7,424 research outputs found

    Propuesta de inclusión del criptosistema triple des 96en ssl/tls record protocol

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    TESIS DE INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTIFICA EL PRESENTE TRABAJO DE INVESTIGACIÓN SE CENTRA EN EL SSL/TLS RECORD PROTOCOL DONDE SE CONSTRUYE LA INCLUSIÓN DE TRIPLE DES 96 EN LA MENCIONADA SUITE DE CIFRADODebido a la seguridad requerida al momento de intercambiar información delicada a través de internet, es necesario el uso de algoritmos y protocolos criptográficos complejos como es el caso de Secure Sockets Layer y Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS), el funcionamiento de éste está dividido en cuatro sub protocolos; Handshake Protocol, Change Cipher Spec Protocol, Alert Protocol y Record Protocol. El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en el SSL/TLS Record Protocol, donde se construye la inclusión del algoritmo Triple DES-96 en la suite de cifrado de SSL/TLS. Con este objetivo, se desarrollan en lenguaje de programación Java los algoritmos Triple DES y Triple DES-96, se realizan pruebas de cifrado y descifrado sobre 1000 archivos de diferentes tipos y tamaños, se mide el tiempo de cada algoritmo en cifrar y descifrar la información, se registran todos los resultados experimentales obtenidos y por último se comparan los resultados. Al descubrir que los resultados son favorables, en disminución de tiempo y mayor robustez en el cifrado, se plantea la inclusión del algoritmo Triple DES-96 en la suite de cifrado SSL/TLS Record Protocol.CONACY

    La poesía kitsch como instrumento del poder en el siglo XVII

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    Many of the poems that were part of the song books and volumes of poetry, several circulating during the Baroque were kitsch products to meet the demand for information and culture of an emerging mass society. Works of mass consumption created, not only to entertain but to convey a message that, since power, reaching the largest possible number of receivers. All this in a context, the 17TH century, in which songbooks and sheets of string and novelists covered the absence of mass media.Muchos de los poemas que formaban parte de los cancioneros y volúmenes de poesías varias que circulaban durante el Barroco eran productos kitsch elaborados para satisfacer la demanda de información y cultura de una naciente sociedad de masas. Obras de consumo masivo creadas, no sólo para entretener sino para transportar un mensaje que, desde el poder, llegase al mayor número posible de receptores. Todo ello en un contexto, el siglo XVII, en el que cancioneros, pliegos de cordel y romanceros cubrían la ausencia de los medios de comunicación de masas

    The Effect of Resilience on Entrepreneurial Intention in Higher Education Students in a Post-Covid Stage 19

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    The situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has affected several areas: economic, social, relational, and, of course, education. This article aims to determine the impact on education, transposed to Resilience and entrepreneurial intention. A quantitative study was carried out, and 550 undergraduate university students were surveyed by random probability sampling, and the data were analyzed by factor analysis for the reduction of dimensions, and subsequently, linear and correlational regressions were applied. We found that there is a positive impact between Resilience and the entrepreneurial intention of university students, and it was also demonstrated that the greater the Resilience, the greater the perceived control of the entrepreneurial intention. Both attitude and subjective norm showed the highest positive relationships. The present work provides essential findings on the effect of Resilience on students and supports the importance of including entrepreneurship in education as a post-pandemic triggering factor. Furthermore, it opens future lines of research related to the inclusion of entrepreneurship in university students and the specific social impacts that may affect entrepreneurial intention

    A landesman-lazer local condition for nonlinear elliptic problems

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Matemática, 2017.Texto parcialmente liberado pelo autor. Conteúdo restrito: Capítulos 1 e 2.O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a existência, multiplicidade e não existência de soluções para problemas elípticos não-lineares dependendo de um parâmetro sob uma hipótese do tipo Landesman-Lazer. Para estabelecer a existência de solução combinamos o Método de Redução de Lyapunov-Schmidt e a técnica de congelamento do termo gradiente com argumentos de truncamento e aproximação através de métodos de bootstrap. Não há restrição de crescimento no infinito sobre o termo não-linear o qual pode mudar de sinal.CNPqThe purpose of this work is to study existence, multiplicity and non existence of solutions for nonlinear elliptic problems depending on a parameter under Landesman-Lazer type hypotheses. In ordem to establish the existence of solution we combine the Lyapunov-Schmidt Reduction Method and the term gradient freeze technique with truncation and approximation arguments via bootstrap methods. There is no growth restriction at infinity on the nonlinear term and it may change sign

