20 research outputs found

    Validering av ELISA för analys av equint IL-1 RA i plasma

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    Detta arbete syftade till att validera en metod för analys av interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1 RA) i plasma frĂ„n hĂ€st. Med en fungerande analysmetod finns möjligheten att anvĂ€nda IL-1 RA som biomarkör för antiinflammatoriska effekter av lĂ€kemedel exempelvis dexametason. En kommersiell ELISA framtagen för analys av IL-1 RA hos hĂ€st anvĂ€ndes vid valideringen. Analysmetoden var tidigare endast validerad för analys av IL-1 RA i spĂ€dningsmedium frĂ„n tillverkaren. Vid validering av metoden framstĂ€lldes standardkurvor i spĂ€dningsmedium frĂ„n tillverkaren (reagent diluent=RD) samt i olika biologiska medier frĂ„n hĂ€st. BerĂ€kning av standardkurvorna utfördes med hjĂ€lp av linjĂ€r regression och innefattade intervallet 0,313 – 20 ng/mL. R2-vĂ€rden som erhölls för dessa kurvor var i RD: 0,9735 – 0,9961, i RD med dubbel mĂ€ngd antikroppar jĂ€mfört med tillverkarens rekommendationer: 0,9953, i plasma: 0,98, i obehandlat serum: 0,85 och i vĂ€rmeinaktiverat serum: 0,01. Vid upprepade analyser av standardkurvor i hĂ€stplasma (n=6) hade fem av dessa standardkurvor ett R2-vĂ€rde i medeltal pĂ„ 0,978. HĂ€st fyra analyserades tvĂ„ gĂ„nger och erhöll R2-vĂ€rden 0,68 och 0,83. Utbytet frĂ„n plasma som spikades med IL-1 RA var lĂ„gt, 25 % vid 10 ng/ml och endast 2 % vid 2,5 ng/ml. Metoden uppvisade stor variation i precision bĂ„de vid analys i RD och i plasma. Repeterbarheten (%CV) berĂ€knad pĂ„ duplikat av IL-1 RA-koncentrationer frĂ„n de olika standardkurvorna var i RD (n=4) 2,7 – 37,5 % (0,313 ng/ml) och 0,1 -5,4 % (20 ng/ml), i RD med dubbel mĂ€ngd antikroppar (n=1) var CV 79,6 % (0,313 ng/ml) och 1,6 % (20 ng/ml), i serum (n=1) 51 % (0,313 ng/ml) och 1,5 % (20 ng/ml) och i plasma (n=6) 2 -914 % (0,313 ng/ml) och 1-13 % (20 ng/ml). I plasma frĂ„n hĂ€st var CV för repeterbarheten 1-16 % vid 5 ng/ml och inte godtagbar i lĂ€gre koncentrationer. Reproducerbarheten (% CV) i RD (n=4) var 105,5 % (0,313 ng/ml) och 5,2 % (20 ng/ml) och i plasma (n=6) 1308 % (0,313 ng/ml) och 6 % (20 ng/ml). LĂ€gsta koncentration med godtagbar reproducerbarhet (CV=14 %) i plasma frĂ„n hĂ€st var 5 ng/ml. Metoden fungerade med godtagbar precision i RD med undantag av den lĂ€gsta koncentrationen i standardkurvan dĂ€r bĂ„de repeterbarhet och reproducerbarhet uppvisade stora variationer. En förklaring Ă€r att linjĂ€r regression anvĂ€ndes för att berĂ€kna standardkurvan vilket fram för allt innebar att den lĂ€gsta koncentrationen blev osĂ€ker. Sammanfattningsvis kan inte denna analysmetod anvĂ€ndas för undersökning av IL-1 RA koncentrationer i serum och plasma eftersom de lĂ€gsta mĂ€tbara koncentrationerna med godtagbar precision var > 5 ng/ml. Problemet med metoden var att utbytet frĂ„n plasma var lĂ„gt vilket innebĂ€r att den testade metoden blev okĂ€nslig och inte tillförlitlig för analys av IL-1 RA i hĂ€stplasma.The aim of the study was to validate a commercial method for analyzing interleukin- 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1 RA) in equine plasma. A sensitive and reliable assay for IL-1 RA in serum and plasma might be used to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of pharmaceuticals such as dexamethasone. A commercial ELISA, previously only validated by the manufacturer in dilution medium, was tested in different biological fluids from horses and validated for inter and intra assay variations. Standard curves were tested in dilution medium from the manufacturer (reagent diluent=RD) and in the different biological fluids from horses. The standard curve was calculated using linear regression comprising the interval 0.313 – 20 ng/ml The correlation coefficient (R2) for these curves were: 0.9735 – 0.9961 for RD, 0,9953 for RD with twice the amount of antibodies compared with the manufacturer’s recommendations, 0.98 for plasma, 0.85 for serum and 0.01 for serum heated to denature the proteins. At repeted analysis, standard curves in equine plasma (n=6) had mean R2-values of 0.978 in 5 and R2-values of 0.8 and 0.83 in one horse analyzed twice. In plasma, spiked with IL-1 RA, the recovery of the substance was low, 25% at 10 ng/ml and only 2% at 2.5 ng/ml. Concentrations retrieved in the tested assay showed great variation both in RD and plasma. The intra assay coefficient of variation (%CV) calculated from duplicates of concentrations for IL-1 RA from the standard curves was 2.7 – 37.5 % (0.313 ng/ml) and 0.1 -5.4 % (20 ng/ml) in RD (n=4), CV was 79.6 % (0.313 ng/ml) and 1.6 % (20 ng/ml) in RD with twice the amount of antibodies compared to the manufacturer’s recommendations (n=1), 51 % (0.313 ng/ml) and 1.5 % (20 ng/ml) in serum (n=1) and 2 - 914 % (0.313 ng/ml) and 1-13 % (20 ng/ml) in plasma (n=6). In plasma the intra assay coefficient of variation was 1-16 % at 5 ng/ml and unacceptable (>25%) at lower concentrations. The inter assay CV was 105.5 % (0.313 ng/ml) and 5.2 % (20 ng/ml) in RD (n=4) and 1308 % (0.313 ng/ml) and 6 % (20 ng/ml) in plasma (n=6). The lowest concentration in plasma with an acceptable inter assay CV (14 %) was 5 ng/ml. The main problem with the tested assay was the low sensitivity and repeatability rendering it impossible to measure low concentrations of IL-1 RA in plasma, hence the anti-inflammatory effect of different steroid treatments could not be evaluated with the aid of this assay

