103 research outputs found

    El efecto del estrés por sequía y la fertilización con nitrógeno sobre el ingrediente activo, clorofila A y B, y el índice de clorofila de la henna

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    La respuesta del ingrediente activo, el contenido de clorofila ayb, y el índice de clorofila de la henna a diferentes tasas de fertilización N y estrés por sequía se exploró en un experimento de parcela dividida dividida basado en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones en la granja de investigación. de Jiroft Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft, Irán en la temporada de cultivo 2016-2017. En el estudio actual, la parcela principal se asignó al estrés por sequía en tres niveles (incluido el riego para suministrar el 100%, 75% o 50% del requerimiento de agua de la planta), la subparcela se asignó a la fertilización con N en tres dosis (50, 100 o 150 kg ha-1 de N puro), y la sub-subparcela se asignó al ecotipo en tres niveles (Bami, Bushehri y Rudbari). Los resultados mostraron que el efecto del nivel de sequía fue significativo sobre el ingrediente activo y el índice de clorofila al nivel de p <0.01 y sobre la clorofila a, clorofila total y la proporción de clorofila a / b al nivel de p <0.05. Pero no pudo influir significativamente en la clorofila b. El efecto de la fertilización con N fue significativo en la mayoría de los rasgos estudiados en el nivel p <0.01, pero su efecto fue significativo en el índice de clorofila en el nivel p <0.05 e insignificante en el tinte y la clorofila b. Según los resultados, parece que la aplicación de 100 kg ha-1 N y el riego para suplir el 75% del requerimiento de agua de la planta pueden contribuir a tener más plantas frescas con mayor contenido de ingrediente activo y colorante

    Effects of Biochar with Vitamin C as Replacement of Dietary Mineral Supplements on Performance and Egg Shell Quality of Laying Hens

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    Introduction: Humate material was used as feed additives in poultry nutrition. The biochar as a useful fertilizer in agriculture industry is a humate material that increases growth of plants. This fertilizer can as an additive be use in the poultry and animals feed, due to has many minerals material and two organic acid (humic and fulvic) in its compound. The reduce cost of diet in poultry industry for egg production, is an important goal. The biochar as a dietary additive is easily derived from burn organic material and agriculture byproduct. In recent years, several studies have been conducted to determine the effect of humic acid as an additive on performance poultry. In a study, dietary supplementation of laying hens with humic acid improves the performance and egg shape index. Investigating the effect of biochar as replacement of dietary mineral supplements on performance and egg shell quality of laying hens is rare. One of the properties of vitamin C (VC) is chelating properties, and with this property, it increases the intestinal absorption of minerals in birds. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of biochar (as a humate material) in five levels and vitamin C in two levels as replacement of dietary mineral supplements on performance and egg shell quality of laying hens.                       Materials and Methods: The current experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of biochar with vitamin C as replacement of mineral supplement in diet of laying hen. A total of 400 laying hens of Bovans strain, were randomly assigned to 10 experimental groups in a 5×2 factorial treatment arrangement with five replications and eight laying hens in each replicate during three 30-day periods. Factors tested included biochar levels (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% replacement with mineral supplements of diet) and vitamin C levels (0 and 100 mg/kg of diet). The feed intake, feed conversion ratio and daily weight gain were determined. Records of the feed intake were taken on by daily basis. Feed conversion ratio was calculated as grams of feed consumed to grams of egg mass. To determine egg shell quality characteristics, the shape index was calculated by using egg height and egg width. The egg specific gravity was evaluated by floating eggs in soluble of water and salt with different density. The egg breaking strength was measured by resistance meter.Results and Discussion: Replacing biochar levels from 25 to 100% mineral supplement of diet, with and without vitamin C, had no effect on performance characteristics (feed intake, feed conversion ratio and daily weight gain) and egg shell quality traits (egg shape index, egg specific gravity and egg breaking strength) in total of period of the experiment (50 to 61 weeks of age). The levels of 25 and 50% biochar, plus vitamin C in diet decreased feed intake in the first period. Whereas, the level of 75% biochar, plus vitamin C in diet increased feed intake in this period. The egg shape index with the addition of vitamin C in diet decreased in the third period. The reason of no significant effect of biochar on performance and egg shell quality can be due to the different sources and amounts of biochar in poultry diet. The reason of no significant effect of vitamin C on performance and egg shell quality in laying hens can be due to the bird environmental temperature. The use of vitamin C in diet of laying hens under heat stress improves their performance. Whereas, this study was performed in normal environmental temperature. The second reason is the chelating properties of vitamin C,  that can be increased absorption minerals in birds intestinal. But due to advanced digestive tract of laying hens, maybe decrease its properties.   Conclusion: The results of present study showed that biochar across all levels had similar cost with control group, and it had no effect on egg shell quality and performance of laying hens. There was no significant interaction between biochar and vitamin C regrding to performance, egg shell quality traits and cost of diet during 50 to 61 weeks of age, too. Therefore, biochar can be completely replaced with dietary mineral supplements of laying hens due to its low cost, high availability, easy production without adverse effects on performance and egg quality traits

