529 research outputs found

    Effect of different extraction conditions on the antioxidant potential of baru almonds (Dipteryx alata Vog.): comparison to common nuts from Brazil

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    The antioxidant properties and total phenols content of baru almonds (Dipteryx alata Vog.) were investigated using different solvents and extraction temperatures, and were compared with other types of nuts commonly consumed in Brazil. Although baru almonds are popular and widely consumed, few studies report on their biological properties and there are no data on optimum extraction conditions. For this reason, we tested five different extraction methodologies (water and methanol at boiling and room temperature, and water : methanol (1 : 1) at room temperature) on baru almonds, and evaluated the antioxidant properties based on scavenging activity, reducing power and total phenols content. The methanolic extraction at room temperature was the best extraction methodology providing the highest general antioxidant potential. The extraction method selected was applied to several dry fruits: baru almonds (three different samples), peanut, cashew nut, crude cashew nut, macadamia and Brazil nut. Among these nut fruits, baru had the highest antioxidant activity and total phenols content. The results obtained revealed that baru almonds are a good source of bioactive compounds, and have a higher bioactivity than many nut fruits widely distributed, consumed and more popular.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intensive treatment of hyperglycemia in the acute phase of myocardial infarction: the tenuous balance between effectiveness and safety: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

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    In acute myocardial infarction (AMI), each 18 mg/dl (1 mmol/L) increment is associated with a 3% increase in mortality rates. All strategies applied for reducing blood glucose to this date, however, have not presented encouraging results. We searched the Medline (PubMed) and Cochrane Library databases for randomized clinical trials (RCTs) from 1995 to 2017 that used the intensive strategy or GIK therapy for blood glucose control during the acute stage of the AMI. We included eight studies. In order to identify the effects of GIK or insulin therapy, we calculated a overall risk ratio (RR) with meta-analysis of fixed and random effects models. A two-tail p-value of 36 mg/dL) in relation to the estimated average blood glucose (estimated by HbA1c) were associated with higher mortality, whereas lower reductions in blood glucose ( 36 mg/dL) em relação à glicemia estimada média se associaram à maior mortalidade, enquanto reduções menores não se associaram com seu incremento ou redução. A redução glicêmica na fase aguda em relação à glicemia estimada média foi mais efetiva e segura na faixa em torno de 18 mg/dL. Esta meta-análise levanta a hipótese de haver um limite tênue entre efetividade e segurança para a redução glicêmica na fase aguda, sendo que os alvos não devem exceder uma redução maior do que 36 mg/dL de glicemia

    Clinical and histologic features of botryoid odontogenic cyst: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The lateral periodontal cyst, as the name implies, occurs on a lateral periodontal location and is of developmental origin, arising from cystic degeneration of clear cells of the dental lamina. A botryoid odontogenic cyst is considered to be a rare multilocular variant of a lateral periodontal cyst.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the clinical and histopathologic features of a rare case of botryoid odontogenic cyst found in an edentulous area corresponding to the right lower canine of a 64-year-old African-American woman. A multilocular radiolucency was observed, and surgical removal of the lesion revealed a nodule of rubber-like consistency measuring about 1.5 cm in diameter. Cross-sectioning of the nodule showed that it consisted of various cystic compartments. Histologically, various voluminous periodic acid-Schiff-negative clear cells randomly distributed throughout the cystic epithelium were observed, as well as cell layers showing thickenings generally formed by oval, sometimes entangled plaques. The capsule consisted of fibrous connective tissue and showed rare and discrete foci of a perivascular mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate and reactive bone-tissue fragments. The final diagnosis was botryoid odontogenic cyst.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We provide data that allow the reader to establish the differences between botryoid odontogenic cyst, glandular odontogenic cyst, and lateral periodontal cyst, helping with the differential diagnosis. The reader will have the opportunity to review botryoid odontogenic cyst clinical and histopathologic features, including treatment.</p

    Atentando para as singularidades humanas na atenção à saúde por meio do diálogo e acolhimento

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    Objetivou-se compreender como os trabalhadores de saúde se posicionam frente ao seu principal objeto de trabalho – o usuário – sujeito e autor da sua história de vida. Pesquisa qualitativo-exploratória. Participaram 11 profissionais de enfermagem em Unidade Básica de Saúde, por meio de um instrumento semi-estruturado nos meses de março e abril de 2008. As falas resultaram em dois temas convergentes: Atentando para as singularidades humanas na atenção à saúde; Diálogo e acolhimento como possibilidades interativas. Evidenciou-se que a atenção à saúde vem ampliando os debates pela valorização da singularidade humana por meio do diálogo e acolhimento como possibilidades interativas

    Soil biochemistry and microbial activity in vineyards under conventional and organic management at Northeast Brazil.