    Towards a Wide-Coverage Grammar for Swedish Using GF

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    This thesis describes work towards a wide-coverage grammar for parsing and generating Swedish text. We do this by using the dependently typed grammar formalism GF, a functional programming language specialized at describing grammars. The idea is to combine existing language resources with new techniques, with an aim to achieve a parser for unrestricted Swedish. To reach this goal, problems of computational as well as linguistic nature had to be solved. The work includes the development of the grammar - to identify and formalize grammatical constructions frequent in Swedish - as well as methods for importing a large-scale lexicon and for evaluating the parser. We present the methods and technologies used and discuss the advantages and problems of using GF for modeling large-scale grammars. We further discuss how our long-term goal can be reached by combining our rule-based grammar with statistical methods. Our contribution is a wide-coverage GF lexicon, a translation of a Swedish treebank into the GF notation and an extended Swedish grammar implementation. The grammar is based on the multilingual abstract syntax given in the GF resource library, and now also covers constructions speci c to Swedish. We further give an example of the advantage of using dependent types when describing grammar and syntax, in this case for dealing with reflexive pronouns


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    Föreliggande studie undersökte skillnader i straffrĂ€ttsliga beslut och skillnader i hur olika rĂ€ttsliga faktorer vĂ€rderas för mĂ€n och kvinnor i Sverige som begĂ„tt samma typ av brott. En enkĂ€t med en vinjett av ett fiktivt misshandelsbrott dĂ€r en förövares kön manipulerades mellan tvĂ„ versioner av enkĂ€ten, besvarades av 220 personer bestĂ„ende av domare (n=68), nĂ€mndemĂ€n (n=61) och juriststudenter (n=91) frĂ„n 12 olika lĂ€n i Sverige. Huvudresultatet visade att mĂ€n rekommenderas signifikant lĂ€ngre fĂ€ngelsestraff Ă€n kvinnor med en skillnad pĂ„ 1,5 Ă„rs fĂ€ngelsestraff. Resultatet indikerade ocksĂ„ att oavsett om en man eller en kvinna ger en straffrekommendation skiljer sig inte rekommendationerna, och inga interaktionseffekter mellan kön pĂ„ respondenten och kön pĂ„ förövaren kunde sĂ€kerstĂ€llas. Vidare visade resultatet att en kvinnlig förövare vĂ€rderades signifikant lĂ€gre pĂ„ rĂ€ttsliga faktorer Ă€n en manlig förövare. Resultatet diskuterades utifrĂ„n tidigare forskning och teori och sĂ€rskilt betonades vikten av att arbeta aktivt mot helt objektiva bedömningar inom rĂ€ttssystemet, inte minst för att kunna arbeta brottsförebyggande dĂ„ lĂ€ngre fĂ€ngelsestraff resulterar i högre Ă„terfall i kriminalitet.The present study examined differences regarding sentencing outcomes and how legal factors are valued for men and women who committed the same crime in Sweden. A questionnaire with a fictitious assault case, where the perpetrator's gender was manipulated between the two versions of the questionnaire was completed by 220 participants, consisting of judges (n = 68), the Swedish counterpart of a jury (n = 61) and law students (n = 91) from 12 different regions in Sweden. The main result showed that men were recommended significantly longer sentences than women, with a difference of 1.5 years of imprisonment. The result indicated that whether a man or woman handed down a sentence recommendation, the recommendations did not differ and there were no interaction effects between the participant’s gender and the gender of the perpetrator. The result further showed that a female perpetrator is valued significantly lower on legal factors than males. The result is discussed in view of previous research and theory, and emphasizes the importance of working actively towards a completely objective judicial judgment in order to prevent crime, as longer prison sentences result in a greater propensity to recidivism

