27 research outputs found

    Competencies and training needs and its impact on determining the professional skills of Algerian elite coaches

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    The main purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of the trainers' perceptions of competency and training needs related to professional skills in accordance with professional experience and academic education. The sample included 76 judo trainers who answered a questionnaire that included a measure that focused on the perceptions of competency and another on training needs. An exploratory factor analysis was used with the maximum probability factor (Oblimin) to determine emerging factors. A comparison of the Coaches ' concepts was made in the training experience and the academic background of the Coaches, where multiple comparisons were applied using ANOVA and Tukey. Three main areas of skills were done: skills related to annual planning; skills related to practice and competition; and personal education and training skills. Coach es' perceptions of their expertise were affected, with low-level trainers classifying themselves at lower levels of efficiency and more training needs; and higher-education Coaches in physical education were more efficient than mid-level trainers. Finally, most trainers consider them as efficient as they have indicated the training needs to be provided, which brings important feedback to the education of trainers. This suggests that trainers are an increasing their knowledge and competence in a wide range of areas that should be considered in future training of trainers programs, also to ensure the quality of education and training in the different level of physical and sports education institutes of the Algerian universities

    Sporting events among the disabled between excellence and ideal in motor performance

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    The identification of mechanical variables in the motor performance trajectory has a prominent role in improving skill performance, error-exceeding, it contributes seriously to solving some problems of learning and training. The study Aims to highlight the indicators of motor performance for Paralympic athletes during the practicing sports between modelling and between excellences in motor performance, this by taking into account the distinction of athlete practicing with special behavioural skills for the Paralympic athletes. In the study we relied on the analysis of some previous research of biomechanical performance indicators during some of the events sports (shooting activities in the Paralympic athletics, shooting skill in the wheelchair basketball). The results of the study highlight the distinction of disabled practitioners of sporting events identified in motor performance during practice, by overcoming some physics indicators in human movement, as a lower centre of body weight, Increase in offset distance, such resistance which requires them to redouble their efforts. However, the results of the study highlighted the strength of the correlation between biomechanical variables of motor performance and the digital level achievement similar to the other practitioners normal

    Effects of caloric restriction on anthropometrical and specific performance in highly-trained university judo athletes

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    Purpose:The purpose of this study was to determine the ultimate body mass, performance, and nutritional characteristics of the Algerian judo junior athletes, and also analysing the impact of nutritional intakes on stabilising Weight loss according to special performance of judo athletes.  Material:Twenty-one male university athletes (aged: 21.45 ± 1.32; height: 1.81 ± 0.45 m; and body mass: 73.9 ± 4.1 kg) participated in this study during a period of stabilising Weight loss before and after 15 days of caloric restriction. Athletes were submitted to anthropometrical measurements and performed the Special Judo Fitness Test. Values for nutrient intakes were obtained from a 15 day food record kept during a training camp period of Weight maintenance and after a 15-day caloric restriction. Results:caloric restriction resulted in significant decreases in body mass (73.73 ± 2.1) and performance. However, Special Judo Fitness Test index increased significantly (14.00 ± 1.75) during caloric restriction in comparison to stabilising Weight loss. Conclusion:Exercise and caloric restriction lead to determine the ultimate Weight and physical performance. The present study provides baseline nutritional data that can be used in the prescription of individual training programs for university  judo Athletes

    The effects of circuit exercise training strategy on health-related physical fitness level and biomarkers in elderly people with cardiovascular diseases

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    This study investigated the effects of a 12-week circuit exercise training intervention on health-related physical fitness and biomarkers in elderly adults with cardiovascular diseases. A total of 69 participants underwent the circuit exercise training program, which included stretching, aerobic activity, and weight training. The results showed that the participants had improved performance in cardiovascular and strength tests, with grip and back muscle strength showing improvement. However, sit-ups were lower than the average, and power, reaction time, and agility needed more effort. The high sensitivity C-reactive protein value reached a medium infection risk level for cardiovascular illnesses. The study concluded that there was a strong association between health-related physical fitness and biomarker index in senior persons with a medium risk cluster of cardiovascular illnesses. The study also found that BMI correlated positively with biomarker index, while cardiovascular fitness, agility, and flexibility correlated negatively with biomarker index


