81 research outputs found

    La crisis del estado-nación y la teoría de la soberanía en Hegel

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    The phenomenon of globalization has brought the theory of the modern sovereignty into crisis, as the Natíon-State, forged by modernity, is no longer able to control and protect its territory, and even less able to guarantee its people the legitimacy of its decisions, in the fostering of a political project. Modern sovereignty has developed from the initial starting point of the Natíon-State, enclosed within ítself in its own territory, and through wars of expansion against other States. The predominance of internal sovereignty eclipses the inter-state dimension, while post-modern sovereignty is constructed on the basis of a World Empire that ignores Nation-States. We are witnessing a displacement of power towards external sovereignty to the detriment of a national affirmation. Now, both the first and the second models of sovereignty are floundering in the extremes of the syllogism. In other words, internal and external sovereignty are not understood as a form of mediation. Hegel, in our opinion, puts forward the right “mediating tension” between the two moments of sovereignty theory.El fenómeno de la globalización pone en crisis la teoría de la soberanía nacional, porque el Estado-Nación, configurado por la modernidad no consigue ya controlar y proteger su territorio y, menos aún, garantizar la legitimación de sus decisiones y poder, con el fin de fomentar un proyecto político. La soberanía moderna ha sido elaborada a partir del Estado-Nación, cerrado sobre sí mismo en su territorio, volcado hacia las guerras de expansión contra otros Estados. El predominio de la soberanía interna oculta la dimensión inter-estatal, mientras que la soberanía postmoderna se construye a partir del Imperio Mundial, que ignora los Estado nacionales. Se verifica un traspaso del poder hacia la soberanía externa en detrimento de la garantía nacional. En efecto, tanto el primer como el segundo modo de soberanía se hunden en los extremos del silogismo, es decir, no entienden la soberanía interna y externa como una forma de mediación. A mi parecer Hegel propone una adecuada “tensión mediadora” entre los dos momentos de la soberanía

    Epistemology of Social Networks, Public Opinion and Theory of Agenda

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    Social networks act in the public sphere and in the institution of democratic practices in social development, in establishing the agenda with issues more inclusive and representative of society. Thus, citizens recognize themselves in the decision-making process more fair and democratic. What is the strength of the passions and emotions on the connection on social networks or even the role of public opinion and the theory of agenda in the network society? Firstly, we present the epistemology of social networks, which describes the changes concerning the new online social media. Secondly, we will look at public opinion, in accordance with the principle of publicity of Kant, the contradiction in Hegel, public opinion and the principle of usefulness in J. S. Mill. Hume’s theory of mind and the neuroscientific study of António R. Damásio expose the relevance of perceptions, passions and emotions for decision-making and the connection on social networks. Finally, we present the theory of agenda from Maxwell McCombs, demonstrating the conventional agenda (unique agenda) as opposed to the agenda of social media (plural agenda). Some current facts, such as the uprisings of peoples, social movements and the emergence of social networking, renew the challenge of sustainability and learning on social networks.

    Persona, propiedad y contrato: un diálogo crítico en Hegel a partir de Marx

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    Hegel’s Philosophy of Law deals in the Abstract Law section of the categories: person, property and contract. Research critically reconstructs this theory from a Marxist perspective. In the concept of person, first of all, the singular will is reduced to a solipsist will unrelated to intersubjectivity. Then, the concept of Hegelian property bases the private appropriation of property as the externalization of the singular will. This legal property guarantees the maintenance and reproduction of private property, that is, it will guarantee the private accumulation of capital, Marx will say. Anyway, the theory of the contract would link the autonomy of the contracting wills, however, it is a mere appearance, because, in fact, the owners’ wills are under the domination of the capitalist market, as it is explained in Marx’s Capital. The theoretical deficit of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law in general is that the legal concepts of person and property correspond to the abstract will. Hegel describes the juridical description of the legal system of the modern state as the development of free will that legitimizes the asymmetry of civil society in its socioeconomic inequalities.La Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel trata en la sección de Derecho abstracto de las categorías: persona, propiedad y contrato. La investigación reconstruye críticamente esta teoría desde una perspectiva marxista. En el concepto de persona, en primer lugar, la voluntad singular se reduce a una voluntad solipsista sin relación con la intersubjetividad. Entonces, el concepto de propiedad hegeliana fundamenta la apropiación privada de la propiedad como la exteriorización de la voluntad singular. Esta propiedad legal garantiza el mantenimiento y reproducción de la propiedad privada, es decir, garantizará la acumulación privada de capital, dirá Marx. De todos modos, la teoría del contrato vincularía la autonomía de las voluntades contratantes, sin embargo, es una mera apariencia, porque, en realidad, las voluntades de los propietarios están bajo el dominio del mercado capitalista, como se explica en El Capital de Marx. El déficit teórico de la Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel en general es que los conceptos jurídicos de persona y propiedad corresponden a la voluntad abstracta. Hegel describe la descripción jurídica del sistema jurídico del Estado moderno como el desarrollo del libre albedrío que legitima la asimetría de la sociedad civil en sus desigualdades socioeconómicas