    VÄrd av sjÀlvskadebeteenden och suicidförsök pÄ akutmottagningar : Akutsjuksköterskors upplevelser, erfarenheter och attityder

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    Bakgrund: Över 700 000 mĂ€nniskor dör varje Ă„r till följd av suicid runt om i vĂ€rlden och den största riskfaktorn för att begĂ„ suicid Ă€r tidigare suicidförsök. Forskning visar att mĂ€nniskor som begĂ„r suicid ofta söker till akutmottagningar en eller flera gĂ„nger innan de tar sitt liv. Akutmottagningar Ă€r dĂ€rför en viktig plats för förebyggandet av suicid. Forskning visar att suicidförsök och sjĂ€lvskadebeteende blir allt vanligare samt att sjĂ€lvskadebeteende Ă€r en viktig riskfaktor för suicid. Sjuksköterskor pĂ„ akutmottagningar möter ofta patienter med sjĂ€lvskadebeteenden, patienter som genomgĂ„tt suicidförsök och patienter som funderar pĂ„ att ta sitt liv. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva akutsjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av att vĂ„rda patienter som inkommit till akutmottagningar till följd av sjĂ€lvskadebeteenden och suicidförsök, samt beskriva akutsjuksköterskors attityder gentemot dessa patienter. Metod: En systematisk litteraturöversikt med integrativ design. Systematiska artikelsökningar har utförts i tre medicinska databaser med hjĂ€lp av PEO-modellen. Tio inkluderade vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativ, kvantitativ och mixad metod har granskats och analyserats. Resultat: I resultatet framkom följande fem teman: I. Sjuksköterskors attityder; II. Sjuksköterskors prioritering av fysisk framför psykisk hĂ€lsa; III. Arbetslivserfarenhet pĂ„ akutmottagningen; IV. BarriĂ€rer inom akutmottagningens kontext; och V. Sjuksköterskors upplevda kompetenser & fĂ€rdigheter. Slutsats: DĂ„ resultatet visar att mĂ„nga akutsjuksköterskor uppger osĂ€kerhet och otrygghet vid vĂ„rden av patienter med sjĂ€lvskadebeteende och patienter som begĂ„tt suicidförsök, bör mer utbildning erbjudas pĂ„ akutmottagningar kring just dessa tillstĂ„nd. För att kunna bedriva en mer hĂ„llbar och patientsĂ€ker vĂ„rd bör Ă€ven akutmottagningar försöka behĂ„lla och rekrytera kompetenta och erfarna sjuksköterskor.Background: Each year, more than 700 000 people around the world die because of suicide, and the biggest risk factor for committing suicide is previous suicide attempts. Research shows that people who commit suicide often visit the emergency department one, up to several times before taking their own lives. Emergency departments are therefore an important place for preventing suicide. Research shows that suicide attempts and self-harming behavior are becoming more common, and that selfharming behavior is an important risk factor for suicide. In emergency departments, nurses often meet patients with self-harming behaviors, patients who have attempted suicide and patients with suicidal ideation. Aim: The aim was to describe the emergency nurses’ experiences of caring for patients who have been admitted to emergency rooms because of self-harming behaviors and suicide attempts, and to describe emergency nurses' attitudes towards these patients Method: A systematic literature review with integrative design. Systematic searches have been conducted in three medical databases using the PEO model. Ten included scientific articles of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method designs have been reviewed and analyzed. Results: The results highlight five main themes: I. Nurses’ attitudes; II. Nurses’ treatment of physical over mental health; III. Work experience in the emergency department; IV. Barriers in the context of the emergency department; and V. Nurses’ perceived competencies and skills. Conclusions: As the result show that many emergency nurses' report insecurity in the care of patients with self-harming behavior and patients who have attempted suicide, more training should be offered in emergency departments around these conditions. Emergency departments should also try to retain and recruit competent and experienced nurses, to provide more sustainable and patient-safe care