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    The purpose of this study was to identify teachers' perceptions of competence and knowledge of pedagogical needs related to occupational skills based on professional experience and academic education. Participants were 85 secondary school teachers from several schools who responded to a questionnaire that included a first scale of competency perceptions and a second scale on the recognition of teaching needs. The comparison of teacher perceptions based on teaching experience and teachers experience was done by applying the one-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple post hoc comparisons. Teachers' perceptions were influenced by their experience as less experienced teachers qualified at lower levels of competence and more teaching needs; Teachers with a higher education, whether in physical education or others, perceived themselves to be more competent than teachers without a higher education. Finally, the majority of teachers perceived themselves as competent, but nevertheless indicated that they had teaching needs, which brings important feedback to the teacher of the secondary trainer. This suggests that teachers are interested in increasing their knowledge and competence in a wide range of areas which should be considered in future Teachers education programs

    Conception de commande tolérante aux défauts pour les systèmes multi-agents: application au vol en formation d'une flotte de véhicules autonomes aériens

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    In recent years, the emergence of new technologies such as miniaturization of components, wireless communication devices, increased storage size and computing capabilities have allowed the design of increasingly complex cooperative multi-agent systems. One of the main research axes in this topic concerns the formation control of fleets of autonomous vehicles. Many applications and missions, civilian and military, such as exploration, surveillance, and maintenance, were developed and carried out in various environments. During the execution of these tasks, the vehicles must interact with their environment and among themselves to coordinate. The available communication tools are often limited in scope. The preservation of the connection within the group then becomes one of the objectives to be satisfied in order to carry out the task successfully. One of the possibilities to guarantee this constraint is the training displacement, which makes it possible to preserve the distances and the geometrical structure of the group. However, it is necessary to have tools and methods for analyzing and controlling these types of systems in order to make the most of their potential. This thesis is part of this research direction by presenting a synthesis and analysis of multi-agent dynamical systems and more particularly the formation control of autonomous vehicles. The control laws developed in the literature for formation control allow to carry out a large number of missions with a high level of performance. However, if a fault/failure occurs in the training, these control laws can be very limited, resulting in unstable system behavior. The development of fault tolerant controls becomes paramount to maintaining control performance in the presence of faults. This problem will be dealt with in more detail in this thesis and will concern the development and design of Fault tolerant controls devolved to a fleet of autonomous vehicles according to different configuration/structuringCes dernières années, l’émergence des nouvelles technologies tels que la miniaturisation des composants, les dispositifs de communication sans fils, l’augmentation de la taille de stockage et les capacités de calcul, a permis la conception de systèmes multi-agents coopératifs de plus en plus complexes. L’un des plus grands axes de recherche dans cette thématique concerne la commande en formation de flottes de véhicules autonomes. Un grand nombre d’applications et de missions, civiles et militaires, telles que l’exploration, la surveillance, et la maintenance, ont alors été développées et réalisées dans des milieux variés (terre, air, eau). Durant l’exécution de ces tâches, les véhicules doivent interagir avec leur environnement et entre eux pour se coordonner. Les outils de communication disponibles disposent souvent d’une portée limitée. La préservation de la connexion au sein du groupe devient alors un des objectifs à satisfaire pour que la tâche puisse être accomplie avec succès. Une des possibilités pour garantir cette contrainte est le déplacement en formation permettant de préserver les distances et la structure géométrique du groupe. Il est toutefois nécessaire de disposer d’outils et de méthodes d’analyse et de commande de ces types de systèmes afin d’exploiter au maximum leurs potentiels. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette direction de recherche en présentant une synthèse et une analyse des systèmes dynamiques multi-agents et plus particulièrement la commande en formation de véhicules autonomes. Les lois de commande développées dans la littérature pour la commande en formation permettent d’accomplir un grand nombre de missions avec un niveau de performance élevé. Toutefois, si un défaut/défaillant apparaît dans la formation, ces lois de commandes peuvent s’avérer très limitées, engendrant un comportement instable du système. Le développement de commandes tolérantes aux défauts devient alors primordial pour maintenir les performances de commande en présence de défauts. Cette problématique sera traitée dans ce mémoire de thèse et concernera le développement et la conception de commandes en formation tolérantes au défaut dévolu à une flotte de véhicules autonomes suivant différente configuration/structuratio

