182 research outputs found

    The Potential for Carbon Sequestration in Agroforestry Systems

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    Potensi Agroforestri untuk Penyerapan Karbon. Sistem agroforestri memiliki potensi untuk mengatasi Perubahan lahan karena dapat menyerap karbon dan secara bersamaan memberikan keuntungan ekonomi kepada petani melalui berbagai produk-produk pertanian secara berkelanjutan. Sistem tersebut merupakan sistem penggunaan lahan terintegrasi yang terdiri dari berbagai pohon dan tumbuhan perenial berkayu lainnya yang tumbuh di lahan pertanian dan lahan produksi tahunan lainnya untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan ekonomi dari berbagai produk dan interaksi ekologi. Potensi agroforestri dalam penyerapan karbon sangat bervariasi tergantung pada beberapa faktor antara lain tipe sistem agroforestri yang digunakan, komposisi spesies, umur komponen spesies, lokasi geografis, faktor-faktor lingkungan dan praktek-praktek pengelolaan. Review literatur menunjukkan bahwa potensi penyerapan karbon dalam sistem agroforestry di daerah tropis berkisar dari 1,5 t C /ha/tahun sampai dengan 10 t C /ha/tahun, hamper sama dengan karbon yang diserap oleh hutan tanaman untuk pulp dan kertas yang sebesar 10 t C /ha/tahun. Di Sumberjaya, sebuah sistem agroforestri berbasis tanaman kopi diselidiki untuk mengetahui potensi sistem ini untuk penyerapan karbon. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa di survey pertama, rata-rata biomassa di kebun kopi umur 2-30 tahun adalah sekitar 92 Mg/ha. Survey kedua mengindikasikan bahwa rata-rata stok karbon dalam biomassa di atas tanah dari pohon kopi umur 6-40 tahun adalah 18,4 Mg/ha dengan standard deviasi 4,0, dan rata-rata stok karbon untuk pohon-pohon non-kopi adalah 29.6 Mg/ha dengan standar deviasi 18.9. Peningkatan stok karbon per tahun diperkirakan sebesar 2 Mg C/ha/tahun. Menghubungkan potensi agroforestri dalam penyerapan karbon dan Perubahan iklim akan memberikan insentif yang besar bagi petani-petani kecil di daerah tropis. Pemberian reward atau kompensasi kepada petani atas keuntungan lingkungan yang telah disediakan seperti pengurangan emisi akan membantu mengurangi kemiskinan di banyak areal pedesaan. Mengambil kesempatan dalam upaya mitigasi emisi karbon melalui sistem agroforestry juga dapat meningkatkan kapasitas negara berkembang seperti Indonesia untuk menghadapi Perubahan iklim

    Stem Biomass Equation of Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake

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    Eucalyptus urophylla is one of the typical plants of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara,  Indonesia whose distribution includes the islands of Timor, Alor, Wetor, Flores, Adonara, Lomblen, and Pantar. The best land for the growth of E. urophylla is an area with rainfall above 1000 mm every year. E. urophylla dominate the island of Timor hence the potential to absorb carbon and store it in biomass as part of climate change mitigation. This study aims to determine the allometric equation model to predict the potential of E. urophylla stem biomass. Calculation of the amount of stem biomass based on allometric equations is an analytical method used in this study. The sample trees used in equation modeling is 100 trees as a result of the inventory. The equations that can be used to estimate the biomass potential of the stem of  E. urophylla in Timor Island were ln  = -2.12 + 2.472 ln ( ) and (R2= 0.98); ln  = -3.617 + 1.046 ln  and (R2= 0.99); and ln  = -3.510 + 2.157 ln ( ) + 0.983 ln  and (R2= 0.99). The stem biomass potential with the model I amounting to 276.877 tons ha-1, model II of 279.671 tons ha-1, and model III of 280.209 tons ha-1

    The Rhetoric of Disorder: A Case Study on the Effects of Metaphor in OCD Treatment Texts

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    Metaphors are a convenient and intuitive means for understanding complex human conditions, but their use comes with both benefits and sacrifices. As in any written media, authors of texts pertaining to mental illness wield stylistic agency: they must juggle the tangible compromises that accompany each of their writerly choices. In this paper, I argue that Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is one such case in which mental illness is affected by the compromises of metaphorical representation. In OCD discourse, the human mind emerges as a system of interchangeable parts on which the individual can operate, and I highlight these implications in Hershfield and Corboy’s The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD. While these figures of speech are genuinely useful tools that reveal and add specificity to an invisible disease, the shortcomings of these representations are worth observing for their material influences on medical decision-making. However, this paper is far from the first source to acknowledge the impact of metaphor on illness. I use Susan Sontag’s Illness as Metaphor, Jay Dolmage’s Disability Rhetoric, and a slew of other rhetorical pieces to frame the effect of these OCD-related metaphors within a larger discourse on health and disability rhetoric. For instance, I contemplate the idea that sickness is an exile, the false characterizations assigned to the OCD individual, and the mechanical implications of current metaphors. Finally, I propose some next steps for how representations of disorder can improve, and I offer a less shame-inducing metaphor for describing OCD as a pathology. Despite my push for improved representation, I also emphasize the importance of celebrating current depictions of disorder for the progress they have made in illuminating unseen mental ailments, and I hope to reinforce a perspective in which empathy is only a starting point to allying with OCD individuals

