57 research outputs found

    Towards Sustainable Oceans: Deep Learning Models for Accurate COTS Detection in Underwater Images

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    Object detection is one of the main tasks in computer vision, which includes image classification and localization. The application of object detection is now widespread as it powers various applications such as self-driving cars, robotics, biometrics, surveillance, satellite image analysis, and in healthcare, to mention just a few. Deep learning has taken computer vision to a different horizon. One of the areas that will benefit immensely from deep learning computer vision is the detection of killer starfish, the crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS). For decades, this killer starfish has dealt a big blow to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the world’s largest system of reefs, and in other places too. In addition to impacting negatively environmentally, it affects revenue generation from reef tourism. Hence, reef managers and authorities want to control the populations of crown-of-thorns starfish, which have been observed to be the culprits. The deep learning technique offers real-time and robust detection of this creature more than earlier traditional methods that were used to detect these creatures. This thesis work is part of a competition for a deep learning approach to detect COTS in real time by building an object detector trained using underwater images. This offers a solution to control the outbreaks in the population of these animals. Deep learning methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have gained popularity today because of its speed and high accuracy in detection and have performed better than the earlier traditional methods. They can be used in real-time object detection, and they owe their speed to convolutional neural networks (CNN). The thesis gives a comprehensive literature review of the journey so far in the field of computer vision and how deep learning methods can be applied to detect COTS. It also outlines the steps involved in the implementation of the model using the state-of-the-art computer vision algorithm known for its speed and accuracy – YOLOv8. The COTS detection model was trained using the custom dataset provided by the organizers of the competition, harnessing the powers of deep learning methods such as transfer learning, data augmentation, and preprocessing of underwater images to achieve high accuracy. Evaluation of the results obtained from the training showed a mean average precision of 0.803mAP at IoU of 0.5-0.95, acknowledging the detector model’s versatility in making accurate detection at different confidence levels. This supports the hypothesis that when we use pre trained model, this enhances the performance of our model for better object detection tasks. Certainly, better detection accuracy is one way to detect killer starfish, the crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS), and help protect the oceans

    Effect Of Micro Finance Service On Saving Investment And Output In Abia State Of Nigeria

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    This study investigated the effect of financial service (loans) and savings facilities delivery) on saving, investment and output in Abia State of Nigeria. Data used for the study were collected from clients of the Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (NACRDB). Eighty loan beneficiaries of the bank were randomly selected and interviewed with structured questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using simple statistical tools such as the t – test statistic, percentages, frequency distribution and multiple regression analysis. The results suggest that access to microfinance services has significant positive effects on investment and output. The effect of micro finance service on saving was positive but not significant. The result of the regression analysis showed that savings had significant positive effect on investment while the effect of interest payment on investment was negative and significant Based on the findings, we recommend that microfinance services should be expanded in the study area and that people should be encouraged to make more saving as to enhance their income. Keywords: Microfinance, Savings, Investment and OutputJournal of Agriculture and Food Sciences Vol. 5 (1) 2007: pp. 81-9

    Web based error reporting management application

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    After product deployment, customers start using the product and naturally they might encounter various problems. Recording problems and their solutions can help to solve the same problems in the future. Therefore, helpdesk personnel play a vital role in serving customers efficiently, particularly when they have problems. Such efficiency does not come about by chance, for it is the efficient management of such help process, which leads to efficiency. This is also true with the management of users’ error reports. This project work aimed at developing a web application for managing customers’ error reports at UpCode Ltd., which is a software company in Vaasa. When users of a product encounter problems, they normally contact the company for solutions. The company will typically first of all check if the problem had been encountered and solved before. If that is the case, the solution is made available to the error reporting user. Otherwise, the error report is registered and a time frame for developing a solution is defined. The record will be then updated once a solution has been found for the problem. This application was developed using ASP.NET technology and C# as the programming language for the server-side. All the necessary data was stored in MySQL database and retrieved for display when needed. It also used other technologies such as JavaScript, XML and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). These technologies work together to deliver dynamic web pages from the server to the client browser. The main functionalities implemented by this application include: login, search, register solution, view solutions list, register error, view/edit error list, change password, view user records, register new customer, view customer list, send email to new application user, register new application users, view/edit application users records among others

    Effect on some haematological indices of human whole blood when aqueous leaf extract of Euphorbia heterophylla was used as storage anticoagulant

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    Properties of red blood cells, especially cell size and red cell indices related to size, change with time in stored blood samples. Laboratory anticoagulants have certain drawbacks. For example, heparin has no preservative property on whole blood while K3EDTA (EDTA) is toxic and damages platelets. The search for novel anticoagulants with better hematological profile is therefore necessary. The anticoagulant properties of aqueous leaf extract of Euphorbia heterophylla (aka ito in Igbo) were compared with those of K3EDTA. Specifically, the effect of this extract and K3EDTA on packed cell volume (PCV) and red cell indices related to size, when they were used as anticoagulants, were compared. 0.5 ml of serial dilutions of this extract were placed in specimen bottles containing 2 ml fresh human whole blood and stored for 15 days at 4°C. For control, 2 ml fresh human whole blood was added to specimen bottles containing 1.5 mg/ml EDTA and stored for 15 days at 4°C. Thereafter, the test and control samples were analyzed for PCV, MCV, MCH and MCHC using haematology autoanalyser (Erma Inc, PCE - 210). All concentrations of the extract used, except 65 mg/ml, and the K3EDTA were able to keep the blood samples in fluid state throughout the 15 days period of storage. At the level of significance, p < 0.05, this extract had comparable preservative effect on MCV and MCH (p = 0.79; 0.20), but less preservative effect on PCV and MCHC when compared with EDTA (p = 0.013; 0.049). The aqueous leaf extract of Euphorbia heterophylla has preservative properties on haematological indices of stored human whole blood compare to that of K3EDTA. The fact that it does not chelate calcium as its mechanism of anticoagulation gives it an advantage over K3EDTA when used for biochemical tests. It should therefore, be explored as alternative laboratory anticoagulant in view of this advantage.Keywords: Euphorbia heterophylla, anticoagulants, storage of blood, red cell indices, K3EDTA.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(31), pp. 4952-495

    Investigation into the Nephrotoxicity of Nigerian Bonny Light Crude Oil in Albino Rats

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    Abstract: The effect of bonny-light crude oil was assessed in adult albino rats. The rats were administered with 200, 400, and 800mg/kg body weight of the crude oil orally for 7 days. Fluid intake was measured daily, initial and final animal body was recorded. The toxic effects on the kidneys were assessed and histological studies carried out. The results revealed that the kidney cells were damaged; crude oil caused a destruction of the renal reserve capacity. There was a significant increase (p ≤ 0.05) in creatinine in the high dose group (800mg/kg), and a significant decrease (p ≤ 0.05) in urea concentration. Histological examination indicates that crude oil induced severe pathologic changes in the forms of necrosis and oedema

    Are liver and renal lesions in East Greenland polar bears (Ursus maritimus) associated with high mercury levels?

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    BACKGROUND: In the Arctic, polar bears (Ursus maritimus) bio-accumulate mercury as they prey on polluted ringed seals (Phoca hispida) and bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus). Studies have shown that polar bears from East Greenland are among the most mercury polluted species in the Arctic. It is unknown whether these levels are toxic to liver and kidney tissue. METHODS: We investigated the histopathological impact from anthropogenic long-range transported mercury on East Greenland polar bear liver (n = 59) and kidney (n = 57) tissues. RESULTS: Liver mercury levels ranged from 1.1–35.6 μg/g wet weight and renal levels ranged from 1–50 μg/g wet weight, of which 2 liver values and 9 kidney values were above known toxic threshold level of 30 μg/g wet weight in terrestrial mammals. Evaluated from age-correcting ANCOVA analyses, liver mercury levels were significantly higher in individuals with visible Ito cells (p < 0.02) and a similar trend was found for lipid granulomas (p = 0.07). Liver mercury levels were significantly lower in individuals with portal bile duct proliferation/fibrosis (p = 0.007) and a similar trend was found for proximal convoluted tubular hyalinisation in renal tissue (p = 0.07). CONCLUSION: Based on these relationships and the nature of the chronic inflammation we conclude that the lesions were likely a result of recurrent infections and ageing but that long-term exposure to mercury could not be excluded as a co-factor. The information is important as it is likely that tropospheric mercury depletion events will continue to increase the concentrations of this toxic heavy metal in the Sub Arctic and Arctic marine food webs

