227 research outputs found

    A study on the performance of virtualization programs

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    Virtualization has become a very popular research topic in recent years. Virtualization is used in varied applications such as e-Learning, business-to-business communication, social networking, computer simulation and enterprise development. These advances are due to the availability of high-speed computers, fiber-optic-enabled internet connections and advanced virtualization programs. However, only a very small amount of research has been conducted, most especially on the performance of virtualization programs. Thus little is known about the performance of the various virtualization programs such as VMware Workstation and VirtualBox. When dealing with virtualization, performance is of primary importance. This thesis reports on the performance of different virtualization programs, such as VMware Workstation 7 and Oracle VM VirtualBox 4 using MS Windows 7 guest-and host-operating systems. The chosen research methodology for this research is a mixed research methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative. A mixed research methodology allows the researcher to easily collect primary data via qualitative methods and then analyze the data using quantitative methods. The main purpose of this study is to find any performance differences in between VMware Workstation and VirtualBox based on Windows 7 guest and host OSs. Various experiments were conducted regarding the performance of VMware Workstation, VirtualBox and Microsoft Windows Virtual PC using Windows 7 and Linux Mint guest OSs and Windows 7 host OS. Findings of the experiments revealed that there are performance differences among VMware Workstation, VirtualBox and Virtual PC. In virtualization, it is generally thought that VMware Workstation is superior to other virtualization programs. However empirical results obtained from this study show that the performance of VMware Workstation and VirtualBox are similar. VMware Workstation has many features but its performance is not very different from VirtualBox. Virtual PC on the other hand is not a reliable product for serious virtualization as it lacks features, performance and support for different host and guest OSs. The overall findings of this study show that VMware Workstation and VirtualBox both meet performance and feature requirements for creating reliable virtual environments. This study opens a new path for research in the area related to performance of virtualization programs. Data gathered from this study was used to make meaningful conclusions in Chapter 6. The conclusion explores possible directions for future research on the performance of virtualization programs. Findings of this study may help businesses to select appropriate virtualization program as part of their information technology infrastructure and thereby benefit from using virtualization technology

    Legal and Philosophical Intersections of Refugee Law: Imagining a More Just Migration

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    Despite the United States’ trove of migration laws, many of which promise to adhere to the United Nation’s handbook on refugees, our migration infrastructure is weak and exclusive. By using Michel Foucault’s analytical lens, biopower, this paper will examine the discrepancies between the two dominant forms of migration: immigration and asylum law. While other scholars have conducted refugee studies and claim to use biopower as their lens, this paper will challenge their academized framework by charting the real history of refugee advocacy. To critique these modern scholars, the paper will turn to Hannah Arendt’s articulation of citizenship’s value and her early work on the stateless. In doing so, this paper will be the first to suggest that the exceptionalism that dominates refugee law—and its separation from immigration law—stems from the biopower that underscores the nation’s migration statutes. The interdisciplinary analysis will uncover three areas where the law falls short: the particular social group (PSG) requirement in refugee law, the tendency to imagine citizenship as a binary, and the border wall as a space of legalized violence against migrants. This unique form of jurisprudence, though, reveals immediate solutions to the abstract problems. PSG provisions, for one, must be read with a corrected textualist lens that respects its broad origins. Statutes like Temporary Protected Status must be protected to fill the gap between immigration and refugee law, initiating a notion of semi-citizenship. Finally, test cases must make use of the constitutional similarities between Civil Rights law and immigration law to protect migrants at the border

