7 research outputs found

    Smart Methylcellulose Hydrogels for pH-Triggered Delivery of Silver Nanoparticles

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    Infection is a severe complication in chronic wounds, often leading to morbidity or mortality. Current treatments rely on dressings, which frequently contain silver as a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent, although improper dosing can result in severe side effects. This work proposes a novel methylcellulose (MC)-based hydrogel designed for the topical release of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) via an intelligent mechanism activated by the pH variations in infected wounds. A preliminary optimization of the physicochemical and rheological properties of MC hydrogels allowed defining the optimal processing conditions in terms of crosslinker (citric acid) concentration, crosslinking time, and temperature. MC/AgNPs nanocomposite hydrogels were obtained via an in situ synthesis process, exploiting MC both as a capping and reducing agent. AgNPs with a 12.2 ± 2.8 nm diameter were obtained. MC hydrogels showed a dependence of the swelling and degradation behavior on both pH and temperature and a noteworthy pH-triggered release of AgNPs (release ~10 times higher at pH 12 than pH 4). 1H-NMR analysis revealed the role of alkaline hydrolysis of the ester bonds (i.e., crosslinks) in governing the pH-responsive behavior. Overall, MC/AgNPs hydrogels represent an innovative platform for the pH-triggered release of AgNPs in an alkaline milieu

    A naked eye aggregation assay for Pb2+ detection based on glutathione-coated gold nanostars

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    Gold nanostars (AuNS) with a mean hydrodynamic size of 40 nm, obtained with a seed-growth approach using a zwitterionic surfactant (laurylsulfobetaine, LSB), were successfully coated with glutathione (GSH), obtaining a stable and purified solid product which can be easily stored and re-dissolved on need in 0.1 M aqueous solution of Hepes buffered at pH 7. Upon exposure to micromolar concentrations of Pb2+ cation, the GSH-coated nano-objects undergo a fast aggregation followed by sedimentation leading to complete precipitation in about an hour. The subsequent disappearing of the intense LSPR extinction can of course be followed spectrophotometrically but, most importantly, can be easily detected with the naked eye. No signs of this event are noticed when other divalent cations are added to the colloidal suspension in the same condition. A careful investigation was performed to study this selectivity and the behaviour of aggregation as a function of time and Pb2+ cation concentration. We demonstrate that an easy, rapid, instrument-free, visual detection of micromolar levels of Pb2+ is thus possible with this assay, showing a good selectivity towards other investigated metal cations

    Bulk surfaces coated with triangular silver nanoplates: Antibacterial action based on silver release and photo-thermal effect

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    A layer of silver nanoplates, specifically synthesized with the desired localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) features, was grafted on amino-functionalized bulk glass surfaces to impart a double antibacterial action: (i) the well-known, long-term antibacterial effect based on the release of Ag+; (ii) an “on demand” action which can be switched on by the use of photo-thermal properties of silver nano-objects. Irradiation of these samples with a laser having a wavelength falling into the so called “therapeutic window” of the near infrared region allows the reinforcement, in the timescale of minutes, of the classical antibacterial effect of silver nanoparticles. We demonstrate how using the two actions allows for almost complete elimination of the population of two bacterial strains of representative Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

    Dynamical Dipole and Equation of State in N/Z Asymmetric Fusion Reactions

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    In heavy ion reactions, in the case of N/Z asymmetry between projectile and target, the process leading to complete fusion is expected to produce pre-equilibrium dipole γ-ray emission. It is generated during the charge equilibration process and it is known as Dynamical Dipole. A new measurement of the dynamical dipole emission was performed by studying 16O + 116Sn at 12 MeV/u. These data, together with those measured at 8.1 MeV/u and 15.6 MeV/u for the same reaction, provide the dependence on the Dynamical Dipole total emission yield with beam energy and they can be compared with theoretical expectations. The experimental results show a weak increase of the Dynamical Dipole total yield with beam energies and are in agreement with the prediction of a theoretical model based on the Boltzmann–Nordheim–Vlasov (BNV) approach. The measured trend with beam energy does not confirm the rise and fall behavior previously reported for the same fused compound but with a much higher dipole moment