237 research outputs found


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    Purpose: This study generally aimed to (1) identify the most difficult part of the action research process as evaluated by the teachers; (2) find out implications of conducting action research in teaching-learning process; and (3) identify the impact on teachers’ current and future instructional practices in conducting action research. Methodology: Mixed method design which involves quantitative and qualitative methods of researchwas used. High school teachers in Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba who conducted action researches from 2012 - 2015 were the respondents of the study. The total number of teachers involved in action research projects is 27 - 41% from the Mathematics-Science and Technology cluster, 37% out of 27 from Socio-Linguistic Cluster, and 22% come from the MAPEH-TLE Cluster. These teachers then answered the survey instrument adapted and modified from the study of O’Connor, Greene, and Anderson (2000). Main Results: Based on the results, writing the Framework of the Study is the most difficult part. All teachers agreed that action research is valuable to the teaching-learning process for both teachers and students. On the other hand, almost all of the teachers said that action research project positively impacted both students’ learning and teaching. This proves that action research as viewed and assessed by teachers has a major role in improving the teaching-learning process. Likewise, teachers proved that involving oneself in action research leads to professional growth of their career through ranking and promotions. School setting and curriculum have been improved through the positive results gained in action researches. Knowledge of statistics or data analyses was one of the hindrances encountered by teachers in conducting action research. It appears that time spent in conducting action research is one big factor that makes this activity difficult for teachers. Implications: Parts of action research, which were considered very difficult for teachers should be the focus of training and development for teachers. Likewise, the number of teaching load and teacher tasks require too much time that they cannot devote for research. Thus, In order for teachers to conduct researches, there should be lesser teaching load to provide extra time for institutional researches and support more teacher researchers. Limitations: The results of the evaluation of the teachers to the questionnaire were the bases in drawing out conclusions. Moreover, the effect of conducting action research through experimentation was not included in the study

    Effects of flooding on mental health: a case-control study

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    3rd International Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology & Treatment guidance (May 30th - June 2nd, 2013)Background: Post-disaster mental health problems may affect population in different ways. Population exposure to a natural disaster has been associated with psychological distress, in particular, in the development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Most people experience distress after their exposure to an extreme event. For people with good psychosocial resilience and access to social support, mental health problems can be relatively less important since supporting relationships and inner capabilities may begin the adaptation processes. Mental disorders occur often, but less commonly than dis-tress, and in some cases they may require intensive and long term continuing interventions and treatment

    Evolución de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en ecuador, 2000-2015

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    Este artículo evalúa la evolución de las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito controladas por la Superintendencia de Economía Popular y Solidaria de Ecuador en el período 2000-2015.En la metodología se calculó un índice basado en los factores clave del negocio (cartera, captaciones y resultados) ajustados por inflación (año base 2007), cuyos resultados fueron aplicados a la teoría Fisher y comparados con la variación porcentual del Producto Interno Bruto. Del análisis se concluye que las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito que forman parte del Sistema Financiero Popular y Solidario crecieron en términos reales el 18,18% lo que las convierte en las Instituciones Financieras de mejor desempeño en el Sistema Financiero Nacional

    Utility of routine laboratory preoperative tests based on previous results: Time to give up

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    Introduction: The usefulness and cost-effectiveness of routine laboratory preoperative tests (POTs) have been challenged recently. In fact, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Task Force has stated that test results obtained from the medical record within 6 months of surgery generally are mostly acceptable. The aim of our study was to evaluate the degree of utility of POTs and their clinical benefit based on this recommendation. Material and methods: We studied retrospectively every routine POT request from 8 randomly selected weeks in 2016. Every POT contained glucose, creatinine, haemoglobin and coagulation tests (PT-INR). Each pathological result for these tests was registered and classified as “expected” (if previous pathological result within 6 months existed for that test) or “unexpected” (if previous pathological result within 6 months did not exist for that test). Results of ASA physical status classification (a system for assessing the fitness of patients before surgery) and changes in patient management after POTs were retrieved from medical history as well. Results: A total of 4516 tests (from 1129 patients) were analysed and 498 results were found pathological (11%). Of these, 403 were expected (8.9%) and 95 unexpected (2.1%). There was not any change in anaesthetic management for any patient due to these findings. Conclusions: Routine POTs are an inefficient and low-value service. POTs have to be always ordered selectively after a previous consideration of specific information obtained from several sources (medical records, interviews, examinations, type of surgery) and only if the information obtained will result in changes in the management of the patient

    Polizonaje y protección marítima en la actualidad

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    En las navegaciones internacionales donde uno de los puertos de recalada, es una nación tercermundista o en vías de desarrollo, la precariedad, la falta de comida y dinero hace que el polizonaje sea algo común entre los buques que frecuentan dichos puertos. Los capitanes de aquellos barcos que encuentren a bordo de su buque un polizón, tendrán que notificarlo a la autoridad competente en el asunto en el primer puerto de recalada que el capitán considere que se cumplirán con las normativas internacionales vigentes. Son estas autoridades las competentes en repatriar al polizón, si así lo requiere la legislación, pero los costes de dicha repatriación correrán a cargo del armador del buque

