322 research outputs found

    Developing School-relevant Language and Literacy Skills through Dialogic Literary Gatherings

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    Research in the field of educational linguistics has found that low levels of academic language development negatively affect children’s language, reading and writing skills and, therefore, academic achievements. This is more noticeable in students from low SES backgrounds, who traditionally have a lower exposure to academic language. Nevertheless, dialogic learning environments such as Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs), a worldwide educational practice where participants read and debate literary classics in an egalitarian dialogue, contribute to the appearance of school-relevant language and literacy skills. Although multiple studies on DLGs have shown their impact in different levels, including improving vocabulary and reading skills, the emergence of such skills has not been studied in depth yet. This exploratory study aims to analyze the emergence of academic language and literacy skills in 19 students between the ages of 11 and 13 studying in a school in Spain with over 90% immigrant students. Results show that the egalitarian dialogue in which DLGs are based favors the emergence of school-relevant language and literacy skills, such as judgements and arguments, referential links, or connectives

    Ausubel's meaningful learning and Educational segregation

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    This article analyzes from the evidence of the various sciences the context in which educational segregation was imposed by some governments and the pseudo-theories that legitimized it. Ausubel's conception of meaningful learning was one of those conceptions and here its promotion parallel to the Spanish LOGSE education lawis particularly analyzed. It is concluded that there is no evidence that schools based on this conception have improved their results and that some of Ausubel's assertions are not justified neither empirically nor from a theoretical point of view nor from the values shared today about the relationships between different cultures. The article analyzes the contributions of dialogic learning and the lines of dialogic research on which it is based to education and to the different sciences. It specifies the reasons why the less dialogic learning is mixed with meaningful learning, the better results it achieves

    Medios y soportes alternativos para una publicidad convencional: publicidad «off the line»

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    En el presente artículo se intenta realizar una reflexión sobre la aparición de nuevos medios para la difusión de mensajes publicitarios. Unos medios que, por otro lado, no pueden ser incluidos en la catalogación below the line o above the line y, después de la realización de esta trabajo, hemos considerado oportuno catalogarlos como off the line. Desde este punto de vista, se realizó una búsqueda de estos nuevos medios y se analizaron los anunciantes que se valían de estas vías «alternativas» de difusión de los mensajes, intentando establecer una relación entre medios y mensajes alternativos.In this paper we try to explain the reasons for the new advertising media growth. New advertising media can not be included within the concepts of media «below the line» or «above the line». After our research we concluded that we can name it like media «off the line». Keeping that in mind, we look for examples of new medias and try to establish the relation «advertiser–media». We are willing to know if alternative advertisements use alternative medias

    Morbo y Vera, un cuento cruel: el fantaterror “de autor” en el Festival de San Sebastián y la censura tardofranquista

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    107 p.[ES]Atendiendo al interés generado por la recuperación de la memoria social y a las consecuencias de la represión de la dictadura española, se estudia el periodo tardofranquista de 1969-1975 analizando la hipotética relación entre la censura perpetrada por el Régimen y el Festival de Cine de San Sebastián, con base en dos películas del subgénero terror-fantástico “de autor” y a sus dos artífices Gonzalo Suárez y Josefina Molina. Se fundamentan las conclusiones de esta investigación en la historiografía de la materia y en la recopilación de documentos de archivo para obtener una óptica global.[EN]Taking into account the interest generated by the recovery of social memory and the consequences of the repression of the Spanish dictatorship, the late-Franco period of 1969-1975 is studied, analysing the hypothetical relationship between the censorship perpetrated by the Regime and the San Sebastian Film Festival, based on two films of “author” fantastic horror subgenre and its two creators Gonzalo Suárez and Josefina Molina. The conclusions of this research are based on the historiography of the subject and the collection of archival documents to obtain a global perspective

    Morbo y Vera, un cuento cruel: el fantaterror “de autor” en el Festival de San Sebastián y la censura tardofranquista