    El efecto del estrés por sequía y la fertilización con nitrógeno sobre el ingrediente activo, clorofila A y B, y el índice de clorofila de la henna

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    The response of active ingredient, chlorophyll a and b contents, and chlorophyll index of henna to different rates of N fertilization and drought stress was explored in a split-split-plot experiment based on a randomized complete block design with four replications in the research farm of Jiroft Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft, Iran in the 2016-2017 growing season. In the current study, the main plot was assigned to drought stress at three levels (including irrigation to supply 100%, 75% or 50% of plant water requirement), the sub-plot was assigned to N fertilization at three rates (50, 100 or 150 kg&nbsp;ha-1 pure N), and the sub-sub-plot was assigned to ecotype at three levels (Bami, Bushehri, and Rudbari). The results showed that the effect of drought level was significant on active ingredient and chlorophyll index at the p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.01 level and on chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll, and chlorophyll a/b ratio at the p&nbsp;&lt; 0.05 level.&nbsp; But, it could not influence chlorophyll b significantly. The effect of N fertilization was significant on most studied traits at the p&lt;&nbsp;0.01 level, but its effect was significant on the chlorophyll index at the p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.05 level and insignificant on dye and chlorophyll b. According to the results, it seems that the application of 100 kg&nbsp;ha-1 N and the irrigation to supply 75% of plant water requirement can contribute to having more fresh plants with the higher active ingredient and dye contents.La respuesta del ingrediente activo, el contenido de clorofila ayb, y el índice de clorofila de la henna a diferentes tasas de fertilización N y estrés por sequía se exploró en un experimento de parcela dividida dividida basado en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones en la granja de investigación. de Jiroft Branch, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft, Irán en la temporada de cultivo 2016-2017. En el estudio actual, la parcela principal se asignó al estrés por sequía en tres niveles (incluido el riego para suministrar el 100%, 75% o 50% del requerimiento de agua de la planta), la subparcela se asignó a la fertilización con N en tres dosis (50, 100 o 150 kg ha-1 de N puro), y la sub-subparcela se asignó al ecotipo en tres niveles (Bami, Bushehri y Rudbari). Los resultados mostraron que el efecto del nivel de sequía fue significativo sobre el ingrediente activo y el índice de clorofila al nivel de p &lt;0.01 y sobre la clorofila a, clorofila total y la proporción de clorofila a / b al nivel de p &lt;0.05. Pero no pudo influir significativamente en la clorofila b. El efecto de la fertilización con N fue significativo en la mayoría de los rasgos estudiados en el nivel p &lt;0.01, pero su efecto fue significativo en el índice de clorofila en el nivel p &lt;0.05 e insignificante en el tinte y la clorofila b. Según los resultados, parece que la aplicación de 100 kg ha-1 N y el riego para suplir el 75% del requerimiento de agua de la planta pueden contribuir a tener más plantas frescas con mayor contenido de ingrediente activo y colorante

    The Demographic Characteristics of Head and Neck Tumors in Patients admitted to the ENT Department of Shafa Hospital, Kerman during, 2012-2014

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    Background: Head and neck tumors are one of the six common tumors in the world with about 900,000 new cases diagnosed annually. This study aimed to investigate the demographic characteristics of head and neck tumors according to electronic data on the web. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed. The information of all patients admitted to the ENT department of Shafa hospital, with a head and neck tumor was entered into electronically designed forms. Data were described analyzed using SPSS software version 18 and chi-square test. Results: The mean age of the samples was (51.1± 15.9) years, and 73.4% of them were male. 80% of the tumors were malignant. The most common type of cancer and site involvement was squamous cell carcinoma and the larynx respectively. The frequency of tumors was significantly higher in males (P <0.001), but there was no relationship between family history and tumor types (P = 0.98). Conclusion: It is suggested that more studies be conducted in other provinces to compare with the results of this study. Keywords: Head and neck tumors, cancer, Kerman, electronic for