846 research outputs found

    Assessing Service Quality in the Ghanaian Private Healthcare Sector: The Case of Comboni Hospital.

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    The healthcare industry has become a paramount concern for most people in Ghana and the quality of services rendered to the patients in the private hospitals cannot be overemphasized. Patients need quality of services most and are willing to seek better services. The government has been the main provider of health care services in Ghana but recently, some Non-Governmental Organization’s (NGO’s), private individuals and stakeholders also provide health care services which has surged the competitiveness in creating more healthcare facilities in Ghana. This study seeks to explore patients' choice of selecting quality healthcare services and the factors that affect patient satisfaction in private hospitals using the case of Comboni Hospital in Sogakope, Ghana. The study therefore used the quantitative research method to collect the data and SPSS version 22 was used to analyze the data on high-quality healthcare. The SERVQUAL model was used as the measurement scale. Multiple regression analysis was used to reveal the effect of the independent variables (reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, and tangibility) on the dependent variable (patient satisfaction). A detailed description in the analysis and the data processing identified the main factors affecting the general perceptions and patient preferences about their healthcare in the private hospital. The study revealed that there exist a positive result and perception for quality healthcare services without a negative expectation of the patient healthcare being compromised. The study recommends that both the government and the private agencies should consider the important aspects of the hospital’s healthcare management and also the policy and decision makers should have an efficient and effective standard that impact the quality of healthcare assessment in Ghana

    Language use of Jawareh in Cirebon

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    The study aims to describe the use of Jawareh language used by sellers and buyers in the buying and selling interaction in the Sindang Market-Cirebon. This study is a descriptive study using an ethnographic approach to communication. The data used there are two, namely primary data in the form of speech events in buying and selling interaction in the Sindang market. The observation method which is a technique involed a conversation, refer to the technique, and recording techniques. Second data, supporting data in the form of an overview of the information of history, geographoc, social, cultural, and linguistic situation contained in the Market village assembly Lemahabang of Cirbeon which causes a multilingual society. Meanwhile, analysis of the data using the method of speech behavior (speech act analysis) as performed by Hymes developed by Wolf and Poedjosoedarmo. Jawareh language is Java language a half both of Sundanese and Indonesian which is used in the border region between the district speech in Cirebon-Brebes and Kuningan-Majalengka. It used depends on the relationship between the sellers and the buyers. The evidence suggests that although they are come from the same relation ethnic, if their relations (proximity / familiarity) are not familiar, so the utterances seem ordinary even they using Indonesian in interaction. RI (the mercents) and R2 (the buyer) who come from the Sundanese ethnic interact using the Sundanese and Indonesian, R1 and R2 who come from the Sundanese ethnic inteact using the Java language and Indonesian, whereas R1 and R2 who come from the Javanese ethnic interact using the Java language

    THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SIMULATION TECHNIQUE TO TEACH SPEAKING VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY (An Experimental Study on Informatics Students of STT RRI Malang in the Academic Year of 2012/2013)

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    Afi Normawati. S891202001. 2013. The Effectiveness of Simulation Technique to Teach Speaking Viewed from Students’ Creativity (An Experimental Study on Informatics Students of STT RRI Malang in the Academic Year of 2012/2013).Thesis. Consultant: Dr. Abdul Asib, M. Pd, Co-consultant: Dr. Sumardi, M. Hum. English Education Department.Graduate School of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. The objectives of the research are to investigatewhether: (1) Simulation Technique is more effective than Cooperative Script Technique to teach speaking for Informatics program students of STT RRI Malang in the Academic Year of 2012/2013; (2) students with high creativity have better speaking skill than the students with low creativity; (3) there is an interaction effect between teaching techniques and the students’ creativity on the students speaking skill. The research method applied in this research was an experimental research. The population of the research was Informatics students of STT RRI Malang in the Academic Year of 2012/2013 consisting of five classes. The samples were two classes. Each of classes consisted of 20 students. The samples were taken by using cluster random sampling technique. The experimental class was taught by using Simulation technique, while the control class was taught using Cooperative Script technique. The data were obtained from creativity test and speaking test. The data from speaking scores were collected after the students had eight times treatment for each group. The researcher analyzed the data using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and Tukey test. The research findings are: (1) Simulation technique is more effective than Cooperative Script technique to teach speaking for Informatics students of STT RRI Malang; (2) the speaking skill of the students having high creativity is better than that of the students having low creativity; (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and students’ creativity in teaching speaking. For the students who have high creativity, Simulation technique is more effective than Cooperative Script technique. For the students who have low creativity, both Simulation and Cooperative Script technique have the same effect on the students’ speaking skill. Keywords: Simulation technique, Cooperative Script technique, speaking skill, creativity, experimental researc

