAN KEHAMILAN PRETERM Ahmad Arif, Ariadi, Yusrawati, Syahrial Syukur Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas, RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang Abstrak Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan rerata kadar TNF-α dan feritin antara pasien ketuban pecah dini preterm dan kehamilan preterm. Metode : Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain cross-sectional comparative study. Populasi penelitian seluruh ibu hamil dengan usia kehamilan 28 - 34 minggu yang datang ke Poliklinik dan Ruang Bersalin RSUP. Dr. M. Djamil Padang, RSUD Rasyidin Padang, RST Reksodiwiryo Padang, RSUD Pariaman dan puskesmas Lubuk Buaya Padang dengan diagnosis ketuban pecah dini preterm dan kehamilan preterm. Total sampel 80 orang. Analisis data dilakukan secara bivariat dengan uji T independent. Hasil : Rerata kadar TNF-α lebih tinggi pada ketuban pecah dini preterm 244,57 ± 136,12 ng/ml dibandingkan kehamilan preterm 188,06 ± 39,82 ng/ml. Rerata kadar feritin lebih tinggi pada ketuban pecah dini preterm 136,24 ± 36,78 ng/ml dibandingkan kehamilan preterm 16,43 ± 11,54 ng/ml. Terdapat perbedaan kadar TNF-α dan Feritin yang bermakna antara pasien ketuban pecah dini preterm dan kehamilan preterm. Kesimpulan : Terdapat perbedaan kadar TNF-α dan Feritin yang bermakna antara pasien ketuban pecah dini preterm dan kehamilan preterm. Kata Kunci : Ketuban pecah dini preterm, preterm, TNF-α, Feriti

    A Comparative Study of AODV & DSR with Varying Speed, Pause Time, and Node Density over TCP Connections in VANET

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    This paper presents a comparative study of two routing protocols in vehicular ad hoc networks, popularly known as VANETs. A VANET is a special type of ad hoc network consists of moving cars referred to as nodes; provide a way to exchange any information between cars without depending on fixed infrastructure. Due to rapid topology changing and frequent disconnection makes it difficult to select suitable mobility model and routing protocols. Hence performance evaluation and comparison between routing protocols is required to understand any routing protocol as well as to develop a new routing protocol. In this research paper, the performance of two on-demand routing protocols AODV & DSR has been analyzed by means of packet delivery ratio with varying speed limit, pause time, and node density under the TCP connection.. Finally, it concludes the discussion by pointing out some open issues and possible direction of future research related to VANET routing

    The effectiveness of teaching reading comprehension on narrative texts using survey, question, predict, read, respond, summarize (SQP2RS) strategy

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    This study aimed to explain the effectiveness of teaching reading comprehension using SQP2RS strategy at the eighth graders of MTs in Ribhul Ulum Demak in the Academic year of 2018/2019.This research was quantitative study with quasi experimental nonequivalent control group design. In an experimental research, researcher compared experimental groups and control groups. The population in this study was students of class VIII B as an experimental class of 21 students and class VIIIA as a control class of 23 students. The data collection technique that researcher used was in the form of tests, observation and documentation. The collecting data was analyzed using statistical analysis. The formula to analyze the data was used t-test. It was used to determine whether there was significant difference between students’ score in experimental and control class or not. Hypothesis testing showed that the test results that was obtained by the average score of class VIII B which was 71.75 with a standard deviation (s) 9.63 while the average score of class VIIIA is 61.09 with standard deviation (s) 9.16 . From the analysis of the final data obtained t count = 3.71 and t table = t (0.05) (41) = 2,019 with a significance level of 5%. Because t count > t table means the proposed hypothesis is rejected. It means that there are significant differences in learning outcomes of students who use the SQP2RS strategy with students who use conventional strategy. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that using SQP2RS strategy is effective in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text of class VIII MTs Ribhul Ulum Demak in English subject. Based on the results of this study, it is expected to be an information material, motivation and as input for educators (teachers)


