19 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the diversity of macrobentos that exist in the turtle conservation pond University of Bengkulu which serve as a source of learning science class VII MTsN 2 Bengkulu City. This research was conducted in February 2017 until May 2017. The sampling of macrobentos using a quadrant transect measuring 1x1 meter made of 6 quadrants. Based on the results of research conducted obtained 1,086 individuals belonging to macrobentos belonging to 3 genus namely, Bellamnya, Faunus, and Pomaceae. The data obtained were calculated based on macrobentos community structure consisting of population density (KP), relative abundance (KR), presence frequency (FK), Diversity Index (H ') and dominance index (C). The macrobentos diversity index found in turtle conservation ponds is below 1.5, with the result it can be said that in both turtle conservation ponds it has low macrobentos diversity. Development of learning refers to the modified Dick & Carey model. The lessons developed include Syllabus, RPP, LKPD, and performance appraisal instruments that are viewed from the students' process skills. The result of the validation of learning development shows that the teaching materials developed are very feasible in the test try to learners. The results showed that the average of students' process skills from the aspect of the highest performance performance was in good criteria. This is indicated by the percentage that reaches 67%. While the criteria include very good reached 33%. While for the result of measurement of process skill of student which counted by classical which counted on each indicator included into good category and very good


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    The focus of my study is to devise tolerance limits in the Javanese empan papan philosophy frame. This study is important because there are many incidents of oppression between groups in Indonesia. Indonesia has a variety of diversity, such as religion, culture and ethnicity. That diversity creates boundaries in building a life together in Indonesia. I used a library research method about Javanese philosophy of empan papan and dialogued it with Richard Rorty's thoughts. Four board is widely understood people must consider the location, condition and situation carefully. You can't just talk and act. Javanese humans place knowledge in the way they are in the expression of ngelmu kanti laku (knowledge by doing-being in action, and words that are realized). The philosophy of the empan papan was dialogue with Richard Rorty's thoughts about ironic humans, ironic liberal people and multicultural communitarian politics. This research brings together East-West tolerance limits, confirming Richard Rorty's thoughts. Limits of tolerance must be institutionalized through a consensus of public opinion that is built up dialogically. This is very possible because Javanese people are adaptive to empan papan. Javanese people respect the independence of each individual but at the same time place it in the public sphere. Javanese man never puts his self-awareness alone, always in his existence along with other subjects

    Kinerja Pelayanan Pemerintah Kecamatan (Studi Kasus Pada Kantor Camat Tambelan Kabupaten Kepulauan Riau) = Performance of Sub-District Government Service: A Case Study at Tambelan Sub-District Office of Kepulauan Riau Re

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    The research aims to find out the public service performance that is conducted at Tambelan Sub-District and to identify the influencing factors on the public service performance. Meanwhile the research uses descriptive method with descriptive qualitative technique of data analysis where data obtained are qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data are presented descriptively, whereas the quantitative data are given in the form of a table derived from interview and spreading questionnaires. This study found out that the service performance of Tambelan Sub-District could be said good on the aspect of responsiveness, efficiency of cost, and oriented service. While the other aspects are accountability, efficiency of time, and facility for the service could not be said good. The good perfor-mance is very dominantly determined by professionalism factor, incentive system, collaboration when compared with mission-vision factor that is merely slogan and structural factor is not yet completely filled by the officials. However, for the future, it needs to establish a certain standard of service time, improvement or supply of service facilities, implementing a given mission and vision as well as addition of officials to fill the empty position. Consequently, the performance of Tambelan Sub-District will be better. Keywords : Service Performance - Profesionalism - Incentive System -Mission-Vision - Structural - Collaboratio


