702 research outputs found

    The evaluation of teaching in two public Latin American universities: Cuba and Mexico

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    Este artículo describe las características de la evaluación de la docencia en dos universidades públicas Latinoamericanas de Cuba y del Sureste de México. De antemano se reconoce que la docencia es una actividad compleja que al igual que la manera en la que ésta se evalúa existen factores contextuales imprescindibles de considerar, de tal forma que se cuenten con distintos referentes que fortalezcan y amplíen la concepción de lo que significa evaluación de la docencia. El análisis de los sistemas de evaluación indica que ésta se realiza en diferentes momentos y con diferentes propósitos. Los autores enfatizan las diferencias y fortalezas de los dos sistemas de evaluación y hacen recomendaciones para su mejora. Es importante examinar con mayor detenimiento los procesos de la evaluación y el uso de los resultados en instituciones de educación superior en América Latina, así como su validez y consecuencias. Aun cuando la evaluación formal de la docencia presenta avances importantes, todavía se encuentra en una etapa incipiente después de más de 30 años de esfuerzos continuos, por lo que vale la pena continuar trabajando en su consolidación.This article describes the characteristics of the evaluation of college teaching in two universities from Cuba and Southern Mexico. Because teaching is a complex activity, its evaluation needs to give special attention to contextual factors, and different sources of evidence that provide us with a deeper and broad conception about the meaning of evaluation results. The analysis of both evaluation systems indicates that the evaluation of teaching takes place in different moments and has different purposes. The authors stress the differences and strengths of the two evaluation systems and make recommendations for its improvement. In addition, they stress the need for examining more deeply the evaluation processes and the use of evaluation results in Latin American higher education institutions, as well as its validity and consequences. It is important to examine more closely the processes of evaluation and use of results in institutions of higher education in Latin America and its validity and implications. Although formal evaluation of teaching has significant advances, is still in an incipient stage after more than 30 years of continuous efforts, so it is worth continuing to work on its improvement

    Intraclass image augmentation for defect detection using generative adversarial neural networks

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    Surface defect identification based on computer vision algorithms often leads to inadequate generalization ability due to large intraclass variation. Diversity in lighting conditions, noise components, defect size, shape, and position make the problem challenging. To solve the problem, this paper develops a pixel-level image augmentation method that is based on image-to-image translation with generative adversarial neural networks (GANs) conditioned on fine-grained labels. The GAN model proposed in this work, referred to as Magna-Defect-GAN, is capable of taking control of the image generation process and producing image samples that are highly realistic in terms of variations. Firstly, the surface defect dataset based on the magnetic particle inspection (MPI) method is acquired in a controlled environment. Then, the Magna-Defect-GAN model is trained, and new synthetic image samples with large intraclass variations are generated. These synthetic image samples artificially inflate the training dataset size in terms of intraclass diversity. Finally, the enlarged dataset is used to train a defect identification model. Experimental results demonstrate that the Magna-Defect-GAN model can generate realistic and high-resolution surface defect images up to the resolution of 512 × 512 in a controlled manner. We also show that this augmentation method can boost accuracy and be easily adapted to any other surface defect identification models

    The Caterpillar Gallery: Quadric Surface Theorems, Parametric Design and Digital Fabrication

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    The use of certain quadratic surface theorems has mainly been associated in architecture with the design of classical vaults, domes and piping. The work presented by the authors is intended to explore the potential of these theorems to be used in the generation law for more complex shapes in contemporary architecture. The paper shows the case study of a built full-scale prototype, The Caterpillar gallery, a project stemming from the combination of geometric research and teaching innovation. Formal and structural experimentation take place in this project where, by starting from geometrical considerations, an efficient way of generating longitudinal spaces is proposed. One of the mentioned theorems applied to rotational cones provides the starting point for the generation of a set of concatenated surfaces that, once assembled, constitute a very stable self-supporting structure with a variety of possible applications