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    The success of the election is very closely related to the way each election is held and carried out correctly. The human resource factor (SDM) is not only regarded as the determination of the success of election but also as the quality of the general election and democracy. The process of a general election in 2019 has been found that the ad hoc committee faced many obstacles, which were generally related to the voter data collection process, election socialization, voting and counting process, the recapitulation of the voting election, etc. To improve the quality of human resources in conducting the elections was necessary to be appropriately implemented in which it must be directed and planned. However, it became a significant barrier to a large number of ad hoc (temporary) committees. This research aimed to see the competence and independence of the ad hoc committee in the 2019 Simultaneous Elections in the City of Depok. This research used descriptive quantitative in which it was based on survey results, document reviews, and observations. The results showed that the competence and independence of the ad hoc committee effected significantly to support the success of the general election

    Studi komparatif pemikiran al-Ghazali dan Ibnu Hazm tentang ‘azl

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    INDONESIA: Tujuan pernikahan tidak semata pemenuhan hasrat biologis semata, akan tetapi mempunyai tujuan penting lainnya. Di antara tujuan tersebut adalah pemeliharan keturunan. Bahkan Rasulullah SAW menganjurkan umatnya untuk menikahi wanita yang subur dan bisa memberikan banyak keturunan. Namun demikian memiliki banyak keturunan terkadang juga membawa dampak negatif bagi sebuah keluarga, seperti kurangnya asupan gizi anak, pendidikan yang tidak terpenuhi, kesehatan yang tidak memadai dan lain sebagainya. Sehingga banyak masyarakat mengambil langkah-langkah untuk meminimalisir keturunan mereka. Jika pada masa Rasulullah kita mengenal istilah ‘azl dan pada saat ini kita kenal dengan sebutan KB. Yang menjadi permasaalahan selanjutnya adalah bagaimana sebenarnya pandangan Islam terkait kedua praktek tersebut. Rumusan Masalah penelitian ini ada dua, yaitu : pertama adalah apa yang menjadi dasar hukum al-Ghazali dan Ibnu Hazm tentang hukum ‘azl dan yang kedua adalah bagaimana ‘azl dalam perkembangan modern. Metode yang digunakan penyusun adalah metode deskriptif komparatif yaitu menggambarkan pandangan kedua Imam tersebut tentang ‘azl, kemudian ditarik kesimpulan dan kaitannya dengan KB. Jenis penelitiannya adalah Tinjauan Pustaka (library research), sedangkan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Pendekatan ini digunakan apabila data-data yang dibutuhkan berupa informasi yang tidak memerlukan perhitungan, dan dalam menganalisis data penyusun menggunakan metode analisis komparatif, yaitu membandingkan kedua pendapat imam tersebut dan kemudian menarik sebuah kesimpulan. Dari analisa yang telah penulis lakukan ternyata al-Ghazali berpendapat bahwa tidak adanya nash yang jelas atas pengharaman ‘azl, ‘azl tidak bisa dikategorikan sebagai aborsi, karena aborsi adalah kejahatan yang dilakukan setelah adanya hasil (anak). Menurutnya anak tidak semata lahir karena tumpahnya mani laki-laki dalam rahim wanita. Dalil-dalil yang beliau gunakan adalah dalil yang diriwayatkan oleh Muslim dari abu Said, Nasai, saramah, Syaikhani, abu Hurairah dan Jabir. Sedangkan Ibnu Hazm mengharamkan ‘azl, karena menurutnya ‘azl sama dengan wa’dul khafi. Beliau menggunakan dalil yang diriwayatkan dari Jadamah, menurut beliau hadist tersebut menghapus dalil-dalil yang membolehkan ‘azl. Dalam perkembangannya ‘azl mengalami perkembangan, hal ini dapat kita lihat dari pengertian dan funsi KB yang memiliki kesamaan ataupun kemiripan. Untuk permasaalahan hukumnya, sebagian ulama membolehkannya, akan tetapi ada juga sebagian lainnya yang melarang, seperti Prof. Dr. M.S. Madkour dan Abu a’la al- Maududi. Namun jika merujuk kepada pendapat al-Ghazali, maka hukum KB adalah mubah dan bila merujuk pada pendapat Ibnu Hazm, maka hukum KB adalah haram. ENGLISH: The purpose of marriage is not the fulfillment of merely biological desire, but that has other important objectives. One of them is to keep descendants. Even the Prophet Muhammad advocated Muslims to marry women who are fertile and can provide many descendants. However, having many offspring is sometimes also has negative impacts on a family, such as lack of child nutrition, unsatisfied education, inadequate health and so on. So many people decide to minimize their offspring. If the time of the Prophet we know the 'azl term and this time we know it called KB. The next problem is how exactly Islamic view of the two practices. The Problem formulation of this study is two: first is what the basic law of al-Ghazali and Ibn Hazm on the law of ‘azl and the second is how is the ' azl in the modern development. The method used by the researcher is descriptive method of comparative that describes the both leaders’ views of 'azl, then take conclusion and its relation to KB. The type of this research is library research, while the approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. This approach is used when the required data that is needed in the form of information that requires no calculations and in analysing data the researcher uses the method of comparative analysis, that is comparing the two opinions of the leaders and then takes a conclusion. The analysis that has been done by the researcher is exactly al-Ghazali argues that the absence of clear texts on the prohibition 'azl,' azl can not be categorized as an abortion, because abortion is a crime committed after the result (the child). He thinks children are not simply born out of the spilling of semen of men in a woman's uterus. The arguments he used was the proposition which was narrated by Muslim from Abu Said, Nasai, saramah, Syaikhani, abu Hurayrah and Jabir. While Ibn Hazm proscribes ‘azl, because he thinks that ' azl is like wa'dul khafi. He uses the argument that was narrated from Jadamah, according Ibnu Hazm, the hadith removes the arguments that allow 'azl. In its development, 'azl is getting growth, it can be seen from the understanding and the function of KB that has a similarity or resemblance. In law cas, some Ulama allow it, but there are also some others that prohibit, as Prof. Dr. M.S. Madkour and Abu a’la al- Maududi. But if it refers to the al-Ghazali’s opinion, the KB is permissible (Mubah) and when it refers to the Ibn Hazm’s opinion, KB is forbidden (Haram)