    Holistic Management for Civil Servant Pensioner 60 Years Old Man with Hypertension Grade II and Obese Grade II

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    Hypertension is a big and serious problem in the world. Hypertension is the persistent blood pressure escalation of sistolic ≥140mmHg and diastolic ≥90mmHg. Obesity is abnormal or excess of fat in adipose tissue. Obesity have more 10 times oppurtunity to get hypertension. A man, 60 years old with hypertension , with internal factor is he is a pensioner, less knowledge about hypertension. High intake of calorie and fat. Curatif behaviour, dan less exercise and family hypertension history. The psikosocial aspect is the minimun of family knowledge about pasien disease. The treatment is losartan 1 x 1 and nifedipine 1 x 1 and suggest the patien to pay attention his intake and his life

    Impulse Buying Tendency

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    This study has the objective to test stimulus which is given from store environment and store social factor toward impulse buying tendency mediated by positive emotion of consumers at Matahari departement store in  Ambon City. This study is an explanatory research. Population of this study is consumers who shops in Matahari Department Store in Ambon City. With respondent for 128 people, sampling determination is using purposive sampling method. Data analysis technique in this study is using path analysis. Result of the analysis showed that there are direct effects from physical environment and social aspect of the store toward consumer’s positive emotion and toward impulse buying tendency. Result of this study also revealed that there are direct effects of consumer’s positive emotion toward impulse buying tendency and indirect effects of store’s environment stimulus and store’s social factor toward impulse buying tendency mediated by consumer’s positive emotion.   Keywords: Positive Emotion, Impulse buying tendenc

    Interpretable methods in cancer diagnostics

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    Cancer is a hard problem. It is hard for the patients, for the doctors and nurses, and for the researchers working on understanding the disease and finding better treatments for it. The challenges faced by a pathologist diagnosing the disease for a patient is not necessarily the same as the ones faced by cell biologists working on experimental treatments and understanding the fundamentals of cancer. In this thesis we work on different challenges faced by both of the above teams. This thesis first presents methods to improve the analysis of the flow cy- tometry data used frequently in the diagnosis process, specifically for the two subtypes of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma which are our focus: Follicular Lymphoma and Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. With a combination of concepts from graph theory, dynamic programming, and machine learning, we present methods to improve the diagnosis process and the analysis of the abovementioned data. The interpretability of the method helps a pathologist to better understand a patient’s disease, which itself improves their choices for a treatment. In the second part, we focus on the analysis of DNA-methylation and gene expression data, both of which presenting the challenge of being very high dimen- sional yet with a few number of samples comparatively. We present an ensemble model which adapts to different patterns seen in each given data, in order to adapt to noise and batch effects. At the same time, the interpretability of our model helps a pathologist to better find and tune the treatment for the patient: a step further towards personalized medicine.Krebs ist ein schweres Problem. Es ist schwer für die Patienten, für die Ärzte und Krankenschwestern und für die Forscher, die daran arbeiten, die Krankheit zu verstehen und eine bessere Behandlung dafür zu finden. Die Herausforderungen, mit denen ein Pathologe konfrontiert ist, um die Krankheit eines Patienten zu diagnostizieren, müssen nicht die gleichen sein, mit denen Zellbiologen konfrontiert sind, die an experimentellen Behandlungen arbeiten und die Grundlagen von Krebs verstehen. In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit verschiedenen Herausforderungen, denen sich beide oben genannten Teams stellen. In dieser Arbeit werden zunächst Methoden vorgestellt, um die Analyse der im Diagnoseverfahren häufig verwendeten Durchflusszytometriedaten zu verbessern, insbesondere für die beiden Subtypen des Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoms, auf die wir uns konzentrieren: das follikuläre Lymphom und das diffuse großzellige B-Zell-Lymphom. Mit einer Kombination von Konzepten aus Graphentheorie, dynamischer Programmierung und künstliche Intelligenz präsentieren wir Methoden zur Verbesserung des Diagnoseprozesses und der Analyse der oben genannten Daten. Die Interpretierbarkeit der Methode hilft einem Pathologen, die Apatientenkrankheit besser zu verstehen, was wiederum seine Wahlmöglichkeiten für eine Behandlung verbessert. Im zweiten Teil konzentrieren wir uns auf die Analyse von DNA-Methylierungsund Genexpressionsdaten, die beide die Herausforderung darstellen, sehr hochdimensional zu sein, jedoch mit nur wenigen Proben im Vergleich.Wir präsentieren ein Zusammenstellungsmodell, das sich an unterschiedliche Muster anpasst, die in den jeweiligen Daten zu sehen sind, um sich an Rauschen und Batch-Effekte anzupassen. Gleichzeitig hilft die Interpretierbarkeit unseres Modells einem Pathologen, die Behandlung für den Patienten besser zu finden und abzustimmen: ein Schritt weiter in Richtung personalisierter Medizin