    Conception de commande tolérante aux défauts pour les systèmes multi-agents: application au vol en formation d'une flotte de véhicules autonomes aériens

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    In recent years, the emergence of new technologies such as miniaturization of components, wireless communication devices, increased storage size and computing capabilities have allowed the design of increasingly complex cooperative multi-agent systems. One of the main research axes in this topic concerns the formation control of fleets of autonomous vehicles. Many applications and missions, civilian and military, such as exploration, surveillance, and maintenance, were developed and carried out in various environments. During the execution of these tasks, the vehicles must interact with their environment and among themselves to coordinate. The available communication tools are often limited in scope. The preservation of the connection within the group then becomes one of the objectives to be satisfied in order to carry out the task successfully. One of the possibilities to guarantee this constraint is the training displacement, which makes it possible to preserve the distances and the geometrical structure of the group. However, it is necessary to have tools and methods for analyzing and controlling these types of systems in order to make the most of their potential. This thesis is part of this research direction by presenting a synthesis and analysis of multi-agent dynamical systems and more particularly the formation control of autonomous vehicles. The control laws developed in the literature for formation control allow to carry out a large number of missions with a high level of performance. However, if a fault/failure occurs in the training, these control laws can be very limited, resulting in unstable system behavior. The development of fault tolerant controls becomes paramount to maintaining control performance in the presence of faults. This problem will be dealt with in more detail in this thesis and will concern the development and design of Fault tolerant controls devolved to a fleet of autonomous vehicles according to different configuration/structuringCes dernières années, l’émergence des nouvelles technologies tels que la miniaturisation des composants, les dispositifs de communication sans fils, l’augmentation de la taille de stockage et les capacités de calcul, a permis la conception de systèmes multi-agents coopératifs de plus en plus complexes. L’un des plus grands axes de recherche dans cette thématique concerne la commande en formation de flottes de véhicules autonomes. Un grand nombre d’applications et de missions, civiles et militaires, telles que l’exploration, la surveillance, et la maintenance, ont alors été développées et réalisées dans des milieux variés (terre, air, eau). Durant l’exécution de ces tâches, les véhicules doivent interagir avec leur environnement et entre eux pour se coordonner. Les outils de communication disponibles disposent souvent d’une portée limitée. La préservation de la connexion au sein du groupe devient alors un des objectifs à satisfaire pour que la tâche puisse être accomplie avec succès. Une des possibilités pour garantir cette contrainte est le déplacement en formation permettant de préserver les distances et la structure géométrique du groupe. Il est toutefois nécessaire de disposer d’outils et de méthodes d’analyse et de commande de ces types de systèmes afin d’exploiter au maximum leurs potentiels. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette direction de recherche en présentant une synthèse et une analyse des systèmes dynamiques multi-agents et plus particulièrement la commande en formation de véhicules autonomes. Les lois de commande développées dans la littérature pour la commande en formation permettent d’accomplir un grand nombre de missions avec un niveau de performance élevé. Toutefois, si un défaut/défaillant apparaît dans la formation, ces lois de commandes peuvent s’avérer très limitées, engendrant un comportement instable du système. Le développement de commandes tolérantes aux défauts devient alors primordial pour maintenir les performances de commande en présence de défauts. Cette problématique sera traitée dans ce mémoire de thèse et concernera le développement et la conception de commandes en formation tolérantes au défaut dévolu à une flotte de véhicules autonomes suivant différente configuration/structuratio