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    The São Francisco Submedium Valley is located at the Brazilian semiarid region and is an important center for irrigated fruit growing. This region is responsible for 97% of the national exportation of table grapes, including seedless grapes. Based on the fact that orgThe São Francisco Submedium Valley is located at the Brazilian semiarid region and is an important center for irrigated fruit growing. This region is responsible for 97% of the national exportation of table grapes, including seedless grapes. Based on the fact that organic fertilization can improve soil quality, we compared the effects of conventional and organic soil management on microbial activity and mycorrhization of seedless grape crops. We measured glomerospores number, most probable number (MPN) of propagules, richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species, AMF root colonization, EE-BRSP production, carbon microbial biomass (C-MB), microbial respiration, fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic activity (FDA) and metabolic coefficient (qCO2). The organic management led to an increase in all variables with the exception of EE-BRSP and qCO2. Mycorrhizal colonization increased from 4.7% in conventional crops to 15.9% in organic crops. Spore number ranged from 4.1 to 12.4 per 50 g-1 soil in both management systems. The most probable number of AMF propagules increased from 79 cm-3 soil in the conventional system to 110 cm-3 soil in the organic system. Microbial carbon, CO2 emission, and FDA activity were increased by 100 to 200% in the organic crop. Thirteen species of AMF were identified, the majority in the organic cultivation system. Acaulospora excavata, Entrophospora infrequens, Glomus sp.3 and Scutellospora sp. were found only in the organically managed crop. S. gregaria was found only in the conventional crop. Organically managed vineyards increased mycorrhization and general soil microbial activity

    A population-based surveillance study on severe acute maternal morbidity (near-miss) and adverse perinatal outcomes in Campinas, Brazil: The Vigimoma Project

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    BACKGROUND: Auditing of sentinel health events based on best-practice protocols has been recommended. This study describes a population-based investigation on adverse perinatal events including severe acute maternal morbidity (near-miss), maternal and perinatal mortality, as a health intervention to help improve the surveillance system. METHODS: From October to December 2005, all cases of maternal death (MD), near-miss (NM), fetal deaths (FD), and early neonatal deaths (END), occurring in Campinas, Brazil, were audited by maternal mortality committees. RESULTS: A total of 4,491 liveborn infants (LB) and 159 adverse perinatal events (35.4/1000 LB) were revised, consisting of 4 MD (89/100.000 LB) and 95 NM (21.1/1000 LB), 23.7 NM for each MD. In addition, 32 FD (7.1/1000 LB) and 28 END (6.2/1000 LB) occurred. The maternal death/near miss rate was 23.7:1. Some delay in care was recognized for 34%, and hypertensive complications comprised 57.8% of the NM events, followed by postpartum hemorrhage. CONCLUSION: Auditing near miss cases expanded the understanding of the spectrum from maternal morbidity to mortality and the importance of promoting adhesion to clinical protocols among maternal mortality committee members. Hypertensive disorders and postpartum hemorrhage were identified as priority topics for health providers training, and organization of care

    How does the replacement of rice flour with flours of higher nutritional quality impact the texture and sensory profile and acceptance of gluten-free chocolate cakes?

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    Gluten-free bakery products usually use rice flour as substitute for wheat flour. This paper aims to evaluate whether and how the substitution of rice flour for sorghum and teff flour changes the overall acceptance, texture and sensory profile of gluten-free chocolate cakes. An experimental design composed of three factors (rice, sorghum and teff flours) was developed, and formulations were analysed by acceptance test and fibre content. Four formulations were submitted to sensory descriptive analysis. The formulations did not show significant differences in the overall acceptance although the sensory profile has changed. The texture was affected by the type of flour, being the optimised formulation the softer among the samples. From these data, it can be concluded that it is possible to replace rice flour with sorghum and teff flour in chocolate cake formulations, since the change in the sensory profile did not affect the acceptance of the products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio