1,501 research outputs found

    Relasi Kekuasaan Legislatif dan Presiden Pasca Amandemen UUD 1945: Sistem Semi Presidensial dalam Proyeksi

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    Basedon the changes to the 1945constitution, iegisiative poweris in hands of the Houseof Representatives notin the handsof Legislative Assembiy or District Representatives. In practice, almost ailpresidential powers canbesubject tointerference from theHouse of Representatives themostdangerous power possessedbytheHouse ofRepresentativesis that in making legislation the president does not possess the right of veto. Such construction can create an imbalance of powerbetween the legislative and the executive. Therefore, a semipresidential model applied bythe French can be used as an alternative modelfor the Indonesian goverment

    Identifikasi Varietas Berdasarkan Warna Dan Tekstur Permukaan Beras Menggunakan Pengolahan Citra Digital Dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan

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    Research on milled rice color and texture using digital image processing technique is becoming important, due to its potential use as a basic method for rice derived variety identification. The research was aimed to identify milled rice of varieties Basmati, Inpari 1, and Sintanur using color and texture analysis based on digital image processing. A combination of color and texture analysis was used as input parameter and then analyzed in the next step using the artificial neural network (ANN) to determine input parameter that has the highest accuracy level. The experiment was conducted at Merauke Experiment Station, Papua Institute for Agriculture Assessment Technology from May to July 2011. The materials used were milled rice of varieties Basmati 370, Inpari 1, and Sintanur that were previously grown at Sukamandi Experiment Station of the Indonesian Center for Rice Research (ICRR). All samples were qualified as grade 1 based on SNI 6128:2008. Fifty image samples were taken from each variety to get a total of 150 images to be analyzed for their colors and textures using the digital image processing. The color and texture data were analyzed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and further tested using the Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) to obtain the median, while the data spread was analyzed using the boxplot method. The combination of color and texture as input parameters were analyzed using the ANN. One hundred and five rice data were used for training and 45 data were for testing. The results showed that the digital image processing and ANN recognized three output parameters in rice varieties of Basmati, Inpari 1, and Sintanur. Texture analysis with five input parameters were considered the best factor to be used in the ANN model with 100% accuracy

    Pelaksanaan Remedial pada Siswa yang Mengalami Kesulitan Membaca Teknis di Kelas Rendah SD Negeri Lamreung Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Dalam kontek interaksi belajar- mengajar di kelas, salah satu ragam bahasa adalah membaca. Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan pelaksanaan remedial pada siswa yang mengalami kesulitan membaca teknis di kelas rendah SD Negeri Lamreung Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Secara khusu penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan remedial pada siswa yang mengalami kesulitan membaca teknis di kelas rendah SD Negeri Lamreung Kabupaten Aceh Besar.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitiannya yaitu deskriptif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 6 orang guru kelas. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen yang berisi sepuluh pertanyaan sebagaimana terlampir.data diolah dengan tahapan analisis data kualitatif yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, menarik kesimpulan dan verifikasi data. Dalam melakukan pengamatan, peneliti tidak bertindak sebagai pengamat penuh tanpa terlibat interaksi belajar mengajar. Agar data hasil pengamatan dapat terpercaya, peneliti menggunakan alat bantu perekam berupa alat tulis dan media elektronik tape recorder.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, temuan penelitian ini dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut. Pertama guru menganalisi masalah tiap- tiap siswa kemudian guru membimbing siswa secara individual dan stelah itu guru melaksnakan remedial dan melakukan evaluasi.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah pelaksanan remedial pada siswa yang mengalami kesulitan membaca teknis di kelas rendah, guru telah melaksanakan remedial sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditentukan. Guru juga sudah mengidentifikasi kesulitan belajar siswa dan mencari alternatif bantuan. Guru sudah mengidentifikasi faktor kesulitan belajar siswa. Namun faktor lingkungan dan kurangnya perhatian orang tua membuat siswa masih kurang dalam membaca. Guru yang menetapkan dan melaksanakan remedial. Semua siswa mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama

    Numerical Modelling and Experimental Verification of New Observations of the Two Phases Interaction in a Vertical and Inclined Closed Wickless Heat Pipe