    Utjecaj geoloških i oborinskih uvjeta na analizu stabilnosti padina u modeliranju plitkih klizišta korištenjem TRIGRS modela

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    West Java Province has a high potential for susceptibility to landslides. West Bandung Regency is one of the regions in West Java which has high occurrences of landslides triggered by rainfalls. Rainfall-induced landslides in this region have occurred 165 times during rainfall in the last ten (10) years. An effort to predict the landslide occurrences in this region requires the knowledge of factors affecting the hillslope stability. This paper aims to (1) evaluate the parameters affecting slope stability, (2) determine rainfall characteristics affecting slope, and (3) evaluate the performance of TRIGRS modelling. This study applies a deterministic method using the model of TRIGRS to analyze the effect of one-day antecedent rainfall intensity on the instability of hillslopes. The parameters used in this study are based on field investigation, geological and topographical maps, soil engineering properties, and historical rainfall data. The effect of one-day antecedent rainfall intensity was considered in two scenarios, i.e. 6 hours and 12 hours of antecedent rainfall. Modelling results show that hillslope instability in the study areas is affected by many factors, such as hilly morphology, steep slopes, low shear strength parameters, weathering of volcanic rocks, and the lineament density of geological structures. The modelling simulation also indicates that landslide occurrences in this study area are initiated by a long antecedent rainfall period. Based on ROC analysis, the TRIGRS model shows that the model performance evaluation is in good agreement for modelling slope stability against actual landslide events.Provincija Zapadna Java ima visok potencijal za podložnost klizanju. Regija West Bandung u Zapadnoj Javi područje je s čestom pojavom klizišta koja su izazvana oborinskim događajima. Klizišta inicirana oborinom u istraživanome području dogodila su se 165 puta tijekom posljednjih 10 godina. Predviđanje pojave klizišta u ovoj regiji zahtijeva poznavanje faktora koji utječu na stabilnost padine. Ciljevi su ovoga rada: (1) procijeniti parametre koji utječu na stabilnost padine, (2) odrediti oborinske uvjete koji utječu na stabilnost padine i (3) procijeniti učinkovitost TRIGRS modeliranja. U okviru ovoga istraživanja primijenjena je deterministička metoda korištenjem TRIGRS modela u svrhu analize utjecaja intenziteta jednodnevne oborine koja je prethodila pojavi nestabilnosti na padini. Parametri korišteni u ovome istraživanju temelje se na terenskim istraživanjima, geološkim i topografskim kartama, inženjerskim svojstvima tla te povijesnim podatcima o oborinama. Učinak intenziteta jednodnevne prethodne oborine razmatran je u dvama scenarijima, tj. da je oborina trajala 6 sati i 12 sati. Rezultati modeliranja pokazali su da na stabilnost padina u istraživanome području utječu mnogi čimbenici poput brežuljkaste morfologije, strmih padina, niske posmične čvrstoće materijala, trošenja vulkanskih stijena i gustoće lineamenata geoloških struktura. Rezultati modeliranja također pokazuju da su pojave klizišta u istraživanome području inicirane dugotrajnim prethodnim oborinama. Na temelju ROC analize može se zaključiti kako rezultati TRIGRS modela korišteni u svrhu modeliranja stabilnosti padine dobro koreliraju sa stvarnim pojavama klizišta


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    ABSTRACT Two selected sites at a decomposed granite cut-slope were instrumented with a rain gauge and a series of ThetaProbes installed at depths up to 90 cm from the slope surface. The objective of this study was to evaluate the significance of antecedent soil moisture conditions in controlling the hydrologic responses of the soils at each site. The antecedent moisture content of the soil in Site #1, in general, increases with depth. The response of the soil to saturation process is more or less confined to the shallow depth. On the other hand, the measurement data of the soil in Site #2 showed that the near surface soil exhibits higher antecedent moisture condition than the deeper soil. The ingress of the wetting front could reach more than 90 cm depth during long period of rainfall. Thus, these results suggest that the hydrological response of the soils is spatially variable and is influenced by the antecedent soil moisture conditions within the soil profile. The presence of soil layers, the distribution of macro cracks within the soil profile, and additional lateral source of moisture may also have significant influences on soil response to saturation process

