459 research outputs found

    Ural enterprise for surfacing and hardening of "Composite" - 25 YEARS

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    Reviewed research in the field of welding, welding and heat treatment performed in the "Composite", as well as the results of their manufacturing. The solutions to reduce the complexity of the repair welding performed on the operation of the equipment in place, and new coating materials, production of which is mastered by domestic manufacturers. It is shown that the first production plant for specialized manual plasma arc surface hardening, hardening has made more accessible practical application. Takes advantage of carbonitriding, increasing component life and lowering their cost.Рассмотрены исследования в области сварки, наплавки и термической обработки, выполненные в «Композит», а так же результаты их внедрения в производство. Представлены решения по сокращению трудоемкости ремонтной сварки, выполняемой по месту эксплуатации ремонтируемого оборудования, и новые наплавочные материалы, производство которых освоено на отечественных заводах. Показана первая серийная специализированная установка для ручной поверхностной закалки плазменной дугой, сделавшая закалку более доступной практическому применению. Раскрыты преимущества карбонитрации, увеличивающие срок службы деталей и снижающие их себестоимость

    Soybean Cultivation Cost-effectiveness Depending on Bacterial Preparations and Growth Stimulants Use

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    Researches and analysis of the data obtained on the basis of the Armavir Experimental Station of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Oilseeds establish the most effective bacterial preparations, growth stimulants and their combination for soybean cultivation under conditions of unstable moisture on ordinary chernozem. The soybeans yield during the seed treatment with the rhizobial preparation Nitrofix P (2 kg/t) in combination with the film former was the highest and amounted to 1.83 t/ha, which is 0.23 t/ha higher than in the control. It also obtained the maximum collection of plant protein – 0,69 t/ha. The highest yields (1.72–1.83 t/ha) and relatively low production costs allow getting quite high profits (19,472–22,191 rub/ha) with complex soybeans seed treatment with rusobial preparations containing a film former. The maximum profitability in the study of seed treatment with rhizobial preparations was obtained in the variants with the use of the preparations Nitrofiks P and Nitrofiks Zh in combination with the film-forming agent – 95–107 %, which is higher in comparison with the use of bacterial preparations by 2–15 %, and with the control by 12–24 %. The most cost-effective (107 %) was the use of rhizobial Nitrofix preparation in its powder form (2 kg/t) combining with a film former. The obtaining soybeans yield – 1.73 t/ha in the treatment of seeds combining with a rhizobial preparation in combination with a growth stimulator Nagro bioenergetic made it possible to get the highest profit – 19 668 rubles/ha. Given the cost of production and profit per hectare rate, the highest level of profitability was obtained when applying seed treatment with the rhizobial preparation Nitrofiks Zh in combination with Albit and Nagro bioenergetic growth stimulants: 91–94 %. Hence it has been established that the bacterial preparations for treating seeds in combination with a film former and growth stimulant use provides high profits and increases the soybean cultivation profitability level

    Invariant description of solutions of hydrodynamic type systems in hodograph space: hydrodynamic surfaces

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    Hydrodynamic surfaces are solutions of hydrodynamic type systems viewed as non-parametrized submanifolds of the hodograph space. We propose an invariant differential-geometric characterization of hydrodynamic surfaces by expressing the curvature form of the characteristic web in terms of the reciprocal invariants.Comment: 12 page

    Evaluation of technical and economic efficiency of cement production

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    The main indicators-indicators, that are involved in the integrated assessment for comparison and ranking of cement enterprises for technical and economic efficiency, have been considered and analyzed. This assessment serves as the basis for strategic decisions on the development of technological systems of cement production. Formation and filling of evaluation matrices of the level ofproduction and economic and financial potentials of cement production was carried out with the help of structural and logical analysis of the inherent strengths and weaknesses. The presented estimates reflect all the main areas of activity of cement enterprises in technological and economic aspects

    Congruences of lines in P5\mathbb{P}^5, quadratic normality, and completely exceptional Monge-Amp\`ere equations

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    The existence is proved of two new families of locally Cohen-Macaulay sextic threefolds in P5\mathbb{P}^5, which are not quadratically normal. These threefolds arise naturally in the realm of first order congruences of lines as focal loci and in the study of the completely exceptional Monge-Amp\`ere equations. One of these families comes from a smooth congruence of multidegree (1,3,3)(1,3,3) which is a smooth Fano fourfold of index two and genus 9.Comment: 16 page

    miRNAs Predicted to Regulate Host Anti-viral Gene Pathways in IPNV-Challenged Atlantic Salmon Fry Are Affected by Viral Load, and Associated With the Major IPN Resistance QTL Genotypes in Late Infection

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    Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) infection has been a major problem in salmonid aquaculture. Marker-assisted selection of individuals with resistant genotype at the major IPN quantitative trait locus (IPN-QTL) has significantly reduced mortality in recent years. We have identified host miRNAs that respond to IPNV challenge in salmon fry that were either homozygous resistant (RR) or homozygous susceptible (SS) for the IPN-QTL. Small RNA-sequenced control samples were compared to samples collected at 1, 7, and 20 days post challenge (dpc). This revealed 72 differentially expressed miRNAs (DE miRNAs). Viral load (VL) was lower in RR vs. SS individuals at 7 and 20 dpc. However, analysis of miRNA expression changes revealed no differences between RR vs. SS individuals in controls, at 1 or 7 dpc, while 38 “high viral load responding” miRNAs (HVL-DE miRNAs) were identified at 20 dpc. Most of the HVL-DE miRNAs showed changes that were more pronounced in the high VL SS group than in the low VL RR group when compared to the controls. The absence of differences between QTL groups in controls, 1 and 7 dpc indicates that the QTL genotype does not affect miRNA expression in healthy fish or their first response to viral infections. The miRNA differences at 20 dpc were associated with the QTL genotype and could, possibly, contribute to differences in resistance/susceptibility at the later stage of infection. In silico target gene predictions revealed that 180 immune genes were putative targets, and enrichment analysis indicated that the miRNAs may regulate several major immune system pathways. Among the targets of HVL-DE miRNAs were IRF3, STAT4, NFKB2, MYD88, and IKKA. Interestingly, TNF-alpha paralogs were targeted by different DE miRNAs. Most DE miRNAs were from conserved miRNA families that respond to viral infections in teleost (e.g., miR-21, miR-146, miR-181, miR-192, miR-221, miR-462, miR-731, and miR-8159), while eight were species specific. The miRNAs showed dynamic temporal changes implying they would affect their target genes differently throughout disease progression. This shows that miRNAs are sensitive to VL and disease progression, and may act as fine-tuners of both immediate immune response activation and the later inflammatory processes