382 research outputs found

    Evaluating the firm's likelihood to adopt an e-procurement system

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    Towards identifying the factors that foster electronic procurement systems adoption, we reviewed the literature and developed a model that explains electronic-procurement systems (EPS) adoption, considering the technology-organization-environment framework as well as the institutional theory. This model was tested with data collected from the 2500 largest companies operating in Portugal. Based on the t-test for equality of means we found evidence that EPS adoption is positively and significantly associated to (1) firm size; (2) technology competence; (3) the perception companies have about the EPS success of their competitors; (4) the extent of adoption among competitors; and (5) the trading partner readiness to perform electronic transactions. The logistic regression supplied further evidence that technology competence, firm size, extent of adoption among competitors and trading partner readiness provide a reasonable estimate for each firm's likelihood to adopt EPS. We also found evidence that firms which main activity is commerce are more likely to adopt EPSs than firms operating on manufacturing or services industries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    When do you not listen to your doctor

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    Gout is a disease caused by an inflammatory response to crystals of sodium monourate, which occurs in people with elevated uric acid levels. There are acute and chronic forms. Acute forms arise as sudden, self-limiting bouts of arthritis (swelling, flushing, pain and heat of a joint), while chronic forms result in the deposition of crystal aggregates in and around the joints, with progressive joint destruction. In addition to joint manifestations, uric gout has renal manifestations (kidney stones and renal insufficiency) and metabolic manifestations (hypertension, elevated triglycerides). Patients are often obese, have high alcohol consumption and insulin resistance. It is a very painful and disabling illness. Gout is more common in men and usually begins in the 40's and 60's. Analytically the patient had uric acid values of 10.2 mg/dL (2.0-7.0 mg/dL) despite being daily medicated with alopurinol 300mg for more than 5 years. It has an abnormality of fasting glycemia and triglycerides of 305 mg/dl. However it maintains consumptions of alcohol and a diet rich in meat, seafood and fats. He did not diet to lose weight and sometimes he does not take the medication (alopurinol). He already shows involvement and destruction of the joints and deformation on the feet and the hand that currently prevent him from fulfilling the necessary safety norms in his profession

    Solar climate of Azores: results of monitoring at Faial and Terceira islands

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    The North Atlantic archipelago of Azores (Portugal) consists of nine islands, located about 1,500 km from mainland Europe. Currently the Azores has about 243,000 inhabitants, which depend heavily on imported fossil fuel for their energy supply. This is a concern for the regional Government and its Agency for Energy and Environment, ARENA, which naturally support energy efficiency and use of renewable energies. The Azores are rich in several renewable resources, and have even pioneered Portuguese exploitation of wind, wave, and high enthalpy geothermal energy for electricity generation. However, so far solar energy has not been a priority in the renewable energy panorama, probably because the Azores climate has been considered too cloudy. Nevertheless, this is true only in comparison with the Portuguese mainland, as the radiation levels are probably similar or even better than those of Northern Europe. In this context ARENA is developing efforts for increasing the use of solar systems. A collaboration, partly financed by an INTERREG III B Project of the European Community, has been established with INETI, the Portuguese Public Laboratory for the area of Energy, to improve the solar climatology of the Azores. This climatology is indeed quite incomplete. It consists mainly on daily measurements for two sites only at the S. Miguel and Terceira islands. Some sunshine records are available from Campbell-Stokes heliographs. Satellite data exists but their quality is uncertain due to the small size of the islands and the shallow view angle

    Foi Basileia II e Basileia III: e agora?

