11 research outputs found

    Quality control in GNSS reflectometry method for tide observations

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    Recently, the reflected signals from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) have been utilized to observe coastal tides, and it has been found that this method provides promising results. Although this method is promising, there remain problems related to accuracy of the observed tides. The purpose of this study was to improve the accuracy by employing an optimal spectral method in the quality control scheme. The quality control process is carried out by setting parameters to achieve the best possible frequency correlated with sea levels such as estimation of the noise frequency range, frequency amplitude power selection, and selection of peak frequency to noise ratio. The results using the data at Morotai station showed that the amplitude power less than 5 comes from low-frequency signals and hence it is an indicator that the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (LSP) fails to determine the dominant frequency. In addition, the result of the peak frequency to noise ratio shows a value of 2.7, meaning that the peak frequency of the LSP signal is at least 2.7 times greater than the signal noise. Quality control sensitivity settings are very effective in determining the reflectors height coming from the sea level. The periodogram visualization can be used to decide which LSP is significant


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    oai:ojs2.localhost:8081:article/16Beberapa wilayah di Kab. Bogor merupakan daerah penyangga Ibukota negara, dengan kepadatan penduduk tinggi dan merupakan pusat perekonomian. Akibatnya, wilayah tersebut terancam mempunyai kerentanan yang tinggi terhadap penyebaran COVID-19. Peningkatan pasien terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19 di Kab. Bogor semakin masif dari hari ke hari. Peningkatan kasus yang signifikan ini sangat mengkhawatirkan, terutama terhadap kemampuan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan. Kemampuan fasilitas pelayan kesehatan, terutama rumah sakit rujukan untuk menjangkau wilayah-wilayah rentan kasus positif dapat dengan mudah dilihat menggunakan analisis spasial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan lokasi strategis fasilitas kesehatan di Kab. Bogor sebagai Rumah Sakit rujukan COVID-19 dengan menggunakan metode analisis jaringan. Rencana strategis rumah sakit rujukan ditentukan berdasarkan wilayah-wilayah yang tidak bisa dijangkau oleh rumah sakit yang ada. Selanjutnya, penentuan indeks kesiapan rumah sakit rujukan menggunakan analisis multi kriteria Simple Additive Weighting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat satu rumah sakit existing dengan indeks kesiapan tinggi, kemudian 4 rumah sakit dengan indeks kesiapan sedang. Lebih lanjut, terdapat 13 alternatif rumah sakit rujukan menunjukkan kesiapan rendah. Sebaran rumah sakit di Kab. Bogor pun tidak banyak, dan hanya memusat di bagian tengah wilayah Kab. Bogor. Oleh karena itu, seluruh rumah sakit alternatif sangat strategis menjadi rumah sakit rujukan COVID-19. Jumlah rumah sakit rujukan COVID-19 di Kab. Bogor masih kurang menjangkau seluruh wilayah, sehingga pemerintah daerah selayaknya berupaya untuk melakukan penambahan jumlah rumah sakit atau penambahan kapasitas layanan kesehatan

    Development of Parameter Transformation of Indonesian Geospatial Reference System 2013

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    DGN95 is a static geospatial reference system, in which the change in the value of coordinates towards time as a result of tectonic plate movement and deformation of the earth’s crust, is not considered. Changes in the value of coordinates towards time need to be considered in defining a geospatial reference system for the territory of Indonesia. This is because the territory of Indonesia is located between several tectonic plates which are very dynamic and active. This area of IndoneFor this reason, SRGI2013 was born, a national coordinate system that was consistent and compatible with the global coordinate system. SRGI considers changes in coordinates based on time functions. Problems arise when the coordinates of the old pillar still use the DGN95 datum reference system. Many published maps or geodetic control network use the old coordinate system, then the mapping user has difficulty getting the conversion of coordinates change aforesaid. The purpose of this study is to produce coordinate transformation parameters to change the coordinates of the old datum (DGN95) into coordinates in the SRGI2013 datum. The results of the transformation parameters resulted are used to change coordinates that are still in the old datum. In addition to making it easier for users to transform coordinates. The coordinate transformation method used uses the 3-dimensional coordinate transformation of the Bursa-Wolf model (7 parameters) and the Affinity model (10 parameters)

    A spatiotemporal analysis of COVID-19 transmission in Jakarta, Indonesia for pandemic decision support

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    With 25% confirmed cases of the country’s total number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on 31 January 2021, Jakarta has the highest confirmed cases of in Indonesia. The city holds a significant role as the centre of government and national economic activity for which pandemic have had a huge impact. Spatiotemporal analysis was employed to identify the current condition of disease transmission and to provide comprehensive information on the COVID-19 outbreak in Jakarta. We applied space-time analysis to visualise the pattern of COVID-19 hotspots in each time series. We also mapped area capacity of the referral hospitals covering the entire area of Jakarta to understand the hospital service range. This research was conducted in 4 stages: i) disease mapping; ii) spatial autocorrelation analysis; iii) space-time pattern analysis; and iv) areal capacity mapping. The analysis resulted in 144 sub-districts categorised as high vulnerability. Autocorrelation studies by Moran’s I identified cluster patterns and the emerging hotspot results indicated successful interventions as the number of hotspots fell in the first period of social restrictions. The results presented should be beneficial for policy makers

    Perbandingan Ketelitian Geometrik Citra Satelit Resolusi Tinggi dan Foto Udara untuk Keperluan Pemetaan Rupabumi Skala Besar = Geometric Accuracy Comparison between High Resolution Satellite Imagery and Aerial Photo for Large Scale Topographic Mapping

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    Selain foto udara, citra satelit resolusi tinggi (CSRT) saat ini merupakan data dasar yang digunakan untuk pemetaan Rupabumi Indonesia (RBI) skala 1:5.000. Meski digunakan untuk menghasilkan peta pada level skala yang sama, namun foto udara dan CSRT memiliki perbedaan spesifikasi terkait kualitas geometriknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai kemampuan data CSRT dan foto udara, sehingga bisa menjadi salah satu landasan dalam membuat kebijakan terkait. Aspek yang dikaji adalah ketelitian geometrik CSRT dan foto udara dari sisi resolusi dan akurasi posisi. Data CSRT yang digunakan adalah citra hasil orthorektifikasi, yaitu wilayah Bolaang Mongondow Timur, Ambon, Sumba Timur, Morowali, Kualatanjung, dan Gorontalo, sedangkan data foto udara yang digunakan adalah wilayah Palu dan Bogor. Sebagai perbandingan hasil digunakan acuan standar di negara lain seperti American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) dan National Technical Document For Establishing Cartographic Base in India. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketelitian geometri CSRT berada pada skala 1:5.000 kelas 2 dan 3, sedangkan ketelitian foto udara berada pada skala 1:5.000 kelas 1. Secara resolusi, foto udara 2-4 kali lebih detail dari CSRT. Meski demikian, CSRT memiliki keunggulan yaitu cakupan footprint yang jauh lebih luas daripada foto udara, sehingga dalam keperluan praktis CSRT lebih sering digunakan untuk menghasilkan data RBI skala besar dibandingkan foto udaraHlm. 125-13