    Pedagoginen toimintaja dokumentointi varhaiskasvatuksessa

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    Tarkastelen opinnäytetyössäni uuden varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman valossa pedagogista toimintaa ja dokumentointia varhaiskasvatuksessa. Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet (2016) velvoittaa varhaiskasvattajia käyttämään pedagogista dokumentointia aiemmin käytetyn dokumentoinnin sijaan. Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman viitekehys antaa kehittämisprojektin toiminnalle raamit ja pedagogista toimintaa tarkastellaankin oppimisen alueiden näkökulmasta. Kehittämisprojektin painopisteitä ovat varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman suuntaisesti varhaiskasvatuksen toimintaympäristön rakentaminen, leikin merkitys lasten oppimiselle sekä pedagogisen dokumentoinnin toteuttaminen varhaiskasvatuksessa. Kehittämisprojektin toimintaympäristönä on Vaasan varhaiskasvatuksen vuoropäivähoidon yksikkö. Kehittämisprojektissa kuvataan kasvatushenkilöstön oppimisprosessia pedagogisen dokumentoinnin osalta. Vaasassa on otettu käyttöön pedagogisen dokumentoinninlomake, jonka käyttöä opettelemme työyhteisössä. Kehittämisprojektin tavoitteena on nostaa vuoropäiväkodin henkilöstön osaamistasoa pedagogisen dokumentoinnin prosessissa. Projektille asetettiin kaksi kehittämistehtävää. Ensinnäkin tarkastellaan pedagogisen dokumentoinnin lomakkeen käyttöä vuoropäiväkodissa. Henkilökunnan osaamisen tasoa kartoitettiin kahdella työyhteisölle tehdyllä kyselyllä. Toisena kehittämistehtävänä oli opetusvideon tekeminen vuoropäiväkodin varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman toteuttamisesta oppimisen alueiden näkökulmasta sekä pedagogisesta dokumentoinnin prosessista. Kehittämisprojektin tarkoituksena on videon kautta tuottaa toimintamalleja tai tapoja toteuttaa uutta vasua, joka voi toimia esimerkkinä muille varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstölle. Opetusvideon avulla voidaan esitellä myös päiväkodin toimintaa vanhemmille ja muille vieraille. Kehittämisprojekti kesti yhteensä noin 2 vuotta, vuosina 2017- 2019. Kehittämisprojektissa on toimintatutkimuksellinen lähestymistapa, jonka lähtökohtana on tarve muutokseen varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman mukaisesti. Kehittämisprojektissani tarve lähtee siitä, että uusi normi haastaa työntekijät uudenlaiseen ajatteluun. Toiminnan arvioimiseen käytämme uuden varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman mukaisesti pedagogista dokumentointia sekä pedagogisen dokumentoinnin lomaketta. Kehittämisprojektin menetelmien tukena käytetään spiraalista mallia, jonka kautta pyritään toiminnan jatkuvaan arviointiin ja kehittämiseen. Kehittämisprojektin raportti on kuvaus varhaiskasvattajien oppimisen prosessista ja oppivasta työyhteisöstä. Projektin aikana keskityttiin syventämään varhaiskasvattajien osaamista, jonka tulokset näkyvät konkreettisesti opetusvideolla.In this thesis pedagogical activity and documentation is considered in light of new national plan for early childhood education (2016). This national plan is obligatory for all professionals who work in early education and it involves principles for using pedagogical documentation. It gives pedagogical framework for everybody in the field early education. The focus points of the thesis are building a operational environment, meaning of children playing for learning, and pedagogical documentation. This report of a development process works happens in shift-daycare in Vaasa. It is description of learning process for the whole staff. In Vaasa we have our own form for pedagogical documentation. The aim of this development process is to build up the know- how of our staff in the daycare. Based on the goals two development tasks were risen. First is to study the use of form for pedagogical documentation. This was done by two different surveys filled by the staff. Second task were to film an educational video about pedagogical activity and documentation is considered in light of new national plan for early childhood education. The aim of the video was to create or to produce different operational models for the all to use in the field or early childhood education. The another aim of the film was tell, how the early education teachers and other use pedagogical documentation in everyday learning processes. The whole development project last about two years from 2017 to 2019. The project follows the spiral model where the continuous evaluation is emphasized. The spiral model is part of activity analysis process. The need for the whole changing process is that new national plan for early childhood education (2016) demands for the new standard in the national field of early childhood education. In Vaasa the form of pedagogical documentation is also used to help in evaluation of the work of the teachers in early childhood education. This thesis is description of learning process and how the whole work community in shiftdaycare is able to learn from each other and together in the light of new national plan for early childhood education (2016). The results of the whole learning process is seen in the educational video that was filmed during the development project