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    Ringkasan pulang adalah rangkuman catatan waktu perawatan dan pengobatan dari awal masuk hingga selesai perawatan yang telah diberikan dokter kepada pasien rawat inap. Berdasarkan kemenkes No.129/Menkes/SK/II/2008 kelengkapan rekam medis dengan standar minimal pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit 100%.  Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kelengkapan ringkasan pulang di RSUD Koja Jakarta Utara tahun 2022. Mengidentifikasi standar prosedur operasional pengisian ringkasan pulang. Metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Instrumen menggunakan daftar tilik, pedoman wawancara, daftar pustaka. Sampel 174 formulir ringkasan pulang, melalui metode quota sampling.  Hasil penelitian terdapatnya Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO) kelengkapan ringkasan pulang dengan nomor dokumen RSUD Koja/SPO/RM/44/2017 Revisi 01. Namun belum semua petugas melaksanakan sesuai SPO. Kelengkapan komponen identifikasi pasien rata-rata 98% terisi lengkap. Kelengkapan komponen catatan yang penting rata-rata 86.3% lengkap, Kelengkapan komponen autentifikasi penulis rata-rata 78.6% dan kelengkapan komponen catatan yang baik rata-rata 78.8% lengkap. Rekapitulasi hasil analisis kuantitatif rata-rata kelengkapan ringkasan pulang diperoleh sebesar 85.5%. Kesimpulan penelitian kelengkapan ringkasan pulang di RSUD Koja belum sesuai dengan standar pelayanan minimal rumah sakit 100%, disarankan untuk mengingatkan DPJP untuk mengisi lengkap ringkasan pulang


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    Dalam era serba digitalisasi ini, masyarakat lebih menginginkan hal yang praktis, sebagai contoh jika ingin menginginkan barang atau makanan dengan segera maka perlu sampah plastik dalam pengemasan. Namun di wilayah Indonesia belum memadai mengenai infrastruktur pengolahan sampah plastik secara massal. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan mengacu kepada penelitian komparatif yang membandingkan data yang sudah ada dengan rentan parameter yang sama antara pengujian yang sudah dilakukan dengan penahanan suhu dan tanpa penahanan suhu reaktor dengan debit yang sama agar dapat diketahui besar selisih dari parameter serta kualitas hasil yang sudah dilakukan dengan mengacu kepada data sekunder. Pada data pengujian dengan penahanan suhu pada LDPE menghasilkan kondensor yang lebih kecil dari suhu reaktor dan kondensor tanpa kondisi penahanan, Volum yang lebih banyak saat kondisi dengan penahanan suhu reaktor, Kejernihan bahan bakar dengan penahanan suhu reaktor terlihat lebih jernih dibanding tanpa penahanan suhu reaktor.Kata kunci: Pengolahan, Plastik, EfisienIn this era of digitalization, people prefer practical things, for example, if they want goods or food immediately, they need plastic waste in packaging. However, in Indonesia, there is not enough infrastructure for processing plastic waste in bulk. This research is a type of quantitative research that compares existing data with the same vulnerable parameters between tests that have been carried out with temperature holding and without reactor temperature detention with the same discharge to know the large difference between the parameters and the quality of the results obtained. Nothing has been done to secondary data. The test data with temperature holding on LDPE produces a condenser that is smaller than the reactor temperature and condenser without holding conditions, more volume when conditions with reactor temperature detention. The clarity of fuel with reactor temperature holding looks clearer than without reactor temperature detention.Keywords: Processing, Plastic, Efficien

    Penguatan Aspek-Aspek Nature of Science and Technology dalam Pembelajaran bagi MGMP IPA Kabupaten Kaur Provinsi Bengkulu

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    Teaching the concept of science according to nature is important and will work well if the teacher has an understanding of the nature of science. The IPA MGMP in Kaur District facilitates teachers to upgrade their knowledge and skills to improve the learning process. The topics discussed included: 1) discussing questions on the National Examination and National Science Olympiad, 2) making parameters for the Final and Middle Examination questions 3) Classroom Action Research, and 4) learning models. No one has yet discussed how to teach science in accordance with the aspects of nature of science and technology (NOST). The purpose of this training is to improve understanding of NOST aspects which consists of 4 steps: 1) equalizing perceptions of the importance of NOST, 2) Analyzing aspects of NOST 3) and increasing teacher understanding of aspects of NOST in learning. This training was conducted for 50 teachers in Kaur District through the ICARE method (Introduction, Connection, Application, Reflection and Extend). Program evaluation is carried out by adopting the CIPP design (Context, Input, Process and Product). The results show that teachers already think that science is not just a concept of chemistry, physics, and biology. In addition, the teacher's view of scientific research is not only limited to proving concepts but also involves new findings that support technological development

    Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat yang Berpotensi sebagai Obat Covid-19 kepada Guru-guru IPA se Kabupaten Kaur

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    Kebiul merupakan tumbuhan obat Masyarakat suku Serawai Bengkulu. Oleh masyarakat biji Kebiul digunakan  sebagai obat malaria. Biji Kebiul telah diteliti mampu menghambat perkembangan Plasmodium berghei pada Mencit. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi hasil penelitian melalui Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Sumber Daya Lokal sebagai Obat Malaria yang Berpotensi sebagai Obat Covid-19 pada Guru  IPA  di Kabupaten Kaur. Pada awal kasus pandemic covid 19  beberapa peneliti melaporkan bahwa klorokuin dapat digunakan sebagai obat Covid-19, Berdasarkan uji praklinik biji Kebiul, mampu menghambat  perkembangan plasmodium malaria secara lebih baik dibandingkan dengan klorokuin. Melalui gambaran penelitian ini dimungkinkan biji Kebiul mempunyai potensi digunakan sebagai obat Covid-19. Pelatihan ini juga dimaksudkan sebagai upaya membangun sikap konservasi (pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam secara bijaksana) tentang tumbuhan obat di lingkungan sekolah. Pelatihan  diikuti oleh 40 guru IPA, hasil pelatihan berjalan baik, peserta mengikuti kegiatan secara aktif, hasil evaluasi pemahaman materi juga baik, dengan kriteria nilai sangat bagus.Kebiul merupakan tumbuhan obat Masyarakat suku Serawai Bengkulu. Oleh masyarakat biji Kebiul digunakan  sebagai obat malaria. Biji Kebiul telah diteliti mampu menghambat perkembangan Plasmodium berghei pada Mencit. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi hasil penelitian melalui Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Sumber Daya Lokal sebagai Obat Malaria yang Berpotensi sebagai Obat Covid-19 pada Guru  IPA  di Kabupaten Kaur. Pada awal kasus pandemic covid 19  beberapa peneliti melaporkan bahwa klorokuin dapat digunakan sebagai obat Covid-19, Berdasarkan uji praklinik biji Kebiul, mampu menghambat  perkembangan plasmodium malaria secara lebih baik dibandingkan dengan klorokuin. Melalui gambaran penelitian ini dimungkinkan biji Kebiul mempunyai potensi digunakan sebagai obat Covid-19. Pelatihan ini juga dimaksudkan sebagai upaya membangun sikap konservasi (pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam secara bijaksana) tentang tumbuhan obat di lingkungan sekolah. Pelatihan  diikuti oleh 40 guru IPA, hasil pelatihan berjalan baik, peserta mengikuti kegiatan secara aktif, hasil evaluasi pemahaman materi juga baik, dengan kriteria nilai sangat bagus

