63 research outputs found

    WebQuest: 20 años utilizando internet como recurso para el aula

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    Se cumplen 20 años desde la aparición de la primera WebQuest. Es un buen momento para reflexionar sobre lo que han aportado a la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en los procesos de enseñanza‐aprendizaje en los diversos niveles educativos y sobre cuáles pueden ser las futuras líneas de investigación. El presente monográfico intenta ser una muestra de la investigación en tecnología educativa sobre la WebQuest y de su uso en la práctica educativa

    El profesor online: Elementos para la definición de un nuevo rol docente

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    La presente comunicación intenta identificar y describir los elementos fundamentales de la definición de un nuevo rol docente en la educación online: el profesor como tutor/facilitador del aprendizaje. Desde nuestra perspectiva, esta definición debe contemplarse desde tres perspectivas: la educación a distancia, la educación de adultos y el entorno de comunicación mediada por ordenador.This paper tries to identify and describe the basic components of a new teaching role in online education: the teacher as facilitator of the student's learning. In our view, this definition should consider three aspects: distance education, adult learning and computer mediated communication environments

    Design of 3D environment to develop preservice teachers' digital competence: usability, adequacy and perceived usefulness

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    Una de las condiciones esenciales para el desarrollo de la competencia digital docente de los futuros docentes es proporcionarles situaciones de aprendizaje que permitan ejercitar tales habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes en contextos similares a su futura realidad profesional. Los entornos virtuales 3D, altamente inmersivos e interactivos, son una tecnología prometedora para simular escenarios reales y ofrecer dichas oportunidades de aprendizaje. El objetivo de esta investigación es presentar el diseño de un entorno 3D para el desarrollo de la competencia digital docente, centrado en el análisis de: (1) la usabilidad tecnológica y gráfica; (2) la adecuación del contenido de las actividades; y (3) la practicidad y utilidad pedagógica del entorno. Para ello, siguiendo la metodología de investigación para el diseño, se llevó a cabo un proceso de validación con distintos grupos de informantes clave: expertos en tecnología, docentes relacionados con la tecnología educativa y estudiantes de los grados de educación, a los que, además, se les administró un cuestionario de percepción de la utilidad pedagógica (Code et al. 2013). Los resultados muestran que a nivel tecnológico el entorno funcionó de manera fluida, aunque los gráficos resultaron limitados. A nivel didáctico, las actividades propuestas fueron adecuadas, realistas y actuales, y, a pesar de la complejidad inicial en el control de los avatares, destaca la alta motivación de los estudiantes debido a la similitud del entorno con su futura práctica profesional. La principal conclusión es que los entornos 3D son escenarios viables para el desarrollo actividades didácticas que favorezcan la adquisición de la competencia digital docente.One of the most important conditions for the development of preservice teachers' digital competence is to provide them with learning experiences to put in action such skills, knowledge and attitudes in similar contexts to their future professional reality. 3D virtual environments are an immersive and interactive promising technology that allow to simulate real scenarios and provide these learning opportunities. The aim of this reserach is to show the design of a 3D environment for the development of teachers' digital competence, focusing to the analysis of: (1) technical and graphical usability; (2) content adequacy of the activities; and (3) practicity and pedagogical usability of the environment. For this purpose, following designbased research method, we conducted a validity process with different key informants groups: technology experts, teachers related to educational technology, and studentsteachers who also answered a pedagogical usability questionnaire (Code et al., 2013). From a technological view, the results show that the environment worked fluently, but the graphics were limited. From a educational point of view, the activities were appropriate, realistic and current. the activities were appropriate, realistic and current. Despite the initial complexity in the avatars control, they emphasized its high motivation due to the similarity of 3D environment with their future professional work. The main conclusion of this work was that 3D environments are useful technology for developing educational activities that promote the acquisition of teachers' digital competence