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    Salah satu kelemahan dari balok beton yaitu lemah pada gaya tarik tetapi dengan menggunakan baja tulangan kelemahan tersebut dapat diatasi dan dinamakan balok beton bertulang. Namun, balok beton bertulang juga mempunyai kelemahan, salah satunya adalah lemah terhadap pengaruh lingkungan yaitu korosi dan saat pembebanan terjadi retakan (retak lentur dan retak geser). Untuk mengatasi retak tersebut, salah satu solusi adalah menggunakan fiber reinforced polymer (FRP). Beton yang sudah mengeras akan dilaminasi menggunakan lembaran polymer untuk menambah kekuatan beton tanpa merusak struktur utama beton. Oleh karena itu, penelitian menganalisa pengaruh FRP pada kekuatan beton akan dilakukan pada penelitan ini menggunakan metode elemen hingga. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan software GiD 15.0.1 untuk pemodelan balok secara geometris dan pembagian menjadi elemen-elemen dan ATENA Studio v5 untuk analisis balok secara komputasi dengan metode elemen hingga. Parameter penelitian yang digunakan adalah variasi dari tulangan utama (10 mm, 12 mm dan 16 mm) dan variasi kuat tekan (20 MPa dan 30 MPa). Dari analisis ATENA peningkatan secara umum terjadi pada nilai defleksi dan kapasitas beban maksimum di kedua jenis kuat tekan. Sedangkan tulangan utama dengan diameter 16 mm pada kuat tekan 20 MPa kekakuan sebesar 4,62 kN/mm dan daktalitas sebesar 2,09 adapun pada kuat tekan 30 MPa kekakuan sebesar 2,02 kN/mm dan daktalitas sebesar 10,06. Tulangan utama dengan diameter 16 mm menunjukan hasil optimal dibandingkan variasi diameter 10 mm dan 12 mm. Retak yang terjadi pada beton dengan perkuatan fiber reinforced polymer lebih sedikit dibandingkan tanpa perkuatan fiber reinforced polymer


