611 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Writing Descriptive Texts

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    The objective of the research was to reveal the types of grammatical errors made by 25 college students who were taking the course of Writing III on descriptive writings. Furthermore, it attempted to identify and describe the error types and then to find out the grammatical error type made the most by those students. To get the data from the field, the researcher asked the students to write about “STAIN Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe”. To analyze the data, the researcher used the model by Miles and Huberman (1994) of qualitative analysis. The data were analyzed through analyzing the grammatical incorrect form of the sentences by marking the errors, reconstructing the correct sentences, classifying the types of errors and counting the errors in order to know the most common type of grammatical error. As the result, the researcher found that the students made 288 errors in their descriptive writings. The errors occurred in all types of errors investigated. They are verb tense, verb form, subject-verb agreement, plural, possessive inflection, definite article, indefinite article, word order, run-on, and fragment. And, the students made the most errors (77 occurrences or 26%) in fragment. The source of errors was also mostly due to interlanguage transfer. Therefore, English teachers should be aware of these findings as an input in their teaching of writing. Teachers can teach students to avoid these common errors in their future writing

    Mengaktualisasikan Landasan Filosofis Pendidikan Islam di Era Milenial

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis landasan filosofis pendidikan Islam di era milenial yang difokuskan pada empat sub masalah, yaitu: (1) Makna dan subtansi filsafat pendidikan Islam, (2) prinsip ontologis, (3) epistemologis, dan (4) aksiologis pendidikan Islam. Metode penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka dengan pendekatan filosofis dan pedagogis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antara filsafat dan pendidikan ada keterkaitan yang erat, yakni persoalan filsafat pada hakikatnya adalah tema-tema sentral yang ditransfer melalui pendidikan, dan pendidikan merupakan sarana vital dalam pewarisan dan sosialisasi pemikiran-pemikiran serta nilai-nilai yang dicapai oleh filsafat. Prinsip ontologis pendidikan Islam menekankan aspek fundamental pada sistem keyakinan yang berkisar pada prinsip penciptaan yang bertujuan, kesatuan yang menyeluruh, dan keseimbangan yang kokoh. Prinsip epistemologis pendidikan Islam membicarakan tentang landasan metodologis dalam upaya mentransfer pengetahuan kepada peserta didik yang pada akhirnya mempersempit jurang dikotomis antara ilmu agama dan ilmu non-agama. Sedangkan aspek aksiologis dalam pendidikan Islam menekankan pada aktualisasi nilai-nilai transendental yang bersifat mutlak dan nilai-nilai universal menjadi landasan utama materi dan kurikulum pendidikan Islam, yang pada gilirannya membentuk pribadi muslim yang utuh dan berakhlak Islami


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    The implementation of public services is still going on with the old public administration practices. Therefore, it is time for the bureaucracy to change its mindset. The development of the paradigm of public administration can bring enlightenment to the bureaucracy. Public Service innovation and creativity is one of the right solutions in the era of regional autonomy in achieving the welfare of modern regional government. So that innovation and creativity are needed to translate public interest in accelerating the goal of regional autonomy, namely nation building. This study raised the formulation of the problem; (1). How is the innovation and creativity of public service in the era of regional autonomy as a modern local government? (2). What are the supporting and inhibiting factors for implementing innovation and creativity in public service in the era of regional autonomy as modern local government in Indonesia? This study was designed using qualitative methods with interactive techniques. The results of this study are expected to find new concepts that can be applied in improving public services in Indonesia, and to realize these innovations the government needs space for creativity.Penyelenggarakan pelayanan publik masih saja terjadi praktik-praktik old public administration. Oleh karena itu sudah saatnya birokrasi merubah mindsetnya. Perkembangan paradigma administrasi publik dapat membawa pencerahan bagi birokrasi. Inovasi dan kreativitas Public Service merupakan salah satu solusi yang tepat di era otonomi daerah dalam mencapai kesejahteraan pemerintahan daerah yang modern. Sehingga Inovasi dan kreativitas sangat di perlukan untuk menerjemahkan public interest dalam mempercepat tujuan otonomi daerah yaitu nation building. Penelitian ini mengangkat rumusan masalah; (1). Bagaimanakah inovasi dan kreativitas public service dalam era otonomi daerah sebagai modern local government?, (2). Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat penerapan inovasi dan kreativitas public service dalam Era otonomi daerah sebagai  modern local government di Indonesia?. Penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menemukan konsep baru yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam peningkatan public service di Indonesia, dan untuk mewujudkan inovasi tersebut pemerintah perlu ruang untuk berkreasi