    Digital Technologies and Educational Change. A Critical Approach

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    Este artículo analiza y reflexiona sobre el impacto de las tecnologías digitales en la transformación pedagógica del sistema escolar desde posicionamientos de la tecnología educativa crítica. Para ello, se comienza identificando los rasgos o efectos más destacables de lo que debiera suponer la disrupción pedagógica de la tecnología sobre la escuela. A partir de los mismos, se abordan y analizan cuatro temáticas o tópicos actualmente relevantes como son a) la Covid19 y el cierre de los centros escolares: el inesperado impulso de la enseñanza digital; b) la integración pedagógica y organizativa de las TIC en los centros escolares; c) la metamorfosis del material didáctico. De lo analógico a lo digital; y d) la competencia digital docente. El análisis se realiza entre las taxonomías de microhabilidades y los enfoques holísticos. Finaliza el artículo concluyendo que aún no se ha producido una disrupción digital de la institución escolar, pero que se avanza en dicha dirección. La misma no sólo debe innovar los métodos y estrategias de enseñanza, sino también el sentido, las metas, la organización académica, las funciones profesionales de los docentes, y en última instancia, la funcionalidad de la escuela en el contexto de la sociedad digital.This article analyzes and reflects on the impact of digital technologies on the pedagogical transformation of the school system from the standpoint of critical educational technology. To this end, it begins by identifying the most salient features or effects of what the pedagogical disruption of technology on the school should entail. Based on these, four currently relevant themes or topics are addressed and analyzed, such as a) Covid 19 and the closure of schools: the unexpected impulse of digital instruction; b) The pedagogical and organizational integration of ICT in schools; c) The metamorphosis of didactic materials. The analysis is made from analog to digital resources; and d) digital teaching competence. Between micro-skills taxonomies and holistic approaches. The article ends by concluding that there has not yet been a digital disruption of the school institution, but that progress is being made in that direction. It must not only innovate teaching methods and strategies, but also the meaning, goals, academic organization, professional functions of teachers, and ultimately, the functionality of the school in the context of the digital society

    Una experiencia de educación on line: curso de formación de formadores virtuales

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    La presente comunicación describe las características de un curso de Formación de Formadores Virtuales organizado por la Cámara de Comercio de Valencia, para reflexionar acerca de la motivación y diversidad de sus participantes, de la enseñanza personalizada, sobre el desarrollo de los contenidos del curso, de las dificultades de la comunicación virtual y de la implicaciones de una metodología basada en la interacción entre formadores y participantes. Como primera experiencia virtual en el ámbito de la formación de empresa, los autores analizan los factores que han favorecido o dificultado la comunicación y apuntan los aspectos pedagógicos a considerar para el futuro.This paper describes the characteristics of a Virtual Trainers Training Course, organized by Chamber of commerce of Valencia. Our purpose is to reflect on participants motivation and diversity, on personalized teaching, on course contents development, on virtual communication barriers and implications of an interactive methodology. As our first virtual experience within training for business sector, we analize favourable and unfavourable communication factors and we point out pedagogical aspects to be considered in future

    Digital teaching competence of university teachers: A systematic review of the literature

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    The digital teaching competence is an emerging issue in scientific literature. However, despite existence of different frameworks that define it, most of them are focused on the pre-university level. This article presents the results of a systematic review of the literature on the digital teaching competence of university teachers, in the Web of Science and Scopus scientific databases. According to the results, university teachers must be competent enough to meet the new challenges of today's digital society. This digital competence, both technical and pedagogical, allows teachers to enrich their teaching, develop the digital competence of their students and continue to develop professionally. Regarding their level of digital teaching competence, most university teachers seem to have adequate technical digital competence. Nevertheless, the results regarding the pedagogical use of technologies are different, with lower levels being found in the use of technologies for their own teaching development

    New Keynesianism or smart austerity? Digital technologies and educational privatization post COVID-19

