56 research outputs found

    Opportunity or necessity? Conceptualizing entrepreneurship at African small-scale mines

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    This article critically examines the policy environment in place for artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) – low-tech, labour-intensive mineral extraction and processing – in sub-Saharan Africa, with a view to determining whether there is adequate ‘space’ for the sector's operators to flourish as entrepreneurs. In recent years, there has been growing attention paid to ASM in the region, particularly as a vehicle for stimulating local economic development. The work being planned under the Africa Mining Vision (AMV), a comprehensive policy agenda adopted by African heads of state in February 2009, could have an enormous impact on this front. One of its core objectives is to pressure host governments into Boosting Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining by following a series of streamlined recommendations. It is concluded, however, that there is a disconnect between how entrepreneurship in ASM has been interpreted and projected by proponents of the AMV on the one hand, and the form it has mostly taken in practice on the other hand. This gulf must be rapidly bridged if ASM is to have a transformative impact, economically, in the region. © 2017 Elsevier Inc

    Governing the Global Land Grab: Multipolarity, Ideas and Complexity in Transnational Governance

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    Since 2008, a series of new regulatory initiatives have emerged to address large-scale land grabs. These initiatives are occurring simultaneously at multiple levels of social organization instead of a single, overarching institutional site. A significant portion of this activity is taking place at the transnational level. We suggest that transnational land governance is indicative of emerging shifts in the practice of governance of global affairs. We analyze such shifts by asking two related questions: what does land grabbing tell us about developments in transnational governance, particularly with regard to North-South relations, and what do these developments in transnational governance mean for regulating land grabbing?Desde 2008, ha surgido una serie de nuevas iniciativas regulatorias para tratar acaparamientos de tierra a gran escala. Estas iniciativas están sucediendo simultáneamente a niveles múltiples de la organización social en vez de un lugar institucional predominante. Una porción importante de esta actividad está tomando lugar al nivel transnacional. Sugerimos que la gobernanza de tierras trasnacionales es indicativa de los cambios que están surgiendo en la práctica de gobernanza de los asuntos globales. Analizamos tales cambios haciendo dos preguntas relacionadas: ¿qué nos dice el acaparamiento de tierras sobre los desarrollos en la gobernanza trasnacional, particularmente con las relaciones norte-sur?, y ¿qué significan estos desarrollos en gobernanza trasnacional para regular el acaparamiento de tierras

    Joint AU, IGAD and UN Statement on the Current Situation in the Republic of South Sudan.

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    Ambassador Smail Chergui, African Union (AU) Peace and Security Commissioner; Dr. Ismail Wais, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Special Envoy for South Sudan; Mr. David Shearer, Special Representative Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) to South SudanPress Release: Addis Ababa, 12 April 2019: The African Union (AU) Peace and Security Commissioner, Ambassador Smail Chergui, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Special Envoy for South Sudan, Dr. Ismail Wais and the Special Representative Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) to South Sudan, Mr. David Shearer briefed AU partners in Addis Ababa on the current situation in the Republic of South Sudan

    The Will to Integrate: South Africa's Responses to Regional Migration from the SADC Region

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    This paper surveys frameworks of labour migration in southern Africa and determines South Africa’s policy responses to inflows of migrants from seven neighbouring countries. Legislations, policy reports and scientific publications on migration were thoroughly reviewed and interviews and correspondence with key policymakers were conducted. Statistical analyses of data on foreign worker recruitments and permits issued by South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs were also performed. The absence of a migration protocol in southern Africa suggests SADC Members have not implemented the African Union’s migration policy basic guidelines. Two systems coexist in southern Africa that complicate migration governance: a South Africa‐managed bilateral migration policy, and aspirations for a formal SADC‐managed migration policy. Bilateral agreements between South Africa and neighbours have established a labour migration system that dims prospects for a regional migration policy. SACU Members could establish a two‐tier policy to achieve free movement while maintaining managed migration policy outside SACU. An official multilateral migration governance mechanism would serve SADC better than the current ad‐hoc measures.The European Union, in the framework of the EU‐South Africa Dialogue Facility (EuropeAid/132200/L/ACT/ZA), funded part of the research.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-8268am201