    VÄrd av sjÀlvskadebeteenden och suicidförsök pÄ akutmottagningar : Akutsjuksköterskors upplevelser, erfarenheter och attityder

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    Bakgrund: Över 700 000 mĂ€nniskor dör varje Ă„r till följd av suicid runt om i vĂ€rlden och den största riskfaktorn för att begĂ„ suicid Ă€r tidigare suicidförsök. Forskning visar att mĂ€nniskor som begĂ„r suicid ofta söker till akutmottagningar en eller flera gĂ„nger innan de tar sitt liv. Akutmottagningar Ă€r dĂ€rför en viktig plats för förebyggandet av suicid. Forskning visar att suicidförsök och sjĂ€lvskadebeteende blir allt vanligare samt att sjĂ€lvskadebeteende Ă€r en viktig riskfaktor för suicid. Sjuksköterskor pĂ„ akutmottagningar möter ofta patienter med sjĂ€lvskadebeteenden, patienter som genomgĂ„tt suicidförsök och patienter som funderar pĂ„ att ta sitt liv. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva akutsjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av att vĂ„rda patienter som inkommit till akutmottagningar till följd av sjĂ€lvskadebeteenden och suicidförsök, samt beskriva akutsjuksköterskors attityder gentemot dessa patienter. Metod: En systematisk litteraturöversikt med integrativ design. Systematiska artikelsökningar har utförts i tre medicinska databaser med hjĂ€lp av PEO-modellen. Tio inkluderade vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativ, kvantitativ och mixad metod har granskats och analyserats. Resultat: I resultatet framkom följande fem teman: I. Sjuksköterskors attityder; II. Sjuksköterskors prioritering av fysisk framför psykisk hĂ€lsa; III. Arbetslivserfarenhet pĂ„ akutmottagningen; IV. BarriĂ€rer inom akutmottagningens kontext; och V. Sjuksköterskors upplevda kompetenser & fĂ€rdigheter. Slutsats: DĂ„ resultatet visar att mĂ„nga akutsjuksköterskor uppger osĂ€kerhet och otrygghet vid vĂ„rden av patienter med sjĂ€lvskadebeteende och patienter som begĂ„tt suicidförsök, bör mer utbildning erbjudas pĂ„ akutmottagningar kring just dessa tillstĂ„nd. För att kunna bedriva en mer hĂ„llbar och patientsĂ€ker vĂ„rd bör Ă€ven akutmottagningar försöka behĂ„lla och rekrytera kompetenta och erfarna sjuksköterskor.Background: Each year, more than 700 000 people around the world die because of suicide, and the biggest risk factor for committing suicide is previous suicide attempts. Research shows that people who commit suicide often visit the emergency department one, up to several times before taking their own lives. Emergency departments are therefore an important place for preventing suicide. Research shows that suicide attempts and self-harming behavior are becoming more common, and that selfharming behavior is an important risk factor for suicide. In emergency departments, nurses often meet patients with self-harming behaviors, patients who have attempted suicide and patients with suicidal ideation. Aim: The aim was to describe the emergency nurses’ experiences of caring for patients who have been admitted to emergency rooms because of self-harming behaviors and suicide attempts, and to describe emergency nurses' attitudes towards these patients Method: A systematic literature review with integrative design. Systematic searches have been conducted in three medical databases using the PEO model. Ten included scientific articles of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method designs have been reviewed and analyzed. Results: The results highlight five main themes: I. Nurses’ attitudes; II. Nurses’ treatment of physical over mental health; III. Work experience in the emergency department; IV. Barriers in the context of the emergency department; and V. Nurses’ perceived competencies and skills. Conclusions: As the result show that many emergency nurses' report insecurity in the care of patients with self-harming behavior and patients who have attempted suicide, more training should be offered in emergency departments around these conditions. Emergency departments should also try to retain and recruit competent and experienced nurses, to provide more sustainable and patient-safe care