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     الأنابيب الحرارية واحدة من الحلول الحديثة لتحرير الطاقة الحرارية من المصادر ذات درجات الحرارة العالية أو للحصول على توزيع منتظم للحرارة في المستودعات السائلة أو الصلبة. ان التداخل بين الطورين السائل والغازي في داخله قد تم فرضه بطريقة تقليدية من قبل الباحثين ولم يتم الكشف عنه بدقة. في هذه الدراسة تم اجراء تقريباً 480 حل رياضي وفحص تجريبي مختبري لتأكيد المشاهدات التي نشرناها سابقاً حول انماط الجريان الفضائية غير المنتظمة لكل من الطورين داخل انبوب حراري مصنوع من النحاس وبدون فتيلة يعتمد على التدوير الحراري ومملوء جزئيا بالماء. تم الحصول على النتائج الرياضية من موديل رياضي حسابي ديناميكي انتقالي بالابعاد الثلاثية تم تضمينه مختلف المتغيرات لتقريبه للحالة الواقعية على الرغم من التعقيد في طرق الحسابات وزيادة المدة اللازمة لاكمال التشغيل للمحاكاة الرياضية. ان نسبة التوافق العالية بين نتائج الموديل الرياضي والفحص المختبري لطريقة وقيم التوزيع الحراري تؤكد صحة نتائج الموديل الرياضي.  ان المخططات الكنتورية المستحصلة من الموديل الرياضي والخاصة بنمط جريان وتوزيع الطورين داخل الأنبوب الحراري، تبين ان الطورين يجريان بنمط فضائي غير منتظم وغير مستقر وغير مستمر على شكل واحد. كلا الطورين يعانيان من انتقال للحرارة وتغير بالطور مع بعضهما خلال الجريان للاعلى (البخار) او الجريان للاسفل (السائل المتكثف). ازداد الاداء الحراري بنسبة (+10%) نتيجة الميلان من الوضع العمودي الى زاوية º60، ومن ثم انخفض الاداء الحراري بنسبة (-15%) بزاوية º15 (هذه القيم عند نسبة ملئ 50% وطاقة حرارية مسلطة 200 واط). هذا بسبب كون ميلان الانبوب الحراري يؤدي الى تنظيم نمط الجريان الفضائي وتقريبه الى الدوران المنتظم، كما أنه يؤدي الى عدم تجانس عمليتي التبخر والتكثف وبالتالي يؤدي الى انخفاض الاداء الحراري ككل.Heat pipes are one of the modern solutions for heat release from hot sources or for heat homogeneity in liquid or solid reservoirs. The interactions between the two phases of its working fluid are suggested classically by researchers and still not discovered deeply. In this study about 480 experimental and numerical tests are carried out to confirm the previous published observation of spatial flow patterns of the two phases inside a wickless copper Thermosyphon Heat Pipe THP partially filled with water. Numerical results are gotten from a three dimensional transient Computational Fluid Dynamics 3DCFD numerical solution. Different factors are included into 3DCFD model to reach reality in results and suffering from complex calculation procedures and increase simulation running time. The high agreement percentages between the experimental and 3DCFD for the temperatures distribution profile and magnitudes confirm the 3DCFD results. 3DCFD solution contours of steam volume fractions SVF show that both phases flow in a 3D spatial, non-steady and non-continues flow streams. Both phases suffering phase change and heat transfer from each to other during flow up (steam) and flow down (condensate). Thermal performance increase about (+ve. (10%)) due to inclination from vertical to 60º then falling to (-ve. (15%)) at 15º (for filling ratio 50% and heat supplied 200W). that’s because inclination lead the complex spatial flow to be a uniform circulation flow, hence it’s lead to non-homogeneity in evaporation and condensation processes and finally result in reduction of thermal performance

    Study of Heat Pipe Thermal Performance with Internal Modified Geometry

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of inserting a new internal tube packing (TP) on the thermal performance of a thermosyphon heat pipe (THP). The THP pipe was made from copper with an inner diameter of 17.4 mm and length of 600 mm. The new internal tube packing (TP) had a central copper disc with two copper tubes soldered onto both sides to transport vapor and condensate. The upper tube or riser had an inner diameter of 8.3 mm and was 300 mm long; it was connected to a hole in the disc from the upper side to transport the steam to the condenser section. The lower tube or downcomer had an inner diameter of 5 mm, was 225 mm long and was connected to the lower side of the disc to collect the condensate and transport it to the evaporator. The TP was inserted inside the THP to complete the design of the improved heat pipe (TPTHP). Experimental results showed that the TPTHP reduces the transit time from 16 to 11 min and the thermal resistance by 17–62% based on the input power and depending on the conditions of the THP. The results also showed that the inclination angle and filling ratio have no effect on the thermal resistance of the TPTHP