    FDI/FT Methods Design to multi-agent systems : Application to formation control of a fleet of autonomous aerial vehicles

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    Ces dernières années, l’émergence des nouvelles technologies tels que la miniaturisation des composants, les dispositifs de communication sans fils, l’augmentation de la taille de stockage et les capacités de calcul, a permis la conception de systèmes multi-agents coopératifs de plus en plus complexes. L’un des plus grands axes de recherche dans cette thématique concerne la commande en formation de flottes de véhicules autonomes. Un grand nombre d’applications et de missions, civiles et militaires, telles que l’exploration, la surveillance, et la maintenance, ont alors été développées et réalisées dans des milieux variés (terre, air, eau). Durant l’exécution de ces tâches, les véhicules doivent interagir avec leur environnement et entre eux pour se coordonner. Les outils de communication disponibles disposent souvent d’une portée limitée. La préservation de la connexion au sein du groupe devient alors un des objectifs à satisfaire pour que la tâche puisse être accomplie avec succès. Une des possibilités pour garantir cette contrainte est le déplacement en formation permettant de préserver les distances et la structure géométrique du groupe. Il est toutefois nécessaire de disposer d’outils et de méthodes d’analyse et de commande de ces types de systèmes afin d’exploiter au maximum leurs potentiels. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette direction de recherche en présentant une synthèse et une analyse des systèmes dynamiques multi-agents et plus particulièrement la commande en formation de véhicules autonomes. Les lois de commande développées dans la littérature pour la commande en formation permettent d’accomplir un grand nombre de missions avec un niveau de performance élevé. Toutefois, si un défaut/défaillant apparaît dans la formation, ces lois de commandes peuvent s’avérer très limitées, engendrant un comportement instable du système. Le développement de commandes tolérantes aux défauts devient alors primordial pour maintenir les performances de commande en présence de défauts. Cette problématique sera traitée dans ce mémoire de thèse et concernera le développement et la conception de commandes en formation tolérantes au défaut dévolu à une flotte de véhicules autonomes suivant différente configuration/structurationIn recent years, the emergence of new technologies such as miniaturization of components, wireless communication devices, increased storage size and computing capabilities have allowed the design of increasingly complex cooperative multi-agent systems. One of the main research axes in this topic concerns the formation control of fleets of autonomous vehicles. Many applications and missions, civilian and military, such as exploration, surveillance, and maintenance, were developed and carried out in various environments. During the execution of these tasks, the vehicles must interact with their environment and among themselves to coordinate. The available communication tools are often limited in scope. The preservation of the connection within the group then becomes one of the objectives to be satisfied in order to carry out the task successfully. One of the possibilities to guarantee this constraint is the training displacement, which makes it possible to preserve the distances and the geometrical structure of the group. However, it is necessary to have tools and methods for analyzing and controlling these types of systems in order to make the most of their potential. This thesis is part of this research direction by presenting a synthesis and analysis of multi-agent dynamical systems and more particularly the formation control of autonomous vehicles. The control laws developed in the literature for formation control allow to carry out a large number of missions with a high level of performance. However, if a fault/failure occurs in the training, these control laws can be very limited, resulting in unstable system behavior. The development of fault tolerant controls becomes paramount to maintaining control performance in the presence of faults. This problem will be dealt with in more detail in this thesis and will concern the development and design of Fault tolerant controls devolved to a fleet of autonomous vehicles according to different configuration/structurin

    Real-Time Adaptive Fault Detection and Isolation on a High-Speed Multi-Injection Molding Machine

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    International audienc