    Inclusivism: Ethical Values of Future Religious Education

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    Religious plurality and social pluralism in Indonesia are like a double-edged sword.  On the one hand, it can strengthen social ties and cooperation between social joints, but on the other hand, it is very vulnerable to conflicts, both inter-religious and inter-religious groups.  This paper describes how diversity also has an impact on educational institutions and the importance of providing moral awareness to students in schools to live side by side, in harmony and peace within the framework of plurality and humanity, especially in facing the social lifestyle in the industrial era 5.0. Inclusiveness is full of values of respect for differences, openness to accepting diversity, upholding humanity above individualistic interests, and a great willingness to blend in and stick together in brotherly bonds that actually should be used as ethical values in religious education in schools.  Thus, the purpose of this paper which is sourced from in-depth social analysis and relevant literature studies is to provide understanding and awareness that religious education in school institutions should move from just formalistic-dogmatic learning to be a substantial learning, egalitarian and educates students to promote moderate, tolerant and inclusive attitudes towards religious diversity and avoid potential social conflicts.  Building inclusivism in schools starts with creating a climate of religious education that is open to all and not divided based on the religion of the students.  Furthermore, religious education puts forward human values and universal goodness to eliminate bad prejudice and hatred towards different communities


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    Penelitian ini memberikan informasi mengenai pengolahan limbah pertanian sebagai adsorpsi zat warna menggunakan adsorben alternatif dengan biaya terjangkau. pH larutan, waktu kontak, dan berat adsorben merupakan variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap besarnya kapasitas suatu adsorben dalam menyerap adsorbat. Dari beberap penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat menjadi acuan untuk mencari bahan penyerap lain dalam menghilangkan zat warna berbahaya


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    This study aims to determine the effect of partial and simultaneous halal label, productquality and price on consumer purchasing decisions on apple cider beverage productsin Andonosari village. This research is a quantitative research. The method used to testthe hypothesis is to use an instrument test, normality test, classical assumption test,multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing with simultaneous test (Ftest), coefficient of determination (R2) and partial test (t test). The sample in this studywas 52 respondents with the provisions that each respondent is a consumer of AppleSari beverage products who reside in the Andonosari Village area and consumers whoknow and have consumed Apple Sari beverage products. The data used is primary dataobtained directly through consumer questionnaires on apple cider beverage products inAndonosari village. The results showed that the halal label, product quality and pricehad an effect either partially or simultaneously on purchasing decisions on apple ciderdrink products in Andonosari village. The results of the research on the hypothesis,show that the halal label has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions,product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, and pricehas a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions

    The implementation of the Regional Development Plan policy focuses on developing the potential of empowered villages in Batu City

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    Rural development aims to enhance the well-being and quality of life of rural communities and reduce poverty through the provision of basic needs, infrastructure development, local economic growth, and sustainable utilization of natural resources and the environment. To achieve these goals, the Village Law implements two approaches, namely "Building the Village" and "Village Development," integrated into village development planning. This research employs qualitative descriptive methods to provide a comprehensive and detailed overview of the investigated subject, aiming to understand the implementation of Regional Development Plan Policies focusing on empowering villages in the city of Batu. The study utilizes qualitative descriptive methods and in-depth interviews. The implementation of Regional Development Plan Policies in the city of Batu is documented in the Medium-Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD) of Batu City for the period 2017-2022 and the Regional Development Plan (RPD) of Batu City for the period 2023-2026. The policy implementation is formalized through Regional Regulations and Local Regulations (Mayor's Regulations) both attributively and delegatively