    O silogismo da propriedade hegeliana e o individualismo possessivo de C.B. Macpherson

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    According to the axiom established in the Commentary on § 181 of the Encyclopedia, syllogisms are the essential foundation of all that is true; thus, one cannot consider property, the object of this study, without assuming the syllogism. This article focuses on the topic of property, in particular based on Macpherson’s theory of possessive individualism, according to his book, The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, and on the syllogism of property in Hegel, as presented in his Philosophy of Law, in the Introduction (§§ 1-33) and in the fi rst part devoted to Abstract Law (§§ 33-104). The objective is to present the model and methodologythat legitimize the modern theory of property; in other words, the problem is, How are the contractualist model and its atomist methodology criticized by Hegel and Macpherson? What is the Hegelian methodological strategy to sublate modern possessive individualism? The article initially reconstructs the theory of possessive individualism according to Macpherson, with the goal of analyzing property in modern Western societies. Then, it discusses the syllogism of Hegelian property, considering the extent to which Hegel assumes and sublates the concept of property. To conclude, it returns to Macpherson to show that property, more than an economic topic, is a political issue: the democracy of property represents a challenge for the future of humanity.Key words: property, possessive individualism, syllogism of property, democracyConsoante ao que vem preceituado no Comentário ao § 181 da Enciclopédia, o silogismo é o fundamento essencial de todo o verdadeiro; assim, não se poderia pensar a propriedade, objeto deste estudo, sem se adotar a forma do silogismo. Esta pesquisa enfoca o tema da propriedade, sobretudo a partir da teoria do individualismo possessivo de Macpherson, segundo o seu livro A teoria política do individualismo possessivo, e o silogismo da propriedade em Hegel, conforme ela é exposta em sua Filosofi a do Direito, na Introdução (§§ 1-33) e na primeira parte dedicada ao Direito Abstrato (§§ 33-104). O objetivo é apresentar o modelo e a metodologia que legitimam a teoria da propriedade moderna, ou seja, o problema é: como o modelo contratualista e a sua metodologia atomista são criticados por Hegel e Macpherson? Qual é a estratégia metodológica hegeliana para suprassumir o individualismo possessivo moderno? A pesquisa reconstrói, primeiramente, a teoria do individualismo possessivo segundo Macpherson, com a finalidade de fazer um diagnóstico da propriedade nas sociedades modernas ocidentais. Após, apresenta o silogismo da propriedade hegeliana, considerando em que medida Hegel assume e suprassume o conceito de propriedade. E, para concluir, retoma Macpherson para mostrar que a propriedade, para além de um tema econômico, é um problema político: A democracia da propriedade constitui-se no desafio para o futuro da humanidade.Palavras-chave: propriedade, individualismo possessivo, silogismo da propriedade,democracia

    Idealismo realista ou realismo idealista: Hegel & Marx = Realistic idealism or idealist realism: Hegel & Marx

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    O tema do idealismo e realismo é abordado por Hegel e Marx de um modo específico. De um lado, Hegel entende que toda a verdadeira filosofia é um idealismo. De outro, Marx defende que o verdadeiro pensamento inicia com o realismo. Nós entendemos que as abordagens não são excludentes, pois, trata-se de pontos de partida diferentes. Os diagnósticos têm na contradição o motor da história; e na dialética o método de descrever e analisar o real. A partir das categorias da finitude e infinitude de Hegel e da categoria do fetichismo de Marx estabelecemos aproximações e diferenças entre os dois autore