    Pembelajaran Sains Berbasis Kearifan Lokal pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Wilayah Bengkulu Selatan (Pemanfaatan Ikan Mungkus (Sicyopterus Cynocephalus) sebagai Sumber Belajar dalam Pembelajaran Sains di SMPN 20 Bengkulu Selatan)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian pembelajaran sains berbasis kearifan local di SMPN 20 Bengkulu Selatan. Metode penelitian merujuk pada langkah langkah Research and Development. Penilitian diawali dengan melakukan analisis kebutuhan materi pembelajaran sains dan potensi lokal untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber belajar. Hasil studi awal di wilayah Bengkulu Selatan terdapat 3 buah sungai dengan lebar rata rata sekitar 50 m, arus air 17 detik/10 meter, dan kedalaman sekitar 1,5 – 3 m. Pada ketiga sungai ditemukan jenis ikan Mungkus (Sicyopterus cynocephalus) diduga sebagai spccies endemik. Sicyopterus cynocephalus yang hidup diketiga sungai tersebut menunjukkan ciri morfologi yang sama, tetapi memiliki indeks morfometrik yang berbeda. Berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan dan potensi lokal daerah tersebut, disusun perangkat pembelajaran (teaching material) sains berbasis kearifan lokal dengan memanfaatkan Sicyopterus cynocephalus dan ekoistem sungai sebagai sumber belajar. Skenario pembelajaran dirancang dalam tiga tahap Indoor–Outdoor-Indoor (IOI). Hasil ujicoba skala terbatas di SMPN 20 Bengkulu Selatan, siswa yang belajar dengan memanfaatkan Sicyopterus cynocephalus dan habitatnya sebagai sumber belajar, rata rata memiliki kompetensi proses sains dan cara pandang (paradigma) yang baik mengenai konsep pelestarian alam, khususnya pelestarian Sicyopterus cynocephalus. Pembelajaran sains yang dikembangkan menjadi alternatif bagi guru dalam memanfaatkan potensi lokal sebagai sumber belajar sains untuk menumbuhkan kepedulian siswa terhadap liingkungan


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran biologi yang berbasis lingkungan alam sekitar yaitu area konservasi Universitas Bengkulu (Unib). Area konservasi Universitas Bengkulu merupakan sumber belajar bagi siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama dan Atas di Provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian ini merujuk pada langkah langkah Research and Development yang diawali (1) tahap perencanaan, (2) tahap pengembangan dan (3) tahap uji efektivitas. Strategi pembelajaran biologi yang diterapkan meliputi tiga tahap pembelajaran; Introduksi, Eksplorasi, Interpretasi (IEI) yang dilengkapi dengan bahan ajar biologi Berbasis Lingkungan Alam Sekitar (BLAS). Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa dari 15 item pertanyaan, mean skor untuk respon siswa SMA sederajat tertinggi yaitu, 4.69 dan siswa SMP sederajat, nilai mean skor tertinggi yaitu 4.74. lebih lanjut, uji beda berpasangan (paired sample t test) juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan skor mean atas respon siswa SMAN/MAN dan SMP/MTS sederajat. Hasil output uji beda menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara respon siswa SMAN/MAN dan SMP/MTS (p > 0.05).àKata Kunci : langkah pembelajaran, IEI, bahan ajar, BLAS, respon sisw

    Uji Fitokimia dan Toksisitas Ekstrak Umbi Hydnophytum sp. terhadap Artemia salina Leach

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    The goal of this research was to determine the content of secondary metabolites and the most active fraction of Simbagh Utak (Hydnophytum sp.) Tuber extracts. The content of secondary metabolites is determined by using phytochemical tests, and toxicity tests are carried out by the Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) method. Hydnophytum bulbs from Jukung Village, Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra were macerated using 96% ethanol and then evaporated until thick extracts were obtained. This thick extract was then tested for secondary metabolite content, fractionated using n-hexane, and ethyl acetate. The results of the fractionation were then carried out a toxicity test using the BSLT method. Secondary metabolite test results showed ethanol extract containing flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, terpenoids, and phenolics. The result of fractionation was obtained by the tuber extract of Hydnophytum n-hexane fraction, ethyl acetate fraction, and ethanol fraction. Toxicity test results obtained LC50 values of n-hexane fraction of 52.3 ppm, LC50 of ethyl acetate fraction of 45.9 ppm, and LC50 of ethanol fraction of 99 ppm. All Hydnophytum tuber extract fractions were categorized as toxic and have potential as anti-bacterial or anti-oxidant. The fraction that has the lowest LC50 price is the most toxic fraction. The most toxic fraction is the most active fraction. The ethyl acetate fraction was the most active fraction because it has the lowest LC50