165 research outputs found
Toolkit: Southern Nigerian Cinema
Hyginus Ekwuazi, Jonathan Haynes and Onookome Okome have written excellent accounts of the history of Nigerian cinema, especially of the Nollywood boom and the sociocultural contexts that gave rise to them. The film industry in southern Nigeria is today the largest in Africa, producing over a thousand film titles per annum with locally sourced funds and distributed internationally. Foreign investment in Nigerian film is on the rise given the visibility that local productions have created at home and abroad. The government has also taken notice of the commercial viability of the industry and pledged billions of naira through the Bank of Industry to support the film business. The films receive critical acclaim and are commercial hits within Africa and among Africans in the diaspora
The Psychology of Youth Faith Formation:A Care-giving Faith?
The present study explores the individual differences in the experience of faith formation using the framework of attachment theory, as it looks at what inspires attachment behaviours toward God. The experience of faith formation is herewith conceptualised in this study as a care-giving experience, watered by reciprocity of proximity with a divine attachment figure. The findings suggest four individual pathways in which the faith of young people was formed. These pathways were seen as remedies for previous insecure attachment experience with unavailable human attachment figures, and as a means of enhancing an already positive attachment with human relational partners. In-depth interviews were conducted with fifteen Christian youths of various racial backgrounds who were active members of different church denominations in Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa. The data collected from the respondents suggests youth faith formation as an attachment phenomenon
The occurrence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in market and abattoir meat in Plateau State, Nigeria
Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a newly emerging pathogen frequently associated with the consumption of foods of bovine origin. The severity of the infections caused by this food borne pathogen in the young and the elderly has had a tremendous impact on human health and foodindustry. The present study evaluated the occurrence of E. coli O157:H7 in abattoir and market meat in seven selected sites in Plateau State, Nigeria. One hundred and forty samples of each of the various meat parts including muscle, liver, heart, kidney and intestine were collected to give a total of 700 meat samples. The samples were aseptically collected at monthly intervals from December 2008 to November 2009 after which they were transported to the laboratory for bacteriological analysis. Enrichment medium Tryptone Soya Broth (TSB) and selective agar media, namely; sorbitol MacConkey agar (SMAC)and cefixime tellurite-sorbitol MacConkey agar (CT-SMAC) were used for the isolation of E. coli O157:H7 from the various meat samples. The results of this study indicated that the intestinal samples had the highest percentage occurrence of the organism (3.39%), while muscle tissue had the lowest (0.43%). The organ meats had comparable percentage occurrence of the organism, with 1.0%for liver, 0.86% for kidney and 0.71% for heart samples. Significant difference (P<0.05) existed between the occurrence of the pathogen during the wet and dry seasons, but no significant difference (P>0.05) existed in the occurrence of the organism with respect to the sampling sites and the sources (abattoir and market). The presence of E. coli O157:H7 in beef should be regarded as being highly hazardous to consumers and handlers alike because of the severity of the infections associated with the organism. Thus, hygienic and good management of meats and meat environments are very essential
Understanding God images and God concepts:Towards a pastoral hermeneutics of the God attachment experience
The author looks at the God image experience as an attachment relationship experience with God. Hence, arguing that the God image experience is borne originally out of a parent�child attachment contagion, in such a way that God is often represented in either secure or insecure attachment patterns. The article points out that insecure God images often develop head-to-head with God concepts in a believer�s emotional experience of God. On the other hand, the author describes God concepts as indicators of a religious faith and metaphorical standards for regulating insecure attachment patterns. The goals of this article, however, is to highlight the relationship between God images and God concepts, and to provide a hermeneutical process for interpreting and surviving the God image experience.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: Given that most scholars within the discipline of Practical Theology discuss the subject of God images from cultural and theological perspectives, this article has discussed God images from an attachment perspective, which is a popular framework in psychology of religion. This is rare. The study is therefore interdisciplinary in this regards. The article further helps the reader to understand the intrapsychic process of the God image experience, and thus provides us with hermeneutical answers for dealing with the God image experience from methodologies grounded in Practical Theology and pastoral care
Abstract. Breast cancer is the most kind of cancer that happens to women, and it’s one of the cancer that can cause the major death in the world and in Indonesia. Breast cancer cases at age are very young tend to have lower percentages of old age, but have a bad prognosis. Family history of breast cancer because of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation . Objective. The aim of this research is to study about breast cancer very young age profile in H. Adam Malik Medan General Hospital. From 2016-2018 based on age, family history and grading histology. Methods. In this descriptive research with cross-sectional study, the sample were collected from medical record of breast cancer patient in H. Adam Malik Medan General Hospital. This research use total sampling method and matched with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results. Total of the sample is 160 subject. The majority of age group is 31-35 year’s old (81 subject or 51,0%). The majority of age menarche group is <12 year’s old (104 subject or 65,5%). Do not have family history (82 subject or 51,3%), and have a family history just found (78 subject or 48,8%). The majority of grading histology is grade 3 (68 subject or 42,5%). Conclusion. Sufferers of breast cancer at very young age is quite a lot with grade 3 on grading histology.Keyword: breast cancer, very young age, family history.
