155 research outputs found

    The banality of monstrosity : on Michel Houellebecq’s Soumission

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    As so often with Houellebecq’s work, the shock and scandal of his most recent novel Soumission is not to be found where we might expect: despite the extraordinary coincidence of the book’s publication with the murderous Islamist attacks on Charlie Hebdo, Houellebecq imagines a proximate future in which France democratically elects a moderate Islamist party to government. Readers are asked to accept as logical developments that French citizens will agree to a national education system in which all teachers must convert to Islam, or a society in which women are not expected to work. This ability to make monstrous developments appear rational and even inevitable is familiar from Houellebecq’s earlier novels. This article situates the provocative conclusions of Soumission in the context of this earlier work, showing how the novel develops the author’s reflections on the nuisances of bureaucracy in late capitalism and further explores his hypothesis that religious faith is the only lasting foundation on which a society can be built, an idea explored here through Houellebecq’s detailed engagement with J. K. Huysmans

    nagy operette 3 felvonásban - írta Buchbinder B - zenéjét szerzette Jarno György - fordította Révész J

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    Városi Szinház. Debreczen, szombaton, 1909. évi márczius hó 13 -án: Ujdonság itt először. Az uj díszleteket festette Gyöngyösi Viktor.Debreceni Egyetem Egyetemi és Nemzeti Könyvtá

    Montias (1990)

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    J. Michael Montias: The influence of economic factors on style, in: De zeventiende eeuw 6–1 (1990), S. 49–57

    La voix de Holden Caulfield : « a brilliant tour-de-force »

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    International audienceSi les critiques ne sont pas unanimes quant à l'importance à accorder à l'unique roman de J. D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, dans l'histoire littéraire américaine, peu nombreux sont ceux qui ne reconnaissent pas le « tour de force » que fut la création de son personnage-narrateur. Holden Caulfield, que l'oralité de sa narration fait apparaître comme le digne successeur du Huck Finn de Twain, se livre dans son récit à un jeu décomplexé sur les registres de langue qui se veut à la fois représentatif de cette capacité américaine à brouiller les frontières traditionnelles, et révélateur d'une ambiguïté qui participe à la caractérisation du personnage. On s'intéressera dans cette communication aux éléments caractéristiques de la langue du personnage de Salinger, qui oscille sans cesse et avec brio entre le typique (en termes de lexique, la recréation du langage des jeunes Américains urbains de classe aisée des années 1940-1950 a souvent pu conduire à considérer Holden comme le porte-parole involontaire d'une partie de sa génération) et le spécifique (la grande adaptabilité de son langage, sa capacité à détourner de manière tout à fait spontanée la nature des mots ou encore les idiosyncrasies de Holden, passant tant par des leitmotivs lexicaux que par une tendance marquée à la digression, en font un personnage unique). On s'interrogera par ailleurs sur le sentiment d'intimité qu'offre au lecteur cette voix qui se révèle aussi sincère que séductrice

    Alien Registration- Lachance, Agathe (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    [1977] S. C. R. Statistical Analysis

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    La \uab dimension argumentative \ubb pluris\ue9miotique du livre enrichi

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    Le corpus de cette \ue9tude se compose de deux livres enrichis : Beauvoir, l\u2019enqu\ueate, par Ir\ue8ne Frain, et Alienare, par Chlo\ue9 Delaume. En puisant dans la r\ue9flexion de la rh\ue9torique du texte num\ue9rique, j\u2019analyse le rapport entre l\u2019\uab image d\u2019auteure \ubb de Frain et de Delaume et l\u2019\uab ethos \ue9ditorial \ubb des deux livres, en montrant que les maisons d\u2019\ue9dition ont essay\ue9 d\u2019orienter la r\ue9ception de ces \u153uvres et que leur \uab dimension argumentative \ubb se manifeste d\u2019abord \ue0 un niveau para-p\ue9ritextuel. En croisant la r\ue9flexion propos\ue9e par l\u2019analyse du discours litt\ue9raire avec l\u2019approche d\ue9velopp\ue9e par l\u2019argumentation dans le discours, j\u2019\ue9tudie les \uab eth\ue8 auctoriaux \ubb projet\ue9s par les deux \ue9crivaines dans leurs \u153uvres. Le niveau d\u2019objectivit\ue9/subjectivit\ue9 de leurs discours, ainsi que les strat\ue9gies rh\ue9toriques mobilis\ue9es, ont \ue9t\ue9 pris en compte pour r\ue9fl\ue9chir sur le caract\ue8re complexe et graduel de la notion de \uab dimension argumentative \ubb, lorsqu\u2019elle est mise \ue0 l\u2019\ue9preuve des potentialit\ue9s pluris\ue9miotiques du multim\ue9dia