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    Numa primeira análise, procura-se neste trabalho pela identificação e respectivo envolvimento no que concerne às necessidades do sector da banca, intimamente unido às causas principais do Acordo Basileia II. Este Acordo apresenta uma maior sensibilidade ao risco e aos avanços na sua gestão, incita à criação de instrumentos de avaliação de risco visando o cálculo dos requisitos mínimos de capital, exige uma avaliação mais minuciosa da exposição ao risco, implementação de um sistema de controlo de risco estruturado por ratings, estruturação do Acordo em três pilares, com maior incisão no pilar II (supervisão), das suas revisões até ao surgimento de Basileia III, do aumento da exigência de capital dos bancos, na introdução de uma Almofada de conservação de capital, na introdução de padrões de liquidez e de alavancagem. È necessário ressalvar que Basileia III não é um novo acordo, mas sim um conjunto de alterações de propostas ao Acordo anterior, alterando-se as medidas que foram julgadas insuficientes para controlara a instabilidade dos mercados financeiros e evitar a ocorrência de crises mais graves. Pressente-se que Basileia III se constitui como uma resposta política às pressões feitas ao sector financeiro desde 2008, quando rebentou a crise financeira. Na sequência ambos os Acordos serão analisados em função dos seus impactos, com incidência em dois agentes económicos com responsabilidade neste processo: Por um lado o Sector Bancário, por outro as Pequenas e Médias Empresas e o Impacto inerente nas Estruturas Empresariais no que concerne ao acesso ao crédito.At first sight, this paper seeks to identify and by their involvement in relation to the needs of the banking sector, closely linked to major causes of Basel II. This Agreement provides a greater sensitivity to risk and advances in its management, encourages the creation of risk assessment tools aimed at the calculation of minimum capital requirements, requires a more thorough assessment of risk exposure, implementation of a control system risk ratings for structured, structuring the Agreement on three pillars, with larger incision in pillar II (supervisory), its revisions to the development of Basel III, increased capital requirements of banks, the introduction of a capital cushion for storage , the introduction of standards of liquidity and leverage. It is necessary to highlight that Basel III is not a new agreement, but rather a set of proposed changes to the previous agreement, changing the measures were deemed insufficient to control the instability of financial markets and prevent the occurrence of more severe attacks. He felt that Basel III is constituted as a political response to pressure from the financial sector since 2008, when the financial crisis broke out. Following both agreements are analyzed as to its impacts, focusing on two economic agents with responsibility in this process: first the banking sector, on the other Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Impact inherent in structures with regard to access to credit

    An in-reachability based classification of invariant synchrony patterns in weighted coupled cell networks

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    This paper presents an in-reachability based classification of invariant synchrony patterns in Coupled Cell Networks (CCNs). These patterns are encoded through partitions on the set of cells, whose subsets of synchronized cells are called colors. We study the influence of the structure of the network in the qualitative behavior of invariant synchrony sets, in particular, with respect to the different types of (cumulative) in-neighborhoods and the in-reachability sets. This motivates the proposed approach to classify the partitions into the categories of strong, rooted and weak, according to how their colors are related with respect to the connectivity structure of the network. Furthermore, we show how this classification system acts under the partition join (∨ \vee ) operation, which gives us the synchrony pattern that corresponds to the intersection of synchrony sets.Comment: 48 pages, 19 figures, 3 table