Abstrak. Latar Belakang. Kanker payudara merupakan kanker yang paling sering terjadi pada wanita, dan merupakan salah satu kanker yang dapat menyebabkan kematian utama di dunia dan di Indonesia. Kasus kanker payudara pada usia sangat muda cenderung memiliki presentase yang lebih rendah diantara usia tua, namun memiliki prognosis yang lebih buruk. Riwayat keluarga pada kanker payudara dikarenakan adanya mutasi BRCA1 dan BRCA2. Tujuan. Mengetahui profil kanker payudara wanita pada usia sangat muda di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Haji Adam Malik Medan. Tahun 2016-2018 berdasarkan usia, riwayat keluarga dan grading histologi. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan data sekunder melalui data rekam medis penderita kanker payudara di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Haji Adam Malik Medan. Besar sampel ditentukan dengan metode total sampling dan disesuaikan dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil. Diperoleh total 160 sampel. Kelompok usia terbanyak adalah usia 31-35 tahun sebanyak 81 penderita (51,0%). Usia menarche terbanyak pada kelompok usia <12 tahun sebanyak 104 penderita (65,5%). Tidak memiliki riwayat keluarga sebanyak 82 penderita (51,3%), dan memiliki riiwayat keluarga ditemukan sebanyak 78 penderita (48,8%). Grading histologi terbanyak adalah grade 3 sebanyak 68 penderita (42,5%). Kesimpulan. Penderita kanker payudara pada usia sangat muda cukup banyak dengan grade 3 pada grading histologi.Kata Kunci: kanker payudara, usia sangat muda, riwayat keluarg
Nigerian filmmakers and their construction of a political past (1967-1998)
Once criticised as ‘seemingly’ oblivious of the political and historical concerns of the
state (Osofisan, 2007; Adesokan, 2009b; Alamu, 2010; Okome, 2010; Mistry &
Ellapen, 2013), some southern Nigerian filmmakers have begun reversing such critical
narratives through negotiated images of the country’s political history. In spite of that,
academic attention to such videos remains on the margins of textual or isolated audience
analyses. This research questions the motivations, narrative techniques, underlying
ideologies and reception of video films that construct Nigeria’s political past between
1967 and 1998, two significant moments in the country’s postcolonial history. This is
achieved through contextual and post-structuralist readings of the films as popular art as
well as semi-structured interviews of filmmakers and film journalists. The study found
that historicizing an ethnically-diverse postcolonial state such as Nigeria through the
agency of film is fraught with potential dangers, most of which cannot be mitigated by
the filmmakers. Each stage of the production/consumption process is compounded by
societal factors including filmmaker’s background, finance, audience and censorship.
Also evident from the findings is that popular Nigerian videos sustain and subvert the
dominant narratives on popular arts to gain economic advantage. Whereas some
filmmakers endorse politicians’ practices, others subvert authoritarian regimes through
metaphoric filmic codes (negotiated images) intelligible to audiences and deployed by
the producers in order to circumvent censorship. Interrogating film journalists in
addition to filmmakers served as an antidote to film producers’ self-reporting. By
examining the reception of films through the lens of journalists, this study makes no
generalisable claims on audiences, but delivers an original methodological approach to
understanding films made in the past, about the past. Thus, the study proposes opening
up the methodological approaches to Nollywood to accommodate film texts, producers
and audiences rather than lone textual analyses that silence creators and consumers
Pengaruh Berita Calon Presiden di Koran SINDO Edisi Februari 2014 terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Mengikuti Pemilihan Presiden (Penelitian pada Mahasiswa UIN SGD Bandung Jurusan Jurnalistik Tahun Akademik 2011/2012)
Tahun 2014 menjadi pesta demokrasi bagi Indonesia. Nuansa politik yang kian memanas dalam Pemilihan Presiden membuat banyak media massa menjadikan topik tersebut sebagai berita utama. Salah satu dari media massa yang secara continyu memberitakan terkait pemberitaan calon presiden adalah Koran SINDO. Berita-berita calon presiden di Koran SINDO edisi Februari 2014 dikemas dengan Visibility (Penonjolan Berita), Audience Salience (Penonjolan Isi Berita bagi Khalayak), dan Valence (Cara Pemberitaan) yang khas sehingga dapat berpengaruh ataupun tidak terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk mengikuti pemilihan presiden nantinya.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pengaruh Visibility (Penonjolan Berita), Audience Salience (Penonjolan Isi Berita bagi Khalayak), dan Valence (Cara Pemberitaan) di Koran SINDO edisi Februari 2014 terhadap minat mahasiswa mengikuti pemilihan presiden.
Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Penentuan Agenda (Agenda Setting Theory) sehingga didapatkan dimensi yang menjadi fokus penelitian, yaitu Visibility (Penonjolan Berita), Audience Salience (Penonjolan Isi Berita bagi Khalayak), dan Valence (Cara Pemberitaan).
Metode yang digunakan adalah metode korelasional. Karena penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada pengaruh antara dua variabel, yaitu pengaruh berita calon presiden di Koran SINDO edisi Februari 2014 sebagai variabel X terhadap minat mahasiswa mengikuti pemilihan presiden sebagai variabel Y. Penelitian korelasional ini menggunakan teknik korelasi pearson product moment untuk pengukuran korelasi pada statistik parametik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran angket kepada 55 responden.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden lebih dominan menjawab opsi netral pada setiap pertanyaan angket. Hasil korelasi antara variabel X terhadap variabel Y adalah +0,46. Korelasi tersebut menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang cukup kuat dari Visibility (Penonjolan Berita), Audience Salience (Penonjolan Isi Berita bagi Khalayak), dan Valence (Cara Pemberitaan)
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