    Asesoría de DELL

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    Fundación Centro de Supercomputación de Castilla y Leó

    Lower Extremity Proprioception and Physical Performance Testing: A Correlation Study

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    Proprioception is a function of the somatosensory system which has implications for activities of daily living, athletic endeavors, and risk of injury. It has been suggested that athletes who sustain injuries may have decreased proprioception and a corresponding increase in the risk of re-injury. Interventions for injury prevention and/or recovery may include, but are not limited to, emphasis on proprioceptive ability via joint position awareness. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if a correlation exists between proprioceptive ability and other components of physical performance such as lower body muscular power and change of direction. It was hypothesized that significant correlations would exist. Participants included 7 males and 2 females (age 15 ± 2 yrs., height 1.51 ± .15 m, mass 68.2 ± 17.14 kg) who did not have a lower extremity injury or surgery within 6 months of this investigation. Proprioceptive testing included the Stork Standing test (SST) and ankle Joint Position Sense (JPS). Lower extremity proprioceptive testing was performed unilaterally in both eyes closed and open conditions. Lower body muscular power and change of direction were assessed via the vertical jump (VJ), one step vertical jump (1VJ), standing long jump (SLJ), 9.14 m (10-yard) dash, and pro agility (PA). Associations were determined via a Pearson Product Moment Correlation and the criterion alpha was set a priori at p ≤ 0.05. Significant correlations were observed between SST with eyes closed on the non-dominant leg and both VJ (r = -0.82) and 1VJ (r =-0.82). In addition, a significant correlation was observed between SST with eyes closed on the dominant leg and the 9.14 m dash (r = -0.90). The results of our investigation suggest a link between proprioception and lower body muscular power. Additional investigations should examine the causal relationships between these variables to attempt to determine the efficacy of interventions designed to improve one or more of the aforementioned characteristics as well as any potential influence on injury risk

    Implementación del sistema de generación eléctrica limpia “planta-energía” en los hogares sin servicio eléctrico del distrito de Janjaillo 2018

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo generar energía eléctrica a través del sistema de generación eléctrica limpia “planta-energía” en los hogares sin servicio eléctrico del Distrito de Janjaillo 2018, la metodología es científica inductiva, el nivel de investigación del estudio es descriptivo correlacional, el diseño no experimental Transeccional, la técnica de recolección de datos es la observación, medición directa de datos obtenidos de cada contenedor hidropónico del sistema “planta-energía”

    Hofstede’s Cultural dimensions in Ecuadorian society

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    El presente artículo hace un recorrido importante del concepto de cultura. Se concentra en la teoría del antropólogo holandés Geert Hendrik Hofstede que manifiesta que los agrupamientos culturales que tiene una sociedad influencian su comportamiento y toma de decisiones en una región, país, continente e incluso en las organizaciones empresariales. Estas dimensiones se evalúan en una escala del 1 al 120 y confrontan entre ellas: la igualdad versus la desigualdad de podereconómico y social, el individualismo versus colectivismo, la masculinidad versus femineidad, evitar la incertidumbre versus la tolerancia, la indulgencia versus la restricción y la orientación de corto plazo versus largo plazo. Se observa a la República de Ecuador ciertos factores demográficos, geográficos y económicos, además que se realiza un análisis de los índices Hofstede y se examina el lugar que ocupa cada dimensión en la sociedad ecuatoriana.Ecuador, de acuerdo al análisis cultural del Hofstede Centre, se ubica como una sociedad colectivista pues consideran que pertenecer a un grupo es muy importante. A la vez, las reglas no son necesariamente seguidas, debido a que depende en última instancia, de la decisión de los titulares del poder que hacen sus propias reglas. La religión y la superstición tienen gran protagonismo, por lo que la tradición de cada grupo es respetada por sus miembros. La sociedad solo serádiferente cuando una autoridad de poder los conduzca hacia un cambio que agrupe a sus seguidores. Las personas buscan una sociedad que les otorguen estatus y recompensas vinculadas al desempeño, pero con frecuencia sacrifican el ocio en relación al trabajo.The present article makes an important tour of the concept of culture. It focuses on the theory of the Dutch anthropologist Geert Hendrik Hofstede, who states that the cultural groupings that a society has influence their behavior and decision making in a region, country, continent and even in business organizations. These dimensions are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 120 and they confront each other: equality versus inequality of economic and social power, individualismversus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, avoiding uncertainty versus tolerance, indulgence versus restriction, and short-term versus long-term orientation. The Republic of Ecuador is observed certain demographic, geographical and economic factors, in addition that an analysis of the Hofstede indices is carried out and the place that each dimension occupies in the Ecuadorian society.According to the cultural analysis of the Hofstede Center, Ecuador is located as a collectivist society because they consider that belonging to a group is very important. At the same time, the rules are not necessarily followed, because they ultimately depend on the decision of the holders of power who make their own rules. The religion and the superstitionhave great protagonism too, which is why the tradition of each group is respected by its members. Society will only be different when a power authority leads them to a change that groups their followers. People seek a society that gives them status and rewards linked to performance, but often sacrifice leisure in relation to work