    Logical normativity in Hegel and Brandom

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    A pesquisa articula-se em três momentos. Inicialmente, apresenta-se a posição de Brandom, explicitando a normatividade pragmático-semântica, ou seja, a teoria pragmático-semântica da razão linguística de Brandom. Qual é a diferença entre a semântica inferencial da teoria brandomiana da linguagem e a semântica relacional da teoria hegeliana do pensar? Depois, debate-se a normatividade na lógica de Hegel, isto é, sua teoria da alienação do pensar de si mesmo na circularidade e na contradição na lógica da essência, tendo como pano de fundo a norma da verdade exposta na lógica do conceito. Enfim, ao realismo idealista do conceito, no qual coincidem Brandom e Hegel, contrapõe-se o realismo filosófico como seu desafio permanente.Palavras-chave: pragmática, semântica, normatividade, idealismo, realismo.The research is articulated in three moments. Initially, the position of Brandom is presented, explaining the pragmatic-semantic normativity, that is, the pragmatic-semantic theory of Brandom’s linguistic reason. What is the difference between the inferential semantics of the Brandomian theory of language and the relational semantics of the Hegelian theory of thinking? After that, normativity is debated in Hegel’s logic, that is, his theory of the alienation of the thought of itself in the circularity and the contradiction in the logic of the essence, having as background the norm of truth exposed in the logic of the concept. Finally, to the idealistic realism of the concept, in which Brandom and Hegel coincide, is opposed philosophical realism as its permanent challenge.Keywords: pragmatics, semantics, normativity, idealism, realism

    Hegel, relações internacionais e globalismo jurídico

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    Las Relaciones Internacionales son uno de los temas predominantes en la agenda política actual. ¿Hasta qué punto la teoría hegeliana legitima y, al mismo tiempo, explicita la contradicción-mediación en el escenario de la globalización? Teniendo en cuenta esta cuestión, el objetivo de este artículo es, en primer lugar, presentar la teoría hegeliana del Estado en el contexto de las Relaciones Internacionales y, a continuación, actualizar este debate tratándolo al respecto de la soberanía brasileña. Por último, se presentan los desafíos de la articulación de Derecho Interno e Internacional, y se reconstruyen las posiciones de algunas teorías políticas actuales en vistas a la posición hegeliana

    Hegelian analytic philosophy: P. Redding's reading of Hegel

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    The classic analytic tradition associated the philosophy of George Berkeley with idealism. Yet in terms of the German Idealismus, Berkeley was no idealist. Rather, he described himself as an “immaterialist”. In the classic analytic tradition we find a misunderstandingof the German Idealismus. This paper will suggest, through reference to the work of Paul Redding, that Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit presents Idealismus as that which reconciles objectivity and subjectivity in the experience of consciousness. Hegel’s Phenomenology develops this idea in the elaboration of a remarkably novel theory of consciousness. For Hegel, the conditions of the possibility of the objects of experience are a dialectical movement between consciousness and the object, or immediacy and mediacy. In the whole movement of consciousness we have the logic of contradiction working at the back of phenomenological experience that Hegel will make explicit in the Science of Logic, a logic that involves the thinker becoming consciously aware of their ownthought processes. Yet Hegel’s Logic is different from the common meaning of ‘logic’. His Logicis not a formal approach to valid inference but captures the method and the moments and movementof logic. For Hegel, the great problem of classical logic is the immobility of the categories. This paper proposes that Hegel’s ‘holism’ entails the description where in Logic, Nature, and Spirit are articulated as a whole in dialectical movement

    On Latin American and African Philosophy : history, topics and issues

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    Abstract: In this article we compare and contrast Latin American Philosophy and African Philosophy in terms of history, currents and themes. We present an overview of both philosophical traditions in which we describe the methodologies and movements associated with each tradition respectively. We end by suggesting potential areas for further collaboration between the two traditions based on the similarities and differences suggested by our presentation

    O Fato do Pluralismo em Rawls: sobre a Fundamentação da Sociedade Política

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    Resumo: O presente artigo pretende discutir o fato do pluralismo em Rawls e a mudança no que diz respeito ao modo de fundamentação da sociedade política. O fato do pluralismo impede, segundo Rawls, uma fundamentação metafísica daquela sociedade política. Doravante, tal fundamentação deverá levar em conta o pluralismo religioso e moral, e ser, como quer Rawls, política, e não metafísica.Palavras-chave: Democracia; Pluralismo; Fundamentação