57 research outputs found

    Więzienne macierzyństwo kobiet z problemem alkoholowym

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    Macierzyństwo kobiet pozbawionych wolności jest ważnym problemem społecznym, gdyż dotyczy nie tylko samej osadzonej, ale także jej dzieci i całej rodziny oraz sposobu funkcjonowania w zakładzie karnym. Problem ten jest szczególnie trudny, gdyż dotyczy nie tylko osadzonych będących matkami, ale równocześnie matkami uzależnionymi od alkoholu. W tej sytuacji rośnie ilość czynników obciążających rozwój dziecka oraz wyzwań stawianych przed placówką resocjalizacyjną. Sposób oddziaływania pomocowego w więzieniu powinien uwzględniać zarówno dobro matki, jak i dziecka. Wyniki prowadzonych badań wskazują, że u kobiet inaczej niż u mężczyzn przebiega proces kontaktu ze środkami psychoaktywnymi oraz że istnieją różnice międzypłciowe w konsekwencjach używania i nadużywania środków psychoaktywnych. Problemy związane z używaniem alkoholu są powszechne wśród kobiet pozbawionych wolności, a uzależnionych skazanych matek przybywa w populacji przestępczych kobiet i dziewcząt. Podstawowymi celami oddziaływań pracowników Domów Matki i Dziecka jest kształtowanie u osadzonych kobiet pozostających w tym czasie w sytuacji aktywnego macierzyństwa umiejętności społecznych roli matki zarówno w czasie, gdy przebywają one wraz z potomstwem w warunkach izolacyjnych, jak i gdy opuszczą zakład karny. Istotne jest także zapewnienie ich dzieciom bezpieczeństwa i warunków umożliwiających prawidłowy rozwój psychospołeczny i fizyczny przy uwzględnieniu ograniczeń związanych ze specyfiką przebywania w placówce zamkniętej.The motherhood of women deprived of their liberty is an important social problem, as it affects not only the prisoner herself, but also her children and the whole family, and well as the mother’s functioning in a prison. This problem is particularly difficult, as it affects not only prisoners who are mothers but also mothers addicted to alcohol. In this situation, the number of factors affecting the child’s development and the challenges posed by the resocialization facility increases. The way in which help is provided in prisons should take into account both the welfare of the mother and of the child. The results of the conducted research indicate that contact with psychoactive substances has a different effect on women than on men, and that there are gender differences in the consequences of using and abusing psychoactive substances. Problems related to alcohol abuse are common among women deprived of their liberty and addicts of convicted mothers are increasing in the population of criminal women and girls. The basic goals of employees of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters is to teach women, who are in a situation of active motherhood at the time of imprisonment, the skills connected with the social role of the mother, both under the condition of social isolation and after release. It is also important to ensure their children’s safety and to provide conditions which allow their psychosocial and physical development, taking into account the limitations related to the specificity of being in a closed facility.Zadanie „Wspieranie badań naukowych w obszarze problemów wynikających z używania alkoholu” finansowane ze środków Narodowego Programu Zdrowia na lata 2016-202

    The Significanceof the Attachment Relation in the Human Life Cycle. Analysis of Selected Aspects of Close Relations

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    The article analyzes the significanceof attachment relations for the ability to enter into close relations in the human life cycle. The secure attachment style which develops on the basis of the primordial relation between mother (or a guardian) and the child in the firststages of life is the cornerstone of future intimate relations and a resource which facilitates successful dealing with developmental tasks in interpersonal dependency relations. During the childhood, it contributes to the development of the relation of trust and dependence, during the adolescence to the growth of new extra-family relations and in adulthood to the co-creation with the partner of an intimate love relationship

    Macierzyństwo za kratami

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    Artykuł dotyczy wpływu sytuacji izolacji na kobiety odbywające karę pozbawienia wolności wraz ze swymi dziećmi.Charakterystyczne cechy macierzyństwa kobiet uwięzionych wskazują na istnienie jakościowo odrębnego typu macierzyństwa, które budzi ze społecznego punktu widzenia kontrowersje i które warto poddać obserwacji i analizie.This article is about the impact of the situation on the isolation of women serving the penalty of deprivation of liberty with their children. Their motherhood should be observed and analyzed, especially it induces controversies

    „Nasz udział w budowaniu życia”. Ruch kobiet w stulecie praw kobiet (podstolik 7)