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    The neoliberal hegemony has found its last expression in a technoeducational agenda that, organized in policy networks with concrete ramifications in each country (technological corporations, philanthropic foundations, lobbies and think tanks), governs the subjects as in no other historical epoch. Among its most significant trends is the expansion of markets towards even more spheres of education through digital platforms, teacher’s and student’s data valorization processes, as well as dynamics of privatization or deregulation that had not been present during the last more than a decade of austerity. Therefore, the objective of the article is to analyze the displacement of public power towards the private sector and the blocking of alternative pedagogical solutions different to the market as a result of the introduction of digital technologies in Spanish educational policy. In addition to a detailed analysis of public tenders (web scraping), the methodology is based on the analytical approaches of “Network Ethnography” and “Critical Discourse Analysis”. The results verify that the European mechanisms to eradicate inequalities or digital gaps in education, or NextGenerationEU, materialize in important programmatic agendas to digitize education that end up reinforcing Spanish national capitalists.La hegemonía neoliberal encuentra su última expresión en una agenda tecnoeducativa que, organizada en redes políticas con distintas ramificaciones en cada país (corporaciones tecnológicas, fundaciones filantrópicas, lobbiesy think-tanks), gobierna a los sujetos de buena parte del mundo. Entre sus tendencias más significativas se encuentra la expansión de los mercados hacia cada vez más esferas de la educación mediante plataformas digitales, los procesos de valorización de los datos de maestros y estudiantes, así como dinámicas de privatización o desregulación que no se habían contemplado durante la primera década de austeridad. A raíz de ahí, el objetivo del artículo es analizar el desplazamiento del poder público hacia el sector privado y el bloqueo de soluciones pedagógicas alternativas al mercado a raíz de la introducción de las tecnologías digitales en la política educativa española. Además de un análisis pormenorizado de los contratos públicos(web scraping), la metodología se basa enlos enfoques analíticos de la etnografía en red y el análisis crítico del discurso. Los resultados demuestran que los mecanismos europeos para erradicar las desigualdades o brechas digitales en educación, o fondos europeos NextGenerationEU, se materializan en importantes agendas programáticas para digitalizar la educación que terminan reforzando a los capitalistas nacionales.A hegemonia neoliberal encontra a sua última expressão numa agenda tecnoeducativa que, organizada em redes políticas com diferentes ramificações em cada país (corporações tecnológicas, fundações filantrópicas, lobbies e think-tanks), governa os assuntos de uma grande parte do mundo. Entre as suas tendências mais significativas estão a expansão dos mercados para cada vez mais esferas da educação através de plataformas digitais, os processos de valorização dos dados de professores e alunos, bem como as dinâmicas de privatização ou desregulamentação que não tinham sido contempladas durante a primeira década de austeridade. No seguimento disto, o objetivo do artigo é analisar a mudança do poder público para o setor privado e o bloqueio de soluções pedagógicas alternativas ao mercado como resultado da introdução das tecnologias digitais na política educacional espanhola. Para além de uma análise detalhada dos contratos públicos (web scraping), a metodologia baseia-se nas abordagens analíticas da etnografia em redee análise do discurso crítico. Os resultados mostram que os mecanismos europeus para erradicar as desigualdades ou brecha digital na educação, ou os fundos europeus NextGenerationUE, materializam-se nas principais agendas programáticas para digitalizar a educação que acabam por reforçar os capitalistas nacionais

    Digital Competence and Computational Thinking of Student Teachers

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    Digital competence is one of the most demanded skills, and includes, among other aspects, the use of technological, informational, multimedia or communication skills and knowledge. In recent years, different institutions have included computational thinking among the different areas that make up this digital competence. However, there are few publications that deepen the relationship between computational thinking and digital competence. The present study analyzes the level of digital competence and computa-tional thinking of 248 Spanish university students, exploring the relation-ships between both abilities and the existing differences. According to the results, the majority of the students perceive themselves with a medium to a high level of digital competence, highlighting the multimedia and commu-nicative dimensions, as opposed to the more technological aspects. On the other hand, there is a correlation between computational thinking and digi-tal competence, especially with the communicative and technological areas. Likewise, the results indicate that women obtain lower results in their computational thinking and are perceived to be digitally less competent than men, especially in regard to the technological dimension. These results provide relevant information in terms of research and open the door to the development of training actions in student teachers to overcome the still-existing gender gaps

    Diagnostic and educational self-assessment of the digital competence of university teachers

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    The importance of promoting digital transformation processes in higher education has been increasing over in the last decade. Recently, the impact of the health crisis experienced in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic on educational activity has further accelerated this transformation. In order to take advantage of the potential of digital tools in educational processes, as well as to manage these new learning situations, it is essential for university faculties to have an adequate level of digital teaching competence (DTC). This article aims to explore this competence in depth, by analysing the self-perceived level of DTC of university teaching staff and their assessment in each of the areas that comprise it. The research was carried out in a Spanish public university with a sample of 61 university teaching staff, following the methodological approach of educational design research (EDR), through quantitative and qualitative instruments for collecting information from a sample of key informants and potential users. The results suggest that the questionnaire has validity for its function, and detects those areas of digital competence in which participants need to improve, and those in which their level of competence is optimal. As for the evaluation of the university faculty, the results show a medium-to-high level of competence, and when evaluating the tool, they have highlighted its usefulness. In conclusion, the need to have DTC assessment tools in higher education that allow faculties to reflect on their own digital competence is essential today, in order to carry out quality teaching and learning processes adapted to the needs of students