    Digital Mind-Mapping to Improve Learners’ Grammar Competence

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    Grammar has always been an important element of linguistic competence to be mastered in EFL contexts. The ways to teach and to make learners use grammar correctly have been the goals in grammar classes. This paper reports a study aimed at finding out if a grammar learning strategy called Digital Mind-Mapping (DMM) can improve learners’ grammar. The study was conducted in Universitas Nasional Karangturi Semarang involving first-semester students taking Words and Phrase Grammar (WPG) class. In the study, the researcher tried to discover the feasibility of DMM to be applied in grammar teaching and learning process since it involves the use of different platforms such as Instragram and WhatsApp in the learning processes. The study used a quantitative approach. The data were in the forms of students’ scores. They were collected by doing pre-test and post-test. Data analysis was carried out by using t-test. The findings show that DMM seems to have great potential to be used in grammar classes since it helps improve the students’ grammar. Keywords: Grammar, Mind-Map, Digital Mind-Mapping       &nbsp


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    Kemajuan teknologi memberi dampak signifikan terhadap dunia pendidikan. Dampak tersebut terbukti dengan munculnya model pembelajaran blended learning yang merupakan penggabungan dari dua pola kegiatan pembelajaran. Penggabungan kedua pola tersebut dimaksudkan untuk saling melengkapi kelemahan masing-masing. Model pembelajaran blended learning menyediakan banyak manfaat dan kemudahan sehingga diprediksi akan menjadi trend model pembelajaran di masa mendatang. Prediksi tersebut didukung oleh kelebihan penerapan blended learning ketika dibandingkan dengan e-learning. Penelitian ini melakukan penerapan model pembelajaran blended learning di MTs. Ma’arif NU Mambaul Khoirot dengan menggunakan tahapan model ADDIE. Model tersebut terdiri dari lima tahapan yang merupakan kepanjangan dari lima huruf pada model tersebut. Kelima tahapan tersebut memiliki fase kegiatan berbeda-beda di tiap tahapannya. Masing-masing tahapan tersebut terintegrasi dan saling melengkapi. Melalui model ADDIE, penerapan kegiatan pembelajaran blended learning terbukti dapat diaplikasikan kepada peserta didk tingakat menengah pertama, khususnya dalam pengajarana menulis teks deskriptif


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan eksperimen semu (quasi eksperimental design one grup pretes-postest). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes. Adapun objek penelitiannya adalah 20 siswa kelas VIII A SMPN 1 Sokobanah Sampang Madura sebagai smapel uji t berpasangan. Dalam penelitian ini pengumpulan data meliputi, (1) memberikan pretes dalam pembelajaran menulis untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal peserta didik sebelum diterapkan problem based learning, dan (2) memberikan perlakuan  kepada peserta didik untuk membandingkan hasil menulis dari peserta didik setalah diterapkan problem based learning. Pengolaan data statistic  yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah hitungan secara manual dan spss16 menggunakan uji –t statistic berpasangan untuk mencari mean dan hasil t. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa data nilai hasil pretes dan postes,(1) kemampuan menulis teks berita siswa SMPN 1 Sokobanah Sampang Madura sebelum diterapkan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah tidak efektif,(2) kemapuan menulis teks berita siswa SMPN 1 Sokobanah Sampang Madura sesudah diterapkan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah yang diterapkan telah efektif, (3) efektivitas model pembelajaran menulis teks berita ada perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah diterapkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah yang diterapkan telah efektif. Data hasil nilai pada saat pretes kemampuan menulis berita skor rata-rata adalah 60,47. Pretes ini dilakukan sebelum diterapkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Sedangkan skor rata-rata postes atau setelah diterapkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah adalah 92,47. Dari hasil ini  bahwa adanya peningkatan kemampuan menulis teks berita setalah diterapkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah.Kata Kunci: Efektivitas, Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning, terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Berita

    Kompetensi Sosial Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa

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    As a proffesional person in the field of education, teacher has some roles, such as: being a teacher, mentor, class adminisrator, curriculum developer, profiessionla developer, and public relation. A competence, in the perspective of education, is a necessity, since it must be based on the mastery of a knowledge. The teacher’s social competence should be the tools of communcation and interaction to the students, fellow educators, educational officers, students’ parents, and the society. Education has an important role in improving the quality of human resources and as an efforts to realize the public welfare of the intelectual life of the nation. Taken from the decree of Indonesian government, it is stated that “Education is implemented to develop the capabilities and to shape the dignified national character aiming to develop the potetentials of Indonesian people to be faithful and devoted to Allah and to create the  noble, healthy, knowledgable, capable, crative, and independent person as well as to become a democratic and responsible citizen


