47 research outputs found
Efektivitas Brief Empathic Love Therapy terhadap Kesejahteraan Subjektif Istri Prajurit
Istri prajurit rentan mengalami kekhawatiran, sedih, ketidakhadiran suami saat dibutuhkan dan perbedaan harapan dengan kenyataan yang dapat memengaruhi kesejahteraan subjektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Brief Empathic Love Therapy terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif pada istri prajurit.Ā BELT merupakan sebuah terapi pendekatan transpersonal yang menekankan pada mengenali, menyadari, dan mencintai semua aspek dalam diri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah small n dengan single case design ABA yang melibatkan 3 orang partisipan. Terdapat pengukuran berulang yaitu fase baseline (A1), intervensi (B) dan kembali pada fase baseline (A2). Analisis dilakukan dengan inspeksi visual pada grafik data untuk melihat pola data pada setiap fase pengukuran dengan memperhatikan beberapa komponen seperti perubahan data, level dan trend. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala kesejahteraan subjektif, Day Reconstruction Method dan Skala Cinta Empatik. Hasil analisis visual menunjukkan bahwa BELT tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif pada partisipan
Inisiasi Ketangguhan Masyarakat dalam Mengatasi Adiksi NAPZA: Menelaah Program Rehabilitasi
The problem of drug abuse and addiction cannot yet be resolved completely even though many addicts have done rehabilitation. This paper aims to analize intervention programs for drug addicts and propose alternative programs that emphasize psychological aspects. This paper begins by interpreting the implementation of the Drug Rehabilitation Center Practice and relaps after the addict completes rehabilitation. An understanding of addiction is needed to provide an understanding of the mental state of addicts and the process of change that must be experienced during the rehabilitation process. The recovery process through the Rehabilitation Institution will be discussed, especially in achieving "clean and sober" conditions. At the end of the article an alternative of psychological growth program is presented as a complementary program with the exsisting TC program. Psychological growth programs are expected to have a contribution to overcome psychological problems that until now have not been addresse
Perkembangan kelekatan anak = The Development of Children Attacment
There are many factors that influence infants attachment behavior and development. One of them was child rearing practices (Ainsworth, 1973Tilker, 1975).
The purpose of this research was to study various kinds of infants attachment behavior and development (Bowlby, 1981) reared in Javanese cultural background Thirty five infants were placed into 5 groups based on 6 month age interval beginning with age of 6 month. Data of attachment behavior and development were collected in Iwo six month periods by applying Ainsworth\u27s Strange Situation Episode to elicit infant attachment behavior. The video recorded behavior and development were collected in two six. month periods by applying Ainsworth Strange Situation Episode to elicit infant attachment behavior. The video recorded behavior has been analyzed according to the In font Attachment Development Scale Percentage Analysis has been used for analyzing the kinds of infant attachment behavior. A repeted measures design using one way Anova was to measure the development of attachment. Results showed that:
1. The kinds of attachment behavior were various according to the ages of the subject.
2 The phases of attachment development seems to be in the similar rhythm with Bowlbly\u27s. At 6 month of age infants accomplish the second phase. Between the ages of 6 and 12 month infant enter the third phase until the age of 30 month. Between age 30 - 36 month the infantss attachment development is in the highest rale so that at the end of that period the infants have already attained the characteristics of the four phases.
Keywords: attachment -- development -- attachment behavio
Validasi Modul āPEREKATā untuk Meningkatkan Kesiapan Hidup Perkawinan pada Pasangan Pranikah
Kesiapan hidup perkawinan dapat ditingkatkan melalui program edukasi pranikah, namun penerapannya masih kurang optimal. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan pengembangan modul sebagai panduan program edukasi pranikah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan validasi terhadap modul āPEREKATā dalam meningkatkan kesiapan hidup perkawinan pada pasangan pranikah. Intrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah modul āPEREKATā dan skala kesiapan hidup perkawinan yang disusun oleh peneliti. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yaitu 1) Uji validitas isi modul melalui penilaian tiga ahli sebagai rater. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa modul memiliki validitas isi yang baik; 2) Uji validitas fungsional modul melalui eksperimen kuasi dengan rancangan the untreated control group designs with dependent pretest and posttest samples. Partisipan penelitian sebanyak delapan pasangan pranikah yang akan menikah pertama kali pada 2-12 bulan mendatang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul āPEREKATā memiliki validitas isi dan fungsional yang baik untuk meningkatkan kesiapan hidup perkawinan pada pasangan pranikah
Perbedaan Kritik Diri ditinjau dari Usia dan Jenis Kelamin pada Teman Tuli
Teman Tuli (Tuli dengan T kapital) merupakan istilah yang digunakan disabilitas rungu/Tuli di Indonesia sebagai identitas mereka. Teman Tuli menganggap istilah tunarungu mengarah pada istilah medis yang digunakan untuk mendefinisikan kecacatan atau ketidakmampuan dalam mendengar, sehingga mereka lebih memilih menggunakan kata āTuliā sebagai panggilan mereka. Teman Tuli khususnya di Indonesia merasa mengalami cukup banyak kesulitan, seperti kesulitan dalam mendapatkan informasi, sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan, adanya anggapan negatif dari orang dengar, menjadi bahan candaan, bahkan adanya tuntutan agar mereka dapat mendengar. Beberapa kesulitan dan tuntutan yang mereka hadapi tidak jarang membuat mereka melakukan penilaian negatif atau melakukan kritik terhadap dirinya sendiri yang dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif di kemudian hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan perilaku kritik diri pada teman Tuli ditinjau dari usia dan jenis kelamin. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan uji varian dua jalur (ANOVA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan perilaku kritik diri yang signifikan pada teman Tuli ditinjau dari usia dan jenis kelamin ditunjukkan pada nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.000 (p<0.05) dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.036 pada variable usia dan signifikansi sebesar 0.402 pada variabel jenis kelamin. Pada penelitian ini usia sangat mempengaruhi kritik diri, sedangkan jenis kelamin tidak berpengaruh pada kritik diri