    Structure Community of Mangrove at Tabulo Selatan Beach, Boalemo Regency

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    This study aims to know the community structure of mangrove and the environmental condition in South Tabulo coast. Mean temperature at station 1, 2, and 3 was 310C, and water salinity varied between 28-30 ‰. Water pH was averagely 7 in all stations. Substrate measurements were visually done and through touches. Stations 1 and 2 had sandy muddy substrates, while station 3 was muddy. Mangroves of tree criterion were found 122 individuals of 7 species, Avicennia lanata, A. marina, Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Ceriops tagal. Field observations showed that the highest species density was recorded in R. mucronata. The highest species frequency was found in S. alba, R. apiculata, and R. mucronata, while the highest species cover and importance value index were recorded in S. alba and R. apiculata dan R. mucronata. Based on diversity index, it was found that only 7 species were found in the study sites and it belonged to good condition. It indicates that the study sites are still in good ecological condition.Abstrak Keywords : Mangrove, community, Boalemo, diversity, importance value. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas mangrove serta kondisi lingkungan di Pantai Tabulo Selatan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di Pantai Tabulo Selatan untuk pengukuran suhu pada stasiun 1, 2, dan 3 diperoleh hasil rata-rata 310C, dengan salinitas bervariasi antara 28-30 ‰. Pengukuran pH air pada semua stasiun pengamatan diperoleh hasil rata-rata 7. Pengamatan substrat dilakukan secara visual dengan cara meraba tekstur substrat pada setiap stasiun, dan substrat yang terdapat di lokasi penelitian pada stasiun 1 dan 2 adalah lumpur berpasir, pada stasiun 3 berlumpur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada semua stasiun dengan kriteria pohon telah ditemukan 122 individu dari 7 spesies yang ditemukan yaitu Avicennia lanata, Avicennia marina, Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza dan Ceriops tagal. Berdasarkan pengamatana lapangan, kerapatan spesies tertinggi dimiliki oleh spesies Rhizophora mucronata, frekuensi spesies tertinggi dimiliki spesies S. alba, R. apiculata dan Rhizophora mucronata, penutupan spesies dan indeks nilai penting didapati spesies Sonneratia alba, Rhizophora apiculata dan R. mucronata.. Berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman dapat dilihat bahwa hanya ada 7 spesies yang didapatkan pada lokasi penelitian dan termasuk dalam kriteria keanekaragaman baik. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa di lokasi penelitian masih dalam kondisi ekologis yang cukup baik

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, Growth, Dan Free Cash Flow Terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio Perusahaan Dengan Mempertimbangkan Corporate Governance Sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis profitability, leverage, growth, dan free cash flow terhadap dividen payout ratio Perusahaan dengan mempertimbangkan corporate governance sebagai variabel intervening. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan yang dirangking oleh Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG) tahun 2006-2011 yang mempublikasikan laporan keuangan di 31 Desember. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 81 Perusahaan yang dipilih dengan purposive sampling method. Alat analisis adalah simple regression dan path analysis. Penelitian ini menemukan hanya tiga hipotesis yang diterima, hipotesis lainnya ditolak. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa profitability tidak berpengaruh terhadap dividend payout ratio, leverage berpengaruh negatif terhadap dividen payout ratio, growth berpengaruh negatif terhadap dividend payment ratio, free cash flow berpengaruh positif terhadap dividend payout ratio, tidak ada pengaruh positif probitability terhadap corporate governance, leverage positif mempengaruhi corporate governance, growth tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap corporate governance, free cash flow tidak berpengaruh terhadap corporate governance, corporate governance tidak berpengaruh terhadap dividend payout ratio, dan corporate governance diterima untuk ditambahkan dalam model sebagai variabel intervening

    A New Multiconstraint Method for Determining the Optimal Cable Stresses in Cable-Stayed Bridges

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    Cable-stayed bridges are one of the most popular types of long-span bridges. The structural behaviour of cable-stayed bridges is sensitive to the load distribution between the girder, pylons, and cables. The determination of pretensioning cable stresses is critical in the cable-stayed bridge design procedure. By finding the optimum stresses in cables, the load and moment distribution of the bridge can be improved. In recent years, different research works have studied iterative and modern methods to find optimum stresses of cables. However, most of the proposed methods have limitations in optimising the structural performance of cable-stayed bridges. This paper presents a multiconstraint optimisation method to specify the optimum cable forces in cable-stayed bridges. The proposed optimisation method produces less bending moments and stresses in the bridge members and requires shorter simulation time than other proposed methods. The results of comparative study show that the proposed method is more successful in restricting the deck and pylon displacements and providing uniform deck moment distribution than unit load method (ULM). The final design of cable-stayed bridges can be optimised considerably through proposed multiconstraint optimisation method