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    Kota Surakarta merupakan kota yang terkenal akan wisata kuliner, bahkan salah satu potensi wisata terbesar kota ini adalah wisata kulinernya. Sebuah terobosan baru yang dilakukan pemerintah kota Surakarta adalah dengan menggabungkan semua obyek wisata kuliner di dalam satu kawasan yakni di Gladag Langen Bogan ( Galabo ).Konsep Level Of Service (LOS) awalnya digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat kenyamanan kendaraan bermotor di jalan raya. Konsep ini diklasifikasikan dalam enam standart tingkat pelayanan yaitu tingkat pelayanan A sampai F, dimana penentuan tingkat ini berdasarkan pada arus layanan lalu lintas dan penelitian kualitatif tingkat kenyamanan pengendara kendaraan bermotor Konsep Level Of Service (LOS) ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai dasar standart untuk perencanaan ruang pejalan kaki, dimana akan menggambarkan tingkat kebebasan untuk memilih kecepatan berjalan, kemampuan untuk melewati pejalan kaki yang lain serta kemudahan dalam pergerakan persilangan dan berbalik arah pada berbagai pemusatan lalu lintas pejalan kaki. Berjalan kaki merupakan salah satu moda dari bermacam-macam jenis moda transportasi, maka kehadirannya perlu dilakukan suatu studi. Pada penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Kawasan Galabo (Gladag Langen Bogan). Dengan pertimbangan, kawasan ini merupakan salah satu tempat wisata kuliner di kota Surakarta yang ramai dikunjungi pejalan kaki. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pejalan kaki di kawasan tersebut. Selain itu untuk mengetahui besarnya kapasitas dan Level Of Service (LOS) apakah masih bisa menampung jumlah pejalan kaki yang ada

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran PjBL untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas 1 Materi Pengurangan pada Pembelajaran Matematika

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    This research was carried out with the aim of improving student learning outcomes, especially in mathematics learning subtraction material (2) for class 1a students at UPT SDN Srengat 1 Blitar Regency by implementing the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model. This research includes collaborative classroom action research carried out by researchers together with tutor teachers through several stages, namely the planning stage, action implementation stage, observation and reflection. This research was carried out through 2 cycles using qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods. These results are carried out to determine indicators of student deficiencies and success, so that indicators that are identified as not yet achieving completeness will be corrected in the next cycle. The subjects of this research were class 1a students, totaling 28 regular students. The conclusion from the results of the research that has been carried out in implementing the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model can be seen that there has been an increase in student learning outcomes in class 1a UPT SDN Srengat 1. This can be seen in the value obtained from student learning outcomes in mathematics learning subtraction material (2) pre-cycle had a complete learning outcome of 35.7%, then experienced an increase during cycle I of 64.3%, and then cycle II experienced an increase of 89.2%

    Economic and Environmental Performance of Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems: Resilience to Uncertainties and an Opportunity for Sustainable Intensification

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    Integrated crop-livestock systems are promoted as an alternative for sustainable intensification of food production. They have the potential to offer enhanced input efficiency and maintain a diversified livelihood which plays an important role in building resilience of agricultural systems. This work aims to evaluate the technical efficiency of “Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems” (ICLS), “Specialized Livestock Systems” (SLS) and “Specialized Cropping Systems” (SCS) and to identify the determinants behind inefficiencies in these systems. It also aims to assess the resilience against climate variability and market fluctuations. The first chapter provides a comparative analysis and an overview of technical efficiency assessment of farming systems in 93 counties in the State of Nebraska. The second chapter extends the analysis, to states neighboring Nebraska covering a large area of the Great Plains. We use Agricultural Research Management Survey (ARMS) farm-level data to assess and compare the technical efficiency of operations from different agricultural farming systems using a more comprehensive productivity analysis. The third chapter aims to evaluate the resilience of specialized and integrated farming systems based on resilience capacities that are identified through farm natural, economic, and social characteristics. Our findings on the county-level analysis show that there are strong disparities in technical efficiency between different counties in Nebraska with 39 % of SCS counties being fully efficient and operating at metafrontier full capacity compared to other counties. Whereas the farm-level analysis highlighted that ICLS farms in the Great Plains are more efficient and are a successful alternative for sustainable intensification when implemented accurately. In the third chapter, we identified four resilience capacities, Natural and Economic Buffer Capacity, Technology Infrastructure, and Capacity for Learning. Natural buffer capacity is found to play a primordial role in shaping the resilience of farming systems. The ICLS farms are found to be more resilient, thanks to the inherent dynamics of these systems that are built on multiple complementarities and synergies making them more resilient against environmental stress and market fluctuation
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