    Challenges Associated with the Implementation of Insurance in Building Projects in Nigeria

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    The nature, complexity of activities and multiple stakeholders involved in the delivery of construction projects have made the construction industry to be filled with risks and uncertainties. These uncertain events impact mostly on time, cost and quality performance of construction projects. The uptake of insurance is one of the key risk management tools for mitigating the impact of construction project risks. While, the implementation of insurance is important and widely used in developed countries, the same cannot be said about developing countries because of some challenges. The purpose of this study is to assess the challenges associated with the implementation of insurance in building projects in Nigeria. The well-structured questionnaire and convenient sampling technique were adopted in the collection of data from experienced clients, contractors, construction professionals and insurance experts on educational projects executed from 2012 to 2016 at the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State. With a response rate of 75.71% and a reliability index of 0.897, the gathered data were analysed using appropriate descriptive statistical tools and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The study that the major challenges with the implementation of insurance in a building project are; Lack of trust and confidence in insurance agents, No strict instruction from the government, Complex policy language, Failure to administer contractor's claim in time and Rising cost of the premium. Sensitization of the customer is also important as it is necessary to continue building trust and confidence in current and potential customers of insurance companies. Government should strengthen existing policies and institutions to ensure that implementation and compliances are strictly followed and monitored

    Assessing the relationship between non-invasive tear break-up time and maximum blink interval values among young adults at Mzuzu University

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    Thokozani Mzumara, Joseph Afonne Department of Optometry, Faculty of Health Sciences, Mzuzu University, Mzuzu, Malawi Purpose: To assess the relationship between non-invasive tear break-up time (NITBUT) and maximum blink interval (MBI) values among young adults. Method: The study was conducted at Mzuzu University and involved 98 subjects (55 females and 43 males) aged between 18 and 40 years. All subjects were screened under the slit lamp, and were also asked questions to determine their eligibility to participate in the study. NITBUT measurements were taken by checking the discontinuity of the mires on the keratometer. MBI measurements were taken by observing the time period the subject could keep their eyes open without blinking. Results: There was a positive correlation (r=0.64, r2=0.418, P&lt;0.001) between NITBUT and MBI values. The relationship between NITBUT and MBI values was similar in both males and females. Furthermore, the study showed that age, as well as gender, is not correlated to NITBUT and MBI values. Conclusion: There is a positive significant correlation (r=0.64, r2=0.418, P&lt;0.001) between NITBUT and MBI values. There was no significant difference between the NITBUT and MBI values between males and females. The study has also discovered that there is no correlation between NITBUT and MBI with age and gender. Keywords: dry eye, tear film stability, non-invasive TBUT, MB
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