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    107 p.[ES]Atendiendo al interés generado por la recuperación de la memoria social y a las consecuencias de la represión de la dictadura española, se estudia el periodo tardofranquista de 1969-1975 analizando la hipotética relación entre la censura perpetrada por el Régimen y el Festival de Cine de San Sebastián, con base en dos películas del subgénero terror-fantástico “de autor” y a sus dos artífices Gonzalo Suárez y Josefina Molina. Se fundamentan las conclusiones de esta investigación en la historiografía de la materia y en la recopilación de documentos de archivo para obtener una óptica global.[EN]Taking into account the interest generated by the recovery of social memory and the consequences of the repression of the Spanish dictatorship, the late-Franco period of 1969-1975 is studied, analysing the hypothetical relationship between the censorship perpetrated by the Regime and the San Sebastian Film Festival, based on two films of “author” fantastic horror subgenre and its two creators Gonzalo Suárez and Josefina Molina. The conclusions of this research are based on the historiography of the subject and the collection of archival documents to obtain a global perspective

    Formal Design and Verification of Digital PID Gain Scheduling Controllers

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    The verification process of embedded systems is fundamental for their correct development. Embedded control is a popular choice among the engineering community, making the relationship between control systems and computer science very close. Gain scheduling is a typical approach for safety-critical systems (e.g. jet-engines). It is preferred due to a known route to certification. Nonetheless, stability and performance are hard to prove analytically. Consequently, safety and airworthiness are achieved by extensive testing, and therefore a new way for verification is desirable. Model checking, an exhaustive verification technique, is a part of formal methods. Model checking can aid in detecting ambiguities and collisions in requirements, increasing and improving testing coverage and error detection rate. However, there are still limitations and challenges to model checking. The state-space explosion problem limits its use to realistic dynamic control systems: Computational memory runs out or available data types are not appropriate for modelling. This thesis addresses the formal design and verification of discrete PID gain-scheduled control systems. By the means of a novel abstraction methodology the control problem is resolved in a model checking environment; formally tuning the controller whilst systematically constructing a control schedule. The work in this overcomes typical constraints imposed by model checking. In this manner, the gain-scheduled controller can be efficiently generated and the resulting schedule is correct-by-construction with respect to high level performance requirements. This novel methodology incorporates computer science and control systems tools, proposing an a priori verification approach in contrast to current a posteriori testing activities. By combining computer science and control engineering, the gap between formal methods and control systems is reduced. The next step in this line of research is to analyse the scalability of the approach using more realistic models and design cases; in this manner the state-space explosion problem can be addressed with a divide and conquer approach. Also, a trade-off analysis between benefits and the required effort learning the new approach in a real development cycle must be conducted to assess feasibility and capabilities of the approach

    The concept and the name of Isolating Gender Violence

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    In December 2020, the Catalan Parliament approved by unanimity the world’s first legislation of the concept of Isolating Gender Violence (IGV); in 2021, several parliaments are developing their own legislations. The elaboration of this concept and later this name has been a long and dialogic process among diverse scientists, policymakers, governments, parliaments, victims, survivors, social organizations and citizens. Since 2016, CREA (Community of Research on Excellence for All) has developed a process of elaborating the concept of IGV oriented to obtain the scientific, policy and social impact required to make a key contribution to overcoming gender violence. This process was simultaneous to the elaboration by the same researchers of the criteria of policy and societal impact of the EU’s scientific programme of research (Horizon Europe). This paper presents this dialogic research conducted to get the concept and the name IGV and the consequences of this concept along scientific, policy and social impact. The results show that the key for getting the name and the impacts of this scientific robust concept has been three of the main characteristics of the present EU research program Horizon Europe: the priority of social impact, the co-creation of knowledge between scientists and citizens and sustainability

    Dialogic Reconstruction of Memory: A Methodological Contribution Aimed at Social Impact on Youths Sexual-Affective Relationships

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    Methodologies of research aimed at achieving social impact, such as the Communicative Methodology (CM), have overcome the instrumental uses of language. Alongside these, research on memory has shown how this is not a static construct but one that is continuously evolving through social interaction. Research on youths' sexual-affective relationships achieving social impact currently combines these two frameworks. However, from a methodological perspective, what advancements allow for the achievement of such an impact has not been explored yet. The current study contributes a new methodological contribution within the CM, the Dialogic Reconstruction of Memory (DRM). Six interviews were conducted with researchers studying sexual-affective relationships and participants in this kind of study. The results show how both interviewed researchers and participants identify the emergence of the DRM during and after communicative interviews. In turn, this leads to a series of modifications to communicative interviews and opens up possibilities for personal transformation. These findings open new avenues for research with social impact