Persepsi terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Interpersonal Orang Tua dengan Kecenderungan Kenakalan Remaja
This study aimed to determine the relationship between perception of parentās interpersonal communication ability with juvenile delinquency tendency. The hypothesis of this study was the perception of parentās interpersonal communication ability had a negative correlation with juvenile delinquency tendency. Participants consisted of 100 male and female middle adolescent who studied in several senior high schools in Yogyakarta. The Perception of Parentās Interpersonal Communication Ability Scale (18 items) and The Tendency of Juvenile Delinquency Scale (25 items) were used in this study. Data were analyzed using the Product Moment Pearson Correlation method with SPSS version 21. The result showed that the perception of parentās interpersonal communication ability had a negative correlation with juvenile delinquency tendency (r=-0,295, p<0,01). Findings supportĀ the opposite relationship between how adolescents perceive the ability of parents' interpersonal relationships with their juvenile delinquency
Parental expressed emotions and depression among adolescents: The mediating role of emotion regulation
Adolescence is a phase in life that is prone to depression. Depression in adolescents can be influenced by their family context, which can involve high parental expressed emotions and low emotion regulation among adolescents. This study aims to reveal the relationship between parental expressed emotion and adolescentsā depression, as mediated by emotional regulation in adolescents. The measuring instruments used are depression scales, the scale of adolescent emotional regulation and the scale of perceived parental expressed emotion. The participants were 212 adolescents who were identified using the purposive sampling technique. Analysis of the research data was made using simple mediation models with PROCESS. The results show a relationship between maternal expressed emotion and depression in adolescents, fully mediated by adolescent emotional regulation (BootLLCI = .030, BootULCI = .083, B = .055). There is also a relationship between fathersā expressed emotion and depression in adolescents, partially mediated by adolescent emotional regulation (BootLLCI = .027, BootULCI = .073, B = .048). The results of the study could provide an alternative explanation of the dynamics of the relationships between fathers, mothers and adolescents. In addition, the findings emphasize the importance of adolescent emotion regulation
Program Pengembangan Keterampilan Resiliensi untuk Meningkatkan Self-esteem pada Remaja
Social discrepancy can occurs in some favourite junior high schools. Based on the preliminary study in 2013, it caused the students with low socio-economic status to have a negative view of themselves and the environment, feel depresed, feel unconfident, and inhibit the self optimization. One of the factors that support the self growth and resiliency in adolescent is the self esteem that can be developed by resilience skills development program. This study was aimed to examine the effectiveness of the program in enhancing the self-esteem among adolescent with low socio economic status. It used quasi-experimental design. The subjects were the students of SMPN X and Y in Yogyakarta, that are labelled as favourite junior high schools. The data was analized using Mann-Whitney U Test to test the program effectiveness. The result shows that the program can enhance the self esteem significantly among adolescent with low socio-economic status
Parental expressed emotions and depression among adolescents: The mediating role of emotion regulation
Adolescence is a phase in life that is prone to depression. Depression in adolescents can be influenced by their family context, which can involve high parental expressed emotions and low emotion regulation among adolescents. This study aims to reveal the relationship between parental expressed emotion and adolescentsā depression, as mediated by emotional regulation in adolescents. The measuring instruments used are depression scales, the scale of adolescent emotional regulation and the scale of perceived parental expressed emotion. The participants were 212 adolescents who were identified using the purposive sampling technique. Analysis of the research data was made using simple mediation models with PROCESS. The results show a relationship between maternal expressed emotion and depression in adolescents, fully mediated by adolescent emotional regulation (BootLLCI = .030, BootULCI = .083, B = .055). There is also a relationship between fathersā expressed emotion and depression in adolescents, partially mediated by adolescent emotional regulation (BootLLCI = .027, BootULCI = .073, B = .048). The results of the study could provide an alternative explanation of the dynamics of the relationships between fathers, mothers and adolescents. In addition, the findings emphasize the importance of adolescent emotion regulation
Pelatihan Teknik Asertivitas untuk Meningkatkan Self-Esteem Korban Bullying
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of assertiveness techniquestraining to improve bullying victimsā self-esteem. This study was a quasi experiment withuntreated control group with pre-test and double post-test design. The data werecollected by using adaptation instrument of Peer Interactions in Primary School (PIPS)Questionnaire, assertiveness scale, and self-esteem scale. The subjects were 18 students in4 th -5 th grade who are indicated as bullying victims and have self-esteem scores categorizedin low to moderate levels (8 students in experimental group and 10 students in controlgroup). The result of the Mann Whitney U test showed that there was no difference inself-esteem scores between the experimental and control group during the pretest (p >0.05). After being treated, the differences in self-esteem scores were significant with Z = -3.113; p = 0.002 (p < 0,01) between the experimental group and control group, in which themean score of self-esteem in the experimental group was higher than the control grou