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    Studi Pengaruh Konsentrasi Larutan Prekursor dan Temperatur Sintering pada Transmitansi dan Hambatan Listrik Kaca Terhadap Konduktif sebagai Komponen Sel Surya Tersinisitisasi Pewarna Ahmad Arif Santoso Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Abstrak Fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) menjadi salah satu komponen penting dalam dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC). Hambatan listrik yang rendah dan transmitansi cahaya yang tinggi adalah syarat utama FTO. Pembuatan FTO menggunakan metode deposisi spray pyrolysis menggunakan ultrasonic nebulizer. Konsentrasi larutan SnCl2 dan temperatur sintering kaca divariasikan pada konsentrasi 0,3 sampai 0,9 M dan dari temperatur 400 sampai 500 °C. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan FTO dengan hambatan listrik rendah dan transmitansi cahaya yang tinggi yang dapat digunakan sebagai elektroda sel surya tersensitisasi pewarna, mengetahui karakteristik FTO yang mempunyai hambatan listrik rendah dan transmitansi yang tinggi, dan untuk menghasilkan dan mengetahui performa dari prototype dari DSSC. Ukuran substrat kaca yang digunakan adalah 10 cm x 10 cm. Morfologi fisik, kekristalan dikarakterisasi dengan Scanning Electron Microscope dan X-Ray Difraction. Transmitansi cahaya dan hambatan listrik diukur dengan UV-Vis spectrophotometer, dan 4-point probe. Dari hasil uji SEM diketahui bahwa FTO mempunyai ketebalan 858 nm dan ukuran butir 358 nm. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh FTO yang paling optimal pada variasi konsentrasi 0,7 M dengan temperatur sintering 400 °C dengan nilai rata-rata hambatan listrik 14,76 Ω dan nilai transmitansi FTO 81,41%. Hambatan listrik di bawah 30 Ω terjadi 97% dari luasan kaca. Karakteristik FTO yang dihasilkan memenuhi persyaratan sebagai bahan kaca konduktif transparan sel surya jenis DSSC. Aplikasi FTO pada DSSC menghasilkan efisiensi sebesar 0,786%. Kata kunci: Fluorine doped tin oxide, hambatan listrik, transmitansi cahaya, DSSC, efisiensi. Study of Effect of Precursor Concentration and Sintering Temperature on The Transmitance and The Electrical Resistance of Conductive Glass as a Component Dye Sensitized Solar cells Ahmad Arif Santoso Departement of Mechanical Engineering Engineering Faculty of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide (FTO) is an important component in Dye-sensitized solar Cells (DSSCs). The low electrical resistance and high transmittance are the main requirements of FTO. The manufacturing of FTO used a method of spray pyrolysis by using an ultrasonic nebulizer. The concentration of SnCl2 solution and the sintering temperature of glass were varied at ranging from 0,3 to 0,9 M and from 400 to 500 °C, respectively. The purposes of this research are to produce FTO with the low electrical resistance and high transmittance for the electrode of Dye-sensitized solar cells, to know the characteristic of FTO having the low electrical resistance and high transmittance, to produce and to know the performance of the prototype of DSSC. The size of glass substrate is 10 cm x 10 cm. The physical morphology and the cristallinity were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope and X-Ray Difraction. The light transmittance and the electrical resistance were measured by UV-Vis spectrophotometer and 4-point probe. The test results of SEM show that the FTO has a thickness of 858 nm and a grain size of 358 nm. The optimum properties of FTO are achieved at the precursor concentration of 0.7 M and the sintering temperature of 400 °C. The optimum value of electrical resistance is 14.76 Ω and the optimum value of transmittance is 81.41%. The electrical resistance less than 30 Ω occurs in 97 % of the glass area. The resulted characteristics of FTO qualify the requirement for the material of Transparent Conductive Oxide of DSSCs. The DSSC manufactured by the FTO with optimum properties has efficiency 0.786%. Keyword: Fluorine doped tin oxide, electrical resistance, light transmittance, DSSC, efficiency

    Relasi Gender Suami Istri: Studi Pandangan Tokoh Aisyiyah

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    Gender issues that come to the marital area seem to be contradictory to classical marriage jurisprudence, therefore it is necessary to know women's points of view to find out how significant of the discourse contributes to family life. Base on this argument, this research discussed the gender relations of husband and wife by focusing on the views of the Aisyiyah women leaders. This research was carried out by field research to interview then intensively some of Aisyiyah figures. The data collected was processed qualitatively to find a conclusion of the study using a normative and anthropological approach. Aisyiyah figure who was interviewed agreed on a balanced husband and wife gender relationship, such as the wife's ability to make a living and become a (leader) head of the family. The different views are only on women's ability to be guardians in marriage. These differences are more influenced by the background of life culture and knowledge about the gender issue
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