    To understand, prevent and deal with violations : one of the preeschool's most inmportent tasks

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    Most people tend to associate the concepts of bullying and abuse between children with something that occurs mainly in school. Research shows the prevalence of abuse and bullying among children already in preschool age with the risk of serious consequences later on. According to the National Agency for Education (Skolverket 2018), the preschool has assignments regarding values-related issues and to establish measures to prevent violations. Our study shows preschool teachers' experience of the phenomenon of abusive treatment and bullying among preschool children.  Research shows that children who experience bullying are in need of the support of both guardians and professionals so that the difficulties they experience will not follow them later in school age and perhaps even later in life. On the other hand, both previous research and our own study, indicate that guardians often do not know about the preschool's work to counteract abusive treatment.

    Uneek : a Web Tool for Comparative Analysis of Annotated Texts

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    In this paper, we present Uneek, a web based linguistic tool that performs set comparison operations on raw or annotated texts. The tool may be used for automatic distributional analysis, and for disambiguating polysemy with a method that we refer to as semi-automatic uniqueness differentiation (SUDi). Uneek outputs the intersection and differences between their listed attributes, e.g. POS, dependencies, word forms, frame elements. This makes it an ideal supplement to methods for lumping or splitting in frame development processes. In order to make some of Uneek’s functions more clear, we employ SUDi on a small data set containing the polysemous verb bake. As of now, Uneek may only run two files at a time, but there are plans to develop the tool so that it may simultaneously operate on multiple files. Finally, we relate the developmental plans for added functionality, to how such functions may support FrameNet work in the future

    Uneek : a Web Tool for Comparative Analysis of Annotated Texts

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    In this paper, we present Uneek, a web based linguistic tool that performs set comparison operations on raw or annotated texts. The tool may be used for automatic distributional analysis, and for disambiguating polysemy with a method that we refer to as semi-automatic uniqueness differentiation (SUDi). Uneek outputs the intersection and differences between their listed attributes, e.g. POS, dependencies, word forms, frame elements. This makes it an ideal supplement to methods for lumping or splitting in frame development processes. In order to make some of Uneek’s functions more clear, we employ SUDi on a small data set containing the polysemous verb bake. As of now, Uneek may only run two files at a time, but there are plans to develop the tool so that it may simultaneously operate on multiple files. Finally, we relate the developmental plans for added functionality, to how such functions may support FrameNet work in the future