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    Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se istraživanjem povijesti kazališta i kostimografije kao zasebne umjetničke discipline. Nakon samog osvrta kroz povijest, te u samu kostimografiju prelazi se na kostimografiju za predstavu „Mišolovka“ najpoznatije britanske spisateljice kriminalističkih romana Agathe Christie. U uvodu se govori nešto više o samoj drami i spisateljici. Kroz razradu teme u eksperimentalnom djelu govorit će se o usporedbi kostimografija za istoimenu predstavu po svijetu i kod nas. Na samom kraju predstavit će se dvije kostimografske mape za predstavu „Mišolovka“, te slike same realizacije u lipnju ove godine na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti.The purpose of this Master“s thesis is the history of theater and costumography as an individual artistic discipline. After historic review of costumography as a whole, we will talk about costumography for a play called „The Mousetrap“. It is written by Agathe Christie, a famous detective novelist of british descent. Preamble consists of drama as an art and the writer itself. During the elaboration of the topic, in the exper imental part of this thesis, we will compare costumography of play by the same name that plays in the whole world and in our parts. Thesis will be concluded with the representation of two costumography maps for the play „The Mousetrap“, and with pictures of real life performance that took part this year in June at the Academy od dramatic art


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    Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se istraživanjem povijesti kazališta i kostimografije kao zasebne umjetničke discipline. Nakon samog osvrta kroz povijest, te u samu kostimografiju prelazi se na kostimografiju za predstavu „Mišolovka“ najpoznatije britanske spisateljice kriminalističkih romana Agathe Christie. U uvodu se govori nešto više o samoj drami i spisateljici. Kroz razradu teme u eksperimentalnom djelu govorit će se o usporedbi kostimografija za istoimenu predstavu po svijetu i kod nas. Na samom kraju predstavit će se dvije kostimografske mape za predstavu „Mišolovka“, te slike same realizacije u lipnju ove godine na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti.The purpose of this Master“s thesis is the history of theater and costumography as an individual artistic discipline. After historic review of costumography as a whole, we will talk about costumography for a play called „The Mousetrap“. It is written by Agathe Christie, a famous detective novelist of british descent. Preamble consists of drama as an art and the writer itself. During the elaboration of the topic, in the exper imental part of this thesis, we will compare costumography of play by the same name that plays in the whole world and in our parts. Thesis will be concluded with the representation of two costumography maps for the play „The Mousetrap“, and with pictures of real life performance that took part this year in June at the Academy od dramatic art


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    Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se istraživanjem povijesti kazališta i kostimografije kao zasebne umjetničke discipline. Nakon samog osvrta kroz povijest, te u samu kostimografiju prelazi se na kostimografiju za predstavu „Mišolovka“ najpoznatije britanske spisateljice kriminalističkih romana Agathe Christie. U uvodu se govori nešto više o samoj drami i spisateljici. Kroz razradu teme u eksperimentalnom djelu govorit će se o usporedbi kostimografija za istoimenu predstavu po svijetu i kod nas. Na samom kraju predstavit će se dvije kostimografske mape za predstavu „Mišolovka“, te slike same realizacije u lipnju ove godine na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti.The purpose of this Master“s thesis is the history of theater and costumography as an individual artistic discipline. After historic review of costumography as a whole, we will talk about costumography for a play called „The Mousetrap“. It is written by Agathe Christie, a famous detective novelist of british descent. Preamble consists of drama as an art and the writer itself. During the elaboration of the topic, in the exper imental part of this thesis, we will compare costumography of play by the same name that plays in the whole world and in our parts. Thesis will be concluded with the representation of two costumography maps for the play „The Mousetrap“, and with pictures of real life performance that took part this year in June at the Academy od dramatic art
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