    Utjecaj geoloških i oborinskih uvjeta na analizu stabilnosti padina u modeliranju plitkih klizišta korištenjem TRIGRS modela

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    West Java Province has a high potential for susceptibility to landslides. West Bandung Regency is one of the regions in West Java which has high occurrences of landslides triggered by rainfalls. Rainfall-induced landslides in this region have occurred 165 times during rainfall in the last ten (10) years. An effort to predict the landslide occurrences in this region requires the knowledge of factors affecting the hillslope stability. This paper aims to (1) evaluate the parameters affecting slope stability, (2) determine rainfall characteristics affecting slope, and (3) evaluate the performance of TRIGRS modelling. This study applies a deterministic method using the model of TRIGRS to analyze the effect of one-day antecedent rainfall intensity on the instability of hillslopes. The parameters used in this study are based on field investigation, geological and topographical maps, soil engineering properties, and historical rainfall data. The effect of one-day antecedent rainfall intensity was considered in two scenarios, i.e. 6 hours and 12 hours of antecedent rainfall. Modelling results show that hillslope instability in the study areas is affected by many factors, such as hilly morphology, steep slopes, low shear strength parameters, weathering of volcanic rocks, and the lineament density of geological structures. The modelling simulation also indicates that landslide occurrences in this study area are initiated by a long antecedent rainfall period. Based on ROC analysis, the TRIGRS model shows that the model performance evaluation is in good agreement for modelling slope stability against actual landslide events.Provincija Zapadna Java ima visok potencijal za podložnost klizanju. Regija West Bandung u Zapadnoj Javi područje je s čestom pojavom klizišta koja su izazvana oborinskim događajima. Klizišta inicirana oborinom u istraživanome području dogodila su se 165 puta tijekom posljednjih 10 godina. Predviđanje pojave klizišta u ovoj regiji zahtijeva poznavanje faktora koji utječu na stabilnost padine. Ciljevi su ovoga rada: (1) procijeniti parametre koji utječu na stabilnost padine, (2) odrediti oborinske uvjete koji utječu na stabilnost padine i (3) procijeniti učinkovitost TRIGRS modeliranja. U okviru ovoga istraživanja primijenjena je deterministička metoda korištenjem TRIGRS modela u svrhu analize utjecaja intenziteta jednodnevne oborine koja je prethodila pojavi nestabilnosti na padini. Parametri korišteni u ovome istraživanju temelje se na terenskim istraživanjima, geološkim i topografskim kartama, inženjerskim svojstvima tla te povijesnim podatcima o oborinama. Učinak intenziteta jednodnevne prethodne oborine razmatran je u dvama scenarijima, tj. da je oborina trajala 6 sati i 12 sati. Rezultati modeliranja pokazali su da na stabilnost padina u istraživanome području utječu mnogi čimbenici poput brežuljkaste morfologije, strmih padina, niske posmične čvrstoće materijala, trošenja vulkanskih stijena i gustoće lineamenata geoloških struktura. Rezultati modeliranja također pokazuju da su pojave klizišta u istraživanome području inicirane dugotrajnim prethodnim oborinama. Na temelju ROC analize može se zaključiti kako rezultati TRIGRS modela korišteni u svrhu modeliranja stabilnosti padine dobro koreliraju sa stvarnim pojavama klizišta

    Kajian Literatur Terhadap Peran Transfer Pengetahuan Dalam Konteks Perusahaan Multinasional

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan dan meringkas aspek penting dari transfer pengetahuan (knowledge transfer) dalam konteks perusahaan multinasional Desain / metodologi / pendekatan - Tinjauan aspek SD didasarkan pada 15 jurnal yang diterbitkan dari tahun 2005 sampai dengan tahun 2015 database akademik yaitu Emerald, dengan melihat kata kunci  "knowledge transfer” dan "Multinational Corporation”. Temuan - Melalui tinjauan literatur, makalah ini merekomendasikan Untuk meningkatkan keunggulan-keunggulan kompetitif dari suatu perusahaan global, aktivitas-aktivitas SDM yang  perlu untuk memfokuskan diri pada pengembangan kemampuan- kemampuan internasional yang dimiliki. Perusahaan-perusahaan yang telah berhasil mengglobalkan aktivitas-aktivitas SDM mereka memerikan 5 karakteristik penting yang ditemukan dalam kajian literatur. Keterbatasan penelitian / implikasi –Hanya menggunakan 15 jurnal sebagai sumber kajian orisinalitas / nilai - penelitian ini menyajikan tinjauan literatur pada aspek penting pada perusahaan multinasional yaitu : transfer pengetahuan (knowledge transfer) Kata kunci- Transfer Pengetahuan (knowledge transfer), Perusahaan Multinasional (multinational corporation