    Commercial Real Estate : Different aspects of rent setting

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    Background The Swedish economy is currently in a boom and due to the fact that the commercial rental market is closely correlated with the development in the Swedish economy and its economic indicators, commercial real estate companies are successful. Commercial real estate companies generate their main revenue out of rents from their tenants, therefore the set-ting of rent and the factors affecting the procedure are of great importance. The report will not only examine the commercial rental market but also the composition of the lease con-tracts, factors affecting the rent setting and risks associated with commercial leases. Purpose To analyze the commercial rental market comprising of several different lease contracts. The focus will be to analyze the setting of rents and the factors affecting the procedure. Method A deductive approach and a qualitative research method is used in order to get reliable and valid data to be able to fulfill our purpose. The data is collected from interviews done with three different real estate companies, situated in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The sample include HĂ„kan Hellström representing Castellum, Lovisa Lindberg representing Landic Property and Roddy Carlsson representing Vasakronan. Conclusion As could be expected, the commercial rental market is closely correlated with supply and demand in the Swedish economy. Currently, demand is increasing due to a growing employment rate and a strong GDP growth. Market rents are increasing, since the demand is continuing to accelerate and vacancy rates are falling. The vacancy rates are currently below the natural level since rents are increasing in both Stockholm and Gothenburg. It is shown that the vacancy level is lower in Gothenburg compared to Stockholm. Location is the most important factor affecting the setting of rents apart from supply and demand. Rent for office space is highest in the cities’ Central Business District. Additional factors are attributes that make the premises more attractive and client care that enables for satisfied tenants and long lasting tenant relationships.Bakgrund Den svenska ekonomin Ă€r idag i en högkonjunktur och pĂ„ grund av att den kommersiella hyresmarkanden Ă€r starkt korrelerad med utvecklingen i den svenska ekonomin och dess ekonomiska indikatorer, Ă€r kommersiella fastighetsbolag framgĂ„ngsrika. Kommersiella fastighetsbolags intĂ€kter bestĂ„r till största del av hyror frĂ„n deras hyresgĂ€ster. DĂ€rför Ă€r hyres-sĂ€ttningen och dess pĂ„verkande faktorer av stor vikt. Rapporten kommer inte enbart undersöka den kommersiella hyresmarkanden, utan Ă€ven komponenter i kommersiella hyreskontrakt, faktorer som pĂ„verkar hyressĂ€ttning och risker associerade med kommersiella hyreskontrakt. Syfte Att analysera den kommersiella hyresmarknaden bestĂ„ende av flera hyreskontrakt, med fokusering pĂ„ hyressĂ€ttning och dess pĂ„verkande faktorer. Metod För att kunna uppfylla vĂ„rt syfte och för att fĂ„ sĂ„ tillförlitlig och giltig information som möjligt anvĂ€nds ett deduktivt synsĂ€tt och en kvalitativ forsknings metod. Informationen tillförskaffas genom intervjuer med tre fastighetsbolag, i Stockholm och Göteborg. Urvalet bestĂ„r av HĂ„kan Hellström som representerar Castellum, Lovisa Lindberg som representerar Landic Property and Roddy Carlsson som representerar Vasakronan. Slutsats Den kommersiella hyresmarknaden Ă€r som vĂ€ntat, starkt korrelerad med den svenska ekonomins utbud och efterfrĂ„gan. EfterfrĂ„gan ökar idag pĂ„ grund av en ökad sysselsĂ€ttningsgrad och en stark tillvĂ€xt av BNP. Marknadshyrorna stiger eftersom efterfrĂ„gan ökar och vakansgraden minskar. Vakanserna Ă€r i nulĂ€get lĂ€gre Ă€n normalt eftersom hyresnivĂ„erna ökar i bĂ„de Stockholm och Göteborg. Det visade sig att vakansgraden Ă€r lĂ€gre i Göteborg jĂ€mfört med Stockholm. HyressĂ€ttningens viktigaste faktor som pĂ„verkar hyresnivĂ„n förutom utbud och efterfrĂ„gan, Ă€r lĂ€ge. Hyran för kontorslokaler Ă€r som högst i stĂ€dernas Central Business District. HyressĂ€ttningen pĂ„verkas av ytterligare faktorer som gör kontorslokalen mer attraktiv och kundvĂ„rd som möjliggör lĂ„nga kund relationer med nöjda kunder