    Singular sources in the Demianski-Newman spacetimes

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    The analysis of singular regions in the NUT solutions carried out in the recent paper (Manko and Ruiz, 2005 Class. Quantum Grav. 22, p.3555) is now extended to the Demianski-Newman vacuum and electrovacuum spacetimes. We show that the effect which produces the NUT parameter in a more general situation remains essentially the same as in the purely NUT solutions: it introduces the semi-infinite singularities of infinite angular momenta and positive or negative masses depending on the interrelations between the parameters; the presence of the electromagnetic field additionally endows the singularities with electric and magnetic charges. The exact formulae describing the mass, charges and angular momentum distributions in the Demianski-Newman solutions are obtained and concise general expressions P_n=(m+i\nu)(ia)^n, Q_n=(q+ib)(ia)^n for the entire set of the respective Beig-Simon multipole moments are derived. These moments correspond to a unique choice of the integration constant in the expression of the metric function \omega which is different from the original choice made by Demianski and Newman.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures; submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    A template method to measure the tt polarisation

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    This work is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigacion) through the grant IFT Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa SEV-2016-0597, by the projects PID2019-110058GB-C21, PID2019-110058GB-C22 from MICINN/AEI/ERDF, and by projects CERN/FIS-PAR/0004/2019, CERN/FIS-PAR/0029/2019 from FCT. The work of P.M.R. is supported through the FPI grant BES-2016-076775. The work of M.C.N.F. was supported by the PSC-CUNY Awards 63096-00 51 and 64031-00 52.We develop a template method for the measurement of the polarisation of tt¯ pairs produced in hadron collisions. The method would allow to extract the individual fractions of tLt¯ L, tRt¯ R, tLt¯ R and tRt¯ L pairs with a fit to data, where L, R refer to the polarisation along any axis. These polarisation fractions have not been independently measured at present. Secondarily, the method also provides the net polarisation of t and t¯ , as well as their spin correlation for arbitrary axes.IFT Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa PID2019-110058GB-C21, PID2019-110058GB-C22, SEV-2016-0597PSC-CUNY 63096-00 51, 64031-00 52Spanish Research AgencyFamily Process Institute BES-2016-076775Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónEuropean Regional Development Fund CERN/FIS-PAR/0004/2019, CERN/FIS-PAR/0029/2019Fundació Catalana de TrasplantamentAgencia Estatal de Investigació

    Luz blanca

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    Planteamiento de un prototipo de sistema de medicion basado en la luz blanca sin llegar a la medicion. Se llevan a cabo el diseño de un soporte para los elementos, la seleccion de una plantilla de trabajo, una comparativa de lentes y proyectores y un estudio de repetibilidad del metodo. Se comparan los resultados con un sistema laser que ya esta siendo usado

    Calibración y estudio de capacidad de un sistema de medición sin contacto de intercambiadores de calor

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es continuar con el desarrollo de un sistema de medición por visión creado en el Departamento de Ingeniería de Diseño y Fabricación de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Para ello en primer lugar se hace una introducción que permita conocer la evolución de este tipo de sistemas de medición, las diferentes técnicas de medición sin contacto existentes y los campos de aplicación que tienen en la actualidad. También se describen los componentes y el funcionamiento del equipo de visión, para a continuación llevar a cabo diferentes tipos de estudios que permitan tener un conocimiento más profundo del equipo de medición, así como aportar datos, que contribuyan a su mejora. Con ello, se realizan estudios de repetibilidad y sensibilidad. Ambos se llevan a cabo empleando tres modelos diferentes de intercambiadores de calor para la toma de datos. Se estandariza el procedimiento de calibración y se implementa un segundo método para establecer una comparativa entre ambos. A partir de este segundo procedimiento, también se hace un estudio de sensibilidad modificando la dirección del sistema de visión, con el objeto de tener más datos sobre la influencia de este parámetro en los resultados finales. Por último se realiza un rediseño de los calibradores empleados en la calibración del equipo, integrando ambos en uno solo, con el fin de hacer más fácil y rápido el procedimiento de calibración