9 research outputs found

    The O/OREOS Mission - Astrobiology in Low Earth Orbit

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    The O/OREOS (Organism/Organic Exposure to Orbital Stresses) nanosatellite is the first science demonstration spacecraft and flight mission of the NASA Astrobiology Small- Payloads Program (ASP). O/OREOS was launched successfully on November 19, 2010, to a high-inclination (72), 650-km Earth orbit aboard a US Air Force Minotaur IV rocket from Kodiak, Alaska. O/OREOS consists of 3 conjoined cubesat (each 1000 cu.cm) modules: (i) a control bus, (ii) the Space Environment Survivability of Living Organisms (SESLO) experiment, and (iii) the Space Environment Viability of Organics (SEVO) experiment. Among the innovative aspects of the O/OREOS mission are a real-time analysis of the photostability of organics and biomarkers and the collection of data on the survival and metabolic activity for micro-organisms at 3 times during the 6-month mission. We will report on the spacecraft characteristics, payload capabilities and first operational phase of the O/OREOS mission. The science and technology rationale of O/OREOS supports NASAs scientific exploration program by investigating the local space environment as well as space biology relevant to Moon and Mars missions. It also serves as precursor for experiments on small satellites, the International Space Station (ISS), future free-flyers and lunar surface exposure facilities

    BioSentinel: Monitoring DNA Damage Repair Beyond Low Earth Orbit on a 6U Nanosatellite

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    We are designing and developing a 6U nanosatellite as a secondary payload to fly aboard NASAs Space Launch System (SLS) Exploration Mission (EM) 1, scheduled for launch in late 2017. For the first time in over forty years, direct experimental data from biological studies beyond low Earth orbit (LEO) will be obtained during BioSentinels 12- to 18-month mission. BioSentinel will measure the damage and repair of DNA in a biological organism and allow us to compare that to information from onboard physical radiation sensors. This data will be available for validation of existing models and for extrapolation to humans.The BioSentinel experiment will use the organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) to report DNA double-strand-break (DSB) events that result from space radiation. DSB repair exhibits striking conservation of repair proteins from yeast to humans. The flight strain will include engineered genetic defects that prevent growth and division until a radiation-induced DSB activates the yeasts DNA repair mechanisms. The triggered culture growth and metabolic activity directly indicate a DSB and its repair. The yeast will be carried in the dry state in independent microwells with support electronics. The measurement subsystem will sequentially activate and monitor wells, optically tracking cell growth and metabolism. BioSentinel will also include TimePix radiation sensors implemented by JSCs RadWorks group. Dose and Linear Energy Transfer (LET) data will be compared directly to the rate of DSB-and-repair events measured by the S. cerevisiae biosentinels. BioSentinel will mature nanosatellite technologies to include: deep space communications and navigation, autonomous attitude control and momentum management, and micropropulsion systems to provide an adaptable nanosatellite platform for deep space uses

    The O/OREOS Mission - Astrobiology in Low Earth Orbit

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    The O/OREOS (Organism/Organic Exposure to Orbital Stresses) nanosatellite is the first science demonstration spacecraft and flight mission of the NASA Astrobiology Small- Payloads Program (ASP). O/OREOS was launched successfully on November 19, 2010, to a high-inclination (72), 650-km Earth orbit aboard a US Air Force Minotaur IV rocket from Kodiak, Alaska. O/OREOS consists of 3 conjoined cubesat (each 1000 cu.cm) modules: (i) a control bus, (ii) the Space Environment Survivability of Living Organisms (SESLO) experiment, and (iii) the Space Environment Viability of Organics (SEVO) experiment. Among the innovative aspects of the O/OREOS mission are a real-time analysis of the photostability of organics and biomarkers and the collection of data on the survival and metabolic activity for micro-organisms at 3 times during the 6-month mission. We will report on the spacecraft characteristics, payload capabilities and first operational phase of the O/OREOS mission. The science and technology rationale of O/OREOS supports NASAs scientific exploration program by investigating the local space environment as well as space biology relevant to Moon and Mars missions. It also serves as precursor for experiments on small satellites, the International Space Station (ISS), future free-flyers and lunar surface exposure facilities

    Membrane protein–lipid interactions probed using mass spectrometry

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    Membrane proteins that exist in lipid bilayers are not isolated molecular entities. The lipid molecules that surround them play crucial roles in maintaining their full structural and functional integrity. Research directed at investigating these critical lipid-protein interactions is developing rapidly. Advancements in both instrumentation and software, as well as in key biophysical and biochemical techniques, are accelerating the field. In this review, we provide a brief outline of structural techniques used to probe protein-lipid interactions and focus on the molecular aspects of these interactions obtained from native mass spectrometry (native MS). We highlight examples in which lipids have been shown to modulate membrane protein structure and show how native MS has emerged as a complementary technique to X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy. We conclude with a short perspective on future developments that aim to better understand protein-lipid interactions in the native environment. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Biochemistry Volume 88 is June 20, 2019. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates

    Microvascular Composite Radiators for Small Spacecraft Thermal Management Systems

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    Small spacecraft have typically relied on thermal control systems in which waste heat is simply conducted though structural elements to the surface where it is radiated away. This simplistic approach is adequate for low-complexity missions to LEO, but increasingly complex mission profiles are being proposed including missions to deep space locations which present a harsher thermal environment as well as incorporating advanced capabilities which have challenging thermal control requirements such as cryogenically cooled sensors or propulsion systems. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in partnership with NASA Ames Research Center, is developing a thermal control system for small spacecraft utilizing a deployable radiator made of a micro-vascular composite material, through which a coolant can be circulated. These microvascular composite radiators contain tiny channels, as small as 100 micrometer diameter, which can only be manufactured using a novel fabrication technique developed at the University of Illinois, the Vaporization of Sacrificial Components (VaSC). Early mission concepts were evaluated to determine the design guidelines for the cooling system definition. Moving forward, thermal vacuum testing of the prototype will raise the TRL to 6 by the end of the two year development program

    Combining native and 'omics' mass spectrometry to identify endogenous ligands bound to membrane proteins

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    Ligands bound to protein assemblies provide critical information for function, yet are often difficult to capture and define. Here we develop a top-down method, 'nativeomics', unifying 'omics' (lipidomics, proteomics, metabolomics) analysis with native mass spectrometry to identify ligands bound to membrane protein assemblies. By maintaining the link between proteins and ligands, we define the lipidome/metabolome in contact with membrane porins and a mitochondrial translocator to discover potential regulators of protein function

    Electrospray ionization of native membrane proteins proceeds via a charge equilibration step

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    Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry is increasingly applied to study the structures and interactions of membrane protein complexes. However, the charging mechanism is complicated by the presence of detergent micelles during ionization. Here, we show that the final charge of membrane proteins can be predicted by their molecular weight when released from the non-charge reducing saccharide detergents. Our data indicate that PEG detergents lower the charge depending on the number of detergent molecules in the surrounding micelle, whereas fos-choline detergents may additionally participate in ion–ion reactions after desolvation. The supercharging reagent sulfolane, on the other hand, has no discernible effect on the charge of detergent-free membrane proteins. Taking our observations into the context of protein-detergent interactions in the gas phase, we propose a charge equilibration model for the generation of native-like membrane protein ions. During ionization of the protein-detergent complex, the ESI charges are distributed between detergent and protein according to proton affinity of the detergent, number of detergent molecules, and surface area of the protein. Charge equilibration influenced by detergents determines the final charge state of membrane proteins. This process likely contributes to maintaining a native-like fold after detergent release and can be harnessed to stabilize particularly labile membrane protein complexes in the gas phase