
Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se istraživanjem povijesti kazališta i kostimografije kao zasebne umjetničke discipline. Nakon samog osvrta kroz povijest, te u samu kostimografiju prelazi se na kostimografiju za predstavu „Mišolovka“ najpoznatije britanske spisateljice kriminalističkih romana Agathe Christie. U uvodu se govori nešto više o samoj drami i spisateljici. Kroz razradu teme u eksperimentalnom djelu govorit će se o usporedbi kostimografija za istoimenu predstavu po svijetu i kod nas. Na samom kraju predstavit će se dvije kostimografske mape za predstavu „Mišolovka“, te slike same realizacije u lipnju ove godine na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti.The purpose of this Master“s thesis is the history of theater and costumography as an individual artistic discipline. After historic review of costumography as a whole, we will talk about costumography for a play called „The Mousetrap“. It is written by Agathe Christie, a famous detective novelist of british descent. Preamble consists of drama as an art and the writer itself. During the elaboration of the topic, in the exper imental part of this thesis, we will compare costumography of play by the same name that plays in the whole world and in our parts. Thesis will be concluded with the representation of two costumography maps for the play „The Mousetrap“, and with pictures of real life performance that took part this year in June at the Academy od dramatic art

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