    Interpretation Methods for Seismic Downhole Test in Inclined Boreholes

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    Geotechnical investigations often involve inclined boreholes, which can be used for downhole (DH) seismic surveys. However, as there is no interpretation method for downhole tests in inclined boreholes (IDH), this study proposes alternative interpretation methods based on the direct method (DM), interval method (IM), modified interval method (MIM), and refracted ray path method (RRM). We have named the proposed methods, adding an I to the original name to indicate that they are performed in an inclined well, i.e., DMI, IMI, MIMI, and RRMI. To analyze the applicability of the proposed methods, eight simple models with horizontal layers and four 2D models were used to obtain the P- and S-wave velocity profiles. Among all the proposed methods, the RRMI method showed the best fit between the calculated S-wave velocity (Vs) profile and the real models, providing good reliability. To test the equations and hypotheses, new interpretation steps were developed based on Snell's law and a modification of the numerical bisection method, which showed that the error increased slightly as the dip angle of the well decreased. The next step was to test the accuracy of the RRMI method in the field and develop downhole test processing software for vertical and inclined boreholes. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-10-016 Full Text: PD

    Inflammatory response to implantation of transparent nanocrystalline yttria-stabilized zirconia using a dorsal window chamber model.

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    The long-range goal of the windows to the brain (WttB) is to improve patient care by providing a technique for delivery and/or collection of light into/from the brain, on demand, over large areas, and on a chronically-recurring basis without the need for repeated craniotomies. To evaluate the potential of nanocrystalline yttria-stabilized-zirconia (nc-YSZ) cranial implant for optical therapy and imaging, in vivo biocompatibility was studied using the dorsal window chamber model in comparison with control (no implant) and commercially available cranial implant materials (PEEK and PEKK). The host tissue response to implant was characterized by using transillumination and fluorescent microscopy to measure leukocyte adhesion, blood vessel diameter, blood flow rate, and vascular permeability over two weeks. The results indicated the lack of inflammatory reaction of the host tissue to nc-YSZ at the microscopic level, suggesting that nc-YSZ is a good alternative material for cranial implants

    Introducción a la Arquitectura de las Estaciones en España

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    Al incorporar una sección española a la exposición y catálogo del Centro Pompidou, sobre «Le Temps des gares», se ha pretendido dar a conocer la arquitectura de nuestras estaciones, fundamentalmente dentro del que sería su «período heroico», 1833-1936, y que son prácticamente desconocidas para muchos. No se trata de una catalogación de los edificios, sino de una aproximación a su realidad arquitectónica y como tal incluida en nuestro patrimonio cultural que es necesario salvaguardar debidamente

    Decentralized dynamic task allocation for UAVs with limited communication range

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    We present the Limited-range Online Routing Problem (LORP), which involves a team of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with limited communication range that must autonomously coordinate to service task requests. We first show a general approach to cast this dynamic problem as a sequence of decentralized task allocation problems. Then we present two solutions both based on modeling the allocation task as a Markov Random Field to subsequently assess decisions by means of the decentralized Max-Sum algorithm. Our first solution assumes independence between requests, whereas our second solution also considers the UAVs' workloads. A thorough empirical evaluation shows that our workload-based solution consistently outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in a wide range of scenarios, lowering the average service time up to 16%. In the best-case scenario there is no gap between our decentralized solution and centralized techniques. In the worst-case scenario we manage to reduce by 25% the gap between current decentralized and centralized techniques. Thus, our solution becomes the method of choice for our problem

    Factors Related to the Willingness of Employees to Accept Telecommuting: Preceding the Pandemic Crisis

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    The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors that affect the willingness of employees to adapt to telecommuting and determine the feasibility of implementing this in Mexican organizations. A sample of 384 employees from different companies established in Guadalajara City was used to analyze the perception of attitudes, capabilities, and advantages of performing their tasks from home. The results show that participants agreed on the time they would be willing to work from home, as well as the wages, capabilities, skills that employees should have to be able to develop telecommuting and the advantages that this scheme would represent. There is a great concern about this scheme among employees since they agree that telecommuting should be applied to company managers and not for subordinates. The topic is emerging in companies and there is currently a great opportunity to implement telecommuting. SMEs use flexible work practices and there is a possibility that it can be advantageous all members of the organization
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