    Os estudos de astronomia em Portugal de 1850 a 1950

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em História da CiênciaAo estudar e analisar a História da Ciência em Portugal de 1850 a 1950, mais exactamente a História da Astronomia entre nós, dei-me conta do nosso enorme atraso em relação às nações do continente europeu, facto este, por demais conhecido dos historiadores portugueses. Todavia, talvez já não seja do conhecimento de todos, que a segunda metade da segunda década do século passado, começou com uma certa animação cultural devido à criação da Junta de Educação Nacional e o envio para o estrangeiro de bolseiros a fim de trazerem para Portugal mais-valias. A partir de 1929 começaram a chegar a Portugal os primeiros bolseiros vindos destes países. A partir de 1930 havia em Portugal muitos cientistas capazes de levar para a frente o projecto de desenvolver entre nós a Física, disciplina essencial, sobretudo nessa altura, para muitas outras ciências. A criação de um Instituto do Rádio em Coimbra esteve mesmo nos planos do Prof. Mário Silva. A Astronomia poderia ter avançado nessa altura, se tivesse florescido entre nós o estudo da Física moderna, nomeadamente a Relatividade. Mas o conhecimento e o ensino da Relatividade foram bloqueados pelos políticos do Estado Novo, nomeadamente por Costa Lobo. No princípio da década de 1930 começaram as purgas, os exílios, as prisões dos professores universitários de varias áreas do saber, e o país, em vez de ter dado o salto científico-cultural que tanto necessitava, entrou no túnel da mediocridade cultural por algumas dezenas de anos. Os vinte anos da História da Ciência portuguesa entre 1930 e 1950 (25 anos, se começarmos em 1925) esperam novas investigações. Não nos podemos esquecer deste período histórico, procurando saber o mais possível sobre o que se passou nesta altura; houve um desabrochar da Ciência portuguesa protagonizado por vários cientistas de elevada craveira científica, alguns de renome internacional, mas houve também o afundamento deliberado do mesmo por parte do Estado Novo e das pessoas que o representavam. Este estudo pretende dar uma ajuda no esclarecimento deste período da História da Ciência Portuguesa

    Barotrauma do ouvido interno no mergulho

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2019O mergulho tem-se tornado uma atividade cada vez mais popular, com o aumento do número de praticantes nas últimas décadas. No entanto, não é uma prática isenta de riscos. Cerca de 80% das lesões relacionadas com esta atividade são atribuídas à cabeça e pescoço e destas 64,6% ao ouvido. Nesta exposição, será abordado o barotrauma do ouvido interno, uma condição rara mas com particular importância pela sua gravidade. Esta condição inclui a fístula perilinfática, a rotura das membranas intralabirínticas e a hemorragia do ouvido interna. Muitas vezes associada ao barotrauma do ouvido médio, apresenta-se com uma clínica exuberante e incapacitante, nomeadamente défices auditivos e vertigens graves, necessitando de tratamento rápido e adequado para evitar complicações. Dentro destas, a fístula perilinfática será mais desenvolvida por ser a etiologia mais comum, sendo o gold-standard do seu diagnóstico e tratamento uma timpanotomia exploratória. A presença de disfunção tubária corresponde ao fator de risco mais importante para o desenvolvimento de barotrauma do ouvido interno. Assim, a prevenção tem bastante relevo através dos ensinamentos das várias manobras de equalização de pressão e do cumprimento de algumas premissas para puder ou não mergulhar. Idealmente todos os mergulhadores deveriam ter uma consulta de medicina desportiva antes de começarem a prática desta atividade. Os clínicos, nomeadamente os especialistas em Otorrinolaringologia (ORL) e em medicina desportiva, devem dominar esta matéria pela sua particular gravidade e possível surdez neurossensorial permanente.Diving has become an increasingly popular activity with a raising number of participants over the last decades. However, it is not a practice immune of risks. About 80% of the diving related injuries involve the head and neck, and 64.6% of them involve the ear. This paper, will discuss the inner ear barotrauma, a rare condition but with particular importance due to its severity. This condition includes perilymph fistula,intra-labyrinthine membrane tear and inner ear haemorrhage. Often associated with middle ear barotrauma, this condition with an exuberant and incapacitating symptomatology may include hearing loss or severe vertigo, requiring rapid and appropriate treatment to avoid complications. Within there, the perilymph fistula will be more develop given that it is the most common etiology, being the gold-standard of its diagnosis and treatment the surgical exploratory tympanotomy. The presence of Eustachian tube dysfunction corresponds to the most important rick factor for the development of inner ear barotrauma. Thus, prevention through the teaching of the various pressure equalization manoeuvers is important, as well as the fulfilment of some assumptions to be able or not to dive. Ideally, all divers should have a sports medicine consultation before starting this activity. Clinicians, particularly specialists in otorhinolaryngology and sports medicine, should master this subject due to its particular severity and possible permanent sensorial hearing loss
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