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    Podsumowując, należy stwierdzić że uczestnicy podstolika siódmego pokazali, odwołując się do badań i własnych doświadczeń, w jaki sposób idea zaangażowania społecznego ucieleśnia się, jaki jest „udział kobiet w budowaniu życia”, jaka jest kondycja ruchu kobiecego w stulecie uzyskania przez Polki praw wyborczych. Uczestniczki debaty dały dowód aktywnej obecności kobiet w dzisiejszej Polsce, różnorodności działań o dużym natężeniu i w wielu środowiskach. Dyskusja przy podstoliku utwierdziła nas w przekonaniu, że zasadne jest podejmowanie rozważań na temat udziału kobiet w kształtowaniu życia społecznego. I nie mniej zasadna praca zmierzająca do utrwalania w społecznej świadomości, także świadomości samych kobiet, znaczenia ich sił. „Odważmy się być wolnymi, poznajmy naszą siłę” to słowa Marii Dulębianki sprzed stu lat. Przywołano je w Poznaniu podczas obchodów 100. rocznicy odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości. Apel Dulębianki kierowany do kobiet jest zachętą nadal potrzebną

    On Social Pedagogy in Poznan (and Beyond)

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    Social pedagogy in Poland already has a history of over a hundred years, with its roots in the positivist and socialist reflection of the socio-philosophical turn of the 20th century. Helena Radlinska is rightly credited with its problematization, theoretical and academic institutionalization; she was also the organizer and promoter of the Lodz and Warsaw scientific community. In the second half of the twentieth century other scientific communities were formed and continued some of her practice according to the paradigm proposed by Radlinska, as a praxeological science. These are teams of educators in Katowice, Torun, Bydgoszcz, Olsztyn, Szczecin, Opole, Bialystok, etc., initiating its presence in the rapidly developing centers of academic science and teaching. Against this background, the authors of this article reveal the genesis, original characteristics, development, achievements, and prospects of Poznan-based social pedagogy at the turn of the 21st century.39971116Studia Edukacyjn

    Mediation as a Chance for the Reconciliation of the Perpetrator and Victim of a Criminal Offence

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    Mediation is a result of searching for new, rational alternative means of responding to crime and methods to include a wider range of the victims’ interests. The aim of mediation is the settlement and reconciliation between the victim and the offender. It is based on negotiations between the mediator, an impartial observer. Parties involved in the mediation process should be able to openly and honestly express their views and feelings and to proceed a voluntary, negotiated conflict-free way to redress the damage caused by the offender in the presence of a mediator.3916919211Studia Edukacyjn

    Microbial biodiversity in arable soils is affected by agricultural practices

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    The aim of the study was to examine the differences in microbial community structure as a result of agricultural practices. Sixteen samples of cultivated and the same number of non-cultivated soils were selected. Gel bands were identified using the GelCompar software to create the presence-absence matrix, where each band represented a bacterial operational taxonomic unit. The data were used for principal-component analysis and additionally, the Shannon-Weaver index of general diversity, Simpson index of dominance and Simpson index of diversity were calculated. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles clearly indicated differentiation of tested samples into two clusters: cultivated and non-cultivated soils. Greater numbers of dominant operational taxonomic units (65) in non-cultivated soils were noted compared to cultivated soils (47 operational taxonomic units). This implies that there was a reduction of dominant bacterial operational taxonomic units by nearly 30% in cultivated soils. Simpson dominance index expressing the number of species weighted by their abundance amounted to 1.22 in cultivated soils, whereas a 3-fold higher value (3.38) was observed in non-cultivated soils. Land-use practices seemed to be a important factors affected on biodiversity, because more than soil type determined the clustering into groups

    Mastectomy – literature review

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    The dominant approach in the fight against breast cancer is mastectomy. Surgical operations include diagnostic, therapeutic, palliative and reconstructive procedures. The decision as to the procedure depends on the type, location and advancement of the tumor, as well as on the preferences of the patients, the skills of the operator and the availability of methods at a given centre. It is worth noting that with the increasing number of patients, there have also been significant advances in treatment, the surgical techniques used, and consequently the quality of life index has also increased. Nowadays, clinicians' attention is focused not only on the elimination of the cancer, but also on the best possible cosmetic effect of the treatment. In breast cancer, the approach to the patient should be multidisciplinary, because mastectomy and its complications affect the patient's appearance after surgery, as well as psychological aspects, changing self-perception and pain complaints

    Modern methods of treating neurological diseases

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    Aim of the article The aim of the article is to summarize the current state of knowledge about brain-computer interfaces (BCI), i.e. systems that allow you to control electronic devices by recording the activity of nerve cells. Materials and methods The article is based on a literature review in the PubMed database. Conclusions Disorders of the nervous system pose a great therapeutic challenge due to the limited regenerative capacity of the nervous tissue. In the future, BCI may become an opportunity to improve the quality of life of patients with neurological diseases. Thanks to technological progress and increasing abilities in the field of physiology of neurons, the possibilities of using this system are increasing. Clinical trials have been performed on patients with various types of neurological deficits, including movement disorders and aphasia. Brain-computer interfaces can also help with vision loss, epilepsy, and many other condition