    Ulinganishi wa Mofolojia ya Vitenzi vya Kiswahili na Kiarabu

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    Utafiti huu ulijikita katika ulinganishi wa mofolojia ya vitenzi vya mofolojia ya vitenzi vya Kiswahili na Kiarabu kwa kuzingatia vipengele vya wakati, nafsi, ukanushi na kauli. Utafiti huu ulitumia mkabala wa Kihistahilifu linganishi kwa kuwa ulihusu ulinganishi wa mofolojia ya vitenzi vya Kiarabu na Kiswahili. Pia ulitumia nadharia ya Umbo Upeo ambayo imejengwa katika misingi mitatu, wa kwanza unaitwa zalishi (ZALI), wa pili unajulikana kama masharti zuizi (MASHA- ZU) na wa tatu ni tathmini (TATHI). Data zilizotumika katika utafiti huu zilitokana na vyanzo vya maktaba pamoja na za uwandani ambazo zilipatikana kwa mbinu ya mahojiano baina ya mtafiti na wazungumzaji wa lugha za Kiswahili na Kiarabu katika Chuo Kikuu cha Tripoli, Chuo Kikuu cha Taifa cha Zanzibar (CKTZ) pamoja na Chuo Kikuu Huria cha Tanzania (OUT). Utafiti huu umebaini kwamba vitenzi vya lugha ya Kiswahili na Kiarabu vinatofautiana katika maumbo yake kutokana na namna vinavyoathiriwa na nafsi, ukanushi, kauli na wakati. Mfano, katika vitenzi vya silabi moja, mzizi wa kitenzi cha Kiswahili hunyumbuka katika maumbo mawili, yaani mzizi na mofimu tamati wakati kitenzi hicho katika lugha ya Kiarabu hakiwezi kunyumbuka katika maumbo mawili bali husimama kama mzizi peke yake. Vilevile, utafiti huu ulibaini kuwa mofimu ya nafsi ya kitenzi kutokea mwisho wa neno baada ya mzizi kutokana na kuathiriwa na kipengele cha nafsi tofauti na ilivyo katika lugha ya Kiswahili ambapo mofimu ya nafsi hutokea kabla ya mzizi wa neno. Hivyo, utafiti huu unahitimisha kuwa Kiarabu na Kiswahili ni lugha mbili tofauti zenye kanuni na maumbo tofauti kulingana na utamaduni na mazingira ya lugha hizi. Maneno makuu: Mofolojia, umbo upeo, mzizi, mofim

    Comparison of the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and emotion-focused therapy on anxiety sensitivity in cardiac patients

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    Introduction: The role of anxiety sensitivity in the clinical course of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, has been confirmed, which can cause and develop a variety of cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Emotion-Focused Therapy on Anxiety Sensitivity in cardiac patients    . Method: This was a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population was all patients referred to Dr. Heshmat Rasht hospital during February to March 2019. Sampling method was used to select the samples and then the samples were randomly divided into two experimental and one control group. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of covariance by SPSS software, version 25.Results: outcomes showed that acceptance and commitment therapy and emotion focused therapy were effective on Anxiety sensitivity(P = 0.000). also the results of the covariance showed that, there was a significant difference between the groups' adjusted averages for Anxiety sensitivity (ETA=0.910, P = 0.000, F(2,41)= 208.387). In other words, there is a significant difference between the two experimental methods on Anxiety sensitivity in cardiac patients (acceptance and commitment therapy and emotion-focused therapy) with the control group. Conclusions: Anxiety sensitivity plays a predisposing, accelerating, and sustaining role in cardiovascular disease, and training in the above treatments can play an important role as adjunctive and rehabilitation therapy alongside medical treatments.                                                           &nbsp

    Comparison of the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment based Therapy and Emotion-focused Therapy on Adherence to Treatment in Cardiac Patients

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    Introduction:The role of adherence to treatment in many chronic diseases, including heart disease, has been confirmed. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Emotion-Focused Therapy on adherence to treatment in Cardiac Patients.Method: This is a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population of all patients referring to Dr. HeshmatRasht Hospital during February to March 2019 were available by purposeful sampling methodand then the samples were randomly divided into two experimental and one control groups. Data collection tools were demographic questionnaire and standardized adherence to treatment questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of covariance by SPSS software, version 25.Results: outcomes showed that acceptance and commitment therapy and emotion focused therapy were effective on Adherence to treatment (P<0.001). Also, the results of the covariance showed that, there was a significant difference between the groups' adjusted averages for adherence (ETA= 0.804, P= 0.001, F (2,41)=83.904). In other words, there is a significant difference between the two experimental methods onAdherence to treatment in cardiac patients (acceptance and commitment therapy and emotion-focused therapy) with the control group.Conclusion:According to the results of this study, training of above mentioned therapies can play an important role as adjunctive and rehabilitation therapy along with medical treatments by increasing adherence to treatment

    The Impact of Communication Skills Training on Social Empowerment and Social Adjustment of Slow-paced Adolescents

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    The present study was an attempt to investigate the effect of communication skills training on social empowerment and social adjustment of so-called «slow-paced» adolescents (ie those whoo need psychological, physical and emotional drivers to actualize their potential abilities). The research method was a control-Group Pretest-Posttest Quasi-Experimental design. The population of the study consisted of all slow-paced female students aged 13-15 years in Ghaenat city (South Khorasan Province) during 2019. 24 samples selected from the population through convenient sampling were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups (12 individuals in each group). Teachers or parents of both subject groups were asked to fill the questionnaires (pre-test). In the next step, the experimental group was presented with ten 45-minute sessions on communication skills, and the control group did not receive any training. In the end, both groups responded to the research instrument (post-test). Vineland social maturity scale was used as the data collection instrument. The collected data were analyzed through covariance analysis using SPSS software version 22. The results showed that communication skills training has a significant impact on social empowerment (F = 15.47, p = 0.001) and social adjustment (F = 49.64, p = 0.001). In other words, it can be argued that the experimental and control groups significantly differ from each other in terms of the communication skills training impacts on social empowerment and its components as well as social maturity. In conclusion, communication skills training significantly improves the social empowerment and social maturity of slow-paced female adolescents in the experimental group

    Efficiency Analysis of the Discrete Element Method Model in Gas‐Fluidized Beds

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    The efficiency and accuracy of the Euler‐Lagrange/discrete element method model were investigated. Accordingly, the stiffness coefficient and fluid time step were changed for different particle numbers and diameters. To derive the optimum parameters for simulations, the obtained results were compared with the measurements. According to the results, the application of higher stiffness coefficients improves the simulation accuracy slightly, however, the average computing time increases exponentially. For time intervals larger than 5 ms, the results indicated that the average computation time is independent of the applied fluid time step, while the simulation accuracy decreases extremely by increasing the size of the fluid time step. Nevertheless, using time steps smaller than 5 ms leads to negligible improvements in the simulation accuracy, though to an exponential rise in the average computing time

    Introducing a Linear Empirical Correlation for Predicting the Mass Heat Capacity of Biomaterials

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    This study correlated biomass heat capacity (Cp) with the chemistry (sulfur and ash content), crystallinity index, and temperature of various samples. A five-parameter linear correlation predicted 576 biomass Cp samples from four different origins with the absolute average relative deviation (AARD%) of ~1.1%. The proportional reduction in error (REE) approved that ash and sulfur contents only enlarge the correlation and have little effect on the accuracy. Furthermore, the REE showed that the temperature effect on biomass heat capacity was stronger than on the crystallinity index. Consequently, a new three-parameter correlation utilizing crystallinity index and temperature was developed. This model was more straightforward than the five-parameter correlation and provided better predictions (AARD = 0.98%). The proposed three-parameter correlation predicted the heat capacity of four different biomass classes with residual errors between −0.02 to 0.02 J/g∙K. The literature related biomass Cp to temperature using quadratic and linear correlations, and ignored the effect of the chemistry of the samples. These quadratic and linear correlations predicted the biomass Cp of the available database with an AARD of 39.19% and 1.29%, respectively. Our proposed model was the first work incorporating sample chemistry in biomass Cp estimation. View Full-Tex

    Application of Nanofluids in CO₂ Absorption: A Review

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    The continuous release of CO₂ into the atmosphere as a major cause of increasing global warming has become a growing concern for the environment. Accordingly, CO₂ absorption through an approach with maximum absorption efficiency and minimum energy consumption is of paramount importance. Thanks to the emergence of nanotechnology and its unique advantages in various fields, a new approach was introduced using suspended particles in a base liquid (suspension) to increase CO₂ absorption. This review article addresses the performance of nanofluids, preparation methods, and their stability, which is one of the essential factors preventing sedimentation of nanofluids. This article aims to comprehensibly study the factors contributing to CO₂ absorption through nanofluids, which mainly addresses the role of the base liquids and the reason behind their selection
