161 research outputs found

    Visibility graphs of ground-level ozone time series: A multifractal analysis

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    A recent method based on the concurrence of complex networks and multifractal analyses is applied for the first time to explore ground-level ozone behavior. Ozone time series are converted into complex networks for their posterior analysis. The searched purpose is to check the suitability of this transformation and to see whether some features of these complex networks could constitute a preliminary analysis before the more thorough multifractal formalism. Results show effectively that the exposed transformation stores the original information about the ozone dynamics and gives meaningful knowledge about the time series. Based on these results, the multifractal analysis of the complex networks is performed. Looking at the physical meaning of the multifractal properties (such as fractal dimensions and singularity spectrum), a relationship between those and the degree distribution of the complex networks is found. In addition to all the promising results, this novel connection between time series and complex networks can deal with both stationary and non-stationary time series, overcoming one of the main limitations of multifractal analysis. Therefore, this technique can be regarded as an alternative to give supplementary information within the study of complex signals

    Digital Image Filtering Optimization Supporting Iberian Ham Quality Prediction

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    Digital images of food for later analysis tend to be heterogeneous in terms of color and luminosity. Improving these images by using filters is necessary and crucial before further processing. This paper compares the non-use of filters and the use of high-pass filters in the images of hand-cut Iberian ham that will be used in a multifractal analysis for the study of fat and its infiltration. The yielded results show that with the use of a high-pass filter, more accurate fractal dimensions were obtained, which can be featured in predictive techniques of Iberian ham quality

    La llave de oro del entrenamiento actoral: Silenciar el ego

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    Una de las premisas que forman parte del vademécum teatral es que el actor debe actuar sin conciencia. Explicar su importancia, la genealogía de la idea y su aplicación teatral, partiendo de cuatro referentes de la pedagogía teatral europea: Konstantín Stanislavski, Jerzy Grotowski, Michael Chejov y Peter Brook, son los objetivos de este artículo. Qué duda cabe que son muchos otros los que la formulan, pero comprender su importancia y vislumbrar los conceptos psicológicos y filosóficos que han contribuido a formularlo, nos pone en el camino de retroalimentar la pedagogía teatral desde corrientes más contemporáneas.One of the premises which form part of our theatre lexicon: the actor should act instinctively. To explain its importance, the development of the idea and its application to theatrewe use four references of European theatre teaching, and so Konstantin Stanislavsky, Jerzy Grotowski, Michael Chejov and Peter Brook are the objectives of this article. Doubtless there are many others that would be appropriate to understand and realise the importance of psychological and philosophical concepts that have contributed to its formulation and form the basis for reviving theatre teaching from more contemporary trends.La Revista Publicaciones se edita en la Facultad y cuenta con los siguientes patrocinadores: Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deportes (Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla) Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Granada Facultad de Educación y Humanidades de Melill

    Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of temperature in Spain (1960–2019)

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    Datos de investigación disponibles en: http://www.aemet.es/es/datos_abiertos/AEMET_OpenDataIn the last decades, an ever-growing number of studies are focusing on the extreme weather conditions related to the climate change. Some of them are based on multifractal approaches, such as the Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MF-DFA), which has been used in this work. Daily diurnal temperature range (DTR), maximum, minimum and mean temperature from five coastal and five mainland stations in Spain have been analyzed. For comparison, two periods of 30 years have been considered: 1960–1989 and 1990–2019. By using the MF-DFA method, generalized Hurst exponents and multifractal spectra have been obtained. Outcomes corroborate that all these temperature variables have multifractal nature and show changes in multifractal properties between both periods. Also, Hurst exponents values indicate that all time series exhibit long-range correlations and a stationary behavior. Coastal locations exhibit in general wider spectra for minimum and mean temperature than for maximum and DTR, in both periods. On the contrary, the mainland ones do not show this pattern. Also, width from multifractal spectra of these two variables (minimum and mean temperature) is shortened in the last period in almost every case. To authors’ mind, changes in multifractal features might be related to the climate change experienced in the studied region. Furthermore, reduction of spectra width for minimum and mean temperature implies a decrease of the complexity of these temperature variables between both studied periods. Finally, the wider spectra found in coastal stations might be useful as a discriminator element to improve climate models

    Correlates of Non-suicidal Self-Injury and Suicide Attempts in Bulimic Spectrum Disorders

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the implication of personality, impulsivity, and emotion regulation difficulties in patients with a bulimic-spectrum disorder (BSD) and suicide attempts (SA), BSD patients with non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), and BSD patients without these behaviors. Method: One hundred and twenty-two female adult BSD patients were assessed using self-report questionnaires. Patients were clustered post-hoc into three groups depending on whether they presented BSD without NSSI or SA (BSD), BSD with lifetime NSSI (BSD + NSSI) or BSD with lifetime SA (BSD + SA). Results: The BSD + NSSI and BSD + SA groups presented more emotion regulation difficulties, more eating and general psychopathology, and increased reward dependence in comparison with the BSD group. In addition, BSD + SA patients specifically showed problems with impulse control, while also presenting higher impulsivity than both the BSD and BSD + NSSI groups. No differences in impulsivity between the BSD and BSD + NSSI groups were found. Conclusions: The results show that BSD + NSSI and BSD + SA share a common profile characterized by difficulties in emotion regulation and low reward dependence, but differ in impulsivity and cooperativeness. This suggests that self-injury, in patients without a history of suicide attempts (i.e., BSD + NSSI